David Icke On 2012
First what is a JEW? and who is Is Ra El?
The biggest reason that people will hate Israel in the future is when they find out the following biblical truth.
Will the real JEW stand up!
or shall I say: be seated and assume the lotus position.
"Romans 2:29"
That is to say one who seeks within himself through meditation, is a JEW.
IS RA EL, The word Israel itself, far from being a Jewish appellation, comes from the combination of three different reigning deities: Isis, the Earth Mother Goddess revered throughout the ancient world Isis the feminine Ra the masculine, and El the full manifested power of the light within
Is Ra El
Isis Ra Elohim
El was one of the earliest names for the god of the ancient Hebrews (whence Emmanu-El, Micha-El, Gabri-El, Samu-El, etc.), and his worship is reflected in the fact that the Jews still consider Saturday or Saturns day as "God's Day."
IS RA EL is the renewed mind not some country.
Isis-Ra-Elohim. Which comes from pushing the solar plexus energy to the pineal, lighting the fornix, or furnace of the brain, where you experience the world being destroyed by fire, the world is your EGO nature, the physical, the intellectual, the emotional. The spiritual, is the renewed mind.
Is Ra El
Isis ra elohim
The feminine isis, masculine RA and God ELohim
is reached when one becomes a JEW, one goes inward, the word jew, is from the egyptian jeu, which means to go within, the u was changes to a w at some point.
Jacob is involved in a spiritual wrestling match. This is the struggle that goes on within us in our meditation to finally touch the higher or God light.
Jacob prevails when he separates from physical desire which is symbolized by his thigh being put out.
Jacob then becomes Israel. IS Isis female RA Ra male, EL El Elohim God.
The full power of God , male and female in the supreme light.
Jacob then calls the place where this all happened, Peniel. This is the single eye or Pineal Gland of the brain. The light receptor of the body . Jacob declares the place Peniel in Genesis 32:20
Thus the entire story of Abraham and Sarah is the story of our meditation and the resultant brain mind activity that provides us with the child of promise and takes us to the promised land of the right side.
"You shall be the ancestor of a multitude of nations. No longer shall your name be Abram, but your name shall be Abraham"
The great nation of which God spoke (Gen. 12:2a) is Israel. (Jacob's name later was changed to Israel 32:28.) Also, God later said to Moses, Israel is my firstborn son Exo. 4:22.) God clearly stated that the nations who were friendly toward Israel ultimately would find favor with God, while those who were Israel's enemies would be cursed by God (I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse. Gen. 12:3a).
This is a mythological statement, Israel was given to Jacob, the grandson of A Brahmin, or A Brahman, because it's the highest state of consciousness, called God consciousness, the bible writers called all who came after them nations and multitudes, you and I in our meditation ISRAEL we are the nations and multitudes, we become circumcised symbolically, of the heart. when we reach mt. zion in meditation.
Will the real Gentile please stand up!
Gentiles are
Negative thoughts outside the inner realm of consciousness, that arise out of the emotional nature. or when you begin to have thoughts during meditation, these thoughts are gentiles, and are not allowed within the inner court.
Negative thoughts, symbolic protection, being who we really are within, we believe that much. But how? How do we connect a De-railed inner state of mind to real life?
You are what you think about the most, your thought patterns create your outer reality. negative thought patterns arising from the EGO centered mind can't enter God's house, the human brain/mind.
Jesus Barabbas vs Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus barabbas is the left hemisphere of the brain and Jesus of Nazareth is the Right hemisphere of the brain. One is the lower base chakra and the other is seventh crown chakra.
This is a similar tale of when Peter tried to stop the crucifixion, and jesus said, get the behind me satan. Peter representing the lower ego mind, that could not release the personality to rise to the higher consciousness.
Then we have Jesus Barabas and Jesus of Nazareth, and all this is taking place on the passover, so somebody has to passover from the old mind to the new mind and receive the "son of man'
Jesus barabbas is the energy in the solar plexus, that operates the left hemisphere of thinking, and in order for the energy in the solar plexus to rise through the spinal canal and bring about enlightenment, it must be released by the people, all of the thoughts in the mind.
So jesus of nazareth could not be crucified, until jesus barabbas is released by the ego mind, then after it's release it can rise to the brain, then that would be Christ.
So, if jesus barabbas , the son of the father, (the pent up solar plexus energy) is not released, there's no crucifixion, no risen messiah, no anointed one.
It was the jews that said to release jesus barabbas, and as you have said many times "a jew is one inwardly" So one in meditation, must release this lower jesus, to allow it to become the higher christ. barabbas becomes christ. In this story the jews DEMANDED that jesus the christ be crucified, they didn't ask.
They are the same person, because barabbas is the son of the father, and jesus of nazareth is the son of god, the father and god would be the same, so it's the same person, undergoing a transformation. Both are the "son of the father" so it's you and I.
Jesus barabbas represents the worldly person, the kingdom of this world. This worldly kingdom comes through effort of the human being, the physical and the intellectual, that's why jesus barabbas is represents as a physically strong man, because that's the physical.
Then we have jesus of nazareth that said my kingdom "is not of this world"
So every person that lives will have to choose the one called barabbas "kingdom of this world" or jesus of nazareth " the kingdom of god"
Remember peter was siomon bar jonah, representing the kingdom of this world. Simon was his first name but bar jonah was his family name, meaning his earthly lower ego birth mind.
So barabbus could mean son of the rabbi, one who is corrupted with religious teachings.
Barabbas wanted to overthrow the existing political system (the lower left) and take control, in otherwords take control of the mind and bring about his own ego death.
So we are all jesus barabbas in this myth, until we become jesus the Christ. Barabbas was cast into prison, gnostic code word for the body.
That's the first death of the photon. he was also a rebel rouser, meaning that this is the type of person who is fed up with the status quo, religion and the like, and seeks higher knowledge. barabbas is our friend, in fact we are one and the same.
AS you have said, Cain must giveway to Abel, isn't this the same meaning, the lower mind must give way to the higher?
So the chief priests that got the crowd going to release barabbus was the higher self.
John 18:40 refers to barabbas as a robber. john 18:40 is the key.
8=1=9 and the number forty, both referencing the physical as opposed to the spiritual. as we are forty days in gestation, which is also 9 months and we habe 9 openings in this earthy tomb we call a body.
So the numerical clue is that barabbas is the lower left physical, that must be released by the jews, those in meditation.
Jesus barabbas becomes Jesus the christ, the light that has risen to the pineal gland, just as Jesus becomes the Christ, the same meaning.
Man has a Higher Self (Individuality) and a Lower Self (Personality). The Personality (persona - mask) is a fragment of the Higher Self in temporary occupation of a physical body.
It is on Earth to gather the experience needed so that the Higher Self or Christ can evolve towards perfection depicted in the Bible by Christ saying, "I and my Father are One". The Father is the Monadic Triad, a reflection of the Cosmic Trinity
Will is reflected in the Sensations, Intuition in the Emotions or Desires, and the Higher Mind in the Lower. The purpose of the Soul in life is to re-establish the bridge to the Higher Self by the practice of meditation.
Twentieth century man has limited his spiritual growth by the over-development of the analytical mind. Spiritual consciousness demands the use of the integrative or higher mind (Manas ) to effect an at-one-ment with the institutional powers of the Higher Self.
The bridge is the Bridge of Bifrost, the rainbow bridge to heaven where the pot of gold of Atma (Will), the Solar Triad, has to be reached by the Lunar consciousness of the Lower Self. These are the symbols used in Scandinavian mythology.
We regenerate our emotional nature or desire-mind by transmutation of the emotional energies from material desires to spiritual needs, from the emotional to the intuitional or buddhic level, from Scorpio (desire) back to Virgo (intuition) then directly across to the macro cosmic Ocean of Love Wisdom in Pisces.
In thy book all my members were written which were fashioned when as yet there were not of them. (Ps. 139.16)
Ye are builded together as an habitation of God through the Spirit. (Eph. 2.22) We have a building of God eternal in the heavens. (II Cor. 5.I) Ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house. (Pet. 2.5)
Except the Lord build the house their labour is but vain that build it. (Ps. 127.1) His hands have laid the foundations of the house. (Zech. 4.9) Ye are the temple of God. The Spirit of God dwelleth in you. (I Cor. 3.16) Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. (I Cor. 6.18-19)
The Seven Rays are the emanations from the Godhead issuing through the Seven Sacred Planets and controlled by the Seven Spirits before the Throne mentioned in Revelation. This is a science of energies connected with the seven notes of music and the seven colours of the spectrum. It is the science of the chakras in man. It is the science of the Aquarian Age. Study it well.
From Wikapedia
The resurrection of dead humans is a central doctrine of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. It may refer to the resurrection of biologically dead corpses by divine power or to a purely spiritual resurrection where the 'dead' (human beings who are blind to their spiritual nature and the possibility of salvation) come to Life (in Christianity referred to as eternal Life) by means of spiritual awakening and subsequent transformation to a life of holiness. It is used both with respect to particular individuals or the belief in a general resurrection of humanity.
You see it's a spiritual resurrection, that's why no literal jesus went anywhere, as you have already read elsewhere.
To show why you MUST read the symbolically or spiritually as the bible says.
If you read the following Literally, then no one who ever read the bible would read it again, because if you read the scriptures literally, the bible contradicts itself thousands of times, regardless what Christians say, IT DOES.
Lets look at one example to show how to read the mythology, keep in mind that if you read these verses LITERALLY, then you are stuck with just having faith, instead of KNOWING.
“But He said, ‘You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!’"(Exodus 33:20).
Throughout Old Testament history it was understood that if a person encountered the manifest presence of God and saw His face, then he would die.
Two things here, first DEATH in the bible is never talking about a physical death, it's talking about the death of the lower EGO/mind, Lazarus rising from the dead, is another metaphor for raising one up from their dead animal worldly mind, to the universal consciousness.
Only three people were raised from the dead in the Bible, other than Jesus and Lazarus, and again the writers used the number three to signify the same meaning when Jesus said I will raise up my new church in three days, made without tools.
The three are the physical, the intellectual and emotional nature, the three all signify the first three chakras below the diaphragm.
There are three explicit examples in the Hebrew Bible of people being resuscitated from death:
* The prophet Elijah prays and God raises a young boy from death (1 Kings 17:17-24)
* Similarly, Elisha raises the son of the Shunammite woman (2 Kings 4:32-37);
* A dead man's body that was thrown into the dead Elisha's tomb is resurrected when the body touches Elisha's bones (2 Kings 13:21)
'Thus says the Lord God, "Behold, I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves, My people; and I will bring you into the land of Israel." (Ezekiel 37:9-12)
The grave is the physical body, sometimes called a tomb, the grave is the person that is strictly EGO, living off of their animal ego mind. People getting up out of graves never means a person LITERALLY rising from any sort of literal place in the ground.
* Isaiah - "Your dead will live; Their corpses will rise. You who lie in the dust, awake and shout for joy, For your dew is as the dew of the dawn, And the earth will give birth to the departed spirits." (Isaiah 26:19)
* Daniel's vision, where a mysterious angelic figure tells Daniel, "Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt." (Daniel 12:2)
Here are the problems one runs into when reading things Literally.
Remember the bible says that any who sees god's face will die.
But He said, ‘You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!’"(Exodus 33:20).
Yest right here Jacob sees god face to face, and calls the place Pineal, which of course is the pineal gland of the brain.
* Job - "Even though my body shall rot away, yet in the flesh I shall see god face to face. 19:26)
So here Job is saying that he knows one day he will die literally, yet he says that he saw god's face and lived, then the scripture goes onto say "Then my life was preserved"
So Job didn't die, and if you read the bible literally, this presents a real problem for people, Jacob dies spiritually, when his lower self was killed out, when the energy from the solar plexus rose to the pineal gland, at the moment Job sees god where?
In the land of pineal, and if you look the words piniel, pineal panuel and luz, they all mean the same thing, they mean LIGHT. Because the pineal gland is the bodies LIGHT receptor. Invisible light/electromagnetism.
This is the same thing when cain killed Abel, and Cain says "whoever finds me must slay me" It means to let the lower mind have sway over the thinking, rise to a higher consciousness.
Moses also gets to see god face to face, and he didn't die until the day before the Israelites went into the promised land.
Exodus 33:11
And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.
Deuteronomy 34:10
And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face.
Now we have another problem presented, and that's when MOSES sees God's hind parts.
Getting back to the original verse.
Exodus 33:20-23
Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live. And the LORD said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock: And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a cleft of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by: And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen.
So the other times Moses sees god face to face, but this time, god only shows Moses his backside. How can that be?
Scriptures like these fly right in the face of reason, no normal thinking human being would be interested in reading the bible any more after reading such flat contradictions, yet a Christian will still give blind obedience to his/her cult without question, and just something like, well god works in mysterious ways, and not question it all.
That's the problem, they believe it's a sin to question what god does, regardless of what the bible may say, these types of people do not serve society, they don't even serve themselves, for they are very immature and unreasonable people, living strictly off of their emotions and blind obedience, we have already too many blind fanatical god followers in the world now, we need to quit acting as if we just jumped off of the watermelon truck.
When we read these verses spiritually rather than literally, and use reason, unlike those blind followers, we get the right spiritual interpretation, and all contradiction falls away.
First you have to realize that in the bible story Moses represents the intellectual nature of each person, it's the moses types that read, learn study and understand how and why of everything.
Moses lead the Israelites out of Bondage and brought them to the promised land, yet he himself couldn't go in, why?
Because it's mythology, and Moses being your intellect cannot go in, remember the intellectual, the emotional and the physical are overturned and burned in the furnace heated seven times in the book of daniel, these are meshac, shedrach and abednego.
These three are melded into one mind during the enlightenment/kundalini experience, and the intellect was is 1/3 of the EGO/satan is killed out, that's why Moses couldn't go into the promised land (the higher conscious state), Zion, New Jerusalem, etc...
This is heavy duty and difficult to understand, but you have to realize that sometimes you are a type of Moses, using the brain, contemplating, thinking, weighing out decisions etc.., and at other times you are a a type of Joshua, killing tribes of people under god's command, that happens in meditation.
Now lets get back to why twice Moses saw gods face and lived, and one time god only let moses see his backside, this is hard, but try and follow me, this is mythology describing things that go on in the mind.
Keep in mind that Moses is your intellect in the bible story, that's why he couldn't enter the promised land (the higher mind), because the physical, the intellectual and the emotional nature must go into the furnace heated SEVEN times, this is a symbolic killing out of these three kings, these three rule your whole existence, until you have a Kundalini experience.
Moses (the intellect) leads you to the promised land, by reading, learning, understanding and weighing decisions, but the intellect is NOT allowed into the temple (the promised land), it leads the way, then it must die.
So we have Moses seeing gods backside, meaning that the intellect in this case is only allowed to get a glimpse of heaven, it cannot go in and see god face to face, because then that would mean death, so in this particular verse, the intellect is brought to a level of knowledge and truth, this is seeing God's backside.
Then we see that Moses sees god face to face, as Job did, and Job said even though my body shall wither away, yet IN THE FLESH I shall See god face to face. To see God face to face means that the lower quality Cain mind will be killed out, you cannot see God's face unless you first die to yourself, that's meditation.
Paul said I die daily. How can one die daily? of course it's talking about dying to that which is the lower part, the first three chakras of consciousness.
To die in biblical speech is never denoting dying in any literal sense, it is dying to the lower self, when Moses died before he went into the promised land, then one can see face to face, but first one must experience the death of the lower, the intellectual, the physical and the emotional.
(Meshac, shedrach and abednego). Who went into the furnace heated seven times, that's the seven chakras.
“But He said, ‘You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!’"(Exodus 33:20).
Getting back to the original verse.
Exodus 33:20-23
Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live. And the LORD said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock: And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a cleft of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by: And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen.
This is the time when the intellect (ego), is not yet ready to die and rise to a higher state. The cleft in the rock is pineal gland, the pineal gland is always denoted by a rock or stone.
At some point in your meditation, when you die to yourself, then you will see god face to face, it is the kundalini energy rising through the seven seals and activating the right hemisphere of your brain (the promised land).
Exodus 33:11
And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.
Deuteronomy 34:10
And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face.
"And Moses died the day before the Israelites went into the promised land (the higher conscious state). That's face to face.
All biblical contradictions fall away once one understands what the mythologist was trying to convey when they wrote these fantastic myths.
"They sat in darkness (meditation), and saw a great light (god)"
That's face to face, but first you must die. Otherwise you only get a glimpse of god via the intellect, god's backside.
The rider of the red horse is befalled by the moon, and the moon shall devour her sweet orderves, and leave her land desolate and barren, with chariots of iron in her valleys.
The rider of the black horse will fall backward and the iron from the left hoof will sear her consciousness with scales of brass.
The rider of the pale horse, she shall be smote by the worms deep within the bowels of the earth.
The 'last shall be first' when everybody realizes that they are going in the wrong direction
Man (man and woman) is a spiritual being who travels through and transcends both space and time. Man's consciousness (awareness) has the power to "bind" or to "liberate" him according to the quality of his thinking and his actions.
"Heaven and hell" represent the polar opposites of the virtually infinite conditions which an individual can gravitate towards and occupy according to his thinking, willing and doing. The absolute key to understanding all of it is the natural law of "Perfect Justice".
The power of Man's consciousness to bind (attach) itself is the two-edged sword (the duality of the mind) that can also create the illusion that he or she IS his physical form and so, lives and dies with it. This is not true in "higher realities".
The truth is that "Man" IS the consciousness (as a human being), has his existence in eternity and simply animates the physical form.
The physical reality does not change as quickly as our thoughts can. But, nevertheless, the physical reality does respond to enlightened thinking and can gradually be brought back (resurrected like the soul) into perfection by a continuous stream of elevated thought.
Control of the mind and thought processes are necessary to accomplish personal transformation. Possession of "control" over our thoughts is a "natural condition" and can be re-attained with a measure of self control and discipline.
Hence, the teaching of The Christ to (undistractedly) "love God with our whole heart and our whole mind" will, if diligently embraced, gradually restore us and our circumstances to perfection.
When one begins his or her path to higher consciousness, they are encouraged to embrace and practice the natural law of love. For it is love that resurrects our soul and restores our peace.
Whenever we choose love over anger, or over any of the other lower emotions, we begin to "purge" ourselves of the adverse mental and emotional conditions which may have produced chaos, pain, "dis-ease" and turmoil in our psyche and circumstances.
"Purgatory" is not a physical "place", it is the gradual "process" of the purgation and resurrection of the soul by practicing the "law of love". The "lower nature" can present a powerful aversion to accepting this truth.
The "lower nature" is, in fact, the demon (deceiver) which must be vanquished before we are able to remember that each of us is a child of the divine.
The esoteric mystery of "The Last Supper" can, perhaps, now be more readily understood. As our spirit / soul (Christus) comes forth, it begins to consume 'the bitter herbs of the beast' ("this is my body, this is my blood"), and any of the beastly tendencies of the lower nature.
The process of the "last supper" continues until all of the "dross" (lower nature) has been removed from the Golden Soul and we have, by our diligence and God's grace, restored our "original nature".
The souls who are "lost" (unaware of a spiritual "base") have forgotten these precepts and live an uncomfortable existence that goes on eternally beyond the veil of time.
Those who practice the law of love ascend a "measure" with each victory attained over the "lower nature" and experience greater and greater blessings. Everything around them is "lifted up" with them. Until, finally, they are off of the cross of "self" and attain liberation.
All souls have free will, unless, by an act of divine justice , their free will has been taken away or diminished. We always experience the results of our personal choices ( "The Golden Rule" ) and we exist in the realm of reality that best reflects our innermost self.
Sometimes "causes" and "effects" may happen at surprisingly different times.
Once we have mastered or re-mastered the art of love, all that is necessary is "to ask, in order to receive". However, every "asking" requires a subsequent act of surrender to the flow that is created to answer your asking.
In the lower realms, the spirit/soul may appear to be "crucified" upon a physical form.
The body can be a vehicle of expression for the soul and possessed of great majesty and grace, or be "the cross" upon which it has been crucified.
Our thinking, willing and doing determine the quality of our experiences. The crucified Christ represents the "child of God" (our individual soul) who was (is) "slain" because of our past, and continuing, errors.
The negative or inverted ego (the separated self) is the creative impetus of all crucifixions. It represents the archetypal dilemma of "believing something into reality" and then gradually merging with "it" and then (eventually) have it begin to offend and, perhaps, even harm us.
Many believe that they are hapless "victims" of random circumstance and that God is torturing them or that God does not exist. This disposition is quite distant from the truth.
The truth is that God gives to us according to our words, thoughts and actions. Essentially, "we reap the good and/or the bad of what it is that we sow".
here God commands deut 32:48 The LORD spoke to Moses that very same day, saying, 49 “Go up to this mountain of the Abarim, Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab opposite Jericho, and look at the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the sons of Israel for a possession. 50 “Then die on the mountain where you ascend, and be gathered to your people, as Aaron your brother died on Mount Hor and was gathered to his people, 51 because you broke faith with Me in the midst of the sons of Israel at the waters of Meribah-kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin, because you did not treat Me as holy in the midst of the sons of Israel. 52 “For you shall see the land at a distance, but you shall not go there, into the land which I am giving the sons of Israel.”
God commands moses to die on mt. Nebo, because moses is the intellect, and cannot go in.
Deut 32:48 The LORD spoke to Moses that very same day, saying, 49 “Go up to this mountain of the Abarim, Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab opposite Jericho, and look at the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the sons of Israel for a possession.
50 “Then die on the mountain where you ascend, and be gathered to your people, as Aaron your brother died on Mount Hor and was gathered to his people, 51 because you broke faith with Me in the midst of the sons of Israel at the waters of Meribah-kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin, because you did not treat Me as holy in the midst of the sons of Israel.
52 “For you shall see the land at a distance, but you shall not go there, into the land which I am giving the sons of Israel.”
Nightwatchman, I just stumbled across your your blog. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with the rest of us. I greatly appreciate all of your efforts. I look forward to reading your other posts.
ReplyDeleteThanks again,
With Love,