Jesus as the Sun throughout history


by D.M. Murdock/Acharya S

Jesus as the Sun, throughout History

But Why?


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, is the usual admonition.

But we shall be Toto's and pull back the curtain, and see who is pushing the buttons and pulling the levers, to reveal the bogeymen of religion. The liers that have kept you dummed down for two thousand years.


Around the world over the centuries, much has been written about religion, its meaning, its relevance and contribution to humanity. In the West particularly, sizable tomes have been composed speculating upon the nature and historical background of the main character of Western religions, Jesus Christ.

Many have tried to dig into the precious few clues as to Jesus's identity and come up with a biographical sketch that either bolsters faith or reveals a more human side of this godman to which we can all relate. Obviously, considering the time and energy spent on them, the subjects of Christianity and its legendary founder are very important to the Western mind and culture.

The Controversy

Despite all of this literature continuously being cranked out and the significance of the issue, in the public at large there is a serious lack of formal and broad education regarding religion and mythology, and most individuals are highly uninformed in this area.

Concerning the issue of Christianity, for example, the majority of people are taught in most schools and churches that Jesus Christ was an actual historical figure and that the only controversy regarding him is that some people accept him as the Son of God and the Messiah, while others do not.

However, whereas this is the raging debate most evident in this field today, it is not the most important. Shocking as it may seem to the general populace, the most enduring and profound controversy in this subject is whether or not a person named Jesus Christ ever really existed.

Although this debate may not be evident from publications readily found in popular bookstores, when one examines this issue closely, one will find a tremendous volume of literature that demonstrates, logically and intelligently, time and again that Jesus Christ is a mythological character along the same lines as the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Sumerian, Phoenician, Indian or other godmen, who are all presently accepted as myths rather than historical figures 2.

Delving deeply into this large body of work, one uncovers evidence that the Jesus character is based upon much older myths and heroes from around the globe. One discovers that this story is not, therefore, a historical representation of a Jewish rebel carpenter who had physical incarnation in the Levant 2,000 years ago.

In other words, it has been demonstrated continually for centuries that this character, Jesus Christ, was invented and did not depict a real person who was either the "son of God" or was "evemeristically" made into a superhuman by enthusiastic followers.

History and Positions of the Debate

This controversy has existed from the very beginning, and the writings of the "Church Fathers" themselves reveal that they were constantly forced by the pagan intelligentsia to defend what the non-Christians and other Christians ("heretics") alike saw as a preposterous and fabricated yarn with absolutely no evidence of it ever having taken place in history. As Rev. Robert Taylor says,

"And from the apostolic age downwards, in a never interrupted succession, but never so strongly and emphatically as in the most primitive times, was the existence of Christ as a man most strenuously denied."

Emperor Julian, who, coming after the reign of the fanatical and murderous "good Christian" Constantine, returned rights to pagan worshippers, stated,

"If anyone should wish to know the truth with respect to you Christians, he will find your impiety to be made up partly of the Jewish audacity, and partly of the indifference and confusion of the Gentiles, and that you have put together not the best, but the worst characteristics of them both."

According to these learned dissenters, the New Testament could rightly be called, "Gospel Fictions." century ago, mythicist Albert Churchward said,

"The canonical gospels can be shown to be a collection of sayings from the Egyptian Mythos and Eschatology."

In Forgery in Christianity, Joseph Wheless states,

"The gospels are all priestly forgeries over a century after their pretended dates."

Those who concocted some of the hundreds of "alternative" gospels and epistles that were being kicked about during the first several centuries C.E. have even admitted that they had forged the documents.

Forgery during the first centuries of the Church's existence was admittedly rampant, so common in fact that a new phrase was coined to describe it: "pious fraud." Such prevarication is confessed to repeatedly in the Catholic Encyclopedia. Some of the "great" church fathers, such as Eusebius , were determined by their own peers to be unbelievable liars who regularly wrote their own fictions of what "the Lord" said and did during "his" alleged sojourn upon the earth.

The Proof

The assertion that Jesus Christ is a myth can be proved not only through the works of dissenters and "pagans" who knew the truth - and who were viciously refuted or murdered for their battle against the Christian priests and "Church Fathers" fooling the masses with their fictions - but also through the very statements of the Christians themselves, who continuously disclose that they knew Jesus Christ was a myth founded upon more ancient deities located throughout the known ancient world. In fact, Pope Leo X, privy to the truth because of his high rank, made this curious declaration, "What profit has not that fable of Christ brought us!" (Emphasis added.)

As Wheless says, "The proofs of my indictment are marvelously easy."

The Gnostics

From their own admissions, the early Christians were incessantly under criticism by scholars of great repute who were impugned as "heathens" by their Christian adversaries.

This group included many Gnostics, who strenuously objected to the carnalization of their deity, as the Christians can be shown to have taken many of the characteristics of their god and godman from the Gnostics, meaning "Ones who know," a loose designation applied to members of a variety of esoteric schools and brotherhoods. The refutations of the Christians against the Gnostics reveal that the Christian godman was an insult to the Gnostics, who held that their god could never take human form.

Biblical Sources

It is very telling that the earliest Christian documents, the Epistles attributed to "Paul," never discuss a historical background of Jesus but deal exclusively with a spiritual being who was known to all gnostic sects for hundreds to thousands of years. The few "historical" references to an actual life of Jesus cited in the Epistles are demonstrably interpolations and forgeries, as are, according to Wheless, the Epistles themselves, as they were not written by "Paul."

Aside from the brief reference to Pontius Pilate at 1 Timothy 6:13, an epistle dated ben Yehoshua to 144 CE and thus not written by Paul, the Pauline literature (as pointed out by Edouard Dujardin) "does not refer to Pilate , or the Romans, or Caiaphas, or the Sanhedrin, or Herod , or Judas, or the holy women, or any person in the gospel account of the Passion, and that it also never makes any allusion to them; lastly, that it mentions absolutely none of the events of the Passion, either directly or by way of allusion."

Dujardin additionally relates that other early "Christian" writings such as Revelation do not mention any historical details or drama. Mangasarian notes that Paul also never quotes from Jesus's purported sermons and speeches, parables and prayers, nor does he mention Jesus's supernatural birth or any of his alleged wonders and miracles, all which one would presume would be very important to his followers, had such exploits and sayings been known prior to "Paul."

Turning to the gospels themselves, which were composed between 170-180 C.E. 22a, their pretended authors, the apostles, give sparse histories and genealogies of Jesus that contradict each other and themselves in numerous places. The birthdate of Jesus is depicted as having taken place at different times.

His birth and childhood are not mentioned in "Mark," and although he is claimed in "Matthew" and "Luke" to have been "born of a virgin," his lineage is traced to the House of David through Joseph, such that he may "fulfill prophecy."

He is said in the first three (Synoptic) gospels to have taught for one year before he died, while in "John" the number is three years. "Matthew" relates that Jesus delivered "The Sermon on the Mount" before "the multitudes," while "Luke" says it was a private talk given only to the disciples. The accounts of his Passion and Resurrection differ utterly from each other, and no one states how old he was when he died.

Wheless says,

"The so-called 'canonical' books of the New Testament, as of the Old, are a mess of contradictions and confusions of text, to the present estimate of 150,000 and more 'variant readings,' as is well known and admitted."

In addition, of the dozens of gospels, ones that were once considered canonical or genuine were later rejected as "apocryphal" or spurious, and vice versa. So much for the "infallible Word of God" and "infallible" Church!

The confusion exists because the Christian plagiarists over the centuries were attempting to amalgamate and fuse practically every myth, fairytale, legend, doctrine or bit of wisdom they could pilfer from the innumerable different mystery religions and philosophies that existed at the time. In doing so, they forged, interpolated, mutilated, changed, and rewrote these texts for centuries.

Non-Biblical Sources

Basically, there are no non-biblical references to a historical Jesus by any known historian of the time during and after Jesus's purported advent. Walker says, "No literate person of his own time mentioned him in any known writing." Eminent Hellenistic Jewish historian and philosopher Philo (20 B.C.E.-50 C.E.), alive at the purported time of Jesus, makes no mention of him. Nor do any of the some 40 other historians who wrote during the first one to two centuries of the Common Era.

"Enough of the writings of [these] authors . . . remain to form a library. Yet in this mass of Jewish and Pagan literature, aside from two forged passages in the works of a Jewish author, and two disputed passages in the works of Roman writers, there is to be found no mention of Jesus Christ."

Their silence is deafening testimony against the historicizers.

In the entire works of the Jewish historian Josephus, which constitute many volumes, there are only two paragraphs that purport to refer to Jesus. Although much has been made of these "references," they have been dismissed by all scholars and even by Christian apologists as forgeries, as have been those referring to John the Baptist and James, "brother" of Jesus. Bishop Warburton labeled the Josephus interpolation regarding Jesus as "a rank forgery, and a very stupid one, too."

Wheless notes that,

"The first mention ever made of this passage, and its text, are in the Church History of that 'very dishonest writer,' Bishop Eusebius, in the fourth century. . . CE [Catholic Encyclopedia] admits the above cited passage was not known to Origen and the earlier patristic writers."

Wheless, a lawyer, and Taylor, a minister, agree that it was Eusebius himself who forged the passage.

Regarding the letter to Trajan supposedly written by Pliny the Younger, which is one of the pitifully few "references" to Jesus or Christianity held up by Christians as evidence of the existence of Jesus, there is but one word that is applicable - "Christian" - and that has been demonstrated to be spurious, as is also suspected of the entire letter.

Concerning the passage in the works of the historian Tacitus, who did not live during the purported time of Jesus but was born two decades after his purported death, this is also considered by competent scholars as an interpolation and forgery.

Christian defenders also like to hold up the passage in Suetonius that refers to someone named "Chrestus" or "Chresto" as reference to their Savior; however, while some have speculated that there was a Roman man of that name at that time, the name "Chrestus" or "Chrestos," meaning "useful," was frequently held by freed slaves. Others opine that this passage is also an interpolation.

As these references and their constant regurgitation by Christian apologists, Dr. Alvin Boyd Kuhn says:

"The average Christian minister who has not read outside the pale of accredited Church authorities will impart to any parishioner making the inquiry the information that no event in history is better attested by witness than the occurrences in the Gospel narrative of Christ's life.

He will go over the usual citation of the historians who mention Jesus and the letters claiming to have been written about him. When the credulous questioner, putting trust in the intelligence and good faith of his pastor, gets this answer, he goes away assured on the point of the veracity of the Gospel story.

The pastor does not qualify his data with the information that the practice of forgery, fictionizing and fable was rampant in the early Church. In the simple interest of truth, then, it is important to examine the body of alleged testimony from secular history and see what credibility and authority it possess.

"First, as to the historians whose works record the existence of Jesus, the list comprises but four. They are Pliny, Tacitus, Suetonius and Josephus. There are short paragraphs in the works of each of these, two in Josephus. The total quantity of this material is given by Harry Elmer Barnes in The Twilight of Christianity as some twenty-four lines.

It may total a little more, perhaps twice that amount. This meager testimony constitutes the body or mass of the evidence of 'one of the best attested events in history.' Even if it could be accepted as indisputably authentic and reliable, it would be faltering support for an event that has dominated the thought of half the world for eighteen centuries.

"But what is the standing of this witness? Not even Catholic scholars of importance have dissented from a general agreement of academic investigators that these passages, one and all, must by put down as forgeries and interpolations by partisan Christian scribes who wished zealously to array the authority of these historians behind the historicity of the Gospel life of Jesus. A sum total of forty or fifty lines from secular history supporting the existence of Jesus of Nazareth, and they completely discredited!"

Of these "references," Dujardin says,

"But even if they are authentic, and were derived from earlier sources, they would not carry us back earlier than the period in which the gospel legend took form, and so could attest only the legend of Jesus, and not his historicity."

In any case, these scarce and brief "references" to a man who supposedly shook up the world can hardly be held up as proof of his existence, and it is absurd that the purported historicity of the entire Christian religion is founded upon them. As it is said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof"; yet, no proof of any kind for the historicity of Jesus has ever existed or is forthcoming.

The Characters

It is evident that there was no single historical person upon whom the Christian religion was founded, and that "Jesus Christ" is a compilation of legends, heroes, gods and godmen.

There is not adequate room here to go into detail about each god or godman that contributed to the formation of the Jewish Jesus character; suffice it to say that there is plenty of documentation to show that this issue is not a question of "faith" or "belief."

The truth is that during the era this character supposedly lived there was an extensive library at Alexandria and an incredibly nimble brotherhood network that stretched from Europe to China, and this information network had access to numerous manuscripts that told the same narrative portrayed in the New Testament with different place names and ethnicity for the characters.

In actuality, the legend of Jesus nearly identically parallels the story of Krishna, for example, even in detail, as was presented by noted mythologist and scholar Gerald Massey over 100 years ago, as well as by Rev. Robert Taylor 160 years ago, among others.

The Krishna tale as told in the Hindu Vedas has been dated to at least as far back as 1400 B.C.E. The same can be said of the well-woven Horus mythos, which also is practically identical, in detail, to the Jesus story, but which predates the Christian version by thousands of years.

The Jesus story incorporated elements from the tales of other deities recorded in this widespread area, such as many of the following world saviors and "sons of God," most or all of whom predate the Christian myth, and a number of whom were crucified or executed.


Adad of Assyria

Adonis, Apollo, Heracles ("Hercules") and Zeus of

Alcides of Thebes

Attis of Phrygia

Baal of Phoenicia

Bali of Afghanistan

Beddru of Japan

Buddha of India

Crite of Chaldea

Deva Tat of Siam

Hesus of the Druids

Horus, Osiris, and Serapis of Egypt, whose long-haired, bearded appearance was adopted for the Christ character 34

Indra of Tibet/India

Jao of Nepal

Krishna of India

Mikado of the Sintoos

Mithra of Persia

Odin of the Scandinavians

Prometheus of Caucasus/Greece

Quetzalcoatl of Mexico

Salivahana of Bermuda

Tammuz of Syria (who was, in a typical myth making move, later turned into the disciple Thomas 35)

Thor of the Gauls

Universal Monarch of the Sibyls 36

Wittoba of the Bilingonese

Xamolxis of Thrace

Zarathustra/Zoroaster of Persia

Zoar of the Bonzes

The Major Players


Although most people think of Buddha as being one person who lived around 500 B.C.E., the character commonly portrayed as Buddha can also be demonstrated to be a compilation of godmen, legends and sayings of various holy men both preceding and succeeding the period attributed to the Buddha.

The Buddha character has the following in common with the Christ figure:

Buddha was born of the virgin Maya, who was considered the "Queen of Heaven."

He was of royal descent.

He crushed a serpent's head.

He performed miracles and wonders, healed the sick, fed 500 men from a "small basket of cakes," and walked on water.

He abolished idolatry, was a "sower of the word," and preached "the establishment of a kingdom of righteousness."

He taught chastity, temperance, tolerance, compassion, love, and the equality of all.

He was transfigured on a mount.

Sakya Buddha was crucified in a sin-atonement, suffered for three days in hell, and was resurrected.

He ascended to Nirvana or "heaven."

Buddha was considered the "Good Shepherd", the "Carpenter", the "Infinite and Everlasting."

He was called the "Savior of the World" and the "Light of the World."

Horus of Egypt

The stories of Jesus and Horus are very similar, with Horus even contributing the name of Jesus Christ. Horus and his once-and-future Father, Osiris, are frequently interchangeable in the mythos ("I and my Father are one").41 The legends of Horus go back thousands of years, and he shares the following in common with Jesus:

Horus was born of the virgin Isis-Meri on December 25th in a cave/manger, with his birth being announced by a star in the East and attended by three wise men.

He was a child teacher in the Temple and was baptized when he was 30 years old.

Horus was also baptized by "Anup the Baptizer," who becomes "John the Baptist."

He had 12 disciples.

He performed miracles and raised one man, El-Azar-us, from the dead.

He walked on water.

Horus was transfigured on the Mount.

He was crucified, buried in a tomb and resurrected.

He was also the "Way, the Truth, the Light, the Messiah, God's Anointed Son, the Son of Man, the Good Shepherd, the Lamb of God, the Word" etc.

He was "the Fisher," and was associated with the Lamb, Lion and Fish ("Ichthys").

Horus's personal epithet was "Iusa," the "ever-becoming son" of "Ptah," the "Father."

Horus was called "the KRST," or "Anointed One,"

long before the Christians duplicated the story.

In fact, in the catacombs at Rome are pictures of the baby Horus being held by the virgin mother Isis - the original "Madonna and Child" - and the Vatican itself is built upon the papacy of Mithra , who shares many qualities with Jesus and who existed as a deity long before the Jesus character was formalized.

The Christian hierarchy is nearly identical to the Mithraic version it replaced . Virtually all of the elements of the Catholic ritual, from miter to wafer to water to altar to doxology, are directly taken from earlier pagan mystery religions.

Mithra, Sungod of Persia

The story of Mithra precedes the Christian fable by at least 600 years. According to Wheless, the cult of Mithra was, shortly before the Christian era, "the most popular and widely spread 'Pagan' religion of the times." Mithra has the following in common with the Christ character:

Mithra was born of a virgin on December 25th.
He was considered a great traveling teacher and master.

He had 12 companions or disciples.

He performed miracles.

He was buried in a tomb.

After three days he rose again.

His resurrection was celebrated every year.

Mithra was called "the Good Shepherd."

He was considered "the Way, the Truth and the Light, the Redeemer, the Savior, the Messiah."

He was identified with both the Lion and the Lamb.

His sacred day was Sunday, "the Lord's Day," hundreds of years before the appearance of Christ.

Mithra had his principal festival on what was later to become Easter, at which time he was resurrected.

His religion had a Eucharist or "Lord's Supper."

Krishna of India

The similarities between the Christian character and the Indian messiah are many. Indeed, Massey finds over 100 similarities between the Hindu and Christian saviors, and Graves, who includes the various noncanonical gospels in his analysis, lists over 300 likenesses.

It should be noted that a common earlier English spelling of Krishna was "Christna," which reveals its relation to '"Christ." It should also be noted that, like the Jewish godman, many people have believed in a historical, carnalized Krishna.

Krishna was born of the Virgin Devaki ("Divine One")

His father was a carpenter.

His birth was attended by angels, wise men and shepherds, and he was presented with gold, frankincense and myrrh.

He was persecuted by a tyrant who ordered the slaughter of thousands of infants.

He was of royal descent.

He was baptized in the River Ganges.

He worked miracles and wonders.

He raised the dead and healed lepers, the deaf and the blind.

Krishna used parables to teach the people about charity and love.

"He lived poor and he loved the poor."
He was transfigured in front of his disciples.

In some traditions he died on a tree or was crucified between two thieves.

He rose from the dead and ascended to heaven.
Krishna is called the "Shepherd God" and "Lord of lords," and was considered "the Redeemer, Firstborn, Sin Bearer, Liberator, Universal Word."

He is the second person of the Trinity, and proclaimed himself the "Resurrection" and the "way to the Father."

He was considered the "Beginning, the Middle and the End," ("Alpha and Omega"), as well as being omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.

His disciples bestowed upon him the title "Jezeus," meaning "pure essence."

Krishna is to return to do battle with the "Prince of Evil," who will desolate the earth.

Prometheus of Greece

The Greek god Prometheus has been claimed to have come from Egypt, but his drama took place in the Caucasus mountains. Prometheus shares a number of striking similarities with the Christ character.

Prometheus descended from heaven as God incarnate as man, to save mankind.

He was crucified, suffered and rose from the dead.
He was called the Logos or Word.

Five centuries before the Christian era, esteemed Greek poet Aeschylus wrote Prometheus Bound, which, according to Taylor, was presented in the theater in Athens. Taylor claims that in the play Prometheus is crucified "on a fatal tree" and the sky goes dark:

"The darkness which closed the scene on the suffering Prometheus, was easily exhibited on the stage, by putting out the lamps; but when the tragedy was to become history, and the fiction to be turned into fact, the lamp of day could not be so easily disposed of.

Nor can it be denied that the miraculous darkness which the Evangelists so solemnly declare to have attended the crucifixion of Christ, labours under precisely the same fatality of an absolute and total want of evidence."

Tradition holds that Prometheus was crucified on a rock, yet some sources have opined that legend also held he was crucified on a tree and that Christians muddled the story and/or mutilated the text, as they did with the works of so many ancient authors.

In any case, the sun hiding in darkness parallels the Christian fable of the darkness descending when Jesus was crucified. This remarkable occurrence is not recorded in history but is only explainable within the Mythos and as part of a recurring play.

The Creation of a Myth

The Christians went on a censorship rampage that led to the virtual illiteracy of the ancient world and ensured that their secret would be hidden from the masses, but the scholars of other schools/sects never gave up their arguments against the historicizing of a very ancient mythological creature.

We have lost the arguments of these learned dissenters because the Christians destroyed any traces of their works. Nonetheless, the Christians preserved the contentions of their detractors through the Christians' own refutations.

For example, early Church Father Tertullian (@ 160-220 C.E.), an "ex-Pagan" and Bishop of Carthage, ironically admits the true origins of the Christ story and of all other such godmen by stating in refutation of his critics, "You say we worship the sun; so do you." Interestingly, a previously strident believer and defender of the faith, Tertullian later renounced Christianity .

The "Son" of God is the "Sun" of God

The reason why all these narratives are so similar, with a godman who is crucified and resurrected, who does miracles and has 12 disciples, is that these stories were based on the movements of the sun through the heavens, an astrotheological development that can be found throughout the planet because the sun and the 12 zodiac signs can be observed around the globe.

In other words, Jesus Christ and all the others upon whom this character is predicated are personifications of the sun, and the Gospel fable is merely a rehash of a mythological formula (the "Mythos," as mentioned above) revolving around the movements of the sun through the heavens.

For instance, many of the world's crucified godmen have their traditional birthday on December 25th ("Christmas"). This is because the ancients recognized that (from an earthcentric perspective) the sun makes an annual descent southward until December 21st or 22nd, the winter solstice, when it stops moving southerly for three days and then starts to move northward again. During this time, the ancients declared that "God's sun" had "died" for three days and was "born again" on December 25th.

The ancients realized quite abundantly that they needed the sun to return every day and that they would be in big trouble if the sun continued to move southward and did not stop and reverse its direction. Thus, these many different cultures celebrated the "sun of God's" birthday on December 25th. The following are the characteristics of the "sun of God":

The sun "dies" for three days on December 22nd, the winter solstice, when it stops in its movement south, to be born again or resurrected on December 25th, when it resumes its movement north.

In some areas, the calendar originally began in the constellation of Virgo, and the sun would therefore be "born of a Virgin."

The sun is the "Light of the World."

The sun "cometh on clouds, and every eye shall see him."

The sun rising in the morning is the "Savior of mankind."

The sun wears a corona, "crown of thorns" or halo.
The sun "walks on water."

The sun's "followers," "helpers" or "disciples" are the 12 months and the 12 signs of the zodiac or constellations, through which the sun must pass.

The sun at 12 noon is in the house or temple of the "Most High"; thus, "he" begins "his Father's work" at "age" 12.

The sun enters into each sign of the zodiac at 30°; hence, the "Sun of God" begins his ministry at "age" 30.

The sun is hung on a cross or "crucified," which represents its passing through the equinoxes, the vernal equinox being Easter, at which time it is then resurrected.

Contrary to popular belief, the ancients were not an ignorant and superstitious lot who actually believed their deities to be literal characters. Indeed, this slanderous propaganda has been part of the conspiracy to make the ancients appear as if they were truly the dark and dumb rabble that was in need of the "light of Jesus."

The reality is that the ancients were no less advanced in their morals and spiritual practices, and in many cases were far more advanced, than the Christians in their own supposed morality and ideology, which, in its very attempt at historicity, is in actuality a degradation of the ancient Mythos.

Indeed, unlike the "superior" Christians, the true intelligentsia amongst the ancients were well aware that their gods were astronomical and atmospheric in nature.

Socrates, Plato and Aristotle surely knew that Zeus, the sky god father figure who migrated to Greece from India and/or Egypt, was never a real person, despite the fact that the Greeks have designated on Crete both a birth cave and a death cave of Zeus.

In addition, all over the world are to be found sites where this god or that allegedly was born, walked, suffered, died, etc., a common and unremarkable occurrence that is not monopolized by, and did not originate with, Christianity.

Etymology Tells the Story

Zeus, aka "Zeus Pateras," who we now automatically believe to be a myth and not a historical figure, takes his name from the Indian version, "Dyaus Pitar." Dyaus Pitar in turn is related to the Egyptian "Ptah," and from both Pitar and Ptah comes the word "pater," or "father." "Zeus" equals "Dyaus," which became "Deos," "Deus" and "Dios" - "God." "Zeus Pateras," like Dyaus Pitar, means, "God the Father," a very ancient concept that in no way originated with "Jesus" and Christianity.

There is no question of Zeus being a historical character. Dyaus Pitar becomes "Jupiter" in Roman mythology, and likewise is not representative of an actual, historical character. In Egyptian mythology, Ptah, the Father, is the unseen god-force, and the sun was viewed as Ptah's visible proxy who brings everlasting life to the earth; hence, the "son of God" is really the "sun of God." Indeed, according to Hotema, the very name "Christ" comes from the Hindi word "Kris" (as in Krishna), which is a name for the sun.

Furthermore, since Horus was called "Iusa/Iao/Iesu" the "KRST," and Krishna/Christna was called "Jezeus," centuries before any Jewish character similarly named, it would be safe to assume that Jesus Christ is just a repeat of Horus and Krishna, among the rest.

According to Rev. Taylor, the title "Christ" in its Hebraic form meaning "Anointed" ("Masiah" ) was held by all kings of Israel, as well as being "so commonly assumed by all sorts of impostors, conjurers, and pretenders to supernatural communications, that the very claim to it is in the gospel itself considered as an indication of imposture . . ." Hotema states that the name "Jesus Christ" was not formally adopted in its present form until after the first Council of Nicea, i.e., in 325 C.E.

In actuality, even the place names and the appellations of many other characters in the New Testament can be revealed to be Hebraicized renderings of the Egyptian texts.

As an example, in the fable of "Lazarus," the mummy raised from the dead by Jesus, the Christian copyists did not change his name much, "El-Azar-us" being the Egyptian mummy raised from the dead by Horus possibly 1,000 years or more before the Jewish version. This story is allegory for the sun reviving its old, dying self, or father, as in "El-Osiris." It is not a true story.

Horus's principal enemy - originally Horus's other face or "dark" aspect - was "Set" or "Sata," whence comes "Satan." Horus struggles with Set in the exact manner that Jesus battles with Satan, with 40 days in the wilderness, among other similarities. This is because this myth represents the triumph of light over dark, or the sun's return to relieve the terror of the night.

Jerusalem" simply means "City of Peace," and the actual city in Israel was named after the holy city of peace, in the Egyptian sacred texts that already existed at the time the city was founded.

Likewise, "Bethany," site of the famous multiplying of the loaves, means "House of God," and is allegory for the "multiplication of the many out of the One." Any town of that designation was named for the allegorical place in the texts that existed before the town's foundation.

The Egyptian predecessor and counterpart is "Bethanu." In fact everything was witeen in scripture first, then thay built the temples etc.. based on Biblical wording and descriptions. In other words before you can build anything you must first have a blueprint, the mythological scriptures became that blueprint.

The Book of Revelation is Egyptian and Zoroastrian

One can find certain allegorical place names such as "Jerusalem" and "Israel" in the Book of Revelation. Massey has stated that Revelation, rather than having been written by any apostle called John during the 1st Century C.E., is a very ancient text that dates to the beginning of this era of history, i.e. possibly as early as 4,000 years ago. Massey asserts that Revelation relates the Mithraic legend of Zarathustra/Zoroaster. Hotema says of this mysterious book, which has baffled mankind for centuries:

"It is expressed in terms of creative phenomena; its hero is not Jesus but the Sun of the Universe, its heroine is the Moon; and all its other characters are Planets, Stars and Constellations; while its stage-setting comprises the Sky, the Earth, the Rivers and the Sea."

The common form of this text has been attributed by Churchward to Horus's scribe, Aan, whose name has been passed down to us as "John."

The word Israel itself, far from being a Jewish appellation, probably comes from the combination of three different reigning deities: Isis, the Earth Mother Goddess revered throughout the ancient world; Ra, the Egyptian sungod; and El, the Semitic deity passed down in form as Saturn. El was one of the earliest names for the god of the ancient Hebrews (whence Emmanu-El, Micha-El, Gabri-El, Samu-El, etc.), and his worship is reflected in the fact that the Jews still consider Saturday as "God's Day."

Indeed, that the Christians worship on Sunday betrays the genuine origins of their god and godman. Their "savior" is actually the sun, which is the "Light of the world that every eye can see." The sun has been viewed consistently throughout history as the savior of mankind for reasons that are obvious. Without the sun, the planet would scarcely last one day.

So important was the sun to the ancients that they composed a "Sun Book," or "Helio Biblia," which became the "Holy Bible."

The "Patriarchs" and "Saints" are the Gods of Other Cultures

When one studies myth making, one can readily discern and delineate a pattern that is repeated throughout history. Whenever an invading culture takes over its predecessors, it either vilifies the preceding deities or makes them into lesser gods, "patriarchs" or, in the case of Christianity, "saints." This process is exemplified in the adoption of the Hindu god Brahma as the Hebrew patriarch Abraham.

Another school of thought proposes that the patriarch Joshua was based on Horus as "Iusa," since the cult of Horus had migrated by this period to the Levant. In this theory, the cult of Joshua, which was situated in exactly the area where the Christ drama allegedly took place, then mutated into the Christian story, with Joshua becoming Jesus. As Robertson says,

"The Book of Joshua leads us to think that he had several attributes of the Sun-god, and that, like Samson and Moses, he was an ancient deity reduced to human status."

Indeed, the legend of Moses, rather than being that of a historical Hebrew character, is found around the ancient Middle and Far East, with the character having different names and races, depending on the locale: "Manou" is the Indian legislator; "Nemo the lawgiver," who brought down the tablets from the Mountain of God, hails from Babylon; "Mises" is found in Syria and Egypt, where also "Manes the lawgiver" takes the stage; "Minos" is the Cretan reformer; and the Ten Commandments are simply a repetition of the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi and the Hindu Vedas, among others.

Like Moses, Krishna was placed by his mother in a reed boat and set adrift in a river to be discovered by another woman. A century ago, Massey outlined, and Graham recently reiterated, that even the Exodus itself is not a historical event. That the historicity of the Exodus has been questioned is echoed by the lack of any archaeological record, as is reported in Biblical Archaeology Review ("BAR"), September/October 1994.

Like many biblical characters, Noah is also a myth , long ago appropriated from the Egyptians, the Sumerians and others, as any sophisticated scholar could demonstrate, and yet we find all sorts of books - some even presumably "channeling" the "ultimate truth" from a mystical, omniscient, omnipresent and eternal being such as Jesus himself - prattling on about a genuine, historical Noah, his extraordinary adventures, and the "Great Flood!"

Additionally, the "Esther" of the Old Testament Book of Esther is a remake of the Goddess Ishtar, Astarte, Astoreth or Isis, from whom comes "Easter" and about whose long and ubiquitous reign little is said in "God's infallible Word." The Virgin Mother/Goddess/Queen of Heaven motif is found around the globe, long before the Christian era, with Isis, for instance, also being called "Mata-Meri" ("Mother Mary").

As Walker says, "Mari" was the "basic name of the Goddess known to the Chaldeans as Marratu, to the Jews as Marah, to the Persians as Mariham, to the Christians as Mary. Semites worshipped an androgynous combination of Goddess and God called Mari-El (Mary-God), corresponding to the Egyptian Meri-Ra, which combined the feminine principle of water with the masculine principle of the sun."

Even the Hebraic name of God, "Yahweh," was taken from the Egyptian "IAO."

In one of the most notorious of Christian deceptions, in order to convert followers of "Lord Buddha," the Church canonized him as "St. Josaphat," which represented a Christian corruption of the buddhistic title, "Bodhisat."

The "Disciples" are the Signs of the Zodiac

Moreover, it is no accident that there are 12 patriarchs and 12 disciples, 12 being the number of the astrological signs, or months. Indeed, like the 12 Herculean tasks and the 12 "helpers" of Horus, Jesus's 12 disciples are symbolic for the zodiacal signs and do not depict any literal figures who played out a drama upon the earth circa 30 C.E. The disciples can be shown to have been an earlier deity/folkloric hero/constellation.

Peter is easily revealed to be a mythological character , while Judas has been said to represent Scorpio, "the backbiter," the time of year when the sun's rays are weakening and the sun appears to be dying. James, "brother of Jesus" and "brother of the Lord," is equivalent to Amset, brother of Osiris and brother of the Lord.

Massey says "Taht-Matiu was the scribe of the gods, and in Christian art Matthew is depicted as the scribe of the gods, with an angel standing near him, to dictate the gospel." Even the apostle Paul is a compilation of several characters: The Old Testament Saul, Apollonius of Tyana and the Greek demigod Orpheus.

was Jesus an Essene Master?

As regards Jesus being an Essene according to "secret" Dead Sea Scrolls, even before the discovery of the scrolls, over the centuries there has been much speculation to this effect, but Massey skillfully argued that many of Jesus's presumed teachings were either in contradiction to or were non-existent in Essene philosophy.

The Essenes did not believe in corporeal resurrection, nor did they believe in a carnalized messiah. They did not accept the historicity of Jesus. They were not followers of the Hebrew Bible, or its prophets, or the concept of the original fall that must produce a savior. Massey further points out that the Essenes were teetotalers and ate to live rather than the other way around. Compared to this, the assumed Essene Jesus appears to be a glutton and drunkard.

Also, whereas according to Josephus the Essenes abhorred the swearing of oaths, Jesus was fond of "swearing unto" his disciples. While many Essenic doctrines are included in the New Testament, the list of disparities between the Dead Sea Scroll Essenes and their alleged great master Jesus goes on.

Qumran is Not an Essene Community

It should also be noted that there is another debate as to whether or not Qumran, the site traditionally associated with the Dead Sea Scrolls, was an Essene community. In BAR, previously cited, it is reported that archaeological finds indicate Qumran was not an Essene community but was possibly a way station for travelers and merchants crossing the Dead Sea.

In BAR, it has also been hypothesized that the fervent tone and warrior-stance of some of the scrolls unearthed near Qumran belie any Essene origin and indicate a possible attribution to Jewish Zealots instead. In Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls, Norman Golb makes a very good case that the Dead Sea Scrolls were not written by any Essene scribes but were a collection of tomes from various libraries that were secreted in caves throughout eastern Israel by Jews fleeing the Roman armies during the First Revolt of 70 A.D.

Golb also hypothesizes that Qumran itself was a fortress, not a monastery. In any case, it is impossible to equate the "Teacher of Righteousness" found in any scrolls with Jesus Christ.

Was the New Testament Composed by Therapeuts?

In 1829 Rev. Taylor adeptly made the case that the entire Gospel story was already in existence long before the beginning of the Common Era and was probably composed by the monks at Alexandria called "Therapeuts" in Greek and "Essenes" in Egyptian, both names meaning "healers." This theory has stemmed in part from the statement of early church father Eusebius, who, in a rare moment of seeming honesty.

"admitted that the canonical Christian gospels and epistles were the ancient writings of the Essenes or Therapeutae reproduced in the name of Jesus."

Taylor also opines that

"the traveling Egyptian Therapeuts brought the whole story from India to their monasteries in Egypt, where, some time after the commencement of the Roman monarchy, it was transmuted in Christianity."

In addition, Wheless evinces that one can find much of the fable of "Jesus Christ" in the Book of Enoch , which predated the supposed advent of the Jewish master by hundreds of years. According to Massey, it was the "pagan" Gnostics - who included members of the Essene/Therapeut and Nazarene brotherhoods, among others - who actually carried to Rome the esoteric (gnostic) texts containing the Mythos, upon which the numerous gospels, including the canonical four, were based. Wheless says,

"Obviously, the Gospels and other New Testament booklets, written in Greek and quoting 300 times the Greek Septuagint, and several Greek Pagan authors, as Aratus, and Cleanthes, were written, not by illiterate Jewish peasants, but by Greek-speaking ex-Pagan Fathers and priests far from the Holy Land of the Jews."

Mead averred, "We thus conclude that the autographs of our four Gospels were most probably written in Egypt, in the reign of Hadrian."


As Walker said,

"Scholars' efforts to eliminate paganism from the Gospels in order to find a historical Jesus have proved as hopeless as searching for a core in an onion."

The "gospel" story of Jesus is not a factual portrayal of a historical "master" who walked the earth 2,000 years ago. It is a myth built upon other myths and godmen, who in turn were personifications of the ubiquitous sun god mythos.

The Christ of the gospels is in no sense an historical personage or a supreme model of humanity, a hero who strove, and suffered, and failed to save the world by his death. It is impossible to establish the existence of an historical character even as an impostor.

For such an one the two witnesses, astronomical mythology and gnosticism, completely prove an alibi. The Christ is a popular lay-figure that never lived, and a lay-figure of Pagan origin; a lay-figure that was once the Ram and afterwards the Fish; a lay-figure that in human form was the portrait and image of a dozen different gods.

Gerald Massey

Now all of the above is absolutely true, Jesus is the SUN of god in the Bible narative, as so was the Buddha, Krishna, Shiva, Mithras etal, they were and are still SUN gods.

But one now has to beg the question if this is true, then what's the big deal, a bunch of people worshipping the SUN, what could the SUN possibly bring them, that they didn't already have?

Why does the SUN need to be worshipped? Why the veneration for the SUN God's?

In order to understand this mystery, you have to look at what is going on in the sky, and if we use the Hermetic axion "as above, so below" then we can finally see what it was that all of these ancient SUN god stories reveal to us, and how important it really is to see the mystery, and it is a MYSTERY.

The mystery solved by

From Bill Donahue of Hidden Meanings


The Constellation The Southern Cross

The Crucifixion. Probably the most difficult test to apply ones faith and still entertain reason and logic as part of the universal search. Could it be that the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is mythology. And if that is the case, what have we missed by considering it as literal.

What is the deep message hidden behind the words of the Crucifixion that are meant to be understood by the appearance of the Supernova now observed in the universe and by the life force within each one of us.

Consider for yourself. Spend time  exploring the possibility of the crucifixion being magnificent mythology.


The first reaction from people when I suggest that the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a myth, is to be outraged. The reason for their outrage is that they do not understand the nature of myth. They will say that I am insinuating that the crucifixion of Jesus did not occur. Not so.

By understanding the myth I celebrate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Not as religion presents it to us literally so that we are to consider a God that is not capable of forgiveness without resorting to torture and bloodshed.

No, we understand the myth and realize that this is a crucifixion of consciousness acted out in the universe and from within our bodies.

Here is the dictionary's definition of the word myth. A story  presented as historical, dealing with the cosmological and supernatural traditions of a people and their God. An allegory.


Our first order of business in this quest is to see if we can justify considering the Bible as symbolic rather then literal. We must use the Bible itself.

1.2Corinthians 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. So here is the Bible itself telling us not to take it literally.

2. Galatians 4:24 Which things are an allegory: Remember that as we showed the definition of a myth, it included the term allegory. Here again the Bible tells us it is symbolic.

3. Matthew 13:34 All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them: The Bible is saying that all of Jesus statements were symbolic.

4. Mark 4:11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: Here the fact that this is all consciousness is made clear.

It says to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God. Where is the Kingdom of God ? . (Luke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.) The statement concludes by saying that "unto them that are without". Outside of the meditative state. Outside of the inner realm of consciousness where exists the Kingdom of God..

5. Psalm 78:2 I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old: Here the Bible states that GOD speaks in parables . And what are dark sayings of old. Obviously they are symbolic statements.

6. Finally the Book of Proverbs describes wisdom. It explains how one becomes wise. Proverbs 1:6 To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings.

Thus we have substantial evidence throughout the Bible to suggest that it is a symbolic book and should not be taken literally. With this evidence, we can then proceed to look at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as a symbolic story.


First Indication: The first indication that we have that Jesus is actually a symbol of the Sun comes from the fact that the name Jesus is a Greek name. In Greek all of the letters of the alphabet have numerical values.

The Greek letters that make up the name  Jesus have a numerical value of 888 which in Greek is the number of the mythical sun. Thus the name Jesus was created to apply to the center of this story because it means, the Sun, the light of the world, the fire in the sky.

The Sun in the Sky and the Solar Plexus energy in the human body.


Second Indication: The second indication that we have is that the story line surrounding the life of Jesus is remarkably identical to the trajectory of the Sun which is actually perceived by the movement of the earth.

Consider: Jesus is born of a Virgin, (The Sun is born in September , the 9th month out of the constellation Virgo, the Virgin.) Jesus is crucified.

(The Sun falling to its farthest southern point in the ecliptic brought the attention of the ancients to the constellation, The Southern Cross ,though the sun occupied Capricorn.

The Southern Cross in the southern hemisphere became the focus of the crucifixion when the sun made its apparent southern journey in what we know as the winter solstice.

At this time we encounter the shortest day of the year, Dec 21 where there is more darkness then any other day.

Jesus is 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb. ( The Sun is in the lowest part of the earth on December 22,23,and 24, it is the winter solstice. Three days and three nights.)

Jesus is traditionally born on Dec 25th. (The Sun rises out of the winter solstice on Dec. 25th.)

Thirty years after his Birth Jesus enters the water of the waterman John the Baptist. (Thirty days after Dec 25th the Sun enters the sign of the waterman Aquarius.)

Jesus then selects his disciples from the fishermen. (The Sun enters the sign Pisces, the Fish.)

Jesus becomes the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.( The Sun enters the sign of the Lamb Aries which takes away the cold of the winter and brings the new life of the Spring.)

Jesus rises to sit at the right hand of the father. (The Sun right ascends in the Northern Hemisphere to the Eastern sky or the right side, and on June 21st we have the longest day of the year.

Jesus concludes his ministry as the Lion of Judah in the Book of Revelation. (The Sun concludes its journey in August in the Sign of Leo the Lion.)

What could be more obvious then that Jesus is the Sun of God, the Light of the World.

Now the most amazing part, the most important part.

The relationship between astronomy and anatomy

"as above, so below"

Amazingly what the ancients wrote in the stars, the yearly cycle of the Sun's movement through the 12 zodaic signs, is supposed to take place in YOU once in your lifetime.

Receiving this energy in meditation, kills out the lower EGO mind.

"And I the lord gave man the mind of an ANIMAL, til SEVEN times passes by for him"

This is the message of the STARS, the message that everyone has missed, instead they go to church.

In the book of Job Chapter 38:33 "Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? 38:31 "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Plei-a-des or loose the bands of Orion?" 38:32 "Canst thou bring forth Mazz-a-roth in his season? or canst thou guide Arc-tu-rus with his sons?" Now these are constellations and star systems.

What is it, that God is asking JOB to get, it is CHI or electromagnetism, to manifest it in his life, the bands of Orion, is nothing other than ELectromagnetim, as is binding the influence of the Seven Sisters (Stars).

"As above, so below" The sun in the sky, the sun in you "the solar plexus" The 12 signs of the zodiac in the sky, the 12 cranial nerves of your brain. 13 above and 13 in your head. the pineal gland in the center of your brain is the sun in the sky, the 12 cranial of your brain are the 12 signs of the zodiac in the sky. In the sky, IN YOU!!!

"I have called my son out of Egypt" said God in the Bible. Egypt in Biblical mythology is the Solar plexus center or the first 3 chakras of your body, this is the place of the lower consciousness, and is represented as the three kings and the 3 stars in the belt of Orion.

The lower mind was created when the moon was placed in orbit around the Earth.

This Universal, Cosmic model that is above, is IN YOUR HEAD!!! Exoteric becomes Esoteric. You are to turn the powers of the zodiac inward and under your own mind control, instead of the stars ruling you, as true Astrology has revealed for thousands of years. This is the greatest SECRET of ALL of the ancient teachings.

Michael Tsarion said:

"The door to self-realization is, always ajar for all the heedless passers-by. Some willingly enter in from the chaotic and odorous "market-place" of the world. Others become their own "Pharisees." They fear to enter into themselves, and use all manner of guile to prevent others from entering therein."

Prior to being called Holy Bible, that book was called Helios (Sun in Greek) Biblios (Book/Scroll in Greek),


First Indication: There are similar attributes that occur in the body and the universe that must lead one to consider their implications. Dr Gary Toller of Goddard Space Labs, as well as Stephen Hawkings and the scientific community report that we can only see 10% of the universe. 90% is hidden.

This is curious when we consider that it is estimated that we use 10% of our brain.

 Second Indication: There are 12 signs of the Zodiac and 12 constellations that are in the apparent path of the Sun called the Ecliptic. There are 12 cranial nerves in the human brain


Let us look at three factors here. The apparent movement of the Sun in the sky, the Hindu Kundalini and the Christian Book of Life. If we can show a harmony, we should then be able to show the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ to actually be both a bodily, as well as a cosmic function.

1. The Apparent Movement of the Sun. The Sun appears to move in a right ascension from the point of the Virgin, (Virgo) to Aries. From the darkness of winter to  new life in the spring.

It takes seven months, Sept/Oct-Oct/Nov-Nov/Dec-Dec/Jan-Jan/Feb-Feb/Mar-Mar/Apr 1   2   3   4   5   6   7

2. The Hindu Kundalini: From the Solar Plexus (the place of the sun) in the human body, the energy moves up through the spinal canal through seven chakras to impact the Pineal Gland of the brain. From there it activates the right hemisphere.


3. The Christian Book of Life: Revelation 5:1 provides the following description. " And I saw in the right hand (right hemisphere of the brain/eastern sky or right side), of him who sat on the throne ,(higher consciousness), a book, (the book of life), written within (within the human body), and on the back side, (the spinal canal), sealed with seven seals. (Seven months/Seven Chakras).

We have thus shown a harmony between the movement of the outer Sun, the Hindu Kundalini, and the Christian Book of Life. We can now proceed to follow the Biblical instructions and show the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ as part of this great cosmic harmony between the human brain and the universe or cosmic brain.


We have suggested through scripture that Jesus is a symbol of the Sun, Solar Plexus energy, light and fire. We have seen that there is a harmony between the universe and the human brain.

So now we begin to explore the scripture and see if we can present substantial evidence that the crucifixion which is the way to salvation takes place in the universe and in our heads.

EVIDENCE : Where does the scripture say that the crucifixion takes place? The answer is Golgotha which means "the place of the skull".

EVIDENCE: What is another name for the place where the crucifixion took place? Luke 23:33 says that it took place on Mt. Calvary. Calvary is from the Latin calvaria which means skull.

It is a translation of the Greek Kranion which means cranium. Stedmans Medical Dictionary defines the word calvaria (or calvary). The upper domelike portion of the skull. The roof of the skull.

EVIDENCE : Scripture defines Jesus as the "testator". The one who dies and provides an inheritance. We are to inherit from his sacrifice.

As it speaks in Hebrews 9:16 For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. The root of the word testator is the Latin "testa" which means skull.

Thus the evidence is clear that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ takes place in the human skull and is an act of consciousness.


We have suggested that Jesus is the Sun and light in the universe and Solar Plexus energy in the human body. So let us see then how this plays itself out and the impact of crucifixion in us and in the cosmos.

1. GODS WILL: Understand that the crucifixion of Christ is Gods will. The people that crucify Christ are the good guys. The ones who try to prevent it are Gods enemies. In the Bible , Peter tries to protect Jesus from the crucifixion. Jesus calls him Satan. "Get behind me Satan".

Thus if Crucifixion is something that occurs in consciousness. If indeed it is an act of meditation that takes the energy from the solar plexus to the brain, think about who it is that tries to frustrate people away from doing this. Who is it that screams cult whenever Kundalini or meditation above the mind is mentioned. Who is Satan ?

2. YOU MUST CARRY THE CROSS: In the story they made Simon of Cyrene carry the cross up the hill to Golgotha or Calvary. This means that the energy will not rise up to the place of the skull by itself. You must make it happen.

Only by meditation can you cause the energy to rise up the spine to the place of the skull where the crucifixion can take place.

The word Simon means " hearing". Those who hear and understand, and are open to this meditative process are the ones who will carry the cross up the hill of the spine to Calvary.

It won't happen on its own and all the Bible studies, church attendance, or donations in the world will not make it happen. You must get the cross up the hill. Its totally up to you.

3. DON'T LET THEM DRUG YOU: It says in the Bible that they offered Jesus vinegar and gall to drink. This was a narcotic to deaden the pain. It was refused.

This is a symbol of the action that religion will take to deceive you and to lull you to sleep with all kinds of different religious activities that will prevent you from having to experience the crucifixion.

They do not want you to find the wonder that lies within you because then you no longer need them. Experience your inner crucifixion. Refuse their drug.


The scripture says in Matthew 27:35 that as they crucified him the parted his garments and cast lots. Now remember, we have shown that all of this is inside of the human body and specifically in the skull.

In the skull at the point of the hippocampus (the place of memory) is an organ called Ammons horn. Another name for Ammon is Amen. Revelation 3:14 calls Jesus " The Amen". Thus Jesus is placed in the skull both by scripture and by medical terminology as Ammons Horn.

Now we can find the garment referred to in the scripture. Stedmans Medical dictionary defines the hippocampus of  the brain as, " the medial margin (hem) of the corticle (outer) , mantle (garment). The hem of the garment.

Thus the scripture is saying that those who gamble with the garment of Jesus are gambling with their own minds. They are gambling with their own awareness, understanding, enlightenment, and yet they have no idea.


The five wounds that Jesus takes, hands, feet and side, symbolize the crucifixion ,or shutting down of the 5 senses, sight, taste, touch, smell and hearing.


We have all seen the traditional picture of the crucifixion with three crosses. Jesus on the one in the center ,and the two thieves crucified on either side. As the scripture says , they crucified two thieves with him, one on his left and one on his right.

We have established substantial evidence that the crucifixion occurs in the human skull at the place that Stedmans Medical dictionary refers to as calvaria or Mt Calvary which is the dome of the skull. What would qualify in the skull as the two thieves?

The eyes.!  How many times have you said, "my eyes were deceiving me, or my eyes were fooling me". The eyes take life away from us because we follow what we see with the two, yet we neglect following what we should,with the single eye .

Thus the two physical eyes represent the two thieves crucified on the left and right of Jesus, and He represents the center, or single eye, or Pineal Gland of the brain. Only once in the Bible is the single eye mentioned and it is mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 6:22 when he says, if your eye be single, your body will fill with light.

The Jesus story is the story of the sun and the mind

Born of a Virgin. Of course when the mind is shut down, there are no thoughts , the mind is virgin and the energy which will rise up to the brain to the right side can now be activated.

The virgins name is Mary. Which is Marra which means bitter. It is in the womb of bitterness, the negative, violent, carnal mind, where this birth takes place

No room in the inn. The busy mind cannot accommodate such a birth that must be in total silence and darkness.

The stable, in the place of the animal. The physical, the place of animal instincts, is where this new life force is born within us.

The shepherds. Watching their sheep is watching your thoughts in meditation.

The wise men coming from the East is wisdom coming from the right hemisphere of the brain.

How can wisdom come from the right hemisphere of the brain? When the meditation electrically energizes circuitry there which is presently shut down, you then begin your reunion with the invisible light civilization from whence you came.

And so when the mind is stilled in meditation, this energy begins to rise toward the brain. In the same way that the sun also rises after the winter solstice to sit at the East or right side on June 21 the summer solstice.

That energy lying deep in the solar plexus is the electrical energy that travels up the nerve centers of the spine. It then impacts the right hemisphere of the brain and when it does, it activated circuits that change the whole manner of physical existence.

Those circuits can only be activated when meditation shuts down thought and allows that energy to rise upward ,and then to the right side of the brain. Nothing else can do it.

And so the story of virgin birth, crucifixion, passover, the whole business, is speaking about a very normal activity that goes on in the human body when instructions are followed.

Those instructions of the Biblical Jesus are take no thought, practice the single eye, seek within yourself, watch.

These are the things that activate the energy on its upward journey to sit at the right side and activate the circuit. Mythologists called that wonder working power Jesus.

They called the higher consciousness on the right side the throne where God sits. Its all a story in symbols but it is absolutely true.

If we will understand the stories, we will put in motion something that is built into every body, that will turn on the circuit of happiness and love, which presently is so many is closed up like an old deserted electrical panel.

Oh and about the circuit. Remember when the women came to the tomb in the story to look for the risen Christ? They asked an angel where is he. They said Galilee. Why did they use Galilee, because Galilee means circuit.


The entire Jesus story plays itself out mythologically perfectly.

But honestly what you want to know is about you. What are you. You are still a little uncomfortable with being light, but what should reassure you is when you understand that you are light and light is conscious.

Light is consciousness. You are consciousness. So when you leave the body it is consciousness leaving the body. When you enter the body it is consciousness entering the body.

Consciousness remembers when not attached to a physical brain. When attached to a physical brain consciousness submits to the physical control and then can only remember when the brain allows it to remember.

But when consciousness leaves the brain it then regains its cosmic power and remembers all things. It gets very interesting.

It is so hard for me to try and describe for you your true nature because it is almost impossible for you to consider yourself without a body.

When your body turns off at night and it shuts down in sleep , you get out of it and the experiences you have are all without a body. The meat in your head is not capable of conceiving those adventures. They are real.


The crucifixion is a myth that has run through numerous religions throughout the ages. Just taking a look at other ancient religions proves this point.

From the book the Pattern Life by Homer Curtiss on page 191 we find the following.

 Crishna was crucified to a tree by the arrows of a hunter. Pictures of  Crishna as Wittoba show the nail holes in both feet and hands from his crucifixion. Indra was crucified in Nepaul. Lactanius says that Apollo of Miletus was nailed to a tree or was crucified.

Tammuz the Syrian Adonis was called the crucified savior of mankind. Prometheus, the Sun Savior was crucified by being nailed to the rocks of Mt. Caucasus near the Caspian Straits. Sarapis was called the savior and his cross was found in his temple in Alexandria.

The Phyrygian Attis was tied to his cross. Iao was called the crucified savior. Adonis was crucified as a dove. The Egyptian savior Osiris was crucified in the heavens as was also Horus. Samiramis was crucified by King Staurobates.

The Mexicans and Peruvians worshipped the savior Quetzalcoatle, crucified for the sins of mankind. The Indians of Cozumal represent their Son of God, Bacob as dying on a cross. Pindar says that Ixion was the Sun at noonday crucified in the heavens on his four spoked wheel.

The Encyclopedia Britannica tells us that the cross of crucifixion has been used as a religious symbol from the dawn of man's civilization at least ten centuries before the Christian era.

It is all mythology and those of the west have been forced to consider a symbol as literally true and thus have bowed to a symbol of execution .

If the event occurred today people of the west would walk around with golden electric chairs dangling from their necks or possibly given today's method, hypodermic needles.

MEDITATION proofs in the BIBLE

In meditation, you must still the mind, and sit in complete darkness, in order to activate the Pineal gland.

So look at what religion has purposefully not taught you.

2 Chronicles 20

17 Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the LORD with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; to morrow go out against them: for the LORD will be with you.

To be still, means to still the mind in meditation.

Psalm 46
10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

Again, be still, and KNOW that I'm god, not BELIEVE. Be still (meditate) still the mind.

2 Chronicles 30

8 Now be ye not stiff necked, as your fathers were, but yield yourselves unto the LORD, and enter into his sanctuary, which he hath sanctified for ever: and serve the LORD your God, that the fierceness of his wrath may turn away from you.

Stiffnecked means egotistical and one that scoffs at meditation, like your fathers.

Jeremiah 8
14 Why do we sit still? assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the defenced cities, and let us be silent there: for the LORD our God hath put us to silence, and given us water of gall to drink, because we have sinned against the LORD.

Silence referring to the inner silence of the meditative state.

2 Kings 11
20 And all the people of the land rejoiced, and the city was in quiet: and they slew Athaliah with the sword beside the king's house. {killing out lower nature} (The city is always the brain).

In quietness (meditation) he slew his enemies (control over the lower emotional center).

Psalm 107
30 Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven

Proverbs 1
33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.

Isaiah 30
15 For thus saith the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not.

Jeremiah 47
6 O thou sword of the LORD, how long will it be ere thou be quiet? put up thyself into thy scabbard, rest, and be still

Acts 19
36 Seeing then that these things cannot be spoken against, ye ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly.

Do nothing rashly (emotional outbursts) instead be quiet (quiet the mind) meditate

Ezek. 8:12-14 Then said he unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, The LORD seeth us not; the LORD hath forsaken the earth. This means when you start to think, and are not in true meditation, "taking no thought" The lord has forsaken you, the earth.

Amos 5:18 "woe unto you that desire the day of the lord; to what end is it for you?The day of the LORD is DARKNESS, and not LIGHT.

Amos 5:20 "Shall the day of the lord be DARKNESS, and not light. Even very DARK."

Matthew 4:16. The people which sat in darkness saw great light;

Psalm 119:97, "O how love Your law! It is my meditation all the day".

Darkness is referring to meditating with eyes closed in a darkened area, or at night, but always in the dark. The pineal gland is activated in darkness.Then they saw a great light. (GOD).

"Blessed are the solitary and elect, for you will find the Kingdom. For you are from it, and to it you will return."

Do you see the word SOLITARY? The Book of Thomas is whispering to you, do you understand that this refers to quieting the mind in meditation? If you become solitary, you automatically become the elect. Then you will find God's kingdom.

"When you come to know yourselves then you will become known,
and you will realize that is you who are the sons of the living Father."

PROOF of the WATCHERS, who are you and I, when we watch in meditation.

And when he awakened during the night, he used the time
wisely. "When I remember you upon my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches" (Psalm 63:6).

" Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still " (Psalm 4:4).

JESUS: "what I say to all , I say WATCH"

Why did he say that? Because when you WATCH yourself in meditation, and say "I'm watching myself" You collapse the wave function of photons, coming from above, these photons are messenger particles. And you will receive mail, from the stars (the universe),

Malachi 3:1
1. Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple,(brain) even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.

The messenger is the Photon which is a light messenger particle. When the light comes to the temple, then the Lord shall suddenly come to his temple.

Remember the Temple is within you as Jesus said in Luke 17:21 The kingdom of God is within you.

So the messenger or angle of light is the angel of light and then the Lord himself who you seek shall suddenly come to his temple.


Let’s break down what is being said here.

KJV Jeremiah 7:2-11
2. Stand in the gate of the Lord's house, and proclaim there this word, and say, Hear the word of the Lord, all ye of Judah, that enter in at these gates to worship the Lord.

There are always 12 gates. There are 12 constellations of the ecliptic. There are 12 signs of the zodiac. There are 12 tribes, 12 disciples surrounding Jesus the Sun God.

This is because there are 12 cranial nerves of the brain.

IN the SKY and in YOU, 12 above, 12 below. The cosmos is the OUTLET and you are the PLUG.

Jesus is the energy in your SUN center (the SOLAR PLEXUS), your 12 cranial nerves are the 12 disciples within you. If you manifest this electromagnetism in meditation, then the Jesus-kundalini (serpent) energy will rise up your staff (spine), then the 24 ancients will be present in your temple (your brain).

"and those that sat in darkness, saw a great light"

The biggest secret, that few will ever see or know

M Tsarion said;

The sun in its movements through the signs was made the mirror of our life in spirit. To follow the yearly round of the zodiac was to epitomize graphically the whole history of human experience. Thus the inner meaning of our mortal life was endlessly repeated in the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly cycle of the sun's passage, the seven or twelve divisions of which marked the seven- or twelve fold segmentation of our spiritual history or our initiations.

In particular, astrological science had to be misrepresented and egregiously transmogrified. Man was never to know that he is a living breathing zodiac. He was never to realize his own consciousness was the "little sun" within. He was never to comprehend that he was the hero undergoing the trials of Osiris, Horus, or Hercules. Men were never to realize that their consciousness, like the zodiac, had four cardinal points, and so do you.

"As above, so Below"

And yes it's true, the story in the sky and in you, this is very real, who ever set up this way, who knows, but it's there. The sun is born out of the constellation virgo and ends it's ministry in Leo every year just like clock work. Moving through SEVEN constellations.

And in you, the sun energy in your SOLAR plexus is supposed to rise through your seven seals and bring you enlightenment, the domicile of LEO.

That's the entire Bible story in a pea pod.

Meditation verse proof

Many stand outside at the door, but it is only the solitaries who will enter into the bridal chamber - Jesus Christ
(Apocryphal Gospel of Thomas)

The "son of man" is the renewed mind, the one that has not yet come, because most will never give birth to it.

In the Book of Luke, the Christ said; "the "son of man" hast no place to lay his head." Yes, and so it is for mankind, for those Lazarus's that refuse to wake up, that refuse to take up thier cross and enter into meditation, to give birth to this "son of man." Until then, until the "son of man" is born within each human being, the world is made up of man's lower consciousness, his lower mind thinking.

Can't you tell? or are you so descensetized by killing, war etc... that you have become blind, this earth is not functioning in a normal way, it is a reslult of man's lower EGO mind.

Only the "son of man" the renewed mind can change the EGO into a lotus of higher consciousness, via meditation and raising the kundalini serpent energy to the brain. OH! that's blasphemy say the Eclessiastical's, no that's the Bible.

Ah, yes, believe in a fairy tale and all your troubles will be gone. i tend to believe your story is a lie. Something about it seems all too convenient and typical of Christian "testimony." I know, I was once a Christian for many decades. I can guarantee that when life takes the turn that life inevitably does you will be once again searching for an answer that you are not content with. Christianity will seem to have betrayed you.

That is because NO religion or belief system will prevent the usual chain of events in life, which death is an integral part, from happening. You are deceived by a false, human-created religion. Stop looking to worship something or someone more powerful than yourself. You don't need them because believe it or not, WE are the ultimate power in our own life and are eternal with no help from a fraudulent, mythical creation such as jesus, that is until you understand what Jesus really is.

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