Atlantis is meant to be the guiding myth of human civilization. It
is the great Phoenix-bird of myths immolating and reconstituting
over and over again. Like a psychological angel or demon relegated
to the deepest recesses of the subconscious, it will rise again.
The question is when.
As evidenced by their use of stellar symbolism in their religious art the initiates of ancient times knew of the precession of the equinoxes, a time-keeping system which divides a 26,000 year ‘Great Year’ into 12 astrological ‘new ages’ of approximately 2,150 years each. They predicted that humanity would make a quantum leap to a new rung of evolution’s golden spiral during the Age of Pisces, which commenced during the time of Jesus and another in the second millennium AD at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.
“the gods divided up the Earth between them.”
The story symbolizes the triumph of enlightenment over ignorance. Both
teachings have been in a continuous state of alteration and vigorous
promotion. Both deserve their acclaimed moniker of “the greatest
story ever told.”
The brain and the 12 cranial nerves, the holy city in the center of your consciousness.
Staurway to heaven
The human soul is a small piece of God. All life is designed to experience a 'false' sense of individuality. This is the gift of the life experience itself. The consciousness of others is probably also ‘you’ but in another gift of life parallel in time. The ‘you’ that is ‘you’ is not only ‘I’ but the Creation living through you.
The human brain and consciousness, as written in ancient Myths
Look what we have missed by reading Myths literally, or just as mere fairy tales, we have missed the Hidden Meaning. And that's SIN (the emotions).
If Heracles is a mythological entity and if Atlas is Mythology describing the end of the vertebrae column, and Atlas has seven daughters, don't you think that we must consider Atlantis a Myth as well?
Mythological characters surround the story of Atlantis, and you can't have some characters that are purely mythological and then all of the sudden inject some literal place called Atlantis, to do so would cause Plato to turn over in his grave, because he was describing the mind, and we didn't get it, how foolish are we.
Not a mere nonsensical story, but as with all Greek Myths, something about human consciousness.
It's the exact same thing with the bible, the bible is a Greek document describing things that go on in human consciousness.
Floods and fire are mere symbols of various stages of consciousness in Greek, there are five stages of consciousness that takes place in meditation, we rise from the earth, we are then baptized by water, we meet Jesus in the air, and we become air heads (taking no thought), then we experience the fire, and then the renewed mind.
The number NINE, the Number TEN and the number FIVE, are they significant? Yes they are, it is the numbers given in the text of the Mythology that tip you off every time as to what's being said, you simply have to what the symbol of the number represents as it pertains to the mind.
The bible is replete with the number NINE, as is all of greek Mythology, and for a good reason.
IT'S all NINE!!!! WHY?
Why the number nine, through out the Earth, the entire Solar system and zodiac? It's Mans NUMBER. YOU are a NINE.
Because you have NINE openings in your physical body, krishna had nine holes in his flute, and you were gestated in NINE months.
That's why we are nine. It's the physical beast that must be overcome, before we can realize Atlantis Risen (the higher spiritual mind).
General Sisera was proud of his 900
chariots of iron, chariots of what? IRON, how many? NINE hundred. now we
can see where this is going.
The IRON chariots are in the MIND!!
Now lets have a look at how clever the ancient Greeks were.
IT'S all NINE!!!!
It is a fact that Jesus attached importance to the two numbers 6 and 9, hence:
Mt:20:5: Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise.
Mt:27:45: Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth.
Mt:27:46: And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying,
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou
forsaken me?
The Gospel of the Holy Twelve:82:26:When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, "It is finished". And he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. And it was in the ninth hour.
Acts:3:1: Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour.
Acts:10:3: he saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an
angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius.
Acts:10:30: And Cornelius said, Four days ago I was fasting until this hour; and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and, behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing,
666 = 6+6+6 = 18 = 1+8 = 9
999 = 9+9+9 = 27 = 2+7 = 9
A cubit, which is the biblical unit of measurement is 18 inches, and every time you see that a particular object that was so many cubits by so many cubits, the final number will always be NINE. That's the physical. Not the Spiritual.
Nine (known or observed) planets
Nine month gestation period in human birth process . Note: might this be the process during which the human consciousness becomes fused with, or attuned to, the resonant frequency of "9" Then it must become a 10.
Human mean normal respiration rate is 18 times per minute (ibid.) reduces to 9
Human mean normal heartbeat is 72 times a minute (ibid.) 9
Average number of heartbeats per hour is 4,320 (ibid.) 9
Average number of respirations per hour is 1,080 (ibid.) 9
Average number of respirations per 24 hour period is 25,920 (ibid.)
25,920 is also the length of a sidereal year (ibid.) 9
There are 360 degrees in a circle (ibid.) also reduces to 9
In the Catholic practice of Novenas, prayer services last 9 nights (ibid.)
Traditionally, the Romans were known to bury their dead on the 9th day of the death
Some cultures measure time in terms of very long cycles. In the Hindu tradition the present cycle of time consists of 432,000 years.
It takes 72 years to move one degree I a zodiac sign, the average human lives 72 years reduces to 9
The diameter of the moon is 21,600 miles reduces to 9
It takes 2,160 years to traverse one sign of the zodiac, reduces to 9
The average persons heart rate is 86, 400 beats per day reduces to 9
The diameter of the sun is 864,000 mi. reduces to 9
A great year is 25,920 years reduces to 9
The average number of respirations in a human is
25,920 in a day reduces to 9, which is also a great year, as we go through each zodiacal sign, which is 2,160 years. The total for the great year, the sun going through each sign is 25,920. it all equals 9.
Average number of heart beats per hour is 4,320 reduces to 9
he originally Persian mythical bird Simurgh holding fast NINE elephants
symbolizing lower constituents of the partial self or the lower physical
self, symbolized by the number NINE, which is the body as opposed to
the spiritual inner part or subtle body. We find the number NINE
scattered throughout the Hindu, Greek, Egyptian and many other
mythologies, the mythology is describing that one must overcome the
physical beast of burden, in order to rise to the higher state of god
consciousness, symbolized by the goose.
Also in Babylonian metrology was the "Maneh," a unit for measuring volume. It was equivalent to 7776 cubic inches (reduces to 9) by modern reckoning, but to them, 21600 "Um." 21,600 is the grid latitude of Stonehenge! Is this only coincidence? 9
24 hours = 144 minutes, also the measure of a man in the bible, and the measure of the temple. reduces to 9
There are 9 muses in Greek mythology
In the human body the place of memory is called "hippocampus"
The word hippocampus means sea horse.
The father of Pegasus was Poseidon the God of the Sea.
In addition, Stedmans medical dictionary defines the hippocampus of the brain as a white eminence.
Thus Pegasus is the white sea horse of Revelation and the white sea horse in the sky, and in addition, the white sea horse of memory within you.
What makes this even more interesting is the fact that Pegasus was sacred to the Muses.
The mother of the Muses is Mnemosyne who is the Goddess of memory .
Pegasus which is the hippocampus of the brain responsible for memory.
Pegasus connected to Mnemosyne who is the Goddess of memory.
But who are the Muses ?.
The Muses are nine entities of mythology who lived on Mt Helicon the sacred Mountain of Apollo.
Remember, these things did not physically exist.
They are symbolic references to your head, your brain!
Pegasus was connected to the Muses because he opened their fountain, (Hippocrene) on Mt. Helicon.
The Muses were
Calliope, Epic stories,
Erato Love,
Enterpe, lyric (word),
Melpomeny, tragedy,
Thalia, Comedy,
Clio history,
Urania, Astronomy,
Olyhymnia, sacred song (see the word Hymn), Terpsichore, dance.
So the thought patterns that are part of the human psyche or consciousness that eventually manifest into the physical realms are represented by the Muses.
But there is something else to consider as we connect Pegasus and the Muses.
The word Muse means the art of meditation.
The very interesting part of all of this is that the word Muse means the mind and meditation.
Pegasus is the white horse that caused the fountain of the Muses to activate. This was on Mount Helicon.
Consider meditation and the spiral energy called Kundalini or the coiled serpent which rises up from the base of the spine to the Pineal Gland of the brain.
Now consider the fact that the word Helicon which is the sacred mountain of the Muses, means spiral.
So Helicon the sacred mountain of the Muses is the spiral energy which rises in meditation to bring us to the place of enlightenment.
Also keep in mind that this mountain is sacred to Apollo.
Do you "remember how we showed you the Harmony of Apollo which is a geometric pattern created by the Greeks that fits perfectly over the picture of Supernova 1987A?
Everything is connected in perfect harmony, within and without.
Mt. Helicon is the spiral or energy which rises through the spine in Meditation.
Mt helicon and the NINE muses
The fact that Pegasus stimulates this activity is extremely important because this is the time of Pegasus as fulfilled by the discovery in Switzerland where two scientists for the first time discovered a planet orbiting a sun that was a twin of ours.
This fulfilled the prophecy of Revelation.
So Pegasus is a symbol of the time of new consciousness which will bring forth a whole new civilization.
A new world, a new age.
We have shown the connection between Pegasus and the human brain and also between Pegasus and the practice of meditation.
The Muses were born of a union between Zeus, and Mnemosyne.
Mnemosyne is the Goddess of Memory.
Zeus would ride on the back of Pegasus and hurl lightening bolts across the skies. This of course simply means that enlightenment comes from God or Zeus.
The white horse of the heavens is Pegasus and the Book of Revelation tells us that Jesus will return on a white horse.
Thus both Zeus and Jesus ride on Pegasus.
And Pegasus the white horse is the hippocampus of the brain or the place of memory which allows us to understand the 2nd coming of Jesus as a renewal of the mind , a new consciousness.
Not only does the Bible say that Jesus returns on the white horse (which is Pegasus, the horse of Zeus) but it also quotes Jesus as saying that the return of the Son of Man would be as "lightening from east to west Enlightenment from the right hemisphere to the left.
Jesus and Zeus are one and the same, both creations of the Greek mind of mythology to bring us to an, understanding of ourselves and the cosmos in which we live.
Bill Donahue of Hidden Meanings
666 equals 19 equals 9
153 fish caught in the net in the bible reduces to 9
144,000 saved reduces to 9
How many chariots of iron
From the Bible
"But God sold Israel to slavery because of lust and compromise! During twenty years of bondage Israel cringed like cowards because 900 Canaanite iron chariots raced up and down their highways".
NINE HUNDRED, are you getting the idea? NINE is you and I born of the physical nature, using the left hemispheres of our brains as opposed to the spiritual right side, and the birthright from the firstborn Esau (9) and Jacob (10), must take place before the new Atlantis, the new Jerusalem can take hold in our conscious life.
They looked down on 900 iron chariots and said, "The valley belongs to the god of this world. Let the enemy have it. Let's avoid it! We'll stay up here and enjoy the blessings of the mountaintop. What can we do against such wicked power?"
Valleys are lower levels of consciousness, the five sense nature.
"Deborah knew when to move and how to move. On that precise day she had heard from God! To her, those 900 iron chariots were already junk! "And Sisera gathered together all his chariots, even nine hundred chariots of iron."
One that has overcome their own 900 chariots of iron, they will become as Junk.
The Bible is Greek mythology and each element has a symbolic meaning. The word “iron” stands for the human mind and its thought process. It we consider the construction of the Biblical temple, we find in I Kings 6:7 that when the temple was being built there was “neither hammer nor axe nor any toot of iron heard in the house”. This means that the temple is built in silence. In meditation, in separation from thought. There are no tools of iron.
In Judges 1:19 it says that the Lord was with Judah and he (God) drove out the inhabitants of the mountains. This means that the higher realms of consciousness are free of human thought because that is under God’s control. But the scripture goes on to say that “he could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley because they had 900 chariots of iron.”
Noah built an altar there, and afterwards continued his life. It is said he lived to become 900 years old.
Read more: http://www.lenntech.com/water-mythology.htm#ixzz1ck7PSZ4R
They are many more biblical nines, I only presented a few so that you would get the idea.
That's why we are Nine. It's the physical beast that must be overcome, before we can realize Atlantis Risen (the higher spiritual mind). The renewed mind, the new spiritual mind that has overcome his or her number NINE, the physical (9) must take second place to the higher spiritual mind (10) 1 equals unity consciousness, you always drop the zeros in numerology.
People through out the bible lived 900 years symbolizing that 9 must be overcome.
Look at the Nines in the Atlantis story.
Plato describes his account of the existence of this advanced civilisation as 9,000 years but some historians argue that it was 900 and not 9000 years ago. If in case it is right, then Atlantis could be the Minoan civilisation which existed and was destroyed by catastrophic floods approximately 900 to 1000 years ago.
The story is about the conflict between the ancient Athenians and the Atlantians 9000 years before Plato's time. Knowledge of the distant past apparently forgotten to the Athenians of Plato's day, the story of Atlantis was conveyed to Solon by Egyptian priests. Solon passed the tale to Dropides, the great-grandfather of Critias. Critias learned of it from his grandfather also named Critias, son of Dropides.
The conflict is in THERE, between your ears, the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
they are inner teachings and never OUTER.
Poseidon cut Atlantis in ten parts, one for each of his sons. Atlas, who receives the central mountain, is also appointed by Poséidon as the supreme sovereign of the island. Legend tells us that he was a good king, and makes his territory prosperous, among the richest in the world.
The above is making reference to higher state of consciousness, prosperous, rich etc..like the 12 labors of Hercules.
Solon, one of the 7 sages, an Athenian poet and famous lawgiver. This is a type of Moses, the higher intellect, yet still in it's ego function.
Solon had been to Egypt where priests had compared Egypt and Athens and talked about the gods and legends of both lands. One such Egyptian story is about Atlantis.
Egypt is a symbol of the LOWER MIND in most mythologies.
To search for Atlantis in the physical world, or in the physical universe, Alford believes, is contrary to Plato's most fundamental belief: that reality was not to be found in this world, but in the spiritual world, WITHIN ones own being, not a spiritual world OUT THERE somewhere.
Cleito bore Poseidon ten sons, five sets of boys.We see the number five, the five senses that must be overcome, and the number ten, as the ten divisions, 1 equals unity consciousness, 10=1 drop the zero.
Critias retells a story of Atlantis he claims to have heard when he was ten years old
Besides the harvests, the island provided all kinds of herbs, fruits, and nuts. An abundance of animals, including elephants, roamed the island. For generations the Atlanteans lived simple, virtuous lives. But slowly they began to change. Greed and power began to corrupt them. When Zeus saw the immorality of the Atlanteans he gathered the other gods to determine a suitable punishment.
Soon, in one violent surge it was gone. The island of Atlantis, its people, and its memory were swallowed by the sea.
That's the lower egoic mind returning within one's consciousness, the sinking of Atlantis (the higher mind is imminent) It's a season only.
The sea is a symbol of the raging emotions and the collective unconscious.
Do you see the problem with modern scholars, they do not understand to drop the zeros, and leave the number NINE, Plato was describing the number NINE and human consciousness.
Not knowing this, there's nothing but intellectual gymnastics, which never resoles the real meaning.
The catastophics that took place in the Atlantean myth are the same earthquakes, floods etc.. that take place in the bible, it is making reference to those things that go on in our minds, and the overturning of ego consciousness, the dark night of the soul.
An understanding of the Greek Myths are as follows.
All the Gods and goddesses and wars of greek mythology are not LITERAL of course, and neither are they fairy tales, but stories that reveal deep truths within the human mind.
Just like the Bible it uses fantastic stories of god killing tribes and commanding dead animals, talking snakes and donkeys, that's because it's mythology, and these things happen in mythology.
consider the following statement that sums up the entire Bible, "your enemies shall be of your own house" of course your own house, your brain/mind.
The entire Bible is a war between the higher and lower mind, and it's the same in GREEK mythology, the same wars, they are all INTERNAL, and all the myths are in the vernacular of the battlefield, because this is where the final battle is fought, in the MIND.
Allow no Trojan Horse to enter your thought patters, your subconscious mind. The revelations story is about overcoming the EGO/satan.
Below is the myth of Atlantis, yes it's a myth.
In Plato's account, Atlantis was a naval power lying "in front of the Pillars of Hercules" that conquered many parts of Western Europe and Africa 9,000 years before the time of Solon, or approximately 9600 BC. After a failed attempt to invade Athens, Atlantis sank into the ocean "in a single day and night of misfortune".
Scholars dispute whether and how much Plato's story or account was inspired by older traditions. Some scholars argue Plato drew upon memories of past events such as the Thera eruption or the Trojan War, while others insist that he took inspiration from contemporary events like the destruction of Helike in 373 BC[1] or the failed Athenian invasion of Sicily in 415–413 BC.
The possible existence of a genuine Atlantis was discussed throughout classical antiquity, but it was usually rejected and occasionally parodied by later authors. As Alan Cameron states: "It is only in modern times that people have taken the Atlantis story seriously; no one did so in antiquity".
Scholars dispute whether and how much Plato's story or account was inspired by older traditions. Some scholars argue Plato drew upon memories of past events such as the Thera eruption or the Trojan War, while others insist that he took inspiration from contemporary events like the destruction of Helike in 373 BC[1] or the failed Athenian invasion of Sicily in 415–413 BC.
The possible existence of a genuine Atlantis was discussed throughout classical antiquity, but it was usually rejected and occasionally parodied by later authors. As Alan Cameron states: "It is only in modern times that people have taken the Atlantis story seriously; no one did so in antiquity".
Plato's description inspired the utopian works of several Renaissance writers, like Francis Bacon's "New Atlantis".
According to Critias, 9,000 years before his lifetime a war took place between those outside the Pillars of Hercules at the Strait of Gibraltar and those who dwelt within them. The Atlanteans had conquered the parts of Libya within the Pillars of Hercules as far as Egypt and the European continent as far as Tyrrhenia, and subjected its people to slavery. The Athenians led an alliance of resistors against the Atlantean empire, and as the alliance disintegrated, prevailed alone against the empire, liberating the occupied lands.
But at a later time there occurred portentous earthquakes and floods, and one grievous day and night befell them, when the whole body of your warriors was swallowed up by the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner was swallowed up by the sea and vanished; wherefore also the ocean at that spot has now become impassable and unsearchable, being blocked up by the shoal mud which the island created as it settled down.
Atlantis was the domain of Poséidon, god of the sea. When Poseidon fell in love with a mortal woman, Cleito, he created a dwelling at the top of a hill near the middle of the island and surrounded the dwelling with rings of water and land to protect her. Cleito gave birth to five sets of twin boys who became the first rulers of Atlantis. The island was divided among the brothers with the eldest, Atlas first King of Atlantis, being given control over the central hill and surrounding areas.
At the top of the central hill, a temple was built to honor Poseidon which housed a giant gold statue of Poseidon riding a chariot pulled by winged horses. It was here that the rulers of Atlantis would come to discuss laws, pass judgments, and pay tribute to Poseidon. To facilitate travel and trade, a water canal was cut through of the rings of land and water running south for 5.5 miles (~9 km) to the sea.
Son of Cronos and Rhea. Brother of Zeus.
God of Earthquakes and god the liquid Element, of which the most impressive representation is the sea in its unlimitedness and its wild power. Sometimes, it(he) goes out of the palace on a tank hitched with horses in the colours of algae and foam, to steer the movements of streams, to calm or to arouse storms,by striking the sea of the trident or by roaring orders of the enormous and profound voice.
The sailors worship him and implore him to obtain a good crossing. His power extends not only over the maritime element, but also over the sweet waters and Nymphs; so, he contributes, by dissipating humidity, in the fertility of fields, and it is often considered as an agrarian divinity.
Atlas (king of Atlantis), in the Greek mythology, one of the sons of Poseidon the god of the Sea, appointed by his father as supreme sovereign of Atlantis. Atlas is the elder brother of the ten sons of Poséidon and Clito, a girl living in the mythical island of Atlantis, domain of the god of the Sea.
That's the BRAIN as sits in a pool of saline, the brain is an ISLAND surrounded by the sea.
Poseidon cut Atlantis in ten parts, one for each of his sons. Atlas, who receives the central mountain, is also appointed by Poséidon as the supreme sovereign of the island. Legend tells us that he was a good king, and makes his territory prosperous, among the richest in the world.
For according to them, there were seven islands in that sea in their time, sacred to Persephone, and also three others of enormous size, one of which was sacred to Pluto, another to Ammon, and another one between them to Poseidon.
For according to them, there were seven islands in that sea in their time, sacred to Persephone, and also three others of enormous size, one of which was sacred to Pluto, another to Ammon, and another one between them to Poseidon
Who was Persephone?
The mystery of Pluto contained in the Elusian Mysteries is that of the abduction of Persephone by Pluto the lord of the underworld also known as Hades.
Persephone is picking flowers and the ground opens up. Suddenly the Lord of Death, Pluto appears in a chariot and scoops up Persephone and kicking and screaming carries her off to his underworld palace.
That would omen for us a coming of a time when those who are going about the mundane (symbolized by picking flowers), suddenly find their spirit or inner nature (symbolized by Persephone) suddenly crashing in confusion and delusion.
Many people because of a unique alignment that time of year experience this on a more gentle basis around Christmas time. It has nothing to do with Christmas spirit.
It has to do with the alignment at that time.
In this story, the soul is personified by Persephone.
Now what is the soul.
No doctor can find a soul because it is an invisible sub atomic realm of light that rises to the point of the Pineal.
Your true home is Persephones true home in the higher realms. Your true home is free from the bondage of material concepts, yet here you are trapped within that which is material.
The Elusian mysteries portray your human or physical nature as a tomb, a false and impermanent thing, the source of all sorrow and suffering.
Plato describes the body as the sepulcher.
You can't mix MYTHOLOGY with LITERALNESS, it's all MYTHOLOGY.
(The) Tree of Life (is) a mythic allusion to the human spinal column as the bearer of seven major energy centers known as chakras, or spiritual ‘wheels’ in Indian kundalini yoga. The concept originated in Atlantis, with its seven Hesperides, daughters of Atlas, and the golden apples of eternal life they guarded.”
Frank Joseph, “The Atlantis Encyclopedia” (272)
"Mythology often appears to be describing body sensations when it speaks of serpents, as well as describing the human spine, which can be symbolized as the tree or twin trees or the serpent or twin serpents. The serpent image connected with the spine has its best-known representation in the Indian Kundalini mythology.
Chetwynd (1982) describes body symbolism that is related to the serpent as ‘connected with the spinal column, which joins the physical nature (the genitals) to the spiritual nature (the head).’”
Gerry Anne Lenhart, “The Genesis Model”
In other words the “fall” and the “flood” whether or not they happened physically, likely happened within an individual or on a spiritual level. And Atlantis, whether or not was a real island continent heading an advanced global civilization, likely also referenced the soul, the pineal gland, and chakra system within the individual.
The most sacred secrets of the Masons and world Royalty pertain to the chakra/energetic system, the amanita muscaria, DMT, and Kundalini yoga’s activation of the crown chakra.
“A new center – presently dormant in the average man or woman – has to be activated and a more powerful stream of psychic energy must rise into the head from the base of the spine to enable the human consciousness to transcend the normal limits.
This is the final phase of the present evolutionary impulse in man. The cerebro-spinal system of man has to undergo a radical change, enabling consciousness to transcend the limits of the highest intellect. Here reason yields to intuition and revelation appears to guide the steps of humankind.
see how clever the Greeks were, in describing, the higher mind/Zeus, destroying the lower mind and casting beneath the sea. This is a metaphor for overcoming the EGO/MIND.
the whole Greek myths are about this war.
The Internal war.
According to Greek mythology, Atlantis was an ancient island (dating back to at least 1400 BC) in the Mediterranean Sea near what we now know as Greece. Poseidon, who was god of the sea and brother to Zeus (the top god in Greek mythology), appointed his son Atlas as ruler of Atlantis.
The vast island was bigger than the continents we know today and it prospered as a peaceful, wealthy, powerful and sophisticated place. Unfortunately all this good fortune made Atlantis's people feel superior and had them acting spoiled and even lazy.
Such behavior angered the gods, who decided to punish Atlantis by destroying it with the power of earthquakes and volcanoes. At the end of one day and one night Atlantis was flooded and buried beneath the ocean, never to be seen again.
while so many people and so much time has been wasted by researchers trying to find the lost city of Atlantis, it's obviously just a myth. Its the lower ego mind.
The earthquakes and such describe the ascension of the Kundalini energy rising to the spine and the pineal gland.
of the Cyclops myth, and lightning bolts from Zeus, destroying the lower quality.
Notice the city of AtalAntis is powerful spoiled and lazy, this is the mind controlled by the lower Ego. No real Atlantis except in your own mind.
In the Eleusinian Mysteries the initiates entered the Elysium, The Blessed Isle, where they communed with higher beings. In The New Atlantis the travelers sailed to the island of the Rosicrucians the society of people who had a higher knowledge of science and nature.
In The Tempest the travelers came to the island where the Magus the man with the higher knowledge of science and nature ruled.
Moreover the course of the travelers in The Tempest was NBW, the identical course of the travelers in The New Atlantis (we are told strong winds arose from the south with a point east and these were the winds that drove them to the island of New Atlantis).
In Sanskrit, “Atl” means “to support or uphold” as Atlas was said to hold the world on his shoulders.
Alonso de Molina’s 16th century dictionary of the Nahuatl language, “Vocabulario En Lengua Mexicana y Castellana” says that,
"The words Atlas and Atlantic have no satisfactory etymology in any language known to Europe. They are not Greek, and cannot be referred to any known language of the Old World. But in the Nahuatl language we find immediately the radical 'a', 'atl', which signifies water, war, and the top of the head.”
Why the top of the head?
The word “atl” is found in the names of most of their gods, and one of its meanings is “top of the head.”
“The tree sacred to Atlas; its branches, like his arms, supported the heavens. The oak’s association with Atlas implies a primeval tree cult or pillar cult, a memory of it surviving in Kritias, Plato’s Atlantis account, when he described a ceremonial column at the very midpoint of the Temple of Poseidon, itself located at the center of Atlantis.
The Atlanteans’ oldest, most hallowed laws were inscribed on its exterior and sacrificial bull’s blood was shed over it by all 10 kings of Atlantis in that civilization’s premiere ritual.”
Frank Joseph, “The Atlantis Encyclopedia” (208)
The pineal gland (6th chakra, the third-eye) lies at the geometrical center point of the brain. Plato’s account of Atlantis described a “ceremonial column at the very midpoint of the Temple of Poseidon, itself located at the center of Atlantis.”
The ceremonial column (Oak Tree, Tree of Life, Staff of Moses etc.) is the human spine with 33 vertebrae. The actual medical term for the 33rd vertebrae which holds up the skull is “Atlas,” same as the King of Atlantis.
In Atlantean mythology, Atlas holds up the world or the heavens and in your body the Atlas vertebrae holds up your head/mind. In Atlantean mythology, Atlas has 7 daughters who spend all their time guarding and dancing around the Tree of Life; In your body you have 7 energy centers (chakras) dancing around your spine.
Plato described Atlantis as being shaped like three concentric circles of land separated by concentric circles of water. In other words the shape of a bull's-eye. Why would the center of a target be called a “bull’s-eye” anyway?
The Atlas vertebra holds up your brain, your “third eye” is at the center of your brain, and the center of Atlantis is a “bull’s-eye.” In fact, your skull, which Atlas holds up, is shaped just like Atlantis is described. At the center point is your third eye.
The third eye is separated and surrounded completely by water/fluid. Next is the cerebral cortex, the meat of the brain. Then around that is a layer of constantly flowing/pumping blood. And lastly around that is the skull.
The Mount of
Salvation at the center of a zodiac.
The activation of this 12-fold Planetary
Grid is called the ‘quickening’ of the Earth, an increase in the
vibratory levels of humanity and Earth which is thought to spark
higher intelligence and increased linkage between minds.
Plato said sacrificial bull’s blood was shed over the exterior of the Temple of Poseidon, which is also consistent with the blood that flows over the exterior of the brain.
“Bulls were associated with divine regents in Sumer, Egypt, Assyria, Minoan Crete, Greece, Rome, Iberia, and Ireland. All of these cultures featured traditions of a great deluge from which their ancestors came with all the accoutrements of a high civilization, including, most importantly, matters of kingship. In each people, their king was ritually identified with a sacred bull, because it was important for a leader to identify with the tremendous strength and aggressiveness epitomized by such an animal.
If the Temple of Poseidon ( between your “temples”) is your brain then Atlantis’ bull’s eye is your third-eye/pineal gland which literally “roams free in the courtyard of the temple” because it is surrounded by water/fluid.
Bull's eyes also just happen to be red, white and black, the same color as Santa, the Amanita Muscaria, and the flag of Egypt.
“In this West African version of the flood, Obatala is the Yoruba version of the Greco-Atlantean Atlas: Oba denotes kingship, while atala means ‘white.’
Yoruba priests wear only white robes while worshipping him, and images of the god are offered only white food. Among these sacrifices are white kola and goats, recalling the Atlantean goat cults known to the ancient Canary Islanders, off the coast of northwest Africa, and the Iberian Basque.
Obatala’s chief title is ‘King of Whiteness,’ because he is revered as the white skinned ‘Ancient Ruler’ and ‘Father’ of the Yoruba race by a native woman, Oduduwa.
Like Atlas, Obatala was a giant in the middle of the sea, and the ‘seven chains’ which signal the end of the Deluge may coincide with the seven Pleiades, associated throughout much of world myth with the Flood’s conclusion.
Directly across the Atlantic Ocean, in the west, the Aztec version of Atlantis – Aztlan was referred to as the ‘White Island.’
In the opposite direction, in the east, Hindu traditions in India described ancestral origins from Attala, likewise known as the ‘White Island.’”
Frank Joseph, “The Atlantis Encyclopedia” (209)
Is this where we get our legends of an Ivory Tower on an island? Was it a real tower on a real island or our ivory spines on the islands of our bodies? Or was it both?
“‘The White Island’ described in the great Indian epic Mahabharata and in the epic poems, the Puranas, as the mountainous homeland of a powerful and highly civilized race located in ‘the Western Sea’ on the other side of the world from India , Atala itself sank in a violent storm.”
Frank Joseph, “The Atlantis Encyclopedia” (33)
This Cross of Atlantis sign says “this place belongs to the gods. Humans keep out.”
The Atlantis logo is composed of a sun
disk or
Cross of Light
embedded in
concentric rings
. According
Laurence Gardner, writing in The Magdalene Legacy, a cross within
a circle is called a Rosi-Crucis – the Dew Cup – and is the original
symbol for the Holy Grail.
As mentioned, the symbol of Atlantis is derived from the description of the enclosure constructed by the gods to protect the original sacred hill of Atlantis. As noted by Plato, the gods built this enclosure to keep humans out. Therefore, the sign of Atlantis could read “Atlantis: Property of the gods. Humans keep out.”’
In this capacity the Cross of Atlantis is identical to the Gate of
Eden. Because Adam and Eve were disobedient to Yahweh, the god of
Eden sent them out of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:23). He placed
at the east of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned
every way (it rotated gyroscopically), to keep the way of the way of
the tree of life.
Plato was not alone in his understanding of the 12-sided Earth. The
Cherokee held a complimentary belief. In addition, the second
century AD, a group of Christian Gnostics described the sphere of
Earth being surrounded by a 12-angled pyramid. These 12 angles are
described as “eyes”, “pipes,” and even more fascinating to our
investigation, as “holes” or “halls” in the Earth! These, it
appears, are the gates of the New Jerusalem.
Today, most researchers into sacred Earth energies concur that the Planetary Grid has 12 primary vortex zones,
Quickening of our civilization is a result of the “quick-beams” or
“quick-rays” emanating from the core of our galaxy and likely
radiating through the Meru or Center of Atlantis.
It is said that once Buddha achieved enlightenment he placed a
victory banner on the summit of Mt. Meru, symbolizing his victory
over the entire universe. Again, Mount Meru here is believed to be
the central axis supporting the world.
Meru (Kailas) appears within man himself. In human body, Mount Meru (Kailas) is encircled by seven continents…. He alone who known this is to be a true yogi.
The Mahabharata describes “Meru”- a kingdom of mind
See the contours of the body as hills and valleys, the hair as a forest or field, the right eye as the sun, the left eye as the moon. The arteries and veins are oceans and rivers, carrying the holy sanctified waters of your own blood. The internal organs are sanctuaries and temples. The spine is Mt. Meru, the brain the peak of the mountain.
Contemplate the subtle body with its subtle channels, then see the Kundalini at the base of Mt. Meru, ready to begin her eternal ascent and descent. See the inner sun at the solar plexus (power) chakra; the inner moon at the hairline between third-eye and crown chakras. While visualizing thus, remember Brahma at the heart chakra. *See Brahma create each of these, as he created the phenomenal universe*
The flag of victory also denotes Buddha’s triumph over Mara, who personifies hindrances on the path to spiritual realization. Specifically, there are said to be four types of Maras, each one representing an individual hurdle on the path to spiritual progress.
These are:
1). The Mara of Emotional Defilement2). Mara of Passion3). Mara of the Fear of Death4). Mara of Pride and Lust!
It was only after conquering these four
negative traits that Buddha could proclaim victory over ignorance,
and achieve nirvana.
Here, it is worth a brief diversion to note that in calling Jesus ‘the Way’ the early Christians were following in the footsteps of the Buddhists. Just as converts to Christianity living long after the fact altered the images of Jesus, a similar artistic make-
over was applied to Buddha. Early Buddhist art consisted of symbolic representations of Buddha.
Here, it is worth a brief diversion to note that in calling Jesus ‘the Way’ the early Christians were following in the footsteps of the Buddhists. Just as converts to Christianity living long after the fact altered the images of Jesus, a similar artistic make-
over was applied to Buddha. Early Buddhist art consisted of symbolic representations of Buddha.
It was customary to represent the Buddha
as a pair of footprints indicating the way to walk to enlightenment,
or as an 8-spoked wheel, the symbol for the Wheel of Truth,
Anunnaki symbol of king ship.
Willaim henry
“The nations on the west of the Atlantic look to the 'east' for their place of origin; while on the east of the Atlantic they look to the 'west': thus all the lines of tradition converge upon Atlantis. But here is the same testimony that in the Garden of Eden there were four rivers radiating from one parent stream.
And these four rivers, as we have seen, we find in the Scandinavian traditions, and in the legends of the Chinese, the Tartars, the Singhalese, the Thibetians, the Buddhists, the Hebrews, and the Brahmans.
And not only do we find this tradition of the Garden of Eden in the Old World, but it meets us also among the civilized races of America. The elder Montezuma said to Cortez, "Our fathers dwelt in that happy and prosperous place which they called Aztlan, which means 'whiteness.’”
Ignatius Donnelly, “Atlantis: The Antediluvian World”
The Bible stories featuring a garden, tree, serpent, and golden apples are known the world over and they originate from the Atlantean legend. “The history of the old testament is the history of Atlantis.”
Comyns Beaumont
“The American Tree of Life The Toltec legends speak of a garden, a tree, a serpent and a woman that was the mother of all mankind. They also speak of a race of giants that were in the world from the earliest times.”
Ignatius Donnelly, “Atlantis and the Antediluvian World”
“(The) Tree of Life (is) a mythic allusion to the human spinal column as the bearer of seven major energy centers known as chakras, or spiritual ‘wheels’ in Indian kundalini yoga.
The concept originated in Atlantis, with its seven Hesperides, daughters of Atlas, and the golden apples of eternal life they guarded.”
Frank Joseph, “The Atlantis Encyclopedia” (272)
"Mythology often appears to be describing body sensations when it speaks of serpents, as well as describing the human spine, which can be symbolized as the tree or twin trees or the serpent or twin serpents.
The serpent image connected with the spine has its best-known representation in the Indian Kundalini mythology.
Chetwynd (1982) describes body symbolism that is related to the serpent as ‘connected with the spinal column, which joins the physical nature (the genitals) to the spiritual nature (the head).’”
Gerry Anne Lenhart, “The Genesis Model”
In other words the “fall” and the “flood” whether or not they happened physically, likely happened within an individual or on a spiritual level.
And Atlantis, whether or not was a real island continent heading an advanced global civilization, likely also referenced the soul, the pineal gland, and chakra system within the individual.
The most sacred secrets of the Masons and world Royalty pertain to the chakra/energetic system, the amanita muscaria, DMT, and Kundalini yoga’s activation of the crown chakra.
“A new center – presently dormant in the average man or woman – has to be activated and a more powerful stream of psychic energy must rise into the head from the base of the spine to enable the human consciousness to transcend the normal limits.
This is the final phase of the present evolutionary impulse in man.
The cerebrospinal system of man has to undergo a radical change, enabling consciousness to transcend the limits of the highest intellect.
Here reason yields to intuition and revelation appears to guide the steps of humankind.
This mechanism, known as Kundalini, is the real cause of all so-called spiritual and psychic phenomena, the biological basis of evolution and development of personality, the secret origin of all esoteric and occult doctrines, the master key to the unsolved mystery of creation, the inexhaustible source of philosophy, art, and science, and the fountainhead of all religious faiths, past, present and future.”
Dr. Lee Sanella, “The Kundalini Experience”
“So what is meant by the term Kundalini experience? Kundalini is a Sanskrit word that can be translated as ‘coiled up.’ Kundalini is represented in many Tantrik illustrations as a sleeping serpent, coiled 3 ½ times, at the base of the spinal cord.
The popular view of Kundalini is that it is a dormant power that lies waiting to be unleashed, by means of various practices. The ‘serpent power,’ once awakened, is coaxed up the central channel of the spine, entering the chakras (psychic energy centers) until it reaches the Crown chakra and the yogi achieves ‘illumination.’”
Phil Hine, “Kundalini, A Personal Approach”
“The caduceus symbol of coiling snakes is thought to be an ancient symbolic representation of Kundalini physiology. The concept of Kundalini comes from yogic philosophy of ancient India and refers to the mothering intelligence behind yogic awakening and spiritual maturation.
It might be regarded by yogis as a sort of deity, hence the occasional capitalization of the term. Within a western frame of understanding it is often associated with the practice of contemplative or religious practices that might induce an altered state of consciousness, either brought about spontaneously, through a type of yoga, through psychedelic drugs, or through a near-death experience.
According to the yogic tradition Kundalini is curled up in the back part of the root chakra in three and one-half turns around the sacrum.
Yogic phenomenology states that kundalini awakening is associated with the appearance of bioenergetic phenomena that are said to be experienced somatically by the yogi. This appearance is also referred to as ‘pranic awakening’.
This mechanism, known as Kundalini, is the real cause of all so-called spiritual and psychic phenomena, the biological basis of evolution and development of personality, the secret origin of all esoteric and occult doctrines, the master key to the unsolved mystery of creation, the inexhaustible source of philosophy, art, and science, and the fountainhead of all religious faiths, past, present and future.”
Dr. Lee Sanella, “The Kundalini Experience”
“So what is meant by the term Kundalini experience? Kundalini is a Sanskrit word that can be translated as ‘coiled up.’ Kundalini is represented in many Tantrik illustrations as a sleeping serpent, coiled 3 ½ times, at the base of the spinal cord. The popular view of Kundalini is that it is a dormant power that lies waiting to be unleashed, by means of various practices. The ‘serpent power,’ once awakened, is coaxed up the central channel of the spine, entering the chakras (psychic energy centers) until it reaches the Crown chakra and the yogi achieves ‘illumination.’”
Phil Hine, “Kundalini, A Personal Approach”
“The caduceus symbol of coiling snakes is thought to be an ancient symbolic representation of Kundalini physiology. The concept of Kundalini comes from yogic philosophy of ancient India and refers to the mothering intelligence behind yogic awakening and spiritual maturation.
It might be regarded by yogis as a sort of deity, hence the occasional capitalization of the term. Within a western frame of understanding it is often associated with the practice of contemplative or religious practices that might induce an altered state of consciousness, either brought about spontaneously, through a type of yoga, through psychedelic drugs, or through a near-death experience …
According to the yogic tradition Kundalini is curled up in the back part of the root chakra in three and one-half turns around the sacrum. Yogic phenomenology states that kundalini awakening is associated with the appearance of bioenergetic phenomena that are said to be experienced somatically by the yogi. This appearance is also referred to as ‘pranic awakening’
Prana is interpreted as the vital, life sustaining force in the body. Uplifted or intensified life energy is called pranotthana and is supposed to originate from an apparent reservoir of subtle bioenergy at the base of the spine. This energy is also interpreted as a vibrational phenomena that initiates a period, or a process of vibrational spiritual development
Kundalini is mainly associated with Hinduism. However, Kundalini as a spiritual experience is thought to have parallels in many of the mystical and Gnostic traditions of the world's great religions. Many factors point to the universality of the phenomenon. The early Christians might have referred to the concept as 'pneuma', and there are some recent parallels in contemporary Christian Charismatic 'Holy Ghost' phenomena.
Religious studies also note parallels in Quakerism, Shakerism, Judaic Shuckling (torso rocking prayer), the swaying zikr and whirling dervish of Islam, the quivering of the Eastern Orthodox hesychast, the flowing movements of tai chi, the ecstatic shamanic dance, the ntum trance dance of the Bushman, Tibetan Buddhist tummo heat as practiced by Milarepa, and the indically derived Andalusian flamenco (Sovatsky, 1998).
Kundalini practice is centerfold in Japan's Aum Shinrikyo group and Kundaliniyoga is also one of the stages the practitioner is able to achieve.”
“The ancient yogis and sages who developed Kundalini Yoga had a deep respect for the Creator of this human body. They knew, in their profound devotion and worship, that so perfect a Creator could only have created perfection in design, function and potential. Based on this respect, they sought knowledge of the totality of the human being. They researched the human ability to maintain good health, increase vitality, open consciousness and expand the experience of the excellence of human life.
Their research gave them a great understanding of the nervous system, glandular system, organ system, energy system, and brain. They learned how blood, nerves, muscles, organds, and glands all work together. They investigated the seen and the unseen, and the interrelationships between the physical and the subtle. From this research they developed Kundalini Yoga. Kundalini Yoga is a highly evolved technology based on a through understanding of the ecology of the human body, how the breath affects the thinking, how the angle of a finger affects the pituitary gland.
This technology works with the systems of the human body using the body’s own means. Hand position, breath, posture, sound, and motion are employed in various ways to create the optimum balance among all the body’s components, until recent times these techniques had been secret, taught only to a chosen few.”
Harijot Kaur Khalsa, “Kundalini Yoga, Physical Wisdom”
“Contemporary spiritual literature often notes that the chakras, as described in the esoteric kundalini documents, bear a strong similarity in location and number to the major endocrine glands, as well as nerve bundles called ganglions. One speculation is that the traditional practices have formalized a method for stimulating the endocrine glands to work in a different mode which has a more direct effect on consciousness, perhaps ultimately by stimulating the release of DMT by the pineal gland, which may be analogous to the 'pineal chakra'.
The late Itzhak Bentov studied Kundalini from an engineering perspective. According to Bentov (1990), the 7.5 Hz oscillation of the heart muscle rhythm induces mechanical Hz frequencies in the brain, that in turn create a stimulus equivalent of a current loop. The nerve endings in that loop correspond to the route through which the Kundalini ‘rises.’ This current polarizes the brain part through which it flows in a homogenous way, effectively releasing tremendous amounts of stress from the body.
The body then becomes an effective antenna for the 7.5 Hz frequency, which is one of the resonant frequencies of the ionosphere. In layman's terms, you then pick up information from the air. This might account for repeated descriptions of heightened senses as a result of rising Kundalini, e.g. as described by Yogananda:
‘The whole vicinity lay bare before me. My ordinary frontal vision was now changed to a vast spherical sight, simultaneously all-perceptive.’”
Prana is interpreted as the vital, life sustaining force in the body. Uplifted or intensified life energy is called pranotthana and is supposed to originate from an apparent reservoir of subtle bioenergy at the base of the spine. This energy is also interpreted as a vibrational phenomena that initiates a period, or a process of vibrational spiritual development
Kundalini is mainly associated with Hinduism. However, Kundalini as a spiritual experience is thought to have parallels in many of the mystical and Gnostic traditions of the world's great religions.
Many factors point to the universality of the phenomenon. The early Christians might have referred to the concept as 'pneuma', and there are some recent parallels in contemporary Christian Charismatic 'Holy Ghost' phenomena.
Religious studies also note parallels in Quakerism, Shakerism, Judaic Shuckling (torso rocking prayer), the swaying zikr and whirling dervish of Islam, the quivering of the Eastern Orthodox hesychast, the flowing movements of tai chi, the ecstatic shamanic dance, the ntum trance dance of the Bushman, Tibetan Buddhist tummo heat as practiced by Milarepa, and the indically derived Andalusian flamenco (Sovatsky, 1998).
Kundalini practice is centerfold in Japan's Aum Shinrikyo group and Kundaliniyoga is also one of the stages the practitioner is able to achieve.”
“The ancient yogis and sages who developed Kundalini Yoga had a deep respect for the Creator of this human body. They knew, in their profound devotion and worship, that so perfect a Creator could only have created perfection in design, function and potential.
Based on this respect, they sought knowledge of the totality of the human being. They researched the human ability to maintain good health, increase vitality, open consciousness and expand the experience of the excellence of human life.
Their research gave them a great understanding of the nervous system, glandular system, organ system, energy system, and brain. They learned how blood, nerves, muscles, organds, and glands all work together.
They investigated the seen and the unseen, and the interrelationships between the physical and the subtle. From this research they developed Kundalini Yoga. Kundalini Yoga is a highly evolved technology based on a through understanding of the ecology of the human body, how the breath affects the thinking, how the angle of a finger affects the pituitary gland.
This technology works with the systems of the human body using the body’s own means. Hand position, breath, posture, sound, and motion are employed in various ways to create the optimum balance among all the body’s components … until recent times these techniques had been secret, taught only to a chosen few.”
Harijot Kaur Khalsa, “Kundalini Yoga, Physical Wisdom”
“Contemporary spiritual literature often notes that the chakras, as described in the esoteric kundalini documents, bear a strong similarity in location and number to the major endocrine glands, as well as nerve bundles called ganglions.
One speculation is that the traditional practices have formalized a method for stimulating the endocrine glands to work in a different mode which has a more direct effect on consciousness, perhaps ultimately by stimulating the release of DMT by the pineal gland, which may be analogous to the 'pineal chakra'.
The late Itzhak Bentov studied Kundalini from an engineering perspective. According to Bentov (1990), the 7.5 Hz oscillation of the heart muscle rhythm induces mechanical Hz frequencies in the brain, that in turn create a stimulus equivalent of a current loop.
The nerve endings in that loop correspond to the route through which the Kundalini ‘rises.’ This current polarizes the brain part through which it flows in a homogenous way, effectively releasing tremendous amounts of stress from the body.
The body then becomes an effective antenna for the 7.5 Hz frequency, which is one of the resonant frequencies of the ionosphere. In layman's terms, you then pick up information from the air. This might account for repeated descriptions of heightened senses as a result of rising Kundalini, e.g. as described by Yogananda:
‘The whole vicinity lay bare before me. My ordinary frontal vision was now changed to a vast spherical sight, simultaneously all-perceptive.’
From Bill Donahue of Hidden Meanings
We have made progress in reaching some kind of logic concerning the possibility of healing or change that can happen to us from an invisible yet powerful external entity, call it God or whatever is pleasing to you.
The Bible in connecting the time of newness to planetary changes may be extremely relevant if we can put the pieces together and come to a conclusion that there is a connection between us and the movement of planets.
Two more scriptures are important. The ones we have looked at in the above section tell us that the planets are for signs etc, but we have to look for some direct involvement, of celestial bodies having an effect on our physical bodies, our lives. Here is one.
Job38:31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?
There is the Bible telling us that our lives are influenced by something from the Pleiades as well as the constellation Orion. I mean that’s what it says. The sweet influences of Pleiades and the bands of Orion. How could these possibly influence us. Electromagnetism. Angles of light that come from each.
Ple·ia·des is defined as follows :Greek Mythology. The seven daughters of Atlas (Maia, Electra, Celaeno, Taygeta, Merope, Alcyone, and Sterope), who were metamorphosed into stars.
2. An open star cluster in the constellation Taurus, consisting of several hundred stars, of which six are visible to the naked eye. [Middle English Pliades, from Latin Pl¶ïades, from Greek Pleiades. at·las 1. Greek Mythology.
A Titan condemned by Zeus to support the heavens upon his shoulders. 2. The satellite of Saturn that is closest to the planet. 3. atlas. A person who supports a great burden.
Seven daughters of Atlas
Here we have the 7 daughters of the one who is supporting the very life force of the earth. Seven spirits , seven nerve centers, seven seals, seven chakras within each person that are connected to the support of the cosmic life force.
Seven daughters in you
The seven daughters/sisters in the sky
This is quite Biblical as we see in Revelation5:1 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.
So we can stay very Biblical when we understand a sweet influence from the 7 which Biblically is the book of life.
And celestially we are told that there is an influence, and that influence is connected to the 7 up there and the 7 on your back.
I am going somewhere with this.
Let's look at one more scripture concerning cosmic influences.
Judges5:20 They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera.
This man had something critical happen to his life because of the influence of the stars. That is exactly what the Bible says.
How can the stars possibly influence anything that has to do with beings upon the earth. By angles of light, electromagnetism.
So the Bible puts the time of the great coming squarely together with the influence of celestial bodies. Lights in the heavens.
“Atlantis: Property of the gods. Humans keep out.”
No one is allowed into the interior workings of the brain, to bring about a change in conciousness back to the Atlantean mind, only the gods are allowed, your higher self or the higher consciousness that comes down on top of you to cretae the change.
It's off limits to mortal men, thy shalt not tamper with the workings of gods machine. The mechanic must come, and the mechanic is God, Zeus, Jesus, Buddha etc.......
The full translation of the Atlantis MYTH as told by PLATO coming soon, every detail, and how the MYTH relates to the mind.
"Our death is not an end
if we can live on in our children
and the younger generation.
For they are us;
Our bodies are only wilted leaves
on The Tree of Life"
Albert Einstein
"After one has meditated upon Brahma, visualize the Supreme Yogi and his Cosmic Consort, with all the force of one's soul. By constantly knowing: AUM TAT SAT, This is I, one becomes Siva or Sakthi. A complete consecration of oneSelf takes place after the offering of this flower to oneSelf: 'I am god: all instruments of worship, be they food, perfume, incense, flowers, become divine through my recognition of them as such. I am the abode of god. I *am* god.' Thus should one meditate, bringing everything to god and god to god, making all pure and eternal through the recreation of god in oneSelf." --KALIKA PURANA
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