The Landscape of the Sea: This landscape of the sea shore is related
also to a sense of separation from the Divine, which is the essence of
the idea of Viraha, the human experience of being without God.
The landscape of the desert or “land of the dead” (maru bhumi). This is
a kind of no-mans land where the soul begins the slow painful journey
in search of the truth, or cosmic consciousness.
The landscape of the River, is the spinal canal, in the bible it is the
river Jordan, whereby the seed, swims towards it's eternal light
source, up the spine.
The landscape of the Forest Wilderness. This landscape invites the
seeker after inner wisdom to leave the world as a wandering ascetic, to
find God in the wilderness, means to go into the wilderness of
5. The landscape of the Mountain.
This is a higher level of the ascent of the Soul towards the Divine
Presence. It is here that the union of the soul with the cosmos which is
finally realized, and that sense of alienation from the cosmos felt on
the sea shore, is resolved.
6. Finally the
Landscape of the Temple. Many temples can be found on the summit of
mountains. The Temple becomes another world—the world of the Holy
Ground. Here the Divine Kingdom is mirrored in the human world.
temple here is the Human brain. Where the energy culminates in the
Third ventricle. The temple built without hands, axes, nor any tools.
The THREE bells ring, can you hear them?
landscapes are not only geographic—they also constitute a kind of
journey of the soul (LIGHT) towards and experience of the cosmos.
Oneness with all of creation.
In Christianity it is called heaven. In the new age circles, it is called Cosmic consciousness. A rose is still a rose, by any other name.
The meaning of Number four in the emerald tablets.
Heart Chakra - Fourth Chakra (Love/Compassion/Understanding)
Color= Green * Gemstone= Emerald/Tourmaline/Rose Quartz
The Heart Chakra is the center point of the Chakra System, the center of love.
This is our core, the inner spirit that unites all the other forces above and below, within and without.
we have our abstract spirit, the mental realms, and below we have our
'worldly' chakras. The task of chakra four is to integrate and balance
the realms of mind and body. With a sense of wholeness, lies the seed of
inner peace.
"The Nurse-canal is opened.
The Winding Waterway is flooded.
Fields of Rushes are filled with water, (and) I am ferried over thereon
to yonder eastern side of the sky, to the place where the gods
fashioned me, wherein I was born, new and young."
Pyramid Texts, § 343-344.
Below is a summation of the meaning of the tablet
The following is true and, of all truths, it is the truest.
Everything, all of the pairs of opposites, is an expression of The One Thing the "One Thing" being what Man calls "God".
"One Thing" is the mediator and for Man to have a second birth he must
adapt himself to the meditations of The One. ("Not my will but thine be
The Sun is its' father because the
Sun is a symbol of the soul or creative power ("I AM the light"), the
moon was its' mother because the moon is a symbol of the body which,
like the moon, has no light of its own the wind carries it in its' belly
because it is a spirit its' nurse is the Earth, the nurturing garden in
which Man was created.
Its desire for perfection brings it forth from the womb (egg, crypt, tomb) of matter.
In its' original "Adamic" condition it has dominion over all created things.
ascend from "the below" to "the above" the fire, light, soul, spirit,
consciousness is distilled from the relatively gross physical body,
gently and exercising great ingenuity it weans itself from undue
material desires.
It ascends from the
physical to the spiritual and, formulating an enlightened desire, it
incarnates once again, possessing the powers of both heaven and earth,
blessed with the glory of the whole world and free of all obscurity.
It is eternal and is the matrix upon which everything, both subtle and solid, is manifest.
is how the world was created spirit into form. All wonderful
adaptations are produced in this way desire patient surrender and
Therefore, I AM called Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world, being
What I have to tell concerning the operation of the Soul (Sol/Sun) is complete.
is ostensibly the art of extracting gold from lead. Alchemy, in
reality, is the art of extracting the spirit (gold) from the body (lead
or "stone"). The work of alchemy is conducted by the indwelling
The "art" of alchemy is also
symbolized by an "emerald". An emerald is something of great worth
extracted from the earth and mirrors the true work of the Hermetic
practice of alchemy, i.e., extracting something of great worth (the
spirit) from the physical body.
The physical
body is "the stone" which must, first, be divided in two (splitting the
ADAM) and without the awareness (faith) of the spirit, the body remains
intact and incapable of practicing the Hermetic Arts.
The two parts that the body is split into are: spirit and form. Consciousness mediates between spirit and form.
color of an emerald is green, which is composed of two chromatic
opposites: yellow and blue. The emerald is a symbol of "en-LIGHT-ened"
Man, according to the Hermetic
Philosophy, is a physical form (symbolized by the moon because the body,
like the moon, is a baron wasteland without the spirit or "light" of
the Sun / spirit) composed of two seeming opposing forces: spirit and
Spirit is symbolized by "yellow gold"
and consciousness is symbolized by air and the color (sky) blue and the
"stone" is symbolized by the emerald. Green is the color of the Earth.
All three combined in perfect proportion produce a living soul.
1) spirit 2) consciousness 3) form ISIS Ra ELohim
Is Ra El ( the feminine, the masculine and the spirit).
The Pineal gland, the pituitary gland and the thalamus gland. (the crystal palace).
pair of opposites "theme" that compose Man is also repeated in the
sacred symbols of the Star of David, or seal of Solomon, which is
composed of two opposing triangles meshed together, as your light and
gods light become one, within the right hemisphere of the brain, and the
Christian cross which is composed of two opposing lines which meet at
the heart.
The essence of both symbols is a deft balance that must exist between the pairs of opposites. Yin and yang of all life.
"freed the slaves" from the ravages and demands of material possessions
by leading his people in the bible MYTH, in a circle, in the desert for
40 years (representing the barren waste land of the flesh, without the
light of the sun.
He "fathered" one
generation of followers who matured being unattached to material
possessions and the ever present drudgery of being a nomad with "too much
Maybe that's why god killed him,
and would not let him into the promised land, because he stayed too long
in that desert, going in circles. Because it represents the intellect,
devoid of spirit (the light of the sun).
Moses came Christ, who, using love as the great dissolver of self,
frees his followers from the drudgery of having a self (another "stone")
that was separated from "God" i.e. the "moon" without the LIGHT of the
*The Old and New Testaments, together,
contain the complete Hermetic Philosophy. Lose the bondage of material
desires and then lose the bondage of the physical form and all of its
ridiculous demands and return to (the above) spirit.*
the studious Reader have a care of the manifold significations of
words, for by deceitful windings, and doubtful, yea contrary speeches
(as it should seem), Philosophers wrote their mysteries, with a desire
of veiling and hiding, yet not of sophisticating or destroying the
truth; and though their writings abound with ambiguous and equivocal
words; yet about none do they more contend than in hiding their Golden
Where the head of the alchemist
should be, there is a strange winged caricature that is variously
interpreted as a heart, a helmet, or even the pineal gland at the center
of the brain.
The symbol evolved from the
Winged Disk of Akhenaten and became the top of the Caduceus, the magical
wand of Hermes (the spine), where opposing energies merge to produce
knob represents the Ascended Essence, the essence of our souls raised
to the highest level in the body, to the brain, where it becomes a
mobile center of consciousness able to leave the body and travel to
other dimensions.
Touching the wings of the
caduceus are a salamander engulfed in flames on the left side of the
drawing and a standing bird on the right. Below the salamander is the
inscription Anima (Soul); below the bird is the inscription Spiritus
The salamander, as a symbol of
soul, is attracted to and exposed in the blazing fire of the Sun.
Likewise, the bird of spirit is attracted to the coolness of the Moon
and is reflected in it. This is a subtle statement of the fundamental
bipolar energies that drive the alchemy of transformation.
Anima, and Corpus form a large inverted triangle that stands behind the
central emblem. Together they symbolize the three archetypal celestial
forces that the alchemists termed Sulfur, Mercury, and Salt. Again,
these chemicals are not chemicals at all, but our feelings, thoughts,
and body.
"All Obscurity will be clear to
you," says the tablet of this state of mind; it is "the Glory of the
Whole Universe." The goal of alchemy is to make this golden moment
permanent in a state of consciousness called the Philosopher’s Stone,
and it all starts with the marriage of opposites within us.
Source: THE EMERALD TABLET (Penguin 1999) by Dennis William Hauck
Caduceus was originally a healing tool employed in the temples of
Atlantis and Egypt. It had been brought into this realm by the Illumined
Master, Thoth.
wings on the Caduceus are symbolic of the liberation of consciousness
from the warp and weave of dual systems, once it moves up the staff
between the serpents and further, beyond their reach. The Caduceus
additionally represents the DNA helix, which contains the crystalline
frequency of all morphogenetic fields.
(magnetic) fields connect all living being through a constant exchange
of knowledge in the Language of Light. There is also a deeper symbology
to the Caduceus, and that is the Christed Consciousness of the mind,
once it is fully illumined through the heart which is the true Seat of
the Soul. The actual "Thoth Staff" or "Paradma" contained only the heads
of the serpents.
This allowed the staff
itself to be handled more easily and to have sent within it more
specifically placed, certain stones and power symbols. The "wings" on
the original staff acted somewhat like a satellite dish, as receptors
for the energies of the body that the Paradma was engaging.
was used by the main priest of Eleusinian mysteries, the hidden meaning
of which was dedicated to the ascension of soul into the world of Light
and Truth, tells us that this power was spiritual.
wings signify the flight of the soul into celestial sphere, and the
serpent in ancient times was the symbol of the spirit's descent in
matter, the symbol of vital energy (here we may consider
kundalini-serpent in Indian mythology, Zarathustra's staff and the eagle
and serpent following him according to ancient Persians.
The Hermetic Arcana
is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she
is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She
is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with
her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and
Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace.
is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her
will be blessed. By wisdom the LORD laid the earth's foundations, by
understanding he set the heavens in place; by his knowledge the deeps
were divided, and the clouds let drop the dew.
The Bible, Proverbs 3: 13-20
we are in the "underworld" ("the below") of gross physical form and,
despite its delights, it is "hellish" compared to the heavenly "above".
What keeps us here in "the below" is material desire (objects and sensation) rather than a spiritual desire.
fact, in esoteric Christianity, the five wounds of the Christ and the
additional "crown of thorns" represent the five senses which keep the
spirit "crucified" on the world and chained to death.
crown of thorns represents "non-spiritual" (material) thinking and the
mockery of the souls who seek a kingdom in the "place of the skulls"
(Golgatha), here in the underworld, until they are released by a perfect
act of surrender. Are You the rock (stone) too heavy for God to lift?
to God, Release the Ego, the ID, the Big I, you think you are ("Into
your hands I command my spirit") produces the spiritual disposition that
creates the opportunity to be "mediated" by the Creator ("The One
Thing") and lifted into (the above) perfect balance.
It frees the consciousness by "distilling" it (alchemy) out of the morass of a purely material cosmology.
mystery of "The Last Supper" and the Passover "Seder" are two rituals
depicting the alchemical process of the transmutation of the lower
nature (unleavened bread not yet "risen") by the indwelling spirit.
"consumption" of the "flesh and blood (bread and wine) by the higher
spiritual nature removing the dross (impurities) from the gold sting the
"bitter herbs" passing out of (the purgation process or passing over)
this "reality" into Paradise or The Promised Land. The higher
This leads us to
the sacred mystery of the number thirty-three. In the Zohar teaching,
the thirty-third day of the festival of weeks is a sacred day known as
Lag Ba’omer referencing the “Pillar of Light.
lived thirty-three years showing that He is the synthesis of the
thirty-two building blocks to become the thirty-third as a completed
Tree of Life, the potential that Man can become, the Son of Man who is
the Son of God. You have thirty three vertebrae in your spine.
right column on the tree is often called the “pillar of mercy,” and the
left, the “pillar of judgment.” The right is on one level comparable to
male or electric functions with its corresponding female pillar on the
left and its more magnetic relationship.
center pillar is the balance and as such is comparable to the Buddhist
precept of the middle way. Here in the balance of all creative
emanations is the unity of the two outer poles.
middle pillar is the revealing of the Son, Messiah, or Realized
Consciousness that has become the fully awakened Son or Daughter of God
through the greater template of soul evolution of YHWH: The Divine
Oh, Aleph Etz Adonai, let our tree be grafted into the many Trees of Life of the Infinite Way. Amen.
above diagram is the best explanation of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes
because it stimulates right brain responses. It arouses intuition,
imagination and insight. Any verbal explanation is inadequate, but it
gives us a starting point. Let us look at the diagram carefully.
the outside there is a Latin saying. What does it mean? Centuries ago, a
student asked his master, Basilius Valentinus, "What is the secret of
alchemy?" The master replied, "In VITRIOL is the answer." Observe.
does all that mean? First let us note that there are 7 Latin words in
the statement. In alchemy, the Below, there are 7 metals.
astrology, the Above, there are 7 planets. In each of us there are 7
chakras. Taken together, they point to 7 levels of action internalised
by us.
Secondly, the "stone" is a reference
to the Stone of the Philosophers. (The pineal gland). But beware, this
is not the same as the Philosophers' Stone. The rectification is what
changes the one into the other.
Thirdly, the
centre of the earth is a reference to our own being. We must rectify
something that is utterly fundamental to our true nature. That should
give us a starting point for meditation and visualization.
let us look at the symbols. Overall, there is a circle and it brings to
mind unity, wholeness, completeness and perfect Oneness. It is the
stone, rectified.
Inside the circle at both
left and right there is a hand pointing inwards.To the left and right
hemispheres of the brain. This indicates polarity and this is the key to
the Art. We must unite the duality of our being in the Chymical
Marriage. Above the two hands are the 7 planets.
Sun and the Moon are pouring their life substance into a chalice, thus
uniting their opposite natures. The chalice is supported by Mercury the
hermaphrodite, both male and female. Another union of opposites.
are reminded of the alchemical koan that the Great Work consists of the
union of the Sun and the Moon with the aid of Mercury.
material for meditation. To the left are Mars and Saturn and to the
right, are Venus and Jupiter. These planets are also arranged in a
balanced and polarised fashion.
Below them
are 3 shields, standing for the 3 alchemical principles of Sulfur
(Lion), Salt (7 pointed star) and Mercury (Eagle). Note that alchemical
Mercury is related to astrological Mercury, but they are not the same.
we change our point of view, we can take the chalice as the element
Water, the lion as Fire, the eagle as Air and the star as Earth.
Finally, there are 2 spheres (Heaven and Earth) which emphasise the
polarity of the Above and the Below, which must also be united.
In the very center is a ring which symbolizes the microcosm inside the macro-cosmic circle. A reminder of the Above and the Below.
you noticed the last symbol? Below the ring and above the shield of the
star, is the alchemical symbol of VITRIOL. It is on the opposite side
of the ring to Mercury. So what?
The hidden
stone arises out of the conjunction of these two. It emerges in the
center of the empty ring. That is the focus of our meditation. Truly, in
VITRIOL is the answer. The pineal gland is the philosophers stone, and
the thalamus is the hidden stone.
According to legend, Christian Rosenkreuz was a doctor who discovered and learned esoteric wisdom on a pilgrimage to the Middle East among Turkish, Arab and Persian sages, possibly Sufi or Zoroastrian masters, supposedly in the early 15th century (see section below on Symbolism); returned and founded the "Fraternity of the Rose Cross" with himself (Frater C.R.C.) as Head of the Order. Under his direction a Temple, called Sanctus Spiritus, or "The House of the Holy Spirit", was built.
It is described that his body was discovered by a Brother of the Order, in a perfect state of preservation, 120 years after his death (which occurred in absolute secrecy) – as Rosenkreuz had predicted —, in a heptagonal chamber erected by himself as a storehouse of knowledge. It is described that on the Sarcophagus in the centre of the Crypt of Christian Rosenkreutz were written, among other inscriptions the words, "Jesus mihi omnia, nequaquam vacuum, libertas evangelii, dei intacta gloria, legis jugum" (being in translation, "Jesus is everything to me, by no means empty, the freedom of the gospel, the untouched glory of god, the yoke of the law"), testifying to the builder's Christian character.
Rosenkreuz's crypt, according to the description presented in the legend, is located in the interior of the Earth, recalling the alchemical motto V.I.T.R.I.O.L.: Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem ["Visit the interior of the Earth; by rectification thou shalt find the hidden stone."]. The earth is the mind and the stone is the pineal stone.
According to legend, Christian Rosenkreuz was a doctor who discovered and learned esoteric wisdom on a pilgrimage to the Middle East among Turkish, Arab and Persian sages, possibly Sufi or Zoroastrian masters, supposedly in the early 15th century (see section below on Symbolism); returned and founded the "Fraternity of the Rose Cross" with himself (Frater C.R.C.) as Head of the Order. Under his direction a Temple, called Sanctus Spiritus, or "The House of the Holy Spirit", was built.
It is described that his body was discovered by a Brother of the Order, in a perfect state of preservation, 120 years after his death (which occurred in absolute secrecy) – as Rosenkreuz had predicted —, in a heptagonal chamber erected by himself as a storehouse of knowledge. It is described that on the Sarcophagus in the centre of the Crypt of Christian Rosenkreutz were written, among other inscriptions the words, "Jesus mihi omnia, nequaquam vacuum, libertas evangelii, dei intacta gloria, legis jugum" (being in translation, "Jesus is everything to me, by no means empty, the freedom of the gospel, the untouched glory of god, the yoke of the law"), testifying to the builder's Christian character.
Rosenkreuz's crypt, according to the description presented in the legend, is located in the interior of the Earth, recalling the alchemical motto V.I.T.R.I.O.L.: Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem ["Visit the interior of the Earth; by rectification thou shalt find the hidden stone."]. The earth is the mind and the stone is the pineal stone.
However if
we follow a disciplined path of intellectual, emotional, moral and
spiritual development, we shall change so profoundly, that we shall be
completely transformed.
This process of
self-transformation is called the Great Work. It has four stages that
correlate with the four alchemical elements in their macro-cosmic form
and the four levels of reality of kabala. Here are the stages of the
Great Work.
* First stage: 12 Disciplines
* Second stage: 7 Reconciliations of the Pairs of Opposites.
* Third stage: 3 Orientations to God.
* Fourth stage: Unity with God.
does all this mean? The numbers 3 and 8 resonate with the Tree of Life.
It has 3 pillars; the pineal, the pituitary and thalamus glands.
the centre of the Tree is the sefira Tiferet and there are 8 paths that
lead to it. Using the sefirot as our point of reference, we note that
the path from Keter to Tiferet is attributed to a double letter. We
shall return to it.
All of the other 7
paths are attributed to single letters. Thus the single paths are
qualitatively different from the double path.
us take the first process of 4 downward steps. Since they go from the
Above to the Below, they are the way of the astrologer.
are the paths from, Chakhmah to Tiferet; Binah to Tiferet; Chesed to
Tiferet; Gevurah to Tiferet. These paths are also connected to the
function of our vehicle of consciousness, the spirit.
does all this mean? First, all 8 paths converge on Tiferet. It is like
an electrical powerhouse. The double path from Keter, has the quality of
reversing the flow of energy, like an alternating electric current.
The 33rd path is the one that transcends the Tree and goes to the Ain Sof Aur.
other paths are one way flows of energy, like direct electric current,
either 'on' or 'off'. Both types of flow are an example of polarity.
Secondly, Tiferet is attributed to the Sun and the Emerald Tablet refers
to the Solar Work.
Thirdly, the 3
processes personified as alchemist, magus and astrologer, are seen in
their proper relationship to each other and lead us to understand our 3
vehicles of consciousness. The three glands.
Fourthly, the One Only One, referred to in the text, is a clear reference to the divine spark, that is our true "I".
One is the focus of the 3 processes and the 8 steps of the Emerald
Tablet and the 8 paths on the Tree of Life. The Tree is a visual
explanation of the Tablet. But what does it all mean?
general observations are the starting point for the Great Work. We have
a lot to do. Let us begin that work with a detailed consideration of
the text, noting that this is in itself, a guided visualization. This is
not a left brain exercise in logic and rationalism. The text is a
meditative guide to insight.
ALCHEMY SYMBOL, showing the integration of the spirit and the flesh.
It's Father is the Sun; its Mother is the Moon; the Wind carries it in its womb; and its nurse is the Earth.
This Thing is the Father of all perfect things in the world.
Its power is most perfect when it has again been changed into Earth.
Separate the Earth from the Fire, the subtle from the gross, but carefully and with great judgement and skill.
ascends from earth to heaven, and descends again, new born, to the
earth, taking unto itself thereby the power of the Above and the Below.
has the splendor of the whole world will be thine, and all darkness shall flee from thee.
is the only reality. All else is illusion no matter how solid things
may appear. But this is the unified consciousness of the divine spark.
is not the increasingly limited awareness that functions through our
vehicles of consciousness from spirit, through the soul and into our
The whole point of the diagram and
the text of the Emerald Tablet, is to give us a guide for the work we
must do in order to re-unite our fragmented awareness. This is indeed a
Great Work.
For thus was the world created, and rare combinations, and wonders of many kinds are wrought.
is a subtle hint in the alchemical literature that the dew is a
chemical secreted by the brain as a consequence of the performance of
the Great Work.
Thus the body is variously
described as the "retort", the "vessel of distillation", the "alembic",
etc. At the physical level, the Great Work is performed in the physical
body and has physical consequences.
secretion acts upon the 7 glands associated with the 7 chakras. Amongst
other things, it bestows good health and hence the expressions "Elixir
of Life", "living water", Magnetism etc.
is not produced by reading books. It is the result of hard work,
self-discipline and dedicated effort. No wonder there is very little
known about the dew.
We must catch the
moisture to avoid it changing into vapor or fume and then we are told
that the 2 vapors or fumes are the "roots of the art". Clearly, the
polarity of the water of life and the breath of life is being alluded to
We must catch it when it leaves the
miraculous fountain in a unified form, as it crosses from Formation into
Action and then use its dual nature as part of our inner journey. This
is the chemical secreted by our brain which then affects the rest of our
bodily functions. Enlightenment has a physical basis.
has to be read very carefully and then meditated upon. Here is the
clue; the living stone and living water consist of "a sulfur, a mercury,
a salt, hidden deep in nature (in your brain)". Consider the coiled
kundalini serpent at your Base chakra.
the serpent uncoils and begins its upward climb, where does it go?
Co-located with your physical spine are the 3 channels Ida, Pingala and
Sushumna. Remember the 5 baby dragons? The 4 on the left are related to
the 4 lower chakras. The 3 higher chakras are related to the 3
alchemical principles. You have all the clues. The rest is now up to
‘Where the skull divides there lies the Gate of God.’
The Taittireeya Upanishad
This is from the Universal Tao Center
We descend into the void, into the darkness of deep, inner space.
activates the deepest centers within the brain, the glands of the
Crystal Palace, establishing a connection with the Original Source, the
Wu Chi.
The pineal gland connects us to the
Universal Energy. From the hypothalamus gland, we project our soul or
spirit upwards, and receive the descending Universal Energy.
The pituitary gland receives the Cosmic Force, used to launch the spirit bodies into the earthly or human plane for traveling.
After we have spent so much time discussing the reality of the electro magnetism within us drawing other beings of light to us.
After we suggest that they come to us from parallel universes.
Here we see an involvement of the pituitary gland to launch the spirit bodies into the human plane for traveling.
The same thing you have just read through out the emerald tablets.
it brains and bodies, or was it an intelligence, a consciousness, a
mind? You have seen proof throughout the emerald tablets that it is not
the brain that plans and carries out . It is the light being that
operates the brain. That is your consciousness, that must be transformed
to the higher god or cosmic state, that you had before you entered into
that tomb, you call a body. The bible refers to the body as Flesh pot
of Egypt.
Indeed what is going on and what
has gone on is conflict between light beings garbed in physical bodies.
It never ends and never changes because the light beings die and return
to continue the battle.
The battle in the
mind, as the light is nested deep within the physical body. The wars
continue, the killings go on, it is the nature of things, it is the
nature of the lower star, the star (light) that has not made yet made it
to the mountain top. It seeked only the things of this world, and has
no concern, for the home, wince it came.
Now that you have seen and read Continuously about LIGHT in the emerald tablets.
lets see what Jesus say about LIGHT.
Now that you have seen and read continuously about LIGHT in the emerald tablets.
lets see what Jesus says about LIGHT.
lets see what Jesus says about LIGHT.
FROM Gospel of Thomas Light
His disciples said: Teach us concerning the place where thou art, for
it is necessary for us to seek after it. He said to them: He that hath
ears, let him hear. There is a light within a man of light, and it gives
light to the whole world. If it does not give light, there is darkness.
50) Jesus said: If they say to you: Whence have you come?, tell them: We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being through itself alone. It [stood], and it revealed itself in their image.
they say to you: Who are you?, say: We are his sons, and we are the
elect of the living Father. If they ask you: What is the sign of your
Father in you?, tell them: It is a movement and a rest.
said: Who art thou; O man? And whose son? Thou hast mounted my bed, and
eaten from my table. Jesus said to her I am he who is from that which
is equal; to me was given of the things of my Father.
Salome said I am thy disciple. Jesus said to her Therefore I say, when it is equal it will be filled with light, but when it is divided it will be filled with darkness
77) Jesus said: I am the light
that is over them all. I am the All; the All has come forth from me,
and the All has attained unto me. Cleave a (piece of) wood: I am there.
Raise up the stone, an ye shall find me there.
83) Jesus said: The images are revealed to the man, and the light which is in them is hidden in the image of the light of the Father. He shall be revealed, and his image is hidden by his light. John 1:2 "The Bible says I declare to you that God is light"
(113) His disciples said to him: On what day will the kingdom come? :
It cometh not with observation. They will not say: Lo, here! or: Lo,
there! But the kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and
men do not see it.
(114) Simon Peter said to them: Let
Mary go forth from among us, for women are not worthy of the life. Jesus
said: Behold, I shall lead her, that I may make her male, in order that
she also may become a living spirit like you males. For every woman who
makes herself male shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. She means
the church
(3) Jesus said: If those who lead you say unto
you: Behold, the Kingdom is in heaven, then the birds of the heaven
will be before you. If they say unto you: It is in the sea, then the
fish will be before you.
But the Kingdom is within you, and
it is outside of you. When you know yourselves, then shall you be known,
and you shall know that you are the sons of the living Father. But if
ye do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty, and you are poverty.
4) Jesus said: The man aged in his days will not hesitate
ask a little child of seven days about the place of life, and he shall
live. For there are many first who shall be last, and they shall become a
single one.
From the Jewidh Kabala and Christian Gnostics
The Coptic key of the Messiah is 4555
which speaks of azozeo the cosmic light located in the constellation
which is mother and child. In the symbolic language of Kabbalah, what
could that number mean?
Galaxy ngc4555
Curses real. However, we must also ask, why we might have been open to
receive a curse in the first place. Bottom line is, we can change
anything and everything in our lives by injecting radiant Light into a
situation. Light has a strange effect upon darkness. Darkness
immediately vanishes in the presence of Light.
magazine reports on many new sources of light that have been forming in
our Milky Way Galaxy and now reaching our planet.
If we are to interpret "Light" from the Bible literally as God, then what can you tell us about this obvious metaphor Is enlightenment upon us literally.
to the Kabbalists, we are in the Age of Enlightenment, of our Final
Redemption. However, if we just let it play out, as innocent bystanders,
then this extra infusion of power often burns us.
pressure becomes too intense. However, as we become more spiritual
(which means jumping into the chaos of life and transforming ourselves
and the chaos into order) then we enlarge our internal "vessel".
increased vessel allows us to hold the extra surge of Light that is
penetrating our world as Aquarius is the redeemer. Thus, instead of
burning us, it warms our soul.
This is the secret of behind
the concepts of judgement and mercy. In truth, they are often the same
force. If we are negative, the force causes judgement upon us because we
cannot handle the extra energy.
If we are positive, our soul has been enlarged and we can handle the extra Light.
here, in the End of Days, which is the Ego mind, we will see chaos and
order exist side by side. We will see Judgment and Mercy dwell on the
same plane.
Remember this all takes place in your mind,
gods throne, remember the bible says god dwells in temples made WITHOUT
tools, and it says in the construction of the temple the sound no tool
could be HEARD, It's the human mind.
Negative people will become even more negative and evil, and positive people will reach extraordinary levels of goodness.
will become more penetrating and pervasive. And goodness and kindness
will expand to heights never before achieved in history.
Our free will is to choose which side we will be on.
effect will this coming light have in the form of magnetism on the
human brain, will gates be opened that will bring a new time of peace
and restoration to this battered planet.
Yes. But at the
same time, for those who are not in harmony with the light it can be a
time of great confusion. It is critical that you stay in your
Exercise your Pineal Gland so that it will
polarize with God's light coming upon the earth from the universal eye.
They may not understand Gods' involvement, but now, you do.
your eyes to shut out the outside world, tell yourself your watching
yourself, this is done to collapse the magnetism (light) wave to a
microdot, which can enter via the Pineal gland and touch your DNA. Hold
your breath for 3 or four seconds, this shuts down the mind and allows
the new activity to take place unhindered.
So close your eyes
and hold your breath for 3 or 4 seconds, and tell yourself you are
watching yourself and then walk away. Do it as often as you are
comfortable. Don' worry about your watching, seeing or hearing anything.
Just do it. Then observe the results in the change in your life as your
DNA (word of God) which has been defective as a result of your family
tree, changes.
The light that leaves the body is seen by some
as an aura is actually electrical energy from internal DNA, and your
cells. To direct this DNA energy to another for healing follow the three
second meditation outlined above, but instead of saying to yourself, I
am watching myself, you will say to yourself, I am watching myself
for_____________ and you fill in the name. It works!
have evolved to a place of understanding and change here. We understand
that we are electrical instruments. Regardless of what kind of
religious or sentimental attachments we place on ourselves, the bottom
line is that what effects us and what we effect has it's beginning as
electrical impulses.
We now know that god is light or
electrical energy. We are created in the image and likeness of God which
makes us light or electrical energy. Don' try to rationalize how light
can have a personality. That happens when light nests inside of your
body with a working brain. Light must be able to nest in a body that has
a working brain.
Light then can experience, learn and
remember and take that experience into a new body. In that way life
evolves through experience. If God is electricity, we are electricity,
and angels are electricity, and the devil is electricity and demons are
We see Jesus saying tell my brethren go into
Galilee and there they shall see me. Again M G Easton a born again
Christian, the word Galilee means circuit. And we consider later that it
was in Galilee where just about all of the miracles of Jesus took
James 4:7 Resist the devil and he will flee.
the devil is electrical current then how do we resist. We submit
ourselves to the law of electrical resistance. Which is OHM, which is
OM, which is meditation. In Genesis 32:20 Jacob says I have seen God
face to face and I will call the place Piniel.
darkness the pineal gland opens and secretes melatonin and truly
activates. So we stimulate the electrons in the pineal gland by
concentrating on it's location during meditation. Which is the third eye
center between the eyes, right where the Indians of India have their
red dots.
Our body is made of atoms. Atoms contain electrons.
Now we understand that we are focusing on the entire body, but on the
electrons in the Pineal because the pineal is the light receptor of the
body. We know that God is light. Jacob sees God face to face. In other
words there was an activation of the light receptor of the body.
call the name of the place Peniel. So we activate the electrons in the
Pineal why? We are trying to attract Photons. Photons are angles of
light coming to the earth from above. Photons are messenger particles.
They are angels of light. Messengers of God. So we stimulate the Pineal,
like Jacob ad see God face to face.
Electrons are stimulated
and attract photons, which are angles of light, or angels of light,
messenger particles from God. So we are looking for a message. We are
looking for the messenger.
We thus stimulate the electrons
in the Pineal to attract the messenger, or photon, or God. But where is
this message, this Photon coming from? Basically the only place it can
come from is the electrical magnetism that is in the cosmos.
galaxies, the novas, the nebula's, the stars, the planets. And I'm not
just saying that because we know that electrical energy does come from
above. I am saying that because the Bible says it.
Genesis 1:14 let there be lights in the heavens and let them be for signs.
38:31 canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades or loose the
bands of Orion. What is being said here? The electrical magnetism that
comes from the Pleiades exerts a sweet influence on the human brain.
There is also an influence from Orion, and yes that evil old astrology
is right there in the Bible.
The word Orion is actually two
words broken down. OR, which means gate, and ION, which means electron.
OR-ION is actually the REAL star gate.
Job 38:33 can you bring forth Mazzoroth in it's due season, Mazzoroth
means the 12 signs of the Zodiac, you can look this up in the dictionary
and it's also in the back of most Bibles.
And lastly Job 38:33 Do you know the ordinances of heaven.
The rules of the cosmos. The order. And canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth. In other words do you understand that electro
magnetic energy from the stars has an effect on the kingdom of the
ruling operation of the earth. Do you understand that?
5:20 They fought from heaven. The stars in their courses fought against
Sisera, sisera was a general who had a bad day and was killed. The
current surging through his brain was effected by the electrical energy
of the stars and it effected him negatively, and he made bad decisions,
which resulted in getting him killed. And it's in the Bible.
we have scientific evidence and scriptural evidence. We are electrical
instruments in our physical realm. We are electricity in our spiritual
realm. We can make contact with photons which are angles of light and
are messenger particles.
Biblically we can make contact with
God and angels which are messengers of light. We can resist the
improper electrical energy which destroyed Sisera by using OHM, OM ,
during meditation.
So if we are to come under the dominion of
the ordinances of heaven which are the influences of the stars we must
stimulate the electrons in the pineal and open it to receive the angles
of light from above.
"THE ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Mental." The Kybalion.
"As above, so below; as below, as above." The Kybalion.
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." The Kybalion.
is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites;
like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but
different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all
paradoxes may be reconciled." The Kybalion.
flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall;
the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to
the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."
The Kybalion
Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens
according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are
many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law." The Kybalion
"Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes." The Kybalion.
to this day, we use the term "hermetic" in the sense of "secret";
"sealed so that nothing can escape"; etc., and this by reason of the
fact that the followers of Hermes always observed the principle of
secrecy in their teachings.
Watch the SEVEN principles come alive, by Mark Passio
They did not believe in "casting pearls before swine," but rather held to the teaching "milk for babes";
"meat for strong men," both of which maxims are familiar to readers of
the Christian scriptures, but both of which had been used by the
Egyptians for centuries before the Christian era.
this policy of careful dissemination of the truth has always
characterized the Hermetics, even unto the present day. The Hermetic
Teachings are to be found in all lands, among all religions, but never
identified with any particular country, nor with any particular
religious sect. This because of the warning of the ancient teachers
against allowing the Secret Doctrine to become crystallized into a
The wisdom of this caution is apparent to all
students of history. The ancient occultism of India and Persia
degenerated, and was largely lost, owing to the fact that the teachers
became priests, and so mixed theology with the philosophy, the result
being that the occultism of India and Persia has been gradually lost
amidst the mass of religious superstition, cults, creeds and "gods."
it was with Ancient Greece and Rome. So it was with the Hermetic
Teachings of the Gnostics and Early Christians, which were lost at the
time of Constantine, whose iron hand smothered philosophy with the
blanket of theology, losing to the Christian Church that which was its
very essence and spirit,
and causing it to grope throughout
several centuries before it found the way back to its ancient faith, the
indications apparent to all careful observers in this Twentieth Century
being that the Church is now struggling to get back to its ancient
mystic teachings. which the Catholic hierarchy knows, but will not
reveal, for fear of losing their power over the masses.
truth is, that beneath the material chemistry, astronomy and psychology
(that is, the psychology in its phase of "brain action") the ancients
possessed a knowledge of transcendental astronomy, called astrology; of
transcendental chemistry, called alchemy; of transcendental psychology,
called mystic psychology.
possessed the Inner Knowledge as well as the Outer Knowledge, the
latter alone being possessed by modern scientists. Among the many secret
branches of knowledge possessed by the Hermetists, was that
Transmutation, which known as Mental forms the subject matter of this
"Transmutation" is a term usually employed to
designate the ancient art of the transmutation of metals, particularly
of the base metals into gold. The word "Transmute" means "to change from
one nature, form, or substance, into another to transform" (Webster).
accordingly, "Mental Transmutation" means the art of changing and
transforming mental states, forms, and conditions, into others. So you
may see that Mental Transmutation is the "Art of Mental Chemistry" if you like the term a form of practical Mystic Psychology.
is the meaning of Alchemy, missed by so many literalists, as all
knowledge worthy of man, has been hidden in parables, koans, axioms,
sayings etc.
Never given in a straight forward
scientific prose. because true knowledge, is only given to those that
are ready, and those that are ready, will understand the secret sayings
of the hermetic teaching, the Bible, the Upanishads, the Vedas, the
buddhas teachings. etc. No true knowledge of the inner transformation
has ever been given in a straight forward manner.
most humans are at the 1st or 2nd chakra level only, and are still
beasts, and are not worthy to hear the truth. That's why the masses who
flock to their favorite churches of faith are Blind fools, said Jesus,
and are feeding their animal natures, that's why religions war with each
other, because they are still animals at the base metal level of their
natures. The true mystic, seeks to harm nothing or no one, mentally or
"THE ALL creates in its Infinite Mind
countless Universes, which exist for aeons of Time and yet, to THE ALL,
the creation, development, decline and death of a million Universes is
as the time of the twinkling of an eye." The Kybalion.
there were always a few faithful souls who kept alive the Flame, tending
it carefully, and not allowing its light to become extinguished. And
thanks to these staunch hearts, and fearless minds, we have the truth
still with us.
But it is not found in books, to any great
extent. It has been passed along from Master to Student; from Initiate
to Hierophant; from lip to ear. When it was written down at all, its
meaning was veiled in terms of alchemy and astrology so that only those
possessing the key could read it aright.
like the bible says: "their is a veil over the old testament" meaning
the average person cannot decipher the coded mythology.
was made necessary in order to avoid the persecutions of the
theologians of the Middle Ages, who fought the Secret Doctrine with fire
and sword; stake, gibbet and cross.
Even to this day there
will be found but few reliable books on the Hermetic Philosophy,
although there are countless references to it in many books written on
various phases of Occultism. And yet, the Hermetic Philosophy is the
only Master Key which will open all the doors of the Occult Teachings!
the early days, there was a compilation of certain Basic Hermetic
Doctrines, passed on from teacher to student, which was known as "THE
KYBALION," the exact significance and meaning of the term having been
lost for several centuries.
This teaching, however, is known
to many to whom it has descended, from mouth to ear, on and on
throughout the centuries. Its precepts have never been written down, or
printed, so far as we know.
It was merely a collection of
maxims, axioms, and precepts, which were non-understandable to
outsiders, but which were readily understood by students, after the
axioms, maxims, and precepts had been explained and exemplified by the
Hermetic Initiates to their Neophytes.
These teachings
really constituted the basic principles of "The Art of Hermetic
Alchemy," which, contrary to the general belief, dealt in the mastery of
Mental Forces, rather than Material Elements-the Transmutation of one
kind of Mental Vibrations into others, instead of the changing of one
kind of metal into another.
The legends of the
"Philosopher's Stone" (the pineal gland) which would turn base metal
into Gold, was an allegory relating to Hermetic Philosophy, readily
understood by all students of true Hermeticism. Turning the dead animal personality, (base metal) into pure gold (god) within ones self. This is true alchemy.
And by understanding and mastering the SEVEN principles, one could become the alchemist, and create this GOLD within ones self.
"Where fall the footsteps of the Master, the ears of those ready for his Teaching open wide." THE KYBALION
"When the ears of the student are ready to hear, then cometh the lips to fill them with Wisdom." THE KYBALION
that according to the Teachings, the passage of this book to those
ready for the instruction will attract the attention of such as are
prepared to receive the Teaching. And, likewise, when the pupil is ready
to receive the truth, then will this little book come to him, or her.
Such is The Law.
Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect, in its aspect of The Law of
Attraction, will bring lips and ear together-pupil and book in company.
So mote it be !
"The possession of Knowledge, unless
accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the
hoarding of precious metals-a vain and foolish thing. Knowledge, like
wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who
violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces." The
The Hermetic Teachings, while always having been
kept securely locked up in the minds of the fortunate possessors
thereof, for reasons which we have already stated, were never intended
to be merely stored away and secreted.
The Law of Use is
dwelt upon in the Teachings, as you may see by reference to the above
quotation from The Kybalion, which states it forcibly.
without Use and Expression is a vain thing, bringing no good to its
possessor, or to the race. Beware of Mental Miserliness, and express
into Action that which you have learned. Study the Axioms and Aphorisms,
but practice them also.
We give below some of the
more important Hermetic Axioms, from The Kybalion, with a few comments
added to each. Make these your own, and practice and use them, for they
are not really your own until you have Used them.
"To change your mood or mental state-change your vibration."The Kybalion.
One may change his mental vibrations by an effort of Will, in the direction of deliberately fixing the Attention upon a more desirable state.
directs the Attention, and Attention changes the Vibration. Cultivate
the Art of Attention, means of the Will, and you have solved the secret
of the Mastery of Moods and Mental States.
"To destroy an
undesirable rate of mental vibration, put into operation the principle
of Polarity and concentrate upon the opposite pole to that which you
desire to suppress. Kill out the undesirable by changing its
polarity."The Kybalion
This is one of the most important of the Hermetic Formulas.
is based upon true scientific principles. We have shown you that a
mental state and its opposite were merely the two poles of one thing,
and that by Mental Transmutation the polarity might be reversed.
Principle is known to modern psychologists, who apply it to the
breaking up of undesirable habits by bidding their students concentrate
upon the opposite quality.
you are possessed of Fear, do not waste time trying to "kill out" Fear,
but instead cultivate the quality of Courage, and the Fear will
Some writers have expressed this idea most
forcibly by using the illustration of the dark room. You do not have to
shovel out or sweep out the Darkness, but by merely opening the shutters
and letting in the Light the Darkness has disappeared.
To kill out a Negative quality,
concentrate upon the Positive Pole of that same quality, and the
vibrations will gradually change from Negative to Positive, until
finally you will become polarized on the Positive pole instead of the
The reverse is also true, as many have found out
to their sorrow, when they have allowed themselves to vibrate too
constantly on the Negative pole of things.
By changing your
polarity you may master your moods, change your mental states, remake
your disposition, and build up character. Much of the Mental Mastery of
the advanced Hermetics is due to this application of Polarity, which is
one of the important aspects of Mental Transmutation. Remember the
Hermetic Axiom (quoted previously), which says:
"Mind (as
well as metals and elements) may be transmuted from state to state
degree to degree. condition to condition pole to pole; vibration to
vibration." The Kybalion
mastery of Polarization is the mastery of the fundamental principles of
Mental Transmutation or Mental Alchemy, for unless one acquires the art
of changing his own polarity, he will be unable to affect his
An understanding of this principle will enable
one to change his own Polarity, as well as that of others, if he will
but devote the time, care, study and practice necessary to master the
art. The principle is true, but the results obtained depend upon the
persistent patience and practice of the student.
"Rhythm may be neutralized by an application of the Art of Polarization."
The Kybalion.
we have explained in previous chapters, the Hermetists hold that the
Principle of Rhythm manifests on the Mental Plane as well as on the
Physical Plane, and that the bewildering succession of moods, feelings,
emotions, and other mental states, are due to the backward and forward
swing of the mental pendulum, which carries us from one extreme of
feeling to the other.
The Hermetists also teach that the Law
of Neutralization enables one, to a great extent, to overcome the
operation of Rhythm in consciousness.
As we have explained,
there is a Higher Plane of Consciousness, as well as the ordinary Lower
Plane, and the Master by rising mentally to the Higher Plane causes the
swing of the mental pendulum to manifest on the Lower Plane, and he,
dwelling on his Higher Plane, escapes the consciousness of the swing
This is effected by polarizing on the Higher Self,
and thus raising the mental vibrations of the Ego above those of the
ordinary plane of consciousness.
It is akin to rising above a
thing and allowing it to pass beneath you. The advanced Hermetist
polarizes himself at the Positive Pole of his Being-the "I Am" pole
rather than the pole of personality and by "refusing" and "denying" the
operation of Rhythm, raises himself above its plane of consciousness,
and standing firm in his Statement of Being he allows the pendulum to
swing back on the Lower .Plane without changing his Polarity.
is accomplished by all individuals who have attained any degree of
self-mastery, whether they understand the law or not. Such persons
simply "refuse" to allow themselves to be swung back by the pendulum of
mood and emotion, and by steadfastly affirming the superiority they
remain polarized on the Positive pole.
Master, of course, attains a far greater degree of proficiency, because
he understands the law which he is overcoming by a higher law, and by
the use of his Will he attains a degree of Poise and Mental
Steadfastness almost impossible of belief on the part of those who allow
themselves to be swung backward and forward by the mental pendulum of
moods and feelings.
Remember always, however, that you do
not really destroy the Principle of Rhythm, for that is indestructible.
You simply overcome one law by counter-balancing it with another and
thus maintain an equilibrium.
The laws of balance and
counter-balance are in operation on the mental as well as on the
physical planes, and an understanding of these laws enables one to seem
to overthrow laws, whereas he is merely exerting a counterbalance.
escapes the Principle of Cause and Effect, but there are many Planes of
Causation, and one may use the laws of the higher to overcome the laws
of the lower." The Kybalion
By an understanding of the
practice of Polarization, the Hermetists rise to a higher plane of
Causation and thus counter-balance the laws of the lower planes of
Causation. By rising above the plane of ordinary Causes they become
themselves, in a degree, Causes instead of being merely Caused.
being able to master their own moods and feelings, and by being able to
neutralize Rhythm, as we have already explained, they are able to
escape a great part of the operations of Cause and Effect on the
ordinary plane.
The masses of people are carried along,
obedient to their environment; the wills and desires of others stronger
than themselves; the effects of inherited tendencies; the suggestions of
those about them; and other outward causes; which tend to move them
about on the chess-board of life like mere pawns.
By rising
above these influencing causes, the advanced Hermetists seek a higher
plane of mental action, and by dominating their moods, emotions,
impulses and feelings, they create for themselves new characters,
qualities and powers, by which they overcome their ordinary environment,
and thus become practically players instead of mere Pawns.
people help to play the game of life understandingly, instead of being
moved about this way and that way by stronger influences and powers and
They use the Principle of Cause and Effect, instead
of being used by it. Of course, even the highest are subject to the
Principle as it manifests on the higher planes, but on the lower planes
of activity, they are Masters instead of Slaves.
As The
Kybalion says:"The wise ones serve on the higher, but rule on the lower.
They obey the laws coming from above them, But on their own plane, and
those below them they rule and give orders. And, yet, in so doing, they
form a part of the Principle, instead of opposing it.
wise man falls in with the Law, and by understanding its movements he
operates it instead of being its blind slave. Just as does the skilled
swimmer turn this way and that way, going and coming as he will, instead
of being as the log which is carried here and there-so is the wise man
as compared to the ordinary man-and yet both swimmer and log; wise man
and fool, are subject to Law. He who understands this is well on the
road to Mastery" The Kybalion.
In conclusion let us again call your attention to the Hermetic Axiom:
"True Hermetic Transmutation is a Mental Art."The Kybalion.
the above axiom, the Hermetists teach that the great work of
influencing one's environment is accomplished by Mental Power. The
Universe being wholly mental, it follows that it may be ruled only by
And in this truth is to be found an explanation
of all the phenomena and manifestations of the various mental powers
which are attracting so much attention and study in these earlier years
of the Twentieth Century.
Back of and under the teachings of
the various cults and schools, remains ever constant the Principle of
the Mental Substance of the Universe. If the Universe be Mental in its
substantial nature, then it follows that Mental Transmutation must
change the conditions and phenomena of the Universe.
If the Universe is Mental,
then Mind must be the highest power affecting its phenomena. If this be
understood then all the so-called "miracles" and "wonder-workings" are
seen plainly for what they are.
"THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental."The Kybalion.
feed the animals, they will root around in the earth and find their own
food, which is only good for sustaining the physical."
give higher knowledge to those that are not ready, it only brings grief
to both." Instead remain fast, keep silent, because only fools chatter.
Religions are the antithesis to the truth of mans redemption.
Those that do not understand this are lost sheep, and are not of this fold "Jesus"
funny that the people that go to churches, carrying the Bible under
their arms, is the same book that warns you against being part of them
The Jesus of the Bible warning you and I not to be converted to their faith (any religion). Not to become part of THEM, or we will become TWICE the child of hell as they are!
Jesus said to stay away from religion, and not be part of them.
23:13 " woe to you scribes and pharisees, for you shut-up (lock people
out) of gods kingdom, for you neither go IN YOURSELVES, and neither do
you teach the people to GO IN. For you cross sea and land to make a
single convert, and you make the new convert twice as much a child of hell as yourselves, you blind fools.
see jesus says if you be converted by the pharisees (any religious
group), you will be TWICE the child of hell as they are. What more do
you need. They don't go in themselves, (meditate) and they do not teach
you to go in (meditate).
Right from your Bible.
MIND BLOWING!! Isn't it?
The mask of madness
Entry of the Chameleons represents the understanding that nothing in
the physical world is what it seems. Nothing is permanent, including our
thoughts, beliefs, customs and personas. Like the chameleon, we are
Who is the worshiper essentially? Merely a
mask, a vehicle, for the energy of life. Our person is, as the word
itself indicates, no more than a per-sona, that through which we sound
or speak, a living mask.
Our innermost and final reality is
the sacred bios that it conceals, the vitality that inwardly animates
us. All the forms and distinctions of the phenomenal world are simply
masks, masquerading around pretending we are something other than who we
really are.
The same Dionysos underlies them all. The
difficulty is that man has become so accustomed to his mask that he has
forgotten that is all it is.
Yet a mask that is never
removed becomes a face, a false face, though its falsehood is unknown
even to its wearer. To see through it rather than with it we must
somehow separate from or 'stand outside' it."
Dionysos: The Masks of Madness
all that changes slowly may be explained by life, all that changes
quickly is explained by fire. Fire is the ultra-living element. It is
intimate and it is universal. It lives in our heart. It lives in the
It rises from the depths of the substance and offers
itself with the warmth of love. Or it can go back down into the
substance and hide there, latent and pent-up, like hate and vengeance.
It shines in Paradise. It burns in Hell. It is gentleness and torture.
It is cookery and it is apocalypse."
"Every venture one's life may repeat masnavi's purpose is the Great Defeat.
Set afire, burning with cleansing heat, on the anvil, egos ply and beat.
This book, if you open, read, entreat your life, a mendicant's, in the street."
Rumi, Introduction to Mathnavi
day, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we
shall harness the energies of love Then, for the second time in the
history of the world,
humanity will have discovered fire."
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
A reference to the Beatles' deepening immersion in the world. "The zoo" is the animal or physical world.
Second chakra
time of life when a child rises from the murky realms of
undifferentiated selfhood to form that uniquely human, but ultimately
self-limiting psychic organ, the ego.
Although many spiritual
disciplines teach that we must eventually vanquish the ego if we are to
regain our connection with Spirit, it is certain that we must first
fully develop this essential faculty if we are to survive as members of
civilized society.
Representative second-chakra figures include the early Beatles."
is the chakra of power, situated at the level of the belly button. Here
the energy assumes a violent character aimed at the submission of the
world, will to dominate. It corresponds exactly with the moment of the
Beatles dictatorship, the Beatles-mania. The Beatles have the world in
their hands."
Are you a beetle?
What is the universe?" asked the Buddha,
his reply
eye and forms, the ear and sounds, the nose and smells, the tongue and
tastes, the body, and tactile objects, the mind and mental objects".
Tibetan book of the dead
whole objective universe of matter and energy, atoms and stars, is a
construction of the conscience, an edifice of conventional modes, shaped
by the senses of man."
Bertrand Russell
Recall that
it was Hermes/Mercurius, the Ringmaster, who told the narrator to "join
the parade", the outer world of appearances. The lady of the dancing
water represents the world of the senses. The lady of the dancing water
is Maya
"In Hindu thought, the male energy is essentially
passive, while the female is the force of action. Maya is one of those
active powers: the constant movement of the universe, pervasive to the
atomic level.
There is no life no existence, even without
Maya, but she is so powerful that we cannot see the essence of things
and mistake her movement for reality.
For this reason, Maya
is often called "the veil of illusion," the dance of multiplicity that
distracts us so that we cannot see all matter as essentially identical.
Jesus is an illusion, religion is an illusion.
at the picture for thirty seconds, and then look at a white piece of
paper, or the wall, and let your eyes gaze, and see the illusion.
however, as the sages have stressed, is not the same as falsehood. Maya
is not a negative force, but can be a mesh through which we perceive
the ultimate reality of existence if we are not distracted by her
magnificent creativeness and complexity."
"Maya is the
illusory power of God. She is the matrix of this universe. She projects
this world for His Lila (sport). Mind, intellect, body, and senses are
her forms. She is the energy or mother-aspect of the Lord.
Just as heat is inseparable from fire, coldness from ice, Maya is inseparable from Brahman (God). It is dependent on Brahman.
has countless potencies. Solidity of stone is a power of Maya. Fluidity
of water is another power of Maya. Fire is a third burning power. Air
is the moving power of Maya. Ether is the void or space power of Maya.
is neither true nor false. It is truly false and falsely true. It is
neither real nor unreal. It is not real like Brahman, because it
disappears when one gets Knowledge.
This Maya is a sort of
jugglery. You are astonished so long as the juggler is not seen. As soon
as the juggler is known, the results are known to be unreal; the wonder
ceases at once. When you realize Brahman, the wonder of Maya's working
"Maya causes false glittering and entraps the
deluded Jivas (individual souls). She does a little electroplating work.
Man is entrapped. He is caught in the wheel of birth and death."
know you will die, and yet you think you will live forever. This is
Maya. You know that the world is full of miseries, and yet you take
delight in the perishable objects and will not leave them.
is Maya. You know that the human body is made up of all sorts of
impurities, flesh, bone, urine and fecal matter, and yet you rejoice in
embracing it under the sway of lust. This is Maya."
ash represents a redeeming death, or rather a state of death that is a
prelude to life. In Sai Baba's discourses, the concept often recurs that
from the death of the ego, from its being reduced to ashes, man rises
to the state of imperishable divinity.
"ego" is meant the complex of passions such as anger, envy, jealousy,
lust and ambitions that constitute it, which are the real death of the
inner life of people
"Semele was burnt to ashes, her flesh
melting away at the sight of the god before her in all his glory. From
the dust which had been her body, arose their son, Dionysius the
twice-born, "god of the savagery and rapturous glory given by the vine"
(Baan, 1998, p. 38).
The birth of Dionysius occurs when
Semele sees the true nature of her lover a luminosity which
disintegrates her "self." Here is a myth, then, which describes what
occurs when one is truly present to the other.
To truly be
present to the other, in a sense, one's separate identity is rendered to
ash we must die to our fantasies of "identity" which wraps us in a web
of delusion. And from the ashes, rises the god of ecstasy and
intoxication, Dionysius.
As Nietzsche described, Apollo, in
distinction from Dionysius, is "man caught in the veil of Maya". This
veil is lifted with the onset of "Dionysiac rapture."
is associated with Tamas, representing stability, inertia and ignorance,
which might be identified with Jung's Sensation."
In Taoist thought, everything in the physical world is said to conform to a basic pattern of flow.
the Chinese language this is called li, and the character for li means
the markings in jade. It also means the grain in wood and the fiber in
muscle. We could say, too, that clouds have li, marble has li, the human
body has li.
We all recognize it, and the artist copies it
whether he is a landscape painter, a portrait painter, an abstract
painter, or a non-objective painter.
They all are trying to
express the essence of li. The interesting thing is, that although we
all know what it is, there is no way of defining it. Because tao is the
course we can also call li the watercourse, and the patterns of li are
also the patterns of flowing water.
We see those patterns of
flow memorialized, as it were, as sculpture in the grain in wood, which
is the flow of sap, in marble, in bones, in muscles.
these things are patterned according to the basic principles of flow. In
the patterns of flowing water you will find all kinds of motifs from
Chinese art immediately recognizable, including the S-curve in the
circle of yang-yin.
So li means then the order of flow, the wonderful dancing pattern of liquid."
earth and flowers" refer to the senses of taste, touch and smell. But
these things are only "remembered". In Lady of the Dancing Water the
narrator is leaving the physical world, dying to the world of the
Thats' why when lots wife looked back she turned into a pillar of salt. it
means when a person turns back or reverts back to their lower nature,
falling back, while climbing the mount of attainment. Like in the movie
matrix, when the traitor wanted to go back in them matrix, and get
plugged back in, to satisfy his physical senses.
"As for the
five desires, this refers to worldly forms, sounds, smells, tastes and
touchables. They are ever able to deceive and delude all ordinary people
causing them to develop fond attachment.
If one is able to
become deeply aware of the negative consequences of desires, one will
not become involved with them. This is what is meant by renouncing
"All bodhisattvas, lesser and great, should develop a
pure, lucid mind, not depending upon sound, flavor, touch, odor, or any
quality. A bodhisattva should develop a mind which alights upon no
thing whatsoever; and so should he establish it."
You will behold My Maya, and having developed insight into it, you will renounce it in order to attain Self-realization."
Lord Vishnu in Yoga Vasista, Upashama Prakarana,44, Gadhi
In China, the Tao, the cosmic order of the universe,
had become forgotten and had to be remembered through meditation.
According to Hinduism, the vast majority of us live in ignorance
scriptures were written to awaken us to the truth that Thou art That.
Our true identity is the atman, no bigger than a quark, that dwells
within us all.
Furthermore, the Atman inside each of us is no different from Brahman, the energy that pervades all that is.
we see in the natural world is nothing but the veil of Maya, an
illusion that hides an invisible, greater reality. Each of these
scriptures elaborated codes of conduct, designed to restore order in a
chaotic world and to open our eyes and ears to timeless cosmic truths.
forget on account of the heavy stupidity of our body, with its unruly
instincts that seduces us into believing no more than we can see, hear,
smell, taste, and touch. The huge underclass of the world is content
with this sensory knowledge and very likely slaves of its instincts.
called them the sarkikoi, the “flesh people.” They were benighted,
sorry wretches who had not the slightest inkling of spiritual realities.
mid-level component of human nature was the soul (psyche) and its
capacity for the visionary knowledge of seeing, dreaming, and
The Earth’s rather small middle class who had
discovered their souls were called the psychikoi, the soul people. "They
lived a higher form of life than the flesh people and had a genuinely
spiritual form of consciousness.
The elite, the Gnostics
properly so-called, had gone beyond the soul and gained access to the
spirit (pneuma). They were the pneumatikoi or spirit people.
addition to visionary knowledge, they had gnosis, direct knowledge of
the One. They had seen through to the source of the two worlds the
natural world and the eternal Cosmos. For them, Gnosis was the complete
form of Cosmic Consciousness, and they did their best to disseminate its
It rose from its status as a mystery religion to
the religion of the empire through Emperor Constantine’s vision in
313ad right out of Cosmic Consciousness a cross-like image accompanied
by a Voice, “In this sign shall you conquer.”
Two streams of
Christianity resulted from this event. A mystical form kept Cosmic
Consciousness alive among the very few, while a legalistic and
philosophical form tied its wagon to political power and sought to
translate Cosmic Consciousness into left-brain language for the purpose
of creating a theocracy (religion) to control the majority of the
After that momentous visionary event in 313,
Christianity was established as the dominant religio-cultural form of
Western Civilization. Rational elaboration of its doctrines was left in
the hands of theologians for at least a thousand years.
vast majority still deserved to be called the “flesh people,” as they
carried on a dreary daily struggle for existence, tempered only by
theological promises of a more blessed and rewarding life to be enjoyed
after death. So now you know how sinful religion really is.
life was an exile from heaven, a sojourn in the realm of matter, where
God was testing their mettle to see if they could act as though the
eternal Cosmos were more real than the material hardships apprehended by
the senses.
As a species
we have spent the last 6000 years suppressing a natural human faculty
located in the right sides of our brain in order to discover ourselves
as conscious subjects.
Religion has shutdown the right hemisphere of the brain for the past two thousand years.
the New Age of Aquarius has anything revolutionary to offer, it must be
the possibility of integrating rational methods with the visionary
observations of the Cosmos and opening up our minds to a world of
conceptualizing abilities to the domain of Cosmic Consciousness.
"Cleaned my feet of mud"
"All of us are standing in the mud, but some of us are looking at the stars."
Oscar Wilde
is a foreign element; it is not a natural ingredient of water.
Likewise, all finite ideas associated with the Self are foreign to It."
Swami Nikhilananda, Self-Knowledge
The "mud" is how we experience the world, the intrusive sensory stimuli of the world or what, in Hinduism, is called "Maya."
is simply the physical world as we know it, with all its distractions,
desires, and pains. The Hindu tries to see beyond the physical world to
the spiritual which lies behind it and is ultimately considered more
"real." It is the only unchangeable thing there is.
"What is important for now is the understanding that all our experience is an image of reality constructed in the mind.
our perception of the world is so different from the actual physical
reality, some people have claimed that our experience is an illusion.
But that is misleading. It may all be a creation of my own mind, but it
is very, very real the only reality we ever know.
illusion comes when we confuse our experience of the world with the
physical reality, the thing-in-itself. The Vedantic philosophers of
ancient India spoke of this as "maya."
Often translated as
illusion (a false perception of the world), the word is more accurately
translated as delusion (a false belief about the world). I suffer a
delusion when I believe that the manifestations in my mind are the
external world. I deceive myself when I think that the tree I see is the
tree itself."
"In the mud of earthly attachment, their feet have become mired, and I have seen them drowning there."
Buddha explained that his life was not for the sake of those few who
had already approached the Light of the Spiritual Sun, nor for those so
deeply plunged in the mud of maya."
"Maya is the world of
duality, which is delusion in the sense that it blinds us to the
essential unity of all that exists as part of Brahman, the godhead.
Campbell (1968) elaborates:
is an illusion of the sphere of space and time (maya): both our fear of
death (mara) and our yearning for the pleasures of this world (kama)
derive from, and attach us to, this manifold delusion."
"followed the empty zebra ride to the Cirkus"
The "zebra" (black and white) represents the appearance of duality and the ride is seen as "empty" because...
manifested being or thing, precisely because of its temporal existence
as a phenomenon, is noneternal. It is in consequence maya or illusion;
and therefore it would be foolish to search for the cosmic Real in such
Whatever makes an appearance in the fields of the
Boundless, whether a collection of galaxies or an atom, whatever it be
which is thus an object or a form, and no matter how short or how long
its life term, is nevertheless an appearance, a phenomenon, and
therefore is de facto empty in the sense of nonreal."
basic insight of Buddhism sunyavada, the realisation of emptiness or
void. Simply, reality is emptiness, void of conceptualisations, empty of
form. Form is, in fact, "our" projection onto this emptiness; indeed,
it is the illusory nature of form that makes it amenable to manipulation
by the magician."
"Here, O Shariputra, form is emptiness,
and the very emptiness is form; emptiness does not differ from form,
form does not differ from emptiness; whatever is form, that is
emptiness, whatever is emptiness, that is form. The same is true of
feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness."
Buddhism. Heart Sutra
is the classic statement of the via negativa, as the seeker gradually
strips away all relative phenomena, descending ever deeper into
darkness. Through such an emptying of the soul, perhaps the Absolute may
be found. Cf. Chuang Tzu 2, p. 181."
"Past a painted cage"
The cage is painted, cloaking it's true nature.
The physical world (maya) becomes a cage when we do not see it for what it is.
"spoke to the paybox, glove which wrote on my tongue"
"Pushed me down a slide to the arena, megaphonium fanfare."
Significantly, the narrator pushes himself "down", back into the material world, the arena of the Cirkus. The word "Megaphonium" suggests pandemonium and the "mega-phoniness" of the proceedings, another reference to Maya.
"In his cloak of words strode the ringmaster bid me join the parade"
As discussed in chapter three, the ringmaster is known as Mercurius.
is the mediator and agent provoking the first stage of unification
between the Yin and Yang forces, expressed as the marriage of Sol
(spirit) and Luna (soul).
"As the little star near the sun, he is the child of sun and moon," i.e., the consciousness born of their union.
moon rules over the lower mind, and the sun rules the higher mind. The
moon is a symbol of the emotions, because it reflects back that which is
shown upon it. SIN is the chaldean moon god. So see how sinful religion
really is.
Mercurius is therefore "both masculine and feminine and at the same time the child born of their union."
The third King Crimson album belongs, appropriately, to Hermes.
a special force of union between opposing cosmic principles and as an
aspect of their manifestation as dualistic tendencies in human
consciousness, Mercury by standing in-between and uniting forms a
triadic or triune structural dynamic and is often symbolized as such.
is referred to as "All and Thrice One" (omnia solus et ter unus);
"triple in name, one in essence" (triplex in nomine, unus in esse); the
"three-headed Mercurius" or "three-headed Hermes" (Hermes tricephalus);
the "union of three" (triunus); the triune "Mercurial Fountain" (fons
Mercurialis); "a three-headed snake" (serpens Mercurialis); and as
"triple natured masculine, feminine, and divine."
lore also warns of another, darker aspect of Mercurius. Besides its role
as spiritual unifier, Mercurius duplex is also conceived as
duplicitous; shifty; wily; poisonous ("a spreading poison that has
brought death to many");
"a child of chaos" "many sided,
changeable, and deceitful"; "inconstant"; "good and evil"; "dark and
light"; "visible and invisible"; "coarse and fine"; and related (through
Saturn) to the devil."
And while it was apparently Night who
bid the narrator to "face the east", to cultivate his intuition and
look "inward" to psychic reality, it is Hermes, the ringmaster, who bids
him to "join the parade", to get caught up in the delusion of the world
and look "outward" to physical reality. Here we see the conflict
between the psychological functions of Sensation and Intuition.
"Mercury, who says one thing but is secretly thinking another."
"Worship!" cried the clown, "I am a T.V."
is today a symbolic life in Jung's sense. We sacrifice two thirds of
our available time to symbolic life without recognizing it as such.
of people sit every evening for hours in front of their TV sets. They
imagine they do so for pleasure but that is only a pretense hiding the
objective state of affairs. The cult of TV is not due to a natural human
need; man is not naturally oriented toward entertainment.
1700 there were no newspapers, no cinema and the only books to be found
in the average household were the Bible, hymnal and, occasionally an
These books were read over and over again sheer,
endless monotony from our standpoint. Moreover there was no such thing
as "free" time after the workday, but celebration-time (Feierabend,
In Giegerich's scheme of things, the
provenance of TV is not human. Behind this phenomenon there is an
objective necessity; television does not serve our need to be
entertained we serve television. In its objective being TV is show, show
as theatrum mundi a mixture of world records, Westerns, Oscars,
quizzes, summit conferences.
It is the theatre of
life in its heights and depths, in its spectacularity and banality. Man,
the consumer, is used so as to replace the absolute God as the
indifferent spectator with a God who is carnally represented in real
There must be TV for the divina comedia to have real existence in the flesh.
television has nothing to do with the satisfaction of personal pleasure
is betrayed by the fact that it often remains on when nobody is
"The divine show must go on."
"Because the brain's TV prime resource consists of images.
We may call the total brain activity image-ination.
All we have ever seen is and always will be in the scopes of our brain's TV station.
that humanity has ever seen. And will ever see, is his own
image-ination; Some of it is faithfully reported new, some of it is
invented fiction or make believe;
Some of it is doggedly retained "want to believe."
"Making bandsmen go clockwork"
the clown at a circus, TV amuses, entertains and distracts. TV
(Sensation/the material world) tempts us to disregard intuition, the
source of creativity, and instead mimic one another. We, including
artists and musicians, do this in the hopes of capitalising on a trend.
("High bender-trender it's all Indoor Games.")
music does not exist, except on records or at rare concerts, usually
written or established more than 30 years ago. The modern age of TV and
communications has brought the world closer together, but has destroyed
man's individuality and creative drive.
Where is the spirit of adventure and creativity? I say there is none: there are just people running around looking for money.
sell their musical ability musicians must sell their souls, put on
paint, play the electric guitar, sing with a rough voice, take off their
clothes, hit the drums as loud as they can, dance around and look like
"See the slinky seal Cirkus policeman; Bareback ladies have fish."
passage indicating that the narrator has transcended dualistic
thinking. "Bareback ladies" (Lady Godiva) represent the breaking of
taboos or laws. The policeman (the seal) relies on the law breaker, who
possesses his food (fish), for sustenance.
explains by saying that "cause and effect emerge clearly at the same
time". Kasulis who wrote Zen Action/ Zen Person interprets this by
saying that "each object or subject in a relationship needs the other to
define itself because neither constitutes a relevant description in
"Strongmen by his feet, plate-spinning statesman,
Acrobatically juggling "
An early reference to the politician as "spin-doctor".
"Bids his tamers go quiet the tumblers lest the mirror stop turning"
illusion is starting to unravel as some of the members of the Cirkus
(the tumblers) are unhappy. It is the "tamers" who are called to quiet
the tumblers just as we are all tamed, or trained, to believe that
everything we need is out there in the world.
The spinning
mirror is, of course, a reference to illusion. If the tumblers cannot be
quieted, if they cannot be convinced to continue buying into the world,
the danger is that they will seek to make "the mirror stop turning".
"The Goal of Yoga is to make the mind still. We may ask why should we need to do that.
Exactly the point. We are coming closer to the basic idea in the Perennial Philosophy of India.
Everything experienced is through our mind, and the mind is in an active state.
classical example is an image given of a pond, rippled by the wind. The
rippled pond reflects the images that are broken images, which come and
go, come and go and come and go.
In the first couple of
verses in the Book of Genesis, we find the wind, the breath, the spirit
of God blew over the waters. That is the creation of the world. We
start the excitement going.
What we do is we identify
ourselves, with one of those broken images, one of the broken
reflections on the surface of the rippled pond. And so here I come and
there I go. That links us to the Temporal Flow of Time and Space, and
that is what the Hindus call Maya.
The Effort is made to
make the pond, to make the mind stand still, so that we may see the
image in its totality, not broken fragments of the parts, but one image.
Then only can we see what was broken and reflections of the parts, in its still perfection."
became an adept at simple hallucination: in place of a factory I really
saw a mosque, a school of drummers led by angels, carriages on the
highways of the sky, a drawing room at the bottom of a lake; monsters,
mysteries; the tide of melodrama would raise horrors before me.
I would explain my magic sophism with the hallucination of words!
Finally I came to regard the disorder of my mind as sacred."
Arthur Rimbaud, A Season in Hell and The Drunken Boat
"Night: her sable dome scattered with diamonds,"
are the names in the ancient literatures which have been given to the
Womb of Being from which all issues, in which all forever is, and into
the spiritual and divine reaches of which all ultimately returns,
whether infinitesimal entity or macro-cosmic spacial unit."
"Outwardly it is one with the Night of Orpheus :
O Night you black wet-nurse of the golden stars!
From this darkness all things that are in this world have come as from its spring or womb."
the Spirit of the Night, was spawned from the primordial Chaos she gave
birth to Doom (Moros), Death (Thanatos), Sleep (Hypnos), the Fates, and
Nemesis. Her power is said to be great, overwhelming even Zeus. She
lives in the palace of Tartarus and goes forth onto the world each
night, traversing the heavens until daybreak."
The subsequent lines describe a gestation period.
"Fused my dust from a light year,Squeezed me to her breast, sowed me with carbon,Strung my warp across time"
references to time and space ("light year", "warp across time") refer
to the divine child's transcendence of duality. He is no longer "here"
or "there", he is here and there.
"The fundamental delusion of humanity is to suppose that I am here and you are there."
Yasutani Roshi
is the realization of the Universal Consciousness of which we are all
manifestations, a particularized ray of it, and so in that sense, you
and the other are one. The Experience of Separateness is only secondary
experience within the Priory Frame in space and time.
sense of space and time is the separating principle. In the essence of
the one Universal, this Sense of Separateness is an illusion, it is
Within the framework of Kundalini Yoga, the womb of
the mother cosmos corresponds to the first chakra or energy center of
the human body.
"Briefly, there are seven separate chakras,
or energy centers, each relating to different manifestations of energy
in the human organism. They are located in the base of the spine, the
genital area, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the 'third eye'
(between the eyebrows) and in the crown of the skull.
is related, due to its location, to different forces in human life, e.g.
the base of the spine is associated with basic survival instincts, and
the 'third eye' is associated with psychic perceptions and god
First Chakra:
are within her womb. She is the time, space, including the priory forms
of sensibilities, and of the categories of knowledge, within her womb."
goal of the yogi is to progressively activate each of the chakras
(energy centers) in the human body, in effect, making the journey from a
life dominated by the psychological function of Sensation to that of
one fully informed by Intuition. The 'third eye' is the eye of Intuition
as opposed to Sensation.
And in the Orphic cosmology:
Proclus tells us (ibid.): 'Night receives the scepter from the willing
hands of Phanes" he placed his far-famed scepter in the hands of Goddess
Night, that she might have queenly honour". The scepter is the spine.
her was given the highest art of divination, for Mâyâ is the creative
power of the Deity, the means whereby he 'imagines' the universe, or
thinks it into being. Thus she, his spouse, is in the secret of his
thoughts, and thus presides over the highest divination.
Siddhartha's "Great Departure" occurs when Kantaka, his white horse,
jumps across a great river, symbolizing the prince's leaving from the
world of the body.
"Wilt thou ride hence and let the rich world slip Out of thy grasp, to hold a beggar's bowl?
Wilt thou go forth into the friendless waste That hast this Paradise of pleasures here?"
Prince made answer, "Unto this I came, And not for thrones: the kingdom
that I crave Is more than many realms and all things pass. To change
and death. Bring me forth Kantaka!"
"Be still
Kantaka! be still, and bear me now. The farthest journey ever rider
rode; For this night take I horse to find the truth. And where my quest
will end yet know I not, Save that it shall not end until I find."
NIGHT journey is referring to DARK ROOM meditation, the first thing a hermitist must do is enter into Negredo, that means the darkness, whee the pineal gland can activate.
"Night Journey", or Mi'raj; the ascension of Muhammad to the "Lote tree
of the uttermost limit," the nearest proximity allowed to being in the
presence of God, was accomplished by his riding a fantastic horse-like
being with wings called al-Buraq. In India, al-Buraq is depicted with
the face of a woman and the tail of a peacock."
One last curious point about the mystical horse: it seems to have been obtained "In the Wake of Poseidon".
was the son of the great sea god, Poseidon, and the Gorgon Medusa. (He
was horselike because Poseidon had been in the shape of a horse at the
time of the seduction). When Perseus cut off Medusa's head, Pegasus,
whose name means the 'Springs of Ocean' was born from the blood which
fell into the sea."
Perseus' defeat of Medusa recalls
Apollo's defeat of Python and Osiris (in the guise of the divine child
Horus) prevailing over Typhon.
"The White Horse is an ancient
symbol especially embodied in Pegasus. Though definitely an emblem of
Poseidon-Hippios and of mare-headed Demeter as Leukippe, the white horse
was not limited to the Greeks since it was featured in the pantheons of
many other cultures, particularly among the ancient Celts.
probably pre-dates the Great Deluge (Flood) where priests must have
attempted anything to placate the seagods as they observed the ever
rising waters.
Trismegistic teachings tell that the white
horse symbolizes purified passion, which, like other Poseidonic signs,
relates to our conscious efforts to gain some control over the often
turgid waters of the deep unconscious."
Poseidon's symbolism
"Riding his chariot across the sea Poseidon embodies the two age-old symbols of the unconscious horses and water.
The horse personifies in its primitive potency the instinctive drives of our own raw nature.
have reined the horse, we have controlled or submerged our instincts,
but the longing is in us to be united with our life giving power remains
unquenchable. We are all wearing the horse's head. All reined up in old
language and old assumptions, straining to jump clean hoofed on to a
whole new track of being we only suspect is there.
We can't
see it, because our average, educated head is being held at the wrong
angle. We can't jump because the bit forbids it, and our own basic force
our horsepower if you like is too little. Our horsepower becomes too
little when our cultured, educated heads reject the unconscious powers
over which Poseidon rules."
The sunrise is the dawn of a new
awareness. The graveyard symbolizes death. Night, as the mother of
Thanatos, also suggests death.
"Bid me face the east closed me in questions, built the sky for my dawn "
the connections with mathematics, astronomy, astrology and science,
Castel del Monte is oriented eastwards, with the main entrance and the
so-called Throne room oriented towards the sun's rise."
represents the place of beginnings, as in the dawn of a new day, the
dawn of humanity, or the dawn of individual human birth. In every
mythology that produces symbols related to the four directions, the East
is related to the function of intuition and intuitive knowledge."
face the east is to heed intuition. In order to follow intuition,
images from the outside world (intrusive sensory stimuli) must be held
to a minimum. The Garden of Eden (the womb) is also found in the east.
God," the account begins, "planted a garden in Eden which is in the
East." Symbolically East points to an inner, non-physical level of
reality. With this one word we are alerted to the symbolic meaning of
the story. It is where the journey towards wholeness begins."
There are no consequences. You are Infinite Consciousness. You will always be Infinite Consciousness.
You are: All That Is, Ever Has Been, and Ever Will Be.
you look at the consequences in terms of experience. When you do that,
you start to lose the fear of consequences in doing what you believe to
be right. Because we’ve got to start doing what we believe to be right,
and stop doing what we believe, quite wrongly, to be right for us in the
And we need to start getting street-wise. That is,
street-wise to the control techniques, and street-wise to where the
agenda is leading. And once we do that, we become so much more difficult
to manipulate.
But I would say this: I keep hearing from
people that we must stand for freedom, we must fight for freedom. I
don’t think so. I don’t agree. If you start fighting for freedom, then
you are playing on the five-sense playing field.
We don’t have to fight for freedom. We just have to be free, which is a completely different way of looking at it. Just be free!
What does that mean?
We question everything that we’re told.
We DO what we believe to be right, not what we believe people around us will find acceptable, or agree with.
We just live our lives in freedom.
think this, therefore I am going to live my live on the basis of what I
think. And I’m going to do on that basis of what I think, rather than
on what I think other people will find acceptable around me because it’s
different than what they believe.
It’s a matter of being free. And that’s a state of being. It’s not a doing, it’s a state of being.
once you get into that state of being free, and not allowing anything
to stop you being free, then you create, you project an energy field, a
thought-form around you, a state of being, that allows you to be free.
I’ve traveled around America, talking to conspiracy researchers and
whistle-blowers and good luck to them, I hold my hand up to them again
and again I hear them talking about “Oh, I don’t know how much longer
I’ll be allowed to do this” and “My goodness me, I don’t know what the
consequences are going to be”.
And that’s great, because they
have a fear of consequences, but they’re doing it anyway. That’s what
we call courage. But there is a state of being beyond courage, which is
not being in fear.
Courage is overcoming fear. If you’re not in fear, you don’t need courage. You just don’t need it.
You just do what you believe to be right. There isn’t any courage to it, you just do it because it’s right.
when people say to me: “How come you’re still alive?” It’s because it’s
not my reality that I won’t be. It’s not my reality that what I’m doing
can be stopped. It’s just not my reality, this physical, five-sense
world is a mirror of our consciousness; that’s all it is.
If I
do not allow a connection between my consciousness and the
consciousness of those who wish to stop me, to the point where I don’t
allow them the power over me by even contemplating the possibility of my
being stopped in other words, I don’t allow them to make a connection
with me, on a consciousness level then they cannot possibly connect with
me physically. It’s not possible.
What I’m saying is, it’s
like, if I’m looking into a mirror, just me, there’s nothing that can
make a connection with me, in the mirror. Only if I allow someone from
to stand next to me, and grab me by the throat, can that mirror reflect
control over me.
If we don’t allow them to connect with us on
a conscious level, we don’t let them in, we don’t even contemplate the
possibility that we can be stopped or that we can face consequences of
an unpleasant kind, there’s nothing they can do, in physical reality,
because they can’t make a connection with us in a mirror, if they’ve not
made a connection at the point of what’s being reflected. They can’t do
This is the power we have! This is why they (religion
and government) have worked so hard to pull out of circulation,
suppress, ridicule, and condemn this knowledge of the power we have.
me, the purpose of this allegory defines clearly the process of
enlightenment. For a man to be enlightened, he must above all desire the
freedom to explore and express himself.
This urge has to
become an intense need, a driving force that unlatches deep within him a
necessity to discover a new way of understanding and experiencing his
relationship with himself and the world in which he lives.
we express ourselves with words, thoughts or feelings, we are under the
impression that it is our mind and intellect that generate our
thinking. It is true that we do have "thoughts" and use our "intellect"
projecting around us "thought-forms" and psychic expressions of all
But, all of these are passing illusions and realities, projections of our ego desires and wishes.
metaphysical essays are based on personal experiences and intensive
research of ancient Egyptian and Greek religions and mystery schools, as
well as modern mystical and esoteric traditions such as the Rosicrucian
and Templar Traditions.
The above is intended to encourage
readers interested in Hermetic, Gnostic and mystical philosophies to
differentiate between our Real Nature which is rooted in Absolute
Consciousness and the vehicle serving it which is the ego and the five
Through this essay, we will try to encourage those of
you who earnestly want to explore the inner dimensions of Consciousness
and cross the threshold of the "Unknown" within oneself and pass
through the Portal of Initiation where the words "Know Thyself" are
This awakening process of consciousness is a
gradual one that unfolds and awakens pure Absolute Being in oneself.
Trust and follow your higher intuition which reveals the Abstract Mind
or the Intelligence of the Heart. Consequently you will individually be
encouraged to answer the question:
"Who Am I ?"
And when you know the answer, you are truly enlightened.
are a Sub-atomic particle of light, a drop of magnetism, that has come
from the stars, and you jumped into a physical body, to gain experience,
to feel, see, touch, taste and smell. But your true heritage is LIGHT.
eventually the light that animates that physical body seeks at-one-ment
with it's source, but it could hundreds even thousands of incarnations
in the flesh, before one wakes up, and begin to open the matrix within
them selves, and notices that there is something wrong with this world
we live in.
This knowledge about the soul (light) seeking
to dig it's way out of the material flesh and sit at the right hand of
the father (the right hemisphere of the brain), is what the entire
bible story is about.
It's what the emerald tablet is talking
about, it's whats in the Buddhist teachings, the Hindu teachings, in
fact, it's what all of the ancient wisdom teachings of earth are telling
Buddha was born out his mothers RIGHT side without any pain, and he took SEVEN steps right after birth.
Nothing is worthy of the truth unless it is an Universal teacing, which it is. So it passes the test.
light that animates your flesh, the electromagnetism, comes form the
galaxy ngc4555, and this is in the bible. So you really do have a home,
that's up there, and this galaxy is it.
Here is what the bible says:
prophecy is found in Daniel chapter 5 and the surface meaning of the
handwriting of God on a wall incident is provided in the verses Daniel 5
Dan 5:25 And this is the inscription that was written:
1 King Belshazzar gave a great banquet for a thousand of his lords, with whom he drank.
Under the influence of the wine, he ordered the gold and silver vessels
which Nebuchadnezzar, his father, had taken from the temple in
Jerusalem, to be brought in so that the king, his lords, his wives and
his entertainers might drink from them.
3 When the gold and
silver vessels taken from the house of God in Jerusalem had been brought
in, and while the king, his lords, his wives and his entertainers were
4 wine from them, they praised their gods of gold and silver, bronze and iron, wood and stone.
Suddenly, opposite the lamp stand, the fingers of a human hand appeared,
writing on the plaster of the wall in the king's palace. When the king
saw the wrist and hand that wrote,
6 his face blanched; his thoughts terrified him, his hip joints shook, and his knees knocked.
The king shouted for the enchanters, Chaldean's, and astrologers to be
brought in. "Whoever reads this writing and tells me what it means," he
said to the wise men of Babylon, "shall be clothed in purple, wear a
golden collar about his neck, and be third in the government of the
8 But though all the king's wise men came in, none of them could either read the writing or tell the king what it meant.
9 Then King Belshazzar was greatly terrified; his face went ashen, and his lords were thrown into confusion.
When the queen heard of the discussion between the king and his lords,
she entered the banquet hall and said, "O king, live forever! Be not
troubled in mind, nor look so pale!
11 here is a man in your
kingdom in whom is the spirit of the holy God; during the lifetime of
your father he was seen to have brilliant knowledge and god-like wisdom.
In fact, King Nebuchadnezzar, your father, made him chief of the
magicians, enchanters, Chaldeans, and astrologers,
comment, in this narrative, daniel had already had the kundalini
experience, and already received universal wisdom and knowledge. Just as
the emerald tablet states.
That's why only Daniel could decipher the numbers meaning of MENE MENE. He had already been there.
because of the extraordinary mind possessed by this Daniel, whom the
king named Belteshazzar. He knew and understood how to interpret dreams,
explain enigmas, and solve difficulties. Now therefore, summon Daniel
to tell you what this means."
13 Then Daniel was brought into
the presence of the king. The king asked him, "Are you the Daniel, the
Jewish exile, whom my father, the king, brought from Judah?
My comment: Notice it says was from Judah, in the bible the tribe of Judah faced EAST (the right hemisphere of the brain) and all the numbers of the tribe were 186,400. This is the constant speed of light, you can google it and see. There it is right in your bible.
2:3 And on the east side toward the rising of the sun shall they of the
standard of the camp of Judah pitch throughout their armies: and
Nahshon the son of Amminadab shall be captain of the children of Judah.
2:9 All that were numbered in the camp of Judah were an hundred
thousand and fourscore thousand and six thousand and four hundred,
throughout their armies. These shall first set forth.
My comment, a score is 20, so fourscore is 80. ( 186,400) The constant speed of light, right from your bible.
Final comment, Daniel was from this tribe, the tribe of LIGHT. The tribe of JUDAH.
That's the point I wanted to make.
Continue with Daniels interpretation if the meaning of the words written on a wall with no arm.
(can't you see the handwriting on the wall, man!)
14 I have heard that the spirit of God is in you, that you possess brilliant knowledge and extraordinary wisdom.
15 Now,
the wise men and enchanters were brought in to me to read this writing
and tell me its meaning, but they could not say what the words meant.
But I have heard that you can interpret dreams and solve difficulties;
if you are able to read the writing and tell me what it means, you shall
be clothed in purple, wear a gold collar about your neck, and be third
in the government of the kingdom."
17 Daniel answered the
king: "You may keep your gifts, or give your presents to someone else;
but the writing I will read for you, O king, and tell you what it means.
23 you have rebelled against the Lord of heaven. You had the vessels of his temple brought before you, so that you and your nobles.
wives and your entertainers, might drink wine from them; and you
praised the gods of silver and gold, bronze and iron, wood and stone,
that neither see nor hear nor have intelligence. But the God in whose
hand is your life breath and the whole course of your life, you did not
:26 This is the interpretation of each word.MENE: God has numbered your kingdom, and finished.
:27 TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting;
:28 PERES: Your kingdom has been divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.
Most prophetic scripture clearly portrays a time dimension or a place.
This prophecy cleverly hides its prophetic nature behind the meaning of MENE MENE.
MENE MENE decoded.
4 5 5 5 THE GALAXY
You are saved by knowledge , not faith. They followed a monophysite doctrine which aligns with present day physics and quantum.
This is from Bill Donahue at Hiddenmeanings.com
Two thousand plus years ago, they wrote in the Gnostic Book of IEOU of a strange number and and instructed others to hold it close to them. The number was 4555.
In the book of Daniel in the bible, in Daniel Chapter 5 a strange thing occurs.
A hand without an arm enters a room and begins to write on a wall.
The words are Mene Mene which means number, number.
It says; your KINGDOM has been numbered.
Hebrew and Greek each letter has a numerical value it is called
gematria. The value of the word Mene is 4555, your true home in the
universe, the galaxy ngc4555
God said so, because God spoke through Daniel, and revealed this secret hidden wisdom.
In Daniel the number 4555
appears between the stories of Shedrach, Mesach, and Abednigo (the
three who were put in the furnace heated SEVEN times.), and Daniel who
was thrown to the Lions.
The King had Daniel thrown into the Lions den, WHY?
Then they said to the king, "Daniel, who is one of the exiles from
Judah, pays no attention to you, O king, or to the decree you put in
writing. He still prays three times a day." 14 When the king heard this,
he was greatly distressed; he was determined to rescue Daniel and made
every effort until sundown to save him.
15 Then the men went
as a group to the king and said to him, "Remember, O king, that
according to the law of the Medes and Persians no decree or edict that
the king issues can be changed."
16 So the king gave the
order, and they brought Daniel and threw him into the lions' den. The
king said to Daniel, "May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue
17 A stone was brought and placed over the mouth of the
den, and the king sealed it with his own signet ring and with the rings
of his nobles, so that Daniel's situation might not be changed. 18 Then
the king returned to his palace and spent the night without eating and
without any entertainment being brought to him. And he could not sleep.
At the first light of dawn, the king got up and hurried to the lions'
den. 20 When he came near the den, he called to Daniel in an anguished
voice, "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve
continually, been able to rescue you from the lions?"
Daniel answered, "O king, live forever! 22 My God sent his angel, and he
shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was
found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, O
23 The king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift
Daniel out of the den. And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound
was found on him, because he had trusted in his God.
The lions to summarize
The Lion of Judah. What could that be.?
The enlightenment entering from the East or the right side.
The enlightenment coming from the right hemisphere of the brain.
I think I can make that work because of the book of Numbers in the Bible.
2:3 And on the east side toward the rising of the sun shall they of the
standard of the camp of Judah pitch throughout their armies:
Remember, when you look North, East is always on the right side. Metaphysically, your nose always points NORTH, so the right side of your head EAST.
There we have the Tribe of Judah at the East.
The Sun being the domicile of the Lion.
The Lion of Judah. Enlightenment from the right hemisphere.
Numbers 2:9 in the Bible says that there were 186,400 people in the Camp of Judah.
The constant speed of light.
The constant speed of light.
mythology, which unfortunately was taken literally by people who
recently jumped into the lion’s den, is a symbolic tale using the lions
to represent the systems of the world, religions, governments, etc.
represents those who have been strengthened within so that they can
live in the midst of the warring minds, the power grabbers, and yet not
be touched by their external actions.
They will roar and you will hear hem but they will not harm you.
In other words they will never be able to destroy your spirit no matter how loud they roar. The roaring is in your HEAD.
Stay out of the lions den (the stems, government and religion) don't allow their thoughts to infect your mind.
could not infect Daniels mind, because, he had already been divinely
protected, because he had already had his Kundalini experience, and had
did his penance (time) in meditation.
Just as the Emerald tablet says,and promises, and so it is in the bible.
is an unnamed galaxy, with a bright center in the constellation Coma,
(mother & child), in the Zodiacal sign Virgo.
It gives a whole new meaning to the scripture that says, "behold the Lord will give a sign, a virgin shall conceive".
Galaxy NGC4555, your true home of light,
believe it or not, right from your bible. How did they know thousands
of years ago, that the astronomical society would find a galaxy, and
name it ngc4555.
The only galaxy ever discovered with a halo of dark natter completely surrounding it. A HALO!
The Egyptians said from the stars I came, and to the stars shall I return.
The entire pyramid complex at giza is a monument to light,
the great pyramid is also a representation of your brain. the kings
camber is where the pineal gland of your brain is located, and the
queens chamber is where you pituitary gland is located.
Kings chamber is the Pineal gland, the Queens chamber is the Pituitary gland. Notice where these glands receive light from.
is the electromagnetic field set up between these two glands, when the
energy rises to the brain, that lights the furnace or fornix of your
brain, where you meet god face to face, as Jacob said in the bible.
"Even though my flesh shall rot away, yet IN the FLESH shall I see God face to face", and I call this place Piniel (old English spelling). And then right after that he said, and then my life is preserved.
Just as the emerald tablet says, once you have opened the seven seals,
and have gone to the right side of the brain, you will be shown things,
and know things, that is unlawful to utter, says the bible.
memory of who you (the light ) really are will be revealed to you. And
when your physical body dies, you will go onto higher and higher realms.
you can take a body again, if you so desire, but is your will, and you
can do as you wish. Because you graduated from grade school earth.
teachings of Buddha and Jesus are boundless love for humanity. The
teachings of both are charity, forgiveness of injury, forgetfulness of
self, and pity for the deluded masses.
Both show the same contempt for the world and its riches and its religions.
desire was to give those whose burden in life was too heavy for them,
hope enough , and an inkling into the truth so as to support them in
their heaviest hours. But the goals of both were frustrated owing to the
excess of zeal by their later followers.
The words of Jesus and the words of Buddha, misunderstood and misinterpreted.
More from Bill Donahue of Hidden meanings
Right discrimination is not for him who cannot concentrate.
Without concentration there cannot be meditation.
He who cannot meditate must not expect peace, and without peace, how can anyone expect happiness.
As a ship is tossed by the tempest, so the reason is carried away by the mind when preyed upon by the straying senses.
A great rock is not disturbed by the wind, the mind of a wise person is not disturbed by either honor or abuse.
One is the master of oneself, one is the oasis one can depend on, therefore one should control oneself above all.
the light of a small candle will spread from one to another in
succession, so the light of compassion will pass on from one mind to
another endlessly.
Blood stains cannot be removed by more
blood, resentment cannot be removed by more resentment, resentment can
be removed only be forgetting it.
his feet leave their imprints in my footsteps and his hands carry my
garment, if his mind is disturbed by greed, he is far from me.
people would ask the Buddha " how can we improve on things?" He would
say, " there is no need to improve. There is no way to improve.
The rose is a rose, the marigold is a marigold.
The effort to make a marigold a rose is doomed to fail.
There is helplessness, misery, failure. The ego feels hurt and wounded.
This is the first thing. A deep total acceptance of things as they are. Then life enters into a different dimension.
The dimension of joy, celebration, because then the whole energy is available to dance, to sing, to be.
From Bill Donahue of Hidden Meanings
The Buddha Speaks: " Indeed those who seek for enlightenment must think of their minds as castles and decorate them.
must open the castle gates of their minds wide for the Buddha and
respectfully and humbly invite him to enter the inmost fastness, there
to offer him the fragrant incense of faith and the flowers of gratitude
and gladness."
The Christ Speaks, Revelation 3:20 " Behold I
stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door
I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me.
have drawn deep lines to separate cultures of people who are listening
to the same voice and pretending that the others voice is somehow
improper, pagan etc.
How foolish we are.!
It has been a
thought of mine that in actuality, the only true Born Again Christians
(as far as organized groups are concerned) are Buddhists.
seek within themselves so as to be centered, and separate, which Jesus
taught, and they are non violent which Jesus also taught.
the other hand Christians do not accept the teaching of the single eye
or separating from thought, and certainly do not support non violence.
they are neither Christians nor Buddhists, but nihilists, beasts, lost
sheep, without a Herder from the higher source. Because their Herder
is the lower egoic mind, which has caused all of the wars, and killings
and violence upon this earth.
Just read up on the dark ages
of Europe, and you will learn that religious sect after religious sect
were busy killing, torturing, and burning one another at the steak, in
the name of GOD.
And as Joseph Campbell said: RELIGION feeds the ANIMAL nature in man/woman. HOW TRUE
Curious isn’t it. True Christians or disciples of Christ are actually Buddhists.
I do not find Jesus being comfortable with Hinduism per se because he did not seem to support Karma.
time his disciples saw a man born blind and asked Jesus whose sin
caused the man to be born blind, his or his parents. Jesus answered
Jesus teachings were quite clear and quite contrary to contemporary Christian thought.
Luke 17:21 The Kingdom of God is within you.
Here Jesus states that the Kingdom of God is a matter of consciousness.
It is a matter of inner light
Matthew 6:33 Seek first the Kingdom of God.
Jesus states that what comes first is not prayer, not hymns, not
church, not religion, but seeking within yourself, meditation.
11:52 Woe unto you lawyers. You take away the key of knowledge, you
enter not in yourselves and them that are entering in you hindered.
states that those who make religious law fail because they do not enter
within themselves and they hinder others who are trying to find the key
by entering within.
How true that is of contemporary religion.
Matthew 6:22 If your eye be single your body will fill with light.
Here Jesus speaks of stimulating the single eye or Pineal Gland of the brain.
Matthew 6:33 Take no thought for your life.
From Matthew 6:25 through 6:33 Jesus states over and over the need to take no thought.
Separate from the thoughts of the mind.
Mark13:37 And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.
the admonition deepens for us to watch within ourselves thereby
collapsing the wave and attracting the cosmic photon, angle or Angel.
This is the watching meditation that you can read about in the book Enoch
So here we have Jesus Christ quoted in the Bible as providing instructions for finding God, for finding life.
Practice the single eye, separate from the thoughts of the mind, find knowledge and the Kingdom of God within yourself.
When will the the majority of the earths tribes become enlightened?
Aquarius is a constellation. It is also a Zodiacal sign. Aquarius is called the water bearer.
This is also the Man with the Pitcher of Water as described by Jesus in the Bible.
KJV Luke 22:10-13
And he said unto them, when you enter into the city, there shall a man
meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he
11. And you shall say to the owner of the house, The
Master wants us to ask you , Where is the guest chamber, where I shall
eat the passover with my disciples?
12. And he shall show you a large upper room furnished: The upper room, is the right hemisphere of the brain
The inference was, when you see the man with the Pitcher of Water go to the upper room and prepare the Passover.
upper room is the mind, the man with the pitcher of water is the Age of
Aquarius, and the Passover is the movement to a whole new consciousness
that will utterly destroy old traditions.
So let us put this
in the form of an inquiry into the Man with the Pitcher of Water and
see if there is a relevance to our subject at hand. The renewed mind
(the passing over from your old dead animal personality), to the higher
consciousness, as promised in the bible and the emerald tablet etc...
we are fully in the Aquarius sign, there will be a cleansing of the
minds on this earth, things will change for a time, but just as the
tablet says, and the Bible, the cycle will come again, and men will
prefer darkness over light, So is the nature of things. Until the lords
of the cycles return, and set up god's kingdom once gain. Every 25,920
years. A great year.
Everything is cyclic, and this this teaching of the kybalion and the Emerald tablet.
has a season, as above, so below. Once you understand this great truth,
it solves many a paradox. And lifts the veil of Isis, so a glimpse of
her knowledge can be gleaned.
Revelation 1:16. And he had in
his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two edged
sword: and his countenance was as the sun shines in his strength.
OK there are two lights behind the wings.
The brightness of each is a thousand times brighter then the sun.
It fits the Biblical description of God having a face that no man could look upon and live.
the myth of Star Wars, Darth Vader, and Luke Skywalker , and what that means to us today .
and Darkness, Good and Evil ,came against each other, and they were
actually of the same family. The evil force represented by Darth Vader
was actually the father of the good force represented by Luke Skywalker.
Both Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader dueled with light sabers.
Luke Skywalker Darth Vader
struggle between good and evil or light and darkness is waged with the
power of light. Actually this is representative of laser power.
Luke Sky walker creates a Green Laser which he uses to conquer Darth Vader and the powers of darkness.
First one must decide if he/she is going to follow God or follow religion.
the choice is to follow God then one will enter within oneself and seek
through meditation, the invisible force of love, and healing for the
sake of yourself and your family.
My purpose here is not to
suggest what your political beliefs should be, but only to point out
that the present conflicts which have already resulted in the killing of
thousands is formed in the religious beliefs of people who ascend to a
place of leadership.
Those beliefs then culminate in the killing of the innocent. It has always been that way and it is not of God.
This is from the Universal Tao Center
We descend into the void, into the darkness of deep, inner space.
activates the deepest centers within the brain, the glands of the
Crystal Palace, establishing a connection with the Original Source, the
Wu Chi.
The pineal gland connects us to the Universal Energy.
From the hypothalamus gland, we project our soul or spirit upwards, and receive the descending Universal Energy.
The pituitary gland receives the Cosmic Force, used to launch the spirit bodies into the earthly or human plane for traveling.
Lao-tzu here compares himself with the nonborn baby. What does he inform us about this baby?
baby-sage is "fastened and tied" by his embryonic "clothes" and
umbilical cord, which unites him with the maternal body. This holy
foetus has "the mind [or heart-the thinking and conscious organ
according to Chinese tradition] of a fool," while at the same time it
possesses the highest wisdom.
Thus, the connection between
birth in the course of the cosmic evolution world and Tao looks quite
like the connection between a mother nourishing her child, and the baby
But in the case of humans, there appears a self
concept, an independent, self-containing "I," as an unchanging subject
of actions.
This kind of egoistic self-consciousness harms the original unity, and humans begin to counteract Tao.
predominant attitude of human actions is no longer the law and measure
of the cosmic rhythm of Tao, but egocentric preferences, which change
spontaneous natural life into purposeful activities based only on bare
Taoism sees egocentricity as the cause of all human sufferings, pains, frustrations-from mortality to social collisions.
there we see what is consistent in all religious philosophies. The
conflict between the higher and the lower. But here there is a solution
that is not unlike the solution of Kabbala.
It is put in the terms of the return to the mother.
The return to the womb.
The place of meditation.
Professor Tortchinov
only means, not only to become liberated from sufferings but to obtain
the highest happiness, is to restore original unity with Tao, to broaden
consciousness and to put an end to the egocentric attitude, that is, to
return to the state of the nonborn child who does not know a distinct
difference between his or her own body and the maternal body, who
breathes the maternal breath and eats maternal food.
In meditation, you breath the maternal breath and you eat the maternal food. The manna from heaven if you will.
coming back to the womb of the Mother-Tao is connected with the
broadening of the personality to the cosmic scale, when "eternal
integrity never deserts you.
You will return to the state of infancy.
Jesus said "Unless you become as a child, you CANNOT enter the kingdom"
This state of the non born child is the state of immortality, peace, and unity with all beings and with one's own nature:
return to the root is called "stillness," stillness is called returning
to the "fate-vitality," the return to the fate-vitality is called
"constancy." One who knows constancy is called "enlightened"
love the emphasis on the word stillness and it takes me to the Biblical
story with Moses when Moses was panicked as to how he was going to
fight the battle before him.
Exodus 14:14. The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace (be still).and know that I am god.
All of this is speaking of meditation.
The burning bush we see portrayed here is actually the pineal gland of
the brain when when it is lit by the rising electro energy up the spine
gives us enlightenment.
are a particle of light (god) nesting in a human body, driving a piece
of meat, a machine we call the body. You are in that body to communicate
with other light beings in physical bodies.
goal of the light that you are, inhabiting that slab of meat, is to
come home to the fathers house, and reunite with your true self. The
star energy that you are. That's the game, should you decide to play.
And it can ONLY happen via DARK ROOM MEDITATION.
“He shall be like a tree planted by rivers of waters.” (Ps. 1:3)
rivers of waters are the four cerebrospinal ventricles that flood the
brain with saline, once energised by the flood of electromagnetism from
above,then below, then above, through the twelve cranial nerves.
Everything must first go down first, before it can come up.
psalm is describing an individual who meditates. The comparison is now
made to a tree (which is the tree of life, the spine). The tree produces
fruit (enlightenment) in season and does not wither because it is
planted by water (symbol of spirit ot the electromagnetism, from above.
As moses struck a rock (pineal gland) with his staff (spine) and water
came out).
Game over, reload program, and start the game over again. Go to Level 2
From the book secret of the sphinx by Andrew Raymond
should be deprogrammed enough to soar into the heavens on our own, but
in the meantime, we should not be fighting wars over different
mythological stories.
You might think I was unenlightened
should I say, “If you profess any other fable than ‘Cinderella,’ you
will be severely punished for eternity. I don’t want to hear anything
about Snow White or King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
will only accept the story of "snow white" as the true word.” How
foolish! All of these fairy tales are reducible to Ah. Now that we are
clear about this, I am going to express my thing, myth, or belief as an
allegory. As all ancient knowledge and stories of truth are given. As
Let each of us think about the word we use for the
whole universe. Pick a word or sound that includes everything in
creation, as well as the force or power that created it. Some people use
the sound or word Ah, Om, Aum, God, or Allah just to mention a few.
am going to use the word Oneness or Whole. Remember, it is just a word
representing something beyond the words. This is one of the reasons the
great sages always spoke in parables, mythology stories, folklore, or
legends about something that cannot be expressed within the confines of
The Oneness or the Whole says to Itself: I am
everything! I am God! I am It! I am the point or a perfect circle! God I
am bored! I am so tired of playing with Myself. This is ridiculous. I
am tired of being all one or alone.
that “all one” and “alone” are essentially the same word. If one is all
one, then one must be alone. Are we sensing the predicament of the One
Who Causes? Being absolutely bored, the Oneness comes up with a bright
idea. Why! I'll just split into two.
This would be the same
way we split into two teams to play football, chess, or checkers. The
Perfect Circle, God, or the Whole gets imaginative, and It splits in two
or in-to creation. Just as the cell divides in two, then four etc...
In-Divided-Dual or an Individual
the Oneness or God splits into the two U’s (You & You, Us or
We), what is a game the universe can play? “Hide and Seek” of course! God can hide from Itself, and spend Its Being trying to find Itself.
me space to find myself! I have been found! I found it! Most of us know
that lost and found departments are normally found together.
A Double of You or a Double
Game over, reload program, and start the game over again.
In other words I god will reincarnate into another physical body, and play the hide and seek game with myself again.
It's all just a cosmic joke, a prankster is this god.
God sure has a sense of humor.
will come down to earth, inhabit a physical body, leave a book that no
one can understand, in fact I will leave many books, that no one can
understand, describing how to find myself again, and after hundreds, or
even thousands of incarnations, in the flesh, and through many 46
deposits of hell, in many family trees.
I will eventually
become enlightened, and wala! See myself face to face. face the mirror,
says the emerald tablet, and you will see the LIGHT (god) Myself.
This is fun!
I can play this game forever.
It sure beats being lonely.
sleep, and I wake (as above, so below). Although my sleep may seem to
be longer than yours. it is only your perception, that makes it so.
I wake up every 12,960 years. And guess what, you wake up with me.
I sleep the other 12,960 years. And so do you. 25,920 years completes my sleeping and waking cycle, and yours as well.
From The Star of Bethlehem
driving force that pushes him to explore and search for something that
he cannot initially define is the same one that pervades and operates in
nature, pushing everything within creation to transform itself
Therefore, we understand that this force is a
natural underlying energy permeating and influencing the physical,
psychic and spiritual substance of all created and living species,
allowing them to continually transform and develop.
Hence, we
observe, that this same process of transmutation and change also
affects and influences man’s physical, psychic, and spiritual
characteristics and attributes.
Indeed, these three aspects
in man come under the same governing laws of nature, and there is no
exception to the process. In other words, man is bound by an unknown
driving force that pushes his whole being towards an unknown goal and
This wondrous and unfathomable energy urges him to
move on, and follows a specially designed path. This path unfolds
gradually, subtly shifting his ways of perception and understanding.
man’s destiny remains a mystery to him for a long time to come; indeed,
it stays concealed within his being through many cycles of incarnation
until consciousness within him is able to adjust and expose itself,
helped by a new surge of universal influence.
This influence
is a cosmic and Divine energy that pervades everything within creation
and the center of this source is found within his own spiritual
This energy is called consciousness, and
consciousness unfolds in creation gradually. Why does it do that?
Simply, to manifest, awaken and reflect back myriad manifestations
through the whole and unique Center of Pure Being. The Zero field point
of all creation.
After examining ancient symbology, it
becomes apparent that it was believed by the ancients that we create our
reality in the same way by selecting information internally from the
source and projecting it, and all during this same fusion-node-point in
the cyclical process.
So, if all the information we are
picking up from the world around us is integrated within the thalamus
which selects only that information with which we are familiar and where
this information is then being regulated and relayed to the rest of the
Then we can see that during the rare ‘enlightenment
experience’ when one experiences all the information of the universe at
once, or so it seems the ‘gateway’ of he thalamus has opened up totally
or that all our energies are focused at this point in the brain.
it is logical to say that this conscious fusion experience takes place
in the thalamus right at the center of the brain.
fusion is also associated with the activation of the ‘third eye’ by
which one is able to peer into, or see into the spiritual realms i.e.,
the Underworld and higher-worlds and interact with these worlds as one
would via ‘Out of Body’ experiences and what we now call ‘Remote
Viewing’. As stated in the Emerald tablet.
"Whenever things get out of whack it is always helpful for me to remember that we live on a hydrogen atom"
Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge in the field of truth
and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."
Albert Einstein
alchemy, the combination of the fire and water symbols (up and down
triangles) is known as the Seal of Solomon. The symbol is representative
of the combination of opposites which produce a transmutation. How is
that possible? It seems crazy!
mixing of fire and water is an 'elemental' depiction of an
active/dynamic surrender to God. The 'water' part is to flow with God's
plan and the 'fire' part is to dynamically embrace the task that is put
before you (subject to ethical considerations).
The life of
Christ, was 33.14 years and mirrors exactly, the sun's journey through
the 12th astrological house (according to the ancient astrological
model) of 'self undoing' and 'secret enemies' and a subsequent 'rebirth'
as the Sun ('Son') exits Pisces and enters Aries.
There are
significant astronomical/astrological similarities between the Sun, of
our solar system, and Jesus, the 'son' of God. The similarity, above, is
only one of many astronomical allegories documented in this archive.
additional interpretation of the Sun's journey through the Piscean 12th
house is the Pharaoh's "after death" journey through 'the 12th house of
Pisces (the psychological 'underworld'), this is a key connection
between ancient Egypt and Christ
The 'life of Christ' is
(also) a depiction of the 'process of judgment' that takes place 'within
one's own self' whenever one finally decides to surrender to God.
is at the point of surrender to God that the battles start to be waged
within one's soul. As such, the Synoptic gospels are (also) an
allegorical portrayal of the 'inner journey' that one must make to
restore 'the original person' and to vanquish all inner corruption and
be 'reborn' as a child of the divine.
American Heritage Dictionary - neck·tie, Pronunciation Key (nek'ti')
A narrow fabric band of varying length worn around the neck and tied in a knot close to the throat
The necktie is a metaphor for what Western Man does to himself.
each person there are vast potentialities which remain untapped because
of being caught up in automatic and culturally imposed modes of
Religion, ideally, should provide a guide to
unleashing our creative potentials and enable us to break free from
'consensus reality' belief systems. Unfortunately, religion has become
one of the cultural impositions that is keeping people unconscious.
religion is the necktie of man.
Religion has not kept pace with the exponential scientific growth of the past 2 millennia.
today are literate, informed and educated and can no longer be
controlled by holding up 'totems' (an object serving as the distinctive
mark of the clan or group).
But their intellect also keeps
them from studying, or pursuing the things of the Spirit. Spirituality
does NOT hand and hand with religion. Spirituality, if is to come about
in you, has to be worked out WITHIN you. No religion or Church, or
pastor can help you.
We are unlike the people who lived
during the times when contemporary religions were first established. We
are slowly making our way back to the ORIGINAL meaning of all the
ancient teachings and myths.
How in the world can a religion
proclaim that "God is love" and then hold up a graven image of 'the son
of God' brutally impaled upon a cross (to prove it)? Followed then by
2000 years of silence while the West brought its own brand of hell to
people and races throughout the world.
History demonstrates
that Christianity is surely not working in the way that it could. For
the most part, 'missionaries' are the first wave of an invasion that
will ultimately destroy a culture and introduce them to the concepts of
guilt, shame, the Western 'real estate agent' and consumerism (salvation
by consumption).
religion has destroyed more cultures, than god in the old testament, and all the gods combined.
immediately after (one generation) a people has been taught to 'turn
the other cheek' somebody is showing up to take their ancestral lands.
over time, has been betrayed by Judas. 'Judas', according to the
decoded 'star data', represents the mind that has been captivated by
stuff (pleasures of the physical world), with no regard for that Light
that is within man, and to understand your own self. Above all (man know
Practically everyone in the West has become a
full-time shopping bag-lady while everyone competes to get better
'widgets' to put into their bag a seeming repeat of Moses descending
from the mountain and finding the cult of the Golden Calf.
is beneficial in that it introduces a sense of the sacred but the flip
side is a medieval abomination that has never quite found its way to
enlightenment. In fact it concealed the very road itself, buried in the
blood of the saints
It is a psychological and metaphysical
fact of life that if you continually show a child images of the
crucified Christ, and present those images as 'important', then that
child is likely to 'reproduce the subconscious message of those images.
over time, become metaphorically crucified in one's life, in one's
marriage, in one's job and in the world, generally. It will feed the
lower mind, and cause the person to continue to live at the root chakra
level of his/her being.
In brief, you wind up with a
crucified world that has gradually become dysfunctional. Why? Because of
an utter mis-representation (misdirection) of the Synoptic gospels, and
the emerald tablet, that are the heart and soul of the New Testament.
over 2000 years the Earth has been in labor trying to give birth to
Christ, and failing miserably. The Christian cosmology, as presented to
the faithful, is incomplete and sends you off in the wrong direction
(outer rather than inner) and with incomplete information.
are there 'secret teachings' that are not being shared with us? Well,
yes and an additional problem is that the teaching-focus of Christianity
has been placed exclusively upon portions of the dogma that are
unworkable without other 'key information' that is ignored.
Here are some of the keys that the star data revealed:
New Testament (Synoptic (gnostic) Gospels) is about the 'inner journey'
and it presents, in symbol, many of the complications that one is
likely to find within his or her own psyche as they go 'within' ("The
Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and within you" Christ) to find and
resurrect the indwelling Christ (divine spark).
The spiritual
teachings contained in the Synoptic gospels are a road map for
navigating the inner landscape because true spiritual growth requires a
renewal of your mind.
A dichotomy exists between Jesus, a
representation of humanity and Christ the divine spark. Jesus, according
to the star data was 'the cross' (matter physicality) upon which the
indwelling Christ was crucified; as such, the New Testament's Jesus
represents Everyman and woman who traverses the inner path of
Jesus 'glory' is in having transcended his human
biological context (free of lower emotion/passions) and bringing forth
the Christ, or the divine spark (regardless of nomenclature) that is at
the root of all life. That is the teaching of the ages, in fact it is
the SECRET of the AGES.
The word Ecstasy is derived from the
Greek word ekstasis and meaning "standing outside oneself".
As such, the goal of religion is to assist you (provide you with the necessary tools) in self-transcendence and the attainment of everlasting bliss that is the result of 'standing outside of yourself'. Religion has failed man at every turn, and shut up the door, and kept the KEYS to the kingdom from your hands.
As such, the goal of religion is to assist you (provide you with the necessary tools) in self-transcendence and the attainment of everlasting bliss that is the result of 'standing outside of yourself'. Religion has failed man at every turn, and shut up the door, and kept the KEYS to the kingdom from your hands.
A 'key' is: The Christ that
"died for your sins" is your indwelling Christ (divine spark). The
uncomfortable result that is produced by this conundrum (ego masking the
divine spark) is to put one into a temporal 'box' (space and time) in
the underworld of inversion that is ruled by the fear of the eventual
extinguishment of your life.
This conundrum exists until
action is taken to turn the inversion around, by understanding the
emerald tablet, and the wisdom teachings of old, and understanding the
meanings of the mythological stories put forth in the Bible.
make sense of all of this requires mentioning some additional
information from the Seal of Solomon or Star of Bethlehem data.
The decoded ancient symbolism suggests that:
(a Key): The Christ is a spark of the creative intelligence that
creates and evolves the universe. Without the recognition of the
existence of an inner-divine-component, no genuine spiritual evolution
is likely.
2) (a Key): The spark of 'God' can be found
within the deepest recesses of the human 'psychological base' and
animating (giving life to) the temporal fiction of 'self'.
There is a body of 'natural law' that permeates the universe, however,
rather than being about the equal and opposite reactions of physics the
body of Natural Law is about equal and similar reactions (Justice, an
immutable law.) that return to us as a result of our earlier actions or
omissions. As stated in the emerald tablet, as well as the great mystery
school teachings.
Our earlier actions can even be from times beyond the veil of recollection.
(Key: Reincarnation is the missing ingredient of the Christian cosmology.
biblical commentary reveals that many thought that Jesus was the
reincarnation of the earlier prophets). "And when the unclean spirit has
gone out of a body, it seeks a new house freshly swept and garnished,
and enters therein, with SEVEN more spirits worse than the first" The
King James bible.
4) (a Key): The crucifixion, as related in
the Synoptic gospels, is an allegorical depiction of the spirit (spark
of God) impaled upon matter (contained in a physical body and unpleasant
circumstances for an indeterminate period of time) as a result of an
expression of Natural Law.
The 'Crown of Thorns'
represents the mindset that can maintain such literal crucifixions until
the mindset is replaced by the removing of veil, and the truth
revealed. Then the crown of thorns disappear, as you now dawn a crown of
gold instead.
5) (a Key): Christ, like Adam, is 'the
original person', and to resurrect the 'original and eternal person' the
'sin of Adam' must be erased. It's all within your Psyche, an inner
The 'sin of Adam' (decoded) was incorporating the knowledge of evil into the otherwise all good cosmology of paradise.
story of Able and Cain is an allegorical depiction of the 'inner
condition' of natural goodness becoming destroyed by the introduction of
duality and the knowledge of evil. The lower mind (light) vs, the
higher mind (light). a lesser star, that eventually through alchemy,
becomes a greater star.
(a Key): Good and evil are the two
faces of God and the face that God shows to you is a mirror of the face
that you have shown to God.
If one want things to evolve
they must get free of the knowledge of evil and restore (in the mind)
the 'all good' cosmology of Eden. The right side of the brain, the third
ventricle, attained during meditation.
6) (a Key): The
definition of evil is activity that produces a dilemma which eventually
smothers your inner light. Good and evil, light and dark, are but two
sides of the same coin. But religion would have you believe that evil is
of the god made devil. The evil, or devil is the human ego, fed by the
religious institutions of the earth.
7) (a Key): The indwelling
light inscribes your sins (errors) into your clay (your body and
circumstances). As we embrace the 'all good' we start the process of
8) (a Key): The return path to wholeness is all
about removing our contamination's (See, The ancient art of Alchemy) the
rest is automatic. That's why god rested on the Seventh day of creation.
(a Key): The 'holy war' that is to be waged is to go within and conquer
the animal-based ego that has replaced God as the Supreme Being.
(a Key): The 'two thieves' between whom the Christ was crucified
(according to the ancient symbolism embedded into the
astroarchaeological Star of Bethlehem ) are the mind and the heart that
have become more infatuated with 'self' (ego as 'king' produces the
Crown of Thorns) than with God.
The mind and heart can, and
often do, operate in duality. It is wise to get them flowing,
simultaneously and in the 'right' direction because, in tandem, they
wield significant creative power. Creative power that is magnified when
the mind and heart are focused upon 'goodness' (God ness).
the presence of a perpetually chattering 'voice' in your head will be a
constant reminder that something, within your psyche, needs to be
brought into balance.
It chatters continuously about the
most ridiculous things. It is only a significant sense of the sacred
that will silence that inner dialogue and restore your peace and your
divine birthright.
Otherwise, you remain in a surreal
Darwinian fun-house lifetime after lifetime after lifetime living in a
'stable' unaware of who you really are. Just as the emerald tablet
The entire Giza Plateau is a monument to Light
Pyramid = Pi Ra Mid = "pyra" "mid" means Fire in the middle. (of the head).
The Great Pyramid contains in its many dimensions all of the median "measures" of Light.
The Great Pyramid is located at 29 degrees 58 minutes 51 seconds north latitude.
(according to our present system of measurement):
The Speed of Light in a vacuum is 299,792,458 kilometers per second or 186,400 miles per second.
There is a direct correlation between light speed and the Great Pyramid's latitude:
a) 29 degrees b) 58 minutes of arc is 97% of one degree c) 51 seconds of arc is 85% of one minute of arc
When we put those numbers together we have 29 97 85 or 299,785,+ nnn or the speed of light in meters per second!
Latitude of The Great Pyramid (transposed) approximates our present
measurement of The Speed of Light (in meters) in a vacuum. This is not a
The number 29.9785 is also related to the age of
Jesus Christ at the time of his illumination and baptism by John the
Baptist ("almost" 30 years "I am the light"). As portrayed in the
The "theme" of the Giza Plateau is 3 plus infinity .
Sphinx may have been originally composed of symbols which represent the
four fixed signs of the zodiac and erosion has removed the "bull
proportions". The following are the four "fixed" signs of the zodiac:
1) The Lion (paws) represents Leo (fixed fire)
2) The folded wings (eroded) represent Scorpio (eagle - fixed water)
3) The bull (eroded) represents Taurus (fixed earth, the element)
4) The woman (head) represents Aquarius (fixed air) Virgin mind.
esoteric studies it is written that the four elements (fire, water,
earth and air) can be combined by the Master (Pharaoh, Magus-Magi, or
Christed One ) to give shape (to shape light into objects) to an
infinite panorama .
The four fixed signs of the Zodiac (as
mentioned immediately above) also represent (as noted) Earth, Air, Fire
and Water. Which one initiate must go through, before a renewing of
his/her mind can take place.
At the Giza Plateau the "Earth"
element is represented by the desert, the "Air" element by, of course,
the actual air above the plateau. The "Fire" element is represented by
the Sun in the sky and within you.
The "Water" element was,
most likely, transported from the nearby Nile river, through underground
conduits, and was then incorporated as a fountain washing over the body
of the Sphinx. And is a symbol for the second stage of meditation.
four fixed signs of the Zodiac (as mentioned immediately above) also
represent (as noted) Earth, water Air, Fire and renewed mind.
The Riddle of The Great Sphinx In a nutshell
Great Pyramid is perfectly aligned with the four directions (North East
West South. The Great Sphinx (what is left of it, anyway) contains
elements of two of astrology's fixed signs, Leo (Lion/fire) and Aquarius
(the female head/air or spiritual faculty of the mind.) as the sun
begins it's journey in the constellation Virgo every year, and ends it's
annual to the northern hemisphere in LEO the lion, full summer.
Lion represents Leo (fire); The sun returned, reborn within us all, the
head, as aforementioned, represents Aquarius (air), the virgin
consciousness. the wings represent Scorpio, an eagle in its highest
evolution (water), the bull representing Taurus, earth (as an element).
sphinx, does not date back to 10,500 BC, but, rather, commemorates an
event that took place in 10,500 BC which has to do with The Precession
of The Equinox.
The event was the "birth" of the Sun
(Egyptian Sun God, Ra) as the sun precessed (backwards movement) out of
the sign of Virgo (The Virgin) into Leo, the sign of the king
a sun (son) "born" of a virgin. It is this "mythological context" that
gave rise to the christian cosmology of a "son born of a virgin" but
also includes, in a heavily veiled form, the depiction of the Pharaoh's
journey through the underworld (crucifixion of the spirit upon the cross
of matter), death and resurrection or return to the stars.
am NOT saying that the sphinx has any inherent christian connotations. I
am saying that the christian cosmology is a veiled continuation of the
Egyptian cosmology as the Age of Pisces followed the great age of Egypt
The water erosion, of course, by water from the Nile
(via aqua duct) delivered to the sphinx which included a fountain. The
water component symbolizes two astrological (and metaphysical) elements:
1) Aquarius, The Water Bearer
2) Scorpio, fixed water
water erosion was an intentional design which symbolically represents
an evolutionary (spiritual) process. The process is the dissolution of
material form (The Bull, Taurus) to release the spirit/soul/Pharaoh from
the confines of "matter" and return it to the stars (heavens).
is left, after the "water erosion" is a human being (Aquarius) and a
lion (Regal). In other words, an Enlightened King. The cosmology is NOT
gender specific although the symbols used, in this instance, are
The Great Sphinx IS the "hall of records", it is
just that one needs the "key" to decode the symbolism and the key is
Egyptian (and contemporary) astrology.
The Egyptian
spiritual cosmology which evolved or morphed into Christianity (although
deeply veiled), is the secret hidden wisdom of the ages. Which came the
Emerald tablet of Thoth, the Thrice great having three parts of the
wisdom. The three parts are the three glands in your brain, that activate
in meditation.
This ends the story, it's your story, not his
story (history). What you with the knowledge is your business, if you
do not pursue the light within you, during this incarnation, eventually
it will happen in another, because it is law.
Each soul
is on a different rung, on the ladder of the evolution concerning the
nature of the LIGHT that resides within, that came from above (the
Meditate or go to church
Live or die, it's your choice.
Live or die, it's your choice.
to popular Christian dogma, Christ did teach about Karma,
reincarnation, self-realisation and the Divine Feminine as Holy Ghost
God the Mother. Christ's teachings are more Eastern than the Churches
would have us believe or would like to admit.
The two
centuries after Christ, saw the Christian Gnostic teachings of spiritual
awareness disseminated alongside the blind faith doctrines of Paul's
In the third Century, the Roman Church's
council of Nicaea acted to stamp out the Gnostics and their
anti-dogmatic approach to spirituality.
The Gnostic's were
declared heretical, their texts destroyed and the Gnostics themselves
persecuted into extinction. However, a small amount of Gnostic teachings
survived, hidden in caves or in watered-down form in other "heretical"
texts(broadly labelled as "Apocrypha").
The Christian
Gnostics practiced a spirituality more similar to Eastern traditions
than to the Western Christianity we know today. "Gnostic" is Greek for
"knower" and it is "Gnosis" or "Knowledge" that they were seeking.
the blind faith demanded by today's Churches, 'Gnosis' meant direct,
mystical experience of the divine, which was to be found by individual
spiritual evolution to Self-Realisation, and not within the confines of
intellectual dogma. The experience of Gnosis was trans-rational and
From the Nag Hammadi Library, the Book of Thomas, Christ tells us
whoever does not know self, does not know anything, but whoever knows
self, already has acquired knowledge about the depth of the universe".
Compare this with a tract from the Upanishads, the Indian metaphysical treatise on Self Realisation:
is not by argument that the self is known. Distinguish the self from
the body and mind. The self, the atman, the highest refuge of all,
pervades the Universe and dwells in the hearts of all. Those who are
instructed in the self and who practice constant meditation attain that
changeless and self effulgent atman ( spirit/ self). Do Thou Likewise,
for bliss eternal lies before you"
In another gnostic text, the Secret Gospel of Thomas, Christ promises us spiritual fulfilment
shall give you what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what no
hand has touched and what has never arisen in the human mind."
This description is not unlike the Upanishadic experience
Self is devoid of birth and death, it neither grows old nor decays and
the accidents of life do not affect it. The Self transcends space and
time; what is great is not too great for it to comprehend and what is
small is not too small to escape its attention. It is the Self of All".
as Christ warned us against sin and encourages moral perfection in the
pursuit of spiritual fulfilment, so too do the Eastern texts.
intellectual acumen can help one realise it, it can be realised only by
those who surrender to it and who make themselves worthy by grace, by
desisting from all that is sinful, who engage in the practice of
perfection by constant meditation". (Upanishads).
The most
ancient Eastern spiritual texts, the Vedas,of India, tell us that the
process of spiritual awakening by which one attains truth awareness is
called 'Self-Realisation'.
The Self Realised person lives in
direct experience of reality this is called "Jnana" ( a traditional
sanskrit word meaning 'knowledge' or 'Gnosis'). Such a person is called a
"Jnani" ('knower ' or 'gnostic' )
Much of the gnostic texts
repeat this ancient Eastern understanding. Consider this tract from the
Book of Hymns of the Dead Sea Scrolls:
"I have reached the
inner vision and through Thy Spirit in me I have heard Thy wondrous
secret, through Thy mystic insight Thou hast caused a spring of
knowledge to well up within me, a fountain of power, pouring forth
living waters, a flood of love and of all embracing wisdom, like the
splendour of eternal light".
The "fountain of power", "spring of knowledge", "Living water", "flood of love",
"eternal light" all directly describe the experience of Kundalini awakening!
Consider this from the Nag Hammadi Library, the Apocryphal Gospel of Phillip
Tree of Life is in the centre of Paradise, as is the oil tree from
which the anointment Chrisma comes. The Chrism is the source of
resurrection". As the energy pushes a small amount of the Chrism or
spinal fluid to the brain.
Krishna, the divine being,
c4000BC, also described the Kundalini as an inverted Tree of
spirituality, whose roots lay in the brain. The 'Tree of Life' is a well
recognized symbolic parallel of the Kundalini.
So too is the
Holy Grail, the cup from which Christ drank at the last supper its
symbolic significance being that Christ's sustenance arose from a cup,
that is, an object whose receptive qualities reflect the nature of the
divine feminine, or serpent energy.
yet another parallel
of the Kundalini. It is likely that St Phillip's 'Chrisma' is the same
'spun' described by Shankaracharya, the 'Paramchaitanya' or in Christian
terminology 'God's grace'.
In the Gospel of Peace, Christ
explains that the experience of spirituality is foremost. He says the
Scriptures are merely conveying an intellectual knowledge, but we are to
have the 'living knowledge', that is the experience of our own
spirituality. He says
"Seek not the law in your Scriptures
for the law is life, whereas the Scripture is dead. I tell you truly
Moses received not his laws from God as writing but through the living
The law is living word for living God to living prophets for living men.
at the seventh centre (Sahasrara) the seeker's awareness is united with
the eternal-self-within. The experience is transrational, non causal, a
tangible and real bliss of truth-awareness. Indian mystics called the
Sahasrara "Paradise", "Heaven" or, as Christ has called it "The Kingdom
of God Within".
As the Kundalini passes through each of the
vital centres, they are stimulated to produce a pure, nourishing energy,
activating the three kings ( glands ), in the brain, and creating the
electromagnetic Essenes within you, called god.
The Vedas (Ancient Scriptures of India) describe this energy as a sacred river emitted by each of the seven chakras.
called this energy "spun". He too described its nature as being like
divine water showering down upon him as he meditated in the Ecstasy of
Other Indian scriptures call this energy "Paramchaitanya" (energy of supreme consciousness). One with the All.
Is the Holy Ghost the Kundalini? Was the Kundalini a central principle in early mystic Christianity?
an assumption would help us reinterpret many parts of the mainstream
bible, for example; In the Gospel of John, Christ explains to the
Pharisee Nicodemus,
"Verily I say unto thee, except a man be
born of water and the spirit; he cannot enter the kingdom of God", this
second birth far from being a licence for so many born again Christian
fundamentalists is something much more mystical and subtle in nature.
Water is the second stage in meditation.
To be "born of the
water and the spirit" describes the awakening of Kundalini. She is often
described as a divine mother whose ascent within the spine of the
seeker gives them rebirth into mystic/gnostic awareness, the 'divine
water' is its nourishing energy. The Kundalini enters the Sahasrara and
there unites the seeker's awareness with the self or spirit.
why moses struck a rock with his staff and water came gushing forth.
The staff is the spine, the rock is the pineal gland, and the water is
the magnetism released within the twelve cranial nerves of the brain,
and floods the brain with the waters of life (electromagnetism) God
This is described as a blissful, infinite experience
of the kingdom of God within. Thus, Christ's 'born again' Christianity
is actually referring to those Christians who have entered the realm of
direct experience of divinity, in the state of self realisation through
Isn't this what you just read about in the emerald tablet of Hermes? The teacher of the LIGHT.
The following is from Bill Donahue of Hidden meanings.
The speed of light in the Bible?
All that were numbered in the camp of Judah were an hundred thousand and fourscore thousand and six thousand and four hundred, throughout their armies. These shall first set forth.
score is 20, so 4 score is 80 so its 186,400 m/s and the tribe of Judah
faced East of the rising Sun. You see the reference to light. Judah is
the Tribe of Light.
Which you and I are a from, we are the tribe of Judah.
The word Judah, is derived from the christian gnostic word JEU, from the book of IEOU.
JEU, in the cpotic book, says that those who were JEUS (JEWS) are those that reveive light in meditation. See Coptic KEY.
From the website, how stuff works
the speed of light is 669,600,000 miles/hour or 186,400 miles/sec
THERE YOU HAVE IT, the speed of light in the Bible, is it a coincidence?
Coptic key
specifically were touched by light beings as we began studying the
cosmic wonders some time ago when we first encountered the strange number 4555.
The number given to the Coptics thousands of years ago which they were told was so important.
The Coptic Key is found in the ancient document of IEOU.
we see the watchers on the right, which is the meditation, and the 12
emanations which equate with the 12 cranial nerves of the brain, which
also equate with the 12 signs of the Zodiac.
Then in the
Coptic key we see the sign of eight at the bottom left. This was very
important to us as a sign as we followed the discovery starting in 1995
of the first planets seen orbiting a sun like the one in our system.
There were 8 in the first segment of discovery.
given was the word Azozeo. Which we found means crystal filtered light
,which takes us again to Eta Carina as its lasers make their way
throughout the universe flowing through cosmic crystal.
The root word azo meaning light group, and zeo meaning filtered by crystal..
finally the Coptics gave us the number 4555. As we looked at 4555 we
were encouraged further by the Bible of its significance. Specifically
in the Book of Daniel.
For after Shadrach, Mesach, and
Abednigo were seen in the fiery furnace( which equates to the Fornax
constellation in the sky,(Fornax meaning furnace), and the Fornix organ
in the brain,) there came (in this Bible story ) a hand with no arm
writing on a wall.
Daniel 5:25 And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.
Daniel 5:26 This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it.
Daniel 5:27 TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
Daniel 5:28 UPHARSIN : Thy kingdom is divided
Now let us look and see the numerical value of MENE in the Greek Alphabet M=40 E=5 N=50 E=5 4555
M=40 E=5 N=50 E=5 4555
the number of the Kingdom is 4555. As far as the human attachment or
the rest of the writing on the wall, it describes the human condition.
are missing or found wanting and our human kingdom is divided. We take
from both the left and right and in matters of the the higher kingdom
this cannot be.
Looking for this kingdom we found a Galaxy numbered 4555 and we found the coordinates of RA 12h 35.7m and DEC 26d 31sec .
Located in the constellation COMA which is mother and child.
NGC 4555
Your TRUE home, notice the halo of dark matter surrounding the galaxy.
How would mankind lose the ancient knowledge of the light.
How could mankind lose this knowledge? How did it happen? Why did it take place?
offers one version of the answer through the words of an Egyptian
priest "There have been, and will be again, many destructions of mankind
arising out of many causes.
The greatest have been brought about by the agencies of fire and water, and other lesser ones by innumerable other causes and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education; and so you have to begin all over again like children,
and know nothing of what happened in ancient times, either among us or
among yourselves." Plato (427-347 B.C.), "Timaeus". Reincarnation?
ancient civilization of Egypt guarded this Message for thousands of
years, and even after the end of its existence, transmitted it to us by
way of the Calendar and the secret knowledge incorporated in it, thus
ensuring that we keep this knowledge for future generations, yet unborn,
for those who can understand its deep internal contents. I do not know
if it was made consciously or not, but it was made.
"Now for a time I descend, and the men of Khem shall know me no more. But in a time yet unborn will I rise again, mighty and potent, requiring an accounting of those left behind me.
beware, O men of Khem, if ye have falsely betrayed my teaching, for I
shall cast ye down from your high estate into the darkness of the caves
from whence ye came." The Emerald Tablets of Thoth.
The sacred symbols of the cosmic elements, the secrets of Osiris, were hidden carefully.
(the Greek equivalent of Thoth, and messenger of the Gods of Olympus),
before his return to Heaven, invoked a spell on them, and said, "O Holy
Books which have been made by my immortal hands, by incorruption's magic
spell remain free from decay throughout eternity and incorrupt by time.
unseeable, unfindable, from everyone whose foot shall tread the plains
of this land, until old Heaven shall bring instruments for you, whom the
Creator shall call His souls".
Thus spoke he, and laying
the spells on them by means of his works, he shut them safe away in
their rooms. And long has been the time since they were hidden away.
THOTH, hermes the thrice great
According to Thoth, the Great
Pyramid and all of the sacred sites in Egypt were built following the
geometries of the human body and brain.
"Do not take the Book
of Thoth, Setna. It is not for you to read, nor for any mortal.
Nefrekeptah did not heed the warnings given him, and so his life was
filled with sorrow. Misfortune followed him all the days of his life.
Listen to my tale, and learn well.
Nefrekeptah was a man of
learning, and craved to know all things. Forever he was reading the
ancient books and walking through the old temples and tombs, copying
down the sacred writings.
"One day as he was studying thus,
an old priest came up to him and said, 'All that is written here is
worthless, for it is the work of mortals. I can tell you where to find
the knowledge of the gods themselves, the knowledge of Thoth. It is written in his book and hidden away.
"Follow the Key I leave behind me, seek and the doorway to Life shall be thine.
Seek thou in my pyramid, deep in a passage that ends in a wall, use thou the Key of Seven."
Emerald Tablets: Tablet 12
Legend has it that:
One set of records lists the location of seven pyramids around the world which are connected magnetically. They are also connected by underground tunnels.
can lay down and get in a capsule and travel at 1200 miles per hour to
these pyramids and inhabited cities of our Inner Earth, including two
cities beneath our oceans. These 7 pyramids were built thousands of years ago and all are identical in size and contain duplicates of the records and artifacts in Giza.
In the Bible God used the dark sayings of:
thunder, harps, altars, crowns, chariots, queens, rivers and water,
scales, virgins, cups, and symbols of beasts (bear, dog, lamb, wild
beast, horses, lion), and of fowl (eagle, fowl), and of creeping things
(dragons, scorpion, serpents), and of fishes (whale or sea beast), to
represent mans mental state.
In Revelation as a simple execution of events with relation to verse numbers.
The circle of animals and its Heavenly story continue to revolve in the Universe. as above, So below.
the ancients, people are composed of body, soul, and divine intellect.
At death the soul and intellect ascend to the moon, leaving the outer
shell of the body back on Earth.
The divine intellect leaves
the soul on the moon and rises to the sphere of the sun and God. The
moon is(the lower emotional nature).
For the ancients this
wasn't allegory, it was the rational and literal explanation of the
physical structure of the universe and man's place in it.
USS Caduceus, under command of Captain MIDAS Manion, was the first
vessel in a fleet of specialized hospital ships launched during the war
to support the front-line starships.
She faced trials unlike
any other starship before her. The Caduceus' primary mission is to
provide medical support where needed throughout the Federation. Once the
war ended, there was much healing to be done, for many worlds and many
The Dawnstar-class Starship carries the symbol of the
caduceus, proudly displayed on her hull. The staff and snakes symbol
easily identifies her as a medical ship.
As such, she is
allowed to have only limited weaponry, but is equipped with the most
sophisticated shields of any ship in the Federation. The crew is
diverse, but no militia personnel are allowed to be aboard the vessel
for any purpose other than treatment.
Events in the
Federation and in the new Romulan Republic have caused those two
governments-along with others in the Alpha and Beta quadrants to join in
an alliance which created a Breen Neutral Zone.
This area
is being carefully watched, for several events have occurred which
required direct intervention and any of which could have been the
precursor to war.
Now, a different type of threat is being faced by the border worlds between Bajor and the new BNZ.
Several colony worlds have reported thousands being sickened by what
might be a type of influenza, or black plague. Starfleet Medical was
requested to send assistance, and the hospital ships have been notified.
Can you picture yourself serving aboard a ship that must avoid confrontations at all costs? Can you imagine a ship that won't phaser its way out of every situation?
you steadfast enough to serve with these brave and caring men and
women? Do you have what it takes to become part of the crew of this
unique starship? If you think you do, there are plenty of junior officer
and crew positions available!contact Thoth, Hermes the thrice great, at ngc4555, for anappointment, to see if you are qualified.
Why is the captains name Midas Manion (Man-ion)?
because The Myth of king Midas, was that everything he touched turned to gold. Gold is the symbol of God in the bible.
Man-Ion, means man manifesting the ion, or electric charge of the cosmos within him/her self.
can you become the captain of you ship, the caduceus, Midas man-ion?
Value your time
there is a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It
carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening deletes whatever
part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you
do? Draw out ALL OF IT, of course!!!!
Each of us has such a bank. Its name is TIME.
morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off,
as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose. It
carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens a
new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day.
you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no
going back. There is no drawing against the "tomorrow." You must live in
the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the
utmost in health, happiness, and success! The clock is running. Make the
most of today.
Treasure every moment that you have! And
treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special
enough to spend your time. And remember that time waits for no one.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why
it's called the present!!!
A day consumes 86,400 seconds. The diameter of the sun is 864,000 miles.
Bill Donahue of Hidden Meanings, tells us
21,600 = breaths in a day taken by a human being
2,160 miles = diameter of the moon
21,600 miles per hour = the suns travel through our galaxy orbiting an unknown center
216,000 miles = the distance between the Earth and the Moon
2,160 years = one age of the zodiac in the cycle of the Precession of the Equinoxes
Just think about this. You don't have to reach any conclusions but I would appreciate your comments, when you have time.
As you know I am trying to connect the activities in the human body and mind with the activities in the universe.
have provided you other information about the brain and the 12 cranial
nerves etc, to show a harmony between your body and the universe.
I wanted to get something tangible. So please consider this. There are
86,400 seconds in a day. The average breath takes 4 seconds. Inhale and
exhale takes 4 seconds. That means you breathe 15 times in one minute.
That means you breathe 900 times in one hour. There are 24 hours in a day. 24X900= 21,600.
breathe 21,600 times a day. (Average). You can arrive at the same
average by dividing the 4 seconds it takes to breathe into the number of
seconds in a day 86,400 and you get 21,600 breaths a day.
Gary Toller of the NASA Space Flight Center tells us that we can only
see 10% of the universe. 90% is hidden. The universe is the same as the
human brain where we use 10% intellectual with 90% the right side or
spiritual etc.
We breath 21,600 times a day and each breath
takes 4 seconds for a total of 86,400 seconds. And we only see 10% of
the universe.
Now let's look at it. A day consumes 86,400 seconds. The diameter of the sun is 864,000 miles.
the number of seconds in a day is 10% of the diameter of the sun. The
number of times we breathe in a day averages 21,600. The diameter of the
moon is 2,160 miles or 10% of the amount of breaths we take in a day.
Is this all just some big coincidence. I don't think so, do you.
It also takes 2,160 years to traverses one sign of the zodiac
216,000 miles = the distance between the Earth and the Moon
AMAZING!!!!!! Meditate, breathe, take in the universe, and become a starship, the starship caduceus.
numbers for the movie date, rolls down to 23, 2+3=5. The five senses
one must overcome in meditation, to receive the serpent. A
From Bill Donahue of Hidden Meanings
What we consider to be a dream somehow concocted by our brain, is actually a very real experience in a parallel universe.
fact when your body goes to sleep the brain disconnects from the body
allowing you to be activated in any one of numerous parallel dwelling
You are a photon (a particle of light) who has possessed a body.
Yet your actual dwelling place is in the quantum world, out there.
Your body and brain are made of stuff totally incapable of originating anything.
You the light within ,drive the body in the same way you drive a car.
are created in the image and likeness of God who is the supreme photon
of the Quantum realm. Just as the Emerald tablet states.
As the scripture says " God is light"
When your body dies you don't go to Heaven but rather you return to Quantum and instantly continue life in a parallel existence.
This is exactly why the Biblical Jesus says that "you are the light of the world" ,and that the "Kingdom of God is within you"
If you can ever bring yourself to turn away from superstitious religion you will see what wonderful sense this all makes.
Not only for you in this world but for you and your family in the parallel worlds.
Bill Donahue, Hidden Meanings
Computer analogy, since the Universe is a Giant computer, it only seems fitting.
who has reached this web blog is familiar with the internet, so let us
use the internet as an analogy to understand the Secret Symbols of the
All symbols is like an internet web page with a free downloadable software that makes the symbols understandable.
we can log on to the kosmic internet we can down load free software
from the kosmic’s hard drive to our personal (ie, spiritual) hard drive.
When the kosmic software downloads, it goes into either "executable" or
"self executing" mode. Let us pause here because there are a number of
How do we log on to the kosmic internet? Via the
disciplines of study and meditation, and This is assisted by the kosmic
web site diagram known as the Tree of Life.
How do we find on
the web page the link to the free kosmic software? The particular
symbol we are looking at, is a specific web page that has the program
"zipped" inside it.
To help you find the link downloading
that program we are writing commentaries over a period of time for each
page of the Secret Symbols. These commentaries will lead you to the
right link. Once we down load the program, it "unzips" on our spiritual
hard drive if it is "self executing". We recognize this as an
illumination experience.
How do we "unzip" the program so that it goes into "self executing" mode? Via the disciplines of study and meditation.
if the program remains "executable"? As with computers, we must
actively intervene and take further action in order to unzip and execute
the program. How do we do that? You guessed it, the disciplines again.
happens when we execute the program? We may get an enlightenment
experience, but more likely, we need to do more spiritual work on
ourselves. What work?
The Great Work consisting of the 12
Disciplines, the Reconciliation of the 7 Pairs of Opposites, the 7
chakras and the 3 Orientations to God. The Keys of the emerald tablet.
looking at pages of Secret Symbols, we are at least downloading
"unzipped" programs that remain "executable" until we are able to read
the user’s manual and make them work in our lives.
open up the right hemisphere of the brain, no words are needed, all one
has to do is contemplate the symbols, and the meaning of the numbers.
And the stargate will open, and you've got mail. Do you Yahoo? Can I get
am AMEN?
Happy (kosmic) net surfing.
To reiterate the axiom:
possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and
expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals a vain and
foolish thing".
Knowledge, like wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces." The Kybalion
One alchemist in the middle ages. stated:, "God has
given man THREE ways whereby he nay learn the infinite will: (1) Nature,
for nature in the stars that twinkle in the sky, the planets in their
march, and the earth with it's multitude of natural laws, are conceals
the laws of god, or the all.
Holy writ, the inspired word of
god or nature, written down in ancient books, in with the truth HIDDEN
under the veil of mythology. (3) Anatomy, the structure of their own
bodies, wherein concealed the structure of the Universe, because all
things was made with one mold".
The electron, revolving
around it's nebular center, obeys the same law that moves planets around
the central sun. In this we see the truth of the great Hermetic axiom.
"as above. so below" As with the lesser. so with the greater.
Hermetics spent much time studying the intricate construction of man,
and like the Brahmans of India, they discovered the various secrets of
the brain. They learned about the sacred serpents of Tibet, the serpent
is symbolic of the vital energies of the human body. Moses raised the
brazen serpent in the wilderness, and all who gazed upon it Lived.
the serpent reborn, says "I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto
me. This simile is obvious, but few understand it. To the ancients, the
magic wand was the spinal canal. Through this canal runs a sacred liquid, called FIRE OIL, in Greek Christos, the savior or redeemer of things.
same thought has been preserved for Masonry under the heading "The
marrow of the Bone" The hermetic philosophers recognized this essence in
man as a distillation of Universal Life derived from the atmosphere,
the sunlight, the rays of the stars and food.
This universal
vitality, upon which all living things draw, is the origin of the myths
of the gods who died for mankind. It is undoubtedly the origin of the
legend of the last supper, for man eternally maintains himself upon the
body and blood of the spirit of universal energy.
this energy, which passes through the conduit of the spine, is drained
off by various parts of the body, it stands to reason that waste will
ultimately result in want. No probably of enlightenment can occur,
especially in the mind that continually wanders and chatters endlessly.
must learn to still the lunar and solar forces within himself, so that
the seed of of life, the sun can rise to it's highest nadir. Thereby
fusing the metals within ones self, so that he or she may experience the
cosmos within the brain, and bring about the wedding of the three
natures within and wed to that nature which is from the cosmos.
the American philosopher, in over a period of 20 years of dynamic
public activity, has steadfastly sought recognition of the belief that
world civilization can only be perfected when human beings meet on a
common ground of intelligence, cooperation and worthy purpose.
Hermetic Marriage explains certain alchemical symbols in the nature of
all things. Taking the chemistry of human relationships as the basis,
this essay describes the true preparation of a Philosopher's Stone and
Elixir of Life, according to the fundamentals laid down by Hermes and
the ancient Egyptian priestcraft.
The hermetic wedding was a
marriage of the Moon (lower nature) withe sun (the higher nature), The
marriage was of the mind and heart. Or the two halves of every nature.
urgency of this wedding is evident in the world today, where cold
intellectualism, commercialism and emotionalism, need the finer
sentiments of friendliness and altruism to offset their heartlessness.
This is the alchemy of blending silver and other base metals in to pure
gold. Living qualities in human life.
On the other hand
fanaticism, blind faith in non existent gods, and ungoverened
emotionalism, require the strong hand of logic and reason, to steer them
away from the rocks of insanity and death.
equilibrium in nature is seldom found, in fact it is natures greatest
rarities. A person with that perfectly balanced viewpoint, however, is
For he has the strength matched with kindness, and justice tempered with mercy.
anatomy teaches that there are two small glands in the brain,
identified with yin and yang, in the same way a person has a masculine
and feminine nature, and never are these two found dissociated.
the East Indian philosophy gives us our best light, both the Hindu and
Alchemists agree that the spirit, like god is androgynous, being both
father and mother. It is the integration of these two forces that is
called the wedding in the hermetic tradition, as well as the wedding
feast in the Bible.
If a from evolves, it is not absurd to suppose that the cause of that form is also evolving.
Orientals solve the greatest problem concerning the evolution of the
soul, through reincarnation. The doctrine (which was removed, from the
bible, in ad 550, at the council at Constantinople).
Taught that the spirit of life (the light) is immortal;
that it descends into gross matter NOT ONCE, but countless times, in
order that it might gain that perfection, that no living creature has
gained, by in ONE appearance in the world.
The soul must
incarnate countless times, to learn and grow, this is the natural order
of things, and follows the cosmological constants, discovered by
scientists. There is no escaping this fact.
The original
doctrine also taught that the LIGHT that came down, does not appear in
just one sex, but alternates in various incarnations, developing both
sides of the nature Symmetrically. If the doctrine be accepted, it will
go far in solving a number of problems, concerning heredity, injustice
and inequality in the world.
Even without it, Hermetecism can still stand, with it's aid, however, the alchemical philosophies become far more clarified.
ancient teaches that the circle of the creative forces in the human
body is broken at the present time. one end of the broken ring is in the
brain, where it furnishes the power or vitality which is the basis of
brain function.
The other end of this circle is located in
the generative system, where it furnishes the means of reproducing the
species. At a time remote in history, man was a complete creative unit
in himself, being capable of procreating his species like certain of the
lower order of animals of today.
At that time, however, he
had no mind. According to Mythology, the raising of the braizen serpent
therefore gave him a mind, but broke the creative circuit.
the masculine sex, the positive pole is used foe generative purposes.
In the feminine sex, the negative pole is in the brain: the positive
pole is used for generative purposes.
As a direct outgrowth
of this condition (temporarily maintains in order that man may think and
develop his nature and at the same time offer opportunity for other
lives to come into manifestation), the institution of marriage was
Marriage is, therefore, the Hermetic symbol of
the ultimate reunion of the two halves of each individuals nature, when,
after repeated appearances and associations, equilibrium between these
masculine and feminine qualities is established.
The wedding ring was accordingly symbolic of the golden ring of the spirit fire within the human brain.
Which connected the spiritual and material natures within each person,
and melding them into ONE spiritual being. This is where the idea of the
wedding ring, that a husband and wife wear, came from.
the present methods of reproduction will be abolished, and both halves
of the spirit fire will again be turned into the brain. One of them now
finds it's polarity in the pituatary gland,and the pineal gland. these
two tiny ductless bodies, while an enigma to modern science, were
recognized by the ancients as organs of great significance.
ancient wisdom teaches that the pineal gland was the organ of of
vision, the third eye, called in sanskrit Dangma, or Eye of Shiva. it is
the all seeing eye of the masons. and the meaning of their word Buddha.
In uniting it's spark with the Pituatary gland, this gland fuses the broken circle, and thus consumates the Hermetic Marriage,
whereby, through an immaculate conception within the brain, the great
LIGHT (the SHINING one) is born as a luminous spark in the third
ventricle of the brain, otherwise known in the bible as the Third
Which is the master Mason's chamber in the ancient
and accepted rite. A ring of fire, or ring of magnetism is set up
between the pituatary and pineal glands of the brain, creating a ring,
which eventually culminates at the third ventricle of the brian.
students of the ancient wisdom are seeking to prepare themselves for
this particular work. The Hermetic Marriage is, therefore, an individual
matter, involving the attainment of individual completeness, requiring
of the person a sincere effort to be balanced, sane, and consistent in
everything he does.
In the alchemical retorts and vials we
recognize the bodies, glands, and organs of man: and in the chemicals,
the essences and forces coursing through the body.
With these, the individual consciousness must labor until it is capable of combining according to the perfect formula.
child does not grow up in a fairyland extending from the first glimmer
of understanding to the time when the grim realities of maturity tear
down the dream world and replace it with hopelessness and despair?
are broken all the way through this tragic pagentry of existence, but
first heartbreak is when the fairy stories and their wondeful little
people are given up, and those beautiful beings with which we have
peopled the world of our fancies give way to heartless centuries of real
The magic of the fairies will return at the wedding, they will bear witness.
The seven-stepped Emerald Formula:
Calcination, we come face to face
with the ego’s resistances. It tries to protect us from the unknown by
maintaining the status quo, the old way, the “safe” way, even if
outdated. Calcination, over which the ego has no control, makes us feel
like all we hold dear is threatened.
It’s a death-like experience. We may even feel like we are being burned at the stake - the “stake” being the ego’s investment in keeping things “safe.” Calcination burns away what is no longer needed, including ego-based beliefs and ways of being. It initiates us into a long process of releasing illusion and making space for the true self to emerge.
It’s a death-like experience. We may even feel like we are being burned at the stake - the “stake” being the ego’s investment in keeping things “safe.” Calcination burns away what is no longer needed, including ego-based beliefs and ways of being. It initiates us into a long process of releasing illusion and making space for the true self to emerge.
And this takes place when
our “container” is cleared of old limitations.
In an alchemist’s laboratory,
Calcination involves heating a substance until it is reduced to ashes.
In personal transformation, we may experience it as deep depression or despair, hopelessness or defeat. These reactions prove how the ego controls our lives by enforcing the believe that there are only certain ways to be and anything outside those ways are dangerous.
When the ego’s hold over us is “reduced to ashes,” we feel we are dying and there is nothing left to hold onto. The despair lies in our lack of experience in realms of expansiveness, those worlds being so much greater than our fears have allowed.
In personal transformation, we may experience it as deep depression or despair, hopelessness or defeat. These reactions prove how the ego controls our lives by enforcing the believe that there are only certain ways to be and anything outside those ways are dangerous.
When the ego’s hold over us is “reduced to ashes,” we feel we are dying and there is nothing left to hold onto. The despair lies in our lack of experience in realms of expansiveness, those worlds being so much greater than our fears have allowed.
Please don’t misunderstand what I
am saying about the ego. The ego serves a necessary purpose in helping
us deal in our human world. But insecure and unhealthy egos create a
chaos within us that prevents us from growing the way our Souls intend.
Calcination is only the beginning of the creation of a healthy, productive, supportive ego structure. But first the ego must be “deflated” before it can be reconstructed in a way that sustains and maintains the guidance and desires of the Soul.
Calcination is only the beginning of the creation of a healthy, productive, supportive ego structure. But first the ego must be “deflated” before it can be reconstructed in a way that sustains and maintains the guidance and desires of the Soul.
The ego snaps to attention when its
boundaries are weakened and tries to protect us by overinflation. By
creating emotional reactions of anger, outrage, shock, and making others
wrong, the ego reestablishes its influence over how far we can open our
hearts to the situation at hand. There is an old saying that it is far
worse to take offense than to give it.
That means that someone who makes an insulting comment can usually just walk away, while the recipient of the offending remark often stews for days, weeks - sometimes a lifetime - over the supposed affront. Once again, the unhealthy ego maintains its control by making us believe we have been wounded and deserve the retribution that usually never comes.
That means that someone who makes an insulting comment can usually just walk away, while the recipient of the offending remark often stews for days, weeks - sometimes a lifetime - over the supposed affront. Once again, the unhealthy ego maintains its control by making us believe we have been wounded and deserve the retribution that usually never comes.
We can work most wisely with
Calcination by surrendering to it, learning from it and allowing it to
take us closer to our Soul’s desires by burning away the barriers and
obstacles to living a whole and happy life. In my next article
I’ll be discussing the second stage of alchemical transformation
called “Dissolution” - where the ashes from Calcination are immersed
in the waters of emotion and spirit. Until then,
keep in mind that the hotter the fire, the greater the potential.
Shanderá, Ph.D. is a Mystery School teacher and spiritual
A spiritual transaction, notice all the gunk coming out of the subconscious mind
Calcination is the first of seven major operations in the alchemy of transformation.
the Calcination process involves heating a substance in a crucible or
over an open flame until it is reduced to ashes. In the Arcanum
Experiment, Calcination is represented by sulfuric acid, which the
alchemists made from a naturally occurring substance called Vitriol.
Sulfuric acid is a powerful corrosive that eats away flesh and reacts
with all metals except gold.
Psychologically, this is the
destruction of ego and our attachments to material possessions.
Calcination is usually a natural humbling process as we are gradually
assaulted and overcome by the trials and tribulations of life, though it
can be a deliberate surrender of our inherent hubris gained through a
variety of spiritual disciplines that ignite the fire of introspection
and self-evaluation.
Physiologically, the Fire of Calcination
can be experienced as the metabolic discipline or aerobic activity that
tunes the body, burning off excesses from overindulgence and producing a
lean, mean, fighting machine. Calcination begins in the Base or Lead
Chakra at the sacral cup at the base of the spine.
In Society,
the Calcination is expressed in the lives of revolutionaries,
conquerors, and other warriors who try to overthrow the status quo.
the Planetary level, it is the Fire of creation, the formation of a
livable environment from molten matter and volcanic ashes.
According to the Emerald Tablet, "Its father is the Sun." Element: Fire. Color: Magenta; Purple-Red. Planet: Saturn
Dissolution is the second major operation in the alchemy of transformation.
it is the dissolving the ashes from Calcination in water. In the
Arcanum Experiment, Dissolution is represented by iron oxide or rust,
which illustrated the potentially corrosive powers of Water on even the
hardest of metals. When processed, Vitriol breaks down into sulfuric
acid and iron oxide, which are the first two arcana or secret
ingredients. The Egyptians smelted Iron as far back as 1500 BCE and used
iron compounds in tonics and as disinfectants.
this represents a further breaking down of the artificial structures of
the psyche by total immersion in the unconscious, non-rational,
feminine or rejected part of our minds. It is, for the most part, an
unconscious process in which our conscious minds let go of control to
allow the surfacing of buried material. It is opening the floodgates and
generating new energy from the waters held back. Dissolution can be
experienced as "flow," the bliss of being well-used and actively engaged
in creative acts without traditional prejudices, personal hang-ups, or
established hierarchy getting in the way.
Dissolution is the continuance of the kundalini experience, the
opening-up of energy channels in the body to recharge and elevate every
single cell. Dissolution takes place in the Genital or Tin Chakra and
involves the lungs and spleen.
In Society, the process of
steady growth through gradual Dissolution is exemplified by agrarian,
monastic, or agriculture-based lifestyles.
On the Planetary level, Dissolution is the Great Flood, the cleansing of the earth of all that is inferior.
Correspondences of dissolution
According to the Emerald Tablet, "Its mother is the Moon." Element: Water. Color: Light Blue. Planet: Jupiter. Metal: Tin.
Separation is the third of the operations of transformation in alchemy.
it is the isolation of the components of Dissolution by filtration and
then discarding any ungenuine or unworthy material. In the Arcanum
Experiment, Separation is represented by the compound sodium carbonate,
which separates out of water and appears as white soda ash on dry
lakebeds. The oldest known deposits are in Egypt. The alchemists
sometimes referred to this compound as Natron, which meant the common
tendency in all salts to form solid bodies or precipitates.
this process is the rediscovery of our essence and the reclaiming of
dream and visionary "gold" previously rejected by the masculine,
rational part of our minds. It is, for the most part, a conscious
process in which we review formerly hidden material and decide what to
discard and what to reintegrate into our refined personality. Much of
this shadowy material is things we are ashamed of or were taught to hide
away by our parents, churches, and schooling. Separation is letting go
of the self-inflicted restraints to our true nature, so we can shine
Physiologically, Separation is following and
controlling the breath in the body as it works with the forces of Spirit
and Soul to give birth to new energy and physical renewal. Separation
begins in the Navel or Iron Chakra located at the level of the solar
In Society, Separation is expressed as the establishment of clans, cities, and nationalities.
on the Planetary level is represented by the formation of landmasses
and islands from the powerful forces of Air, Water, Earth, and Fire.
Correspondences of separation
According to the Emerald Tablet, "The Wind carries it in its belly." Element: Air. Color: Orange-Red. Planet: Mars. Metal: Iron.
Conjunction is the fourth of the seven operations of alchemy.
it is the recombination of the saved elements from Separation into a
new substance. In the Arcanum Experiment, Conjunction is symbolized by a
nitrate compound known as cubic-saltpeter or potassium nitrate, which
the alchemists called Natron or simply Salt. Blue-colored Natron acid
(aqua fortis) was made by mixing potassium nitrate with sulfuric acid
and was used to separate silver from gold. The inert residue
precipitated from the acid during the reaction like a child being born.
it is empowerment of our true selves, the union of both the masculine
and feminine sides of our personalities into a new belief system or an
intuitive state of consciousness. The alchemists referred to it as the
Lesser Stone, and after it is achieved, the adept is able to clearly
discern what needs to be done to achieve lasting enlightenment, which is
union with the Overself. Often, synchronicities begin to occur that
confirm the alchemist is on the right track.
Conjunction is using the body's sexual energies for personal
transformation. Conjunction takes place in the body at the level of the
Heart or Copper Chakra.
In Society, it is the growth of crafts and technology to master the environment.
On the Planetary level, Conjunction occurs when primordial life forms are created from the energy of the Sun or lightning.
Correspondences of conjunction
According to the Emerald Tablet, "The Earth is its nurse." Element: Earth. Color: Green. Planet: Venus. Metal: Copper.
Fermentation is the fifth operation in the alchemy of transformation.
is a two-stepped process that begins with the Putrefaction of the
hermaphroditic "child" from the Conjunction resulting in its death and
resurrection to a new level of being. The Fermentation phase then begins
with the introduction of new life into the product of Conjunction to
strengthen it and insure its survival.
Fermentation is the growth of a ferment (bacteria) in organic solutions,
such as occurs in the fermenting of milk to produce curds and cheese or
in the fermenting of grapes to make wine. In the Arcanum Experiment,
the process of Fermentation is represented by a compound called Liquor
Hepatis, which is an oily, reddish-brown mixture of ammonia and the
rotten-egg-smelling compound hydrogen sulfide.
alchemists made ammonia by heating camel dung in sealed containers and
thought of it as a kind of refined Mercury that embodied the life force.
Liquor Hepatis means "Liquor of the Liver," which they believed was the
seat of the Soul, and the color they associated with the compound was
green, the color of bile. Surprisingly, Liquor Hepatis exudes a
wonderful fragrance, and the alchemists made a perfume of it called
"Balsam of the Soul."
Psychologically, the Fermentation
process starts with the inspiration of spiritual power from Above that
reanimates, energizes, and enlightens the alchemist. Out of the
blackness of his Putrefaction comes the yellow Ferment, which appears
like a golden wax flowing out of the foul matter of the Soul. Its
arrival is announced by a brilliant display of colors and meaningful
visions called the "Peacock's Tail."
Fermentation can be
achieved through various activities that include intense prayer, desire
for mystical union, breakdown of the personality, transpersonal therapy,
psychedelic drugs, and deep meditation. Fermentation is living
inspiration from something totally beyond us.
Fermentation is the rousing of living energy (chi or kundalini) in the
body to heal and vivify. It is expressed as vibratory tones and spoken
truths emerging from the Throat or Mercury Chakra.
In Society, the Fermentation experience is the basis of religion and mystical awareness.
On the Planetary level, it is the evolution of life to produce higher consciousness.
Correspondences of fermentation
to the Emerald Tablet, during Fermentation, we raise consciousness from
the darkness of the animal body through personal meditation and
planetary evolution. "Separate the Earth from Fire," it tells us, "the
subtle from the gross, gently and with great Ingenuity." Substance:
Sulfur. Color: Turquoise. Planet: Venus. Metal: Mercury.
Alchemy seems to be God's Plan of the perfection of Man and thus the separation of the 'Light' and 'Darkness', or the expulsion of slag and scum when purifying Gold in a furnace. It seems to encode the knowledge of the Name of God which is the Angel of God (Holy on of God) which is the Word of God.
It perfects the knowledge with the perfection of man by becoming one with the Word. The mysteries of the Godhead become apparent and the Body and Personality of the Creator in the Heavens and Earth are expressed and known. This leads to the knowledge of Michael, the Spirit of God, or the Son of Man (Holy one of Israel) and the final mystery of God. This is the Vitruvian man. The Squaring of the Circle (Compass and Square, Man's perfection) or Lead into Gold. He will be the one who separates truth from lies and leads the Righteous in level paths. This is the final mystery of God Once you understand the mysteries, the 'crazy' theories and 'conspiracies' become very apparent.
There is both a physical Alchemy and a psychological/spiritual Alchemy, and they are both intertwined. One cannot proceed on the physical/Laboratory path without also transmuting ones own Planetary Archetypes at the same time.. Many ignorant individuals have written about the one or the other, without acknowledging that they both exist and are ONE ART, ONE SCIENCE. Completely hidden from the PROFANE MAN/WOMAN, those who sell fake "miel". or "honey".
Expansion of the mind through the quickening of the information highway, along the cosmic vibration, allowing those who are ready and awake to realize the existence of other dimensions and realms.
Our entire solar system is moving into a new energetic region of space. You are being re-wired to be able to handle rise in vibrations. As the light quotient increases all darkness is being eliminated and all that is hidden is being brought out into the light. Everything is happening precisely on schedule.
Distillation is the sixth major operation in the alchemy of transformation.
it is the boiling and condensation of the fermented solution to
increase its purity, such as takes place in the distilling of wine to
make brandy. In the Arcanum Experiment, Distillation is represented by a
compound known as Black Pulvis Solaris, which is made by mixing black
antimony with purified sulfur. The two immediately clump together to
make what the alchemists called a "bezoar," a kind of sublimated solid
that forms in the intestines and brain.
Distillation is the agitation and sublimation of psychic forces is
necessary to ensure that no impurities from the inflated ego or deeply
submerged id are incorporated into the next and final stage. Personal
Distillation consists of a variety of introspective techniques that
raise the content of the psyche to the highest level possible, free from
sentimentality and emotions, cut off even from one's personal identity.
Distillation is the purification of the unborn Self all that we truly
are and can be.
Physiologically, Distillation is raising the
life force repeatedly from the lower regions in the cauldron of the body
to the brain (what Oriental alchemists called the Circulation of the
Light), where it eventually becomes a wondrous solidifying light full of
power. Distillation is said to culminate in the Third Eye area of the
forehead, at the level of the pituitary and pineal glands, in the Brow
or Silver Chakra.
In Society, the Distillation experience is expressed as science and objective experimentation.
the Planetary level, Distillation is the realization of the power of
higher love, as the life force on the entire planet gradually seeks to
become one force in nature based on a shared vision of Truth.
Correspondences of distillation
to the Emerald Tablet, during the Distillation process, "It rises from
Earth to Heaven and descends again to Earth, thereby combining within
Itself the powers of both the Above and the Below." Substance: Mercury.
Color: Deep Blue. Planet: Mercury. Metal: Silver.
Coagulation is the seventh and final operation of alchemy.
Coagulation is the precipitation or sublimation of the purified Ferment
from Distillation. In the Arcanum Experiment, Coagulation is
represented by a compound called Red Pulvis Solaris, which is a
reddish-orange powder of pure sulfur mixed with the therapeutic mercury
compound, red mercuric oxide. The name Pulvis Solaris means "Powder of
the Sun" and the alchemists believed it could instantly perfect any
substance to which it was added.
Psychologically, Coagulation
is first sensed as a new confidence that is beyond all things, though
many experience it as a Second Body of golden coalesced light, a
permanent vehicle of consciousness that embodies the highest aspirations
and evolution of mind. Coagulation incarnates and releases the Ultima
Materia of the soul, the Astral Body, which the alchemists also referred
to it as the Greater or Philosopher's Stone. Using this magical Stone,
the alchemists believed they could exist on all levels of reality.
this stage is marked by the release of the Elixir in the blood that
rejuvenates the body into a perfect vessel of health. A brain ambrosia
is said to be released through the interaction of light from the
phallic-shaped pineal gland and matter from the vulva of the pituitary.
This heavenly food or viaticum both nourishes and energizes the cells
without any waste products being produced. These physiological and
psychological processes create the Second Body, a body of solid light
that emerges through the Crown or Gold Chakra
In Society, it
is the living wisdom in which everyone exists within the same light of
evolved consciousness and knowledge of Truth.
On the Planetary level, Coagulation is a return to the Garden of Eden, this time on a higher level in tune with the divine mind.
Correspondences of coagulation
to the Emerald Tablet, "Thus will you obtain the Glory of the Whole
Universe. All Obscurity will be clear to you. This is the greatest Force
of all powers, because it overcomes every Subtle thing and penetrates
every Solid thing." Substance: Salt. Color: Violet; Purple. Planet: Sun.
Metal: Gold.
This is the same promise Jesus gave in the bible, Jesus, Heremes, Buddha, Krishna, they are all the same INNER life principle.
Before any of these things can happen one has to enter into KHEM or Negredo, which means DARKNESS, it is specifically darkroom meditation. KHEM means Dark.
Now don't concern yourself so much with that seven step formula, it is just describing the activity of each chakra, the spine and the consciousness that undergoes a renewal process, it's all too confusing, and there's nothing to memorize, Darkroom meditation takes care of it automatically, you just get out of the way.
It was intentionally made to be confusing, just like the Bible, to keep the looky loos away, so they made it difficult to understand on purpose. It is hermetic, that means it is sealed to those that don't have higher understanding, just as the bible says " I cannot read it it for it is sealed" Uncomprehending to lower gross souls.
It was intentionally made to be confusing, just like the Bible, to keep the looky loos away, so they made it difficult to understand on purpose. It is hermetic, that means it is sealed to those that don't have higher understanding, just as the bible says " I cannot read it it for it is sealed" Uncomprehending to lower gross souls.
If you eat a cookie, you don't have to be concerned about what is going on, from the time you chew the cookie, and goes it down the esophagus, then into the intestines etc.. etc...
You just Meditate above the thoughts of the mind, and if the day comes when the kundalini pays you a visit, all those things will take care of themselves automatically, without you having given it an inch of thought. Too many people who have interpreted the Hermetic steps get all hung up on that formula, just confuses everyone, just like the book of revelations. Just rest assured that all of these ancient wisdom teachings are always talking about the RENEWAL of ones own mind in MEDITATION, that's AL-KHEMY.
Watch this video for full explanation of AL Khemy
Listen at the 2 hour mark for Alchemy
It's purposefully hidden to those that do not deserve it's secrets.
The Ancients went to great links to hide these deep spiritual truths, in all books of wisdom.
They are describing the process of moving away from ones first born animal nature to the higher spiritual mind, god, christ, krishna, buddha etc...
This is the message that God/the cosmos has consistently spoken to mankind from Heaven since the creation of the Universe. Man is to reflect this Cosmic Order of Heaven by following and implementing the same Divine Patterns and Cycles that operate "Above" and bring them into being "Below". As Above, So Below
Mystically...(expressing a hidden metaphysical teaching, a secret wisdom, given under strict and exacting conditions to approved candidates by the Masters of Wisdom regarding the descent of the Soul/Logos into matter as well as its intended development during the life of a person.
True (or Higher) Self: The self we normally identify with is a fabrication of our ego (intended to replace what God made with a "new, improved" identity that better matches the EGO'S ideals of perfection). By design, the mask totally conceals the real face behind it.
But, although we may get caught up in the dramas of self-centered existence and even become totally identified with them, we can never reduce ourselves to mere ego. The most convincing proof of that is found in our true spiritual aspirations. If we were the egoic beings we may presume ourselves to be, we would never be motivated to recognize, respond to, and aspire to the realization of Truth, high ideals, and God.
When we talk about the True or Higher Self, we are referring to these higher levels of being:
Divine spiritual essence. At the highest level of our being lies the Spirit aspect of the human entity -- the Divine essence of Life. That Spirit exceeds our individual personality and even the universal aspects of our humanity, and overlaps with God. It is an indivisible spark of infinite life and infinite consciousness.
People who are conscious at this level of being identify -- in a good way with Godhead. This is the state in which the enlightened one ecstatically pronounces, "I am He!" and also, "World is God." Seeing the world is God is an experience that is actually beyond even the all-embracing qualities of self-same-Selfhood. It is perceiving the Absolute within the relative, and perceiving the relative AS the Unmanifest.
"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." (Acts 1:8 NKJV).
Jesus said that there are fields with people ready
"Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" (John 4:35 NKJV).
Jesus also said: "Remember the word that I said to you, 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also" (John 15:20 NKJV) .
Religion is traditional, man-made concepts of who God is, and not the truth. Fear, guilt and condemnation form the walls of the religious prison created by men. While
often disguised as the truth and freeing, it is in fact a heavy burden
carried upon the shoulders of many who are heavily involved in religious
organizations and denominations, today.
So, how
does one become bound to religious falsehoods? The major mistake most
make while "searching for God, or truth," is to run into a religious organization
such as a local church, and begin learning their beliefs, immediately
upholding them as "true."
once stated, "If the blind lead the blind, they both will fall into a
ditch." The problem comes in allowing another person to lead you, rather
than God's spirit. Yes, God will speak to you! "A knowing within yourself," is the spirit of God who will lead you unto all truth.
Our goal is for you to learn to look within yourself for the answers you seek; for God will speak to your heart.
in Romans said, "those who are led by the spirit of God are the sons of
God." Surely, you dwell in God and God dwells in you. The Kingdom of God is within you. But men do not see it, because they go to church instead of within themselves, as Thoth, Jesus, Buddha and Krishan said.
Man Know Thyself.
is meditation? A time of getting quiet; disconnecting
from this physical world and listening to my heart, not my head. Some
may call that prayer. It is a time to be STILL, and allow the internal
to blossom.
If I spend time alone in the DARK and do not seek the very
presence of the cosmos and all within my own self, I will go about my
day in frustration, stress and the chaos of the physical world around
"Be still and KNOW that I'm God, means to still the
mind, in meditation. It doesn't say be STILL and Believe that I'm god,
it says be still and KNOW, become the knower, instead of the blind
My eyes were opened and I began having "ears to
hear," when I started following spirit, not scripture, religion or
church doctrines. The ancient scripts are keys and road maps, teaching
you to WITHIN.
Whether one follows Buddha, Islam, Jesus Christ or any other religion, still the truth will only be found within you!
Whether one follows Buddha, Islam, Jesus Christ or any other religion, still the truth will only be found within you!
ass (religious person) which turns a millstone did a nine hundred miles
walking. When it was loosed, it found that it was still at the same
place. There are men who make many journeys, but make no progress
towards any destination.
When evening came upon them, they saw neither city nor village, neither human artifact nor natural phenomenon, power nor angel. In vain have the wretches labored.
Luke 13:15 The Lord then answered him, and said, Thou hypocrite, doth not each one of you on the sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall, and lead him away to watering?
And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?
To those who are ready to receive the knowledge and make the mind-Father connection, this knowledge is worth more than land, more than all earthly treasures, more than bread, more than power, more than all the kingdoms of this world and the glory of such ownership, more than anything the soul can offer.
Reading Jesus' words in John 3:13, "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven." and reading John 3:31, "He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth."
And reading John 8:47, "He that is of God hearth God's word: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God, but of your father the devil." That is why reading you see not, and listening you hear not, neither can you understand: least at any time you perceive and turn from your father the devil (the ego driven soul)."
The soul's burning desire is the flaming sword which turns every which way, leading us back into the garden of paradise, the higher conscious state of mind.
Hebrews 4:12, "For the word of God (the Right hemisphere of the brain) is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Submit yourselves therefore to God (the Father). Resist the devil (the ego), and he will flee from you." - James 4:7
One connection, the soul-mind connection, is a life of bondage and death; the other connection, the mind-Father (higher consciousness) connection, is an adoption into the Freedom of Life Eternal. We have been placed here for correction. This world is the schoolroom; the soul our taskmaster. If you want to graduate, turn to the higher. If you, or someone else are not ready, then they or you are not ready.
However, as you seek inside yourself, you will hear many voices coming up from the sub conscious.
Therefore, take heed to Jesus' words in 1John 4:1 and 5, reading, "Beloved, believe not every voice, but try the voices whether they are of God (the higher MIND) or of The Power of Satan (the lower mind)." AND THIS IS how you shall know the voice of truth from the voices of Error: the voices not from the higher MIND, they are of this World and therefore speak of things concerning this World. The voice of truth is only concerned with breaking the soul-mind connection, to help you stop sinning (operating from the lower emotional thinking), and in taking you back home to Other Earth (lower mind).
Yes, "Go Within" echoes down through the corridors of time but few there be who have found the way.
We must take that first brave step and go beyond those religious boundaries; step outside the container (ships) that our souls are holding us in. Reading Psalms 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God." Yes learn the way to make contact with your HIGHER self/Father.
To find the Truth of what we say, you must have a strong yearning to want to find the Truth. You must persistently search for the Truth. You must continually work at being able to detach yourself from the soul-mind connection. You must be able to quiet your mind; to stop soul from dragging it off in various directions and flipping it from one thought to another. You must listen to music and raise yourself above the thoughts of the mind.
you cannot serve God and mammon at the same time.
We must get rid of those childhood ideas of God which have been instilled in us from birth by Church, State, family and friends. We must learn to look directly at life with a clear mind and not with the predilections and preconceptions of our religious upbringing. Let us not become "puffed-up" that we have found the Truth.
In the beginning was the Knowledge, and the Knowledge was with the MIND, and the Knowledge was the MIND.
And ALL things were made by the Knowledge: and without the Knowledge was not anything made that was made.
Now in the Knowledge was Life eternal; and the Life was the Knowledge of men. The true Knowledge which teacheth every man that cometh into the World.
And this is the condemnation; that Knowledge is come into the world, but men love Ignorance rather than Knowledge.
But we are all Children of Knowledge. So let us cast off the works of Ignorance, and let us put on the armour of Knowledge.
Let us show forth the praises of him who hath called us out of Ignorance into his marvelous Knowledge.
Let us be a guide to the blind who sit in Ignorance and in the shadow of death: to guide their feet into the way of Peace.
This then is the message; that God is MIND, and in him is no Ignorance at all.
And as many as are ready to receive the Knowledge to them, the Father gives the Knowledge of how to become the sons of MIND.
This is the message of the Emerald tablet, it the same message that has been given in all ancient texts, to raise your consciousness to it's highest potential by going into darkroom meditation, while listening to music.
There is NO other way by which to bring about the transformation of the lower mind, to the higher cosmic mind/god.
A quote from Florence Scovel Shin
all the accounts given in the holy scriptures, it is clearly indicated
that Original Sin was pride or egotism a desire for self, apart from the
welfare of others. If thou must make a gold coin true Let thy mint
these rules pursue, In the forge of continence.
Let the
goldsmith be a man of patience, His tools be made of knowledge. His
anvil made of reason, with the fear of God the bellows blow, With
meditation and austerity make the fire glow."
the liquid in the mold of love, print the name (Nam) of the lord
thereon, and cool it with holy waters. for thus in the mint of truth the
word is coined. This is the real Alchemy of life by the power of His
Word, when found and used within the pearl of truth (meditation).
"For I am full of words, and the spirit within me compels me; inside I am like bottled-up wine, like new wineskins ready to burst." (Job 32:18-19)
After you have ascended to heaven, meaning that you raised the kundalini to the brain and have had your mind renewed, what's next for you? Should you withdraw from the world? What good does that do you or anybody else if you withdraw and become a hermit?
The world needs your newly acquired light, that's why it was given to you in the first place, it's not for you, it's for those that cross your path, you must change their minds, you do that by shining your light, it creates a change in another person. If you do not let it shine, it will be taken away.
"He/she that gives, it will be given, he /she that does not give, it will be taken away even that what you thought you had"
Ascended Master - a being who has become Self-Realized and serves humanity; a being who has raised his/her vibration to a sustained frequency of light. He/she can come and go at will from the earth plane without the Birth//Death cycle.
Self-Realization - the awareness of our complete and indivisible union with God, which we are. This also means that the ego-self has come to know itself so clearly, so lovingly, so wisely that it is no longer run by the Shadow.
When one is in the Illumined State or Self-Realized, there ceases to be any more inner or outer drama. The personal ego-self has surrendered fully and willingly into the loving embrace of the Soul
Now we from Thoth, of the Emerald tablet
I, Thoth, the Atlantean, give of my wisdom, give of my knowledge, give of my power. Freely I give to the children of men. Give that they, too, might have wisdom to shine through the world from the veil of the night. Wisdom is power and power is wisdom, one with each other, perfecting the whole.
Be thou not proud, O man, in thy wisdom. Discourse with the ignorant as well as the wise. If one comes to thee full of knowledge, listen and heed, for wisdom is all. Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken for Truth like the sunlight shines above all.
He who over-steppeth the Law shall be punished, for only through Law comes the freedom of men. Cause thou not fear for fear is a bondage, a fetter that binds the darkness to men.
Follow thine heart during thy lifetime. Do thou more than is commanded of thee.
Thoth the Atlantean (the higher light), the great light, the serpent healer Kundalini, gave the wisdom and knowledge, and power.
Freely the light is, for those that take it. For it is both wisdom and power. Once you receive this knowledge be not proud, (Absence of EGO), is the key to retaining the wisdom and power.
Like Solomon of the bible, when god offered Solomon riches or wisdom, Solomon chose wisdom.
Once you have gained this light of wisdom from the divine serpent, share it, do not keep silent.
The law is meekness in meditation. never instill fear in another because in obstructs the flow of energy in the body. and binds you that person to darkness, never knowing the truth of the light. If you follow your hear ( your inner guide (oracle), this is your mission. always do more, help others along the path.
When thou hast gained riches, follow thou thine heart, for all these are of no avail if thine heart be weary. Diminish thou not the time of following thine heart. It is abhorred of the soul.
They that are guided go not astray, but they that are lost cannot find a straight path. If thou go among men, make for thyself, Love, the beginning and end of the heart.
If one cometh unto thee for council, let him speak freely, that the thing for which he hath come to thee may be done. If he hesitates to open his heart to thee, it is because thou, the judge, doeth the wrong. Repeat thou not extravagant speech, neither listen thou to it, for it is the utterance of one not in equilibrium.
Once you have attained the higher consciousness, always follow the inner guide (the center of ones consciousness) do not follow the ways of this world. Become a wise teacher, and do not use big words, to appear more intelligent that another.
Do not judge, if one does not follow your teaching, it is your fault, because of your words, and the way you presented the truth. It must be done in a kind and humble way. You are off balance internally, if you do not follow the way of Thoth.
"For I am full of words, and the spirit within me compels me; inside I am like bottled-up wine, like new wineskins ready to burst." (Job 32:18-19)
After you have ascended to heaven, meaning that you raised the kundalini to the brain and have had your mind renewed, what's next for you? Should you withdraw from the world? What good does that do you or anybody else if you withdraw and become a hermit?
The world needs your newly acquired light, that's why it was given to you in the first place, it's not for you, it's for those that cross your path, you must change their minds, you do that by shining your light, it creates a change in another person. If you do not let it shine, it will be taken away.
"He/she that gives, it will be given, he /she that does not give, it will be taken away even that what you thought you had"
Ascended Master - a being who has become Self-Realized and serves humanity; a being who has raised his/her vibration to a sustained frequency of light. He/she can come and go at will from the earth plane without the Birth//Death cycle.
Self-Realization - the awareness of our complete and indivisible union with God, which we are. This also means that the ego-self has come to know itself so clearly, so lovingly, so wisely that it is no longer run by the Shadow.
When one is in the Illumined State or Self-Realized, there ceases to be any more inner or outer drama. The personal ego-self has surrendered fully and willingly into the loving embrace of the Soul
Now we from Thoth, of the Emerald tablet
I, Thoth, the Atlantean, give of my wisdom, give of my knowledge, give of my power. Freely I give to the children of men. Give that they, too, might have wisdom to shine through the world from the veil of the night. Wisdom is power and power is wisdom, one with each other, perfecting the whole.
Be thou not proud, O man, in thy wisdom. Discourse with the ignorant as well as the wise. If one comes to thee full of knowledge, listen and heed, for wisdom is all. Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken for Truth like the sunlight shines above all.
He who over-steppeth the Law shall be punished, for only through Law comes the freedom of men. Cause thou not fear for fear is a bondage, a fetter that binds the darkness to men.
Follow thine heart during thy lifetime. Do thou more than is commanded of thee.
Thoth the Atlantean (the higher light), the great light, the serpent healer Kundalini, gave the wisdom and knowledge, and power.
Freely the light is, for those that take it. For it is both wisdom and power. Once you receive this knowledge be not proud, (Absence of EGO), is the key to retaining the wisdom and power.
Like Solomon of the bible, when god offered Solomon riches or wisdom, Solomon chose wisdom.
Once you have gained this light of wisdom from the divine serpent, share it, do not keep silent.
The law is meekness in meditation. never instill fear in another because in obstructs the flow of energy in the body. and binds you that person to darkness, never knowing the truth of the light. If you follow your hear ( your inner guide (oracle), this is your mission. always do more, help others along the path.
When thou hast gained riches, follow thou thine heart, for all these are of no avail if thine heart be weary. Diminish thou not the time of following thine heart. It is abhorred of the soul.
They that are guided go not astray, but they that are lost cannot find a straight path. If thou go among men, make for thyself, Love, the beginning and end of the heart.
If one cometh unto thee for council, let him speak freely, that the thing for which he hath come to thee may be done. If he hesitates to open his heart to thee, it is because thou, the judge, doeth the wrong. Repeat thou not extravagant speech, neither listen thou to it, for it is the utterance of one not in equilibrium.
Once you have attained the higher consciousness, always follow the inner guide (the center of ones consciousness) do not follow the ways of this world. Become a wise teacher, and do not use big words, to appear more intelligent that another.
Do not judge, if one does not follow your teaching, it is your fault, because of your words, and the way you presented the truth. It must be done in a kind and humble way. You are off balance internally, if you do not follow the way of Thoth.
This knowledge is akin to eating garlic.
Garlic is hard to swallow but it will expel worms absolutely positively (the stronger the better)
We're in a lot of trouble
"I will tear down those temples (places of worship), made of stone and wood, and will rebuild my NEW temple in THREE days" Jesus
You can't build nay such place in three days, but you can overcome the three hindrances, the physical, the intellectual and the emotional, the first three chakras of your own body.
"God dwells in temples (brains), made WITHOUT tools" That's the brain!
I think I'm starting to get this stuff now!
sitting at the right hand of the father, and Buddha being born out of
his mothers right side without any pain, are the exact same thing, it is
making reference to the enlightenment that comes from the EAST, the
RIGHT hemisphere of your brain.
How silly of to have drawn lines in the sand, when it's all the same teaching.
The Tao, Lao Tzu, krishna, Jesus, Zoroaster, Mithra, Zeus, Apollo etal,
it's all the same INNER story. "Man Know Thy Self" Because THY Self is
the LIGHT that you are looking out those physical eyes, inhabiting that
piece of meat you call a body.
You are NOT the body, but the
light that took up residence there, in order to communicate with other
light beings residing in physical bodies. That's nature.
Buddhist ideas and concepts did not spread through the ancient world and
the middle east, then explain all the Buddha statues in many of those
lands, if you remember Alqueda blew up some those wonderful Buddha stone
statues in Afghanistan years ago, what were giant Buddha statues doing
in that God forsaken place?
Get out of Hell free verse
Proverbs 15:24
"A word to the WISE ABOVE (the crown chakra), ye may depart from hell BENEATH (the first three chakras)"
Enlightenment takes place within the brain, when the energy of creation rises up the spine to bring about illumination.
we are born with an animal mind, this mind must be overturned, so that
we may rise to the highest mount of attainment and recapture the
promised land from the Canaanites (the lower ego), controlling the
faculties. We must save ZION, the higher potential within us all.
BY, John Charles Webb, Jr.
The Old and New Testaments, together, contain the complete Hermetic Philosophy.
"freed the slaves" from the ravages and demands of material possessions
by leading his people, in a circle, in the desert for 40 years. He
"fathered" one generation of followers who matured being unattached to
material possessions (material mindset) and the ever-present drudgery of
being a nomad with "too much stuff".
After Moses came
Christ, who, using love as the great dissolver of self, frees his
followers from the drudgery of having a self (another "stone") that was
separated from "The One" i.e. the "moon" without the LIGHT of the Sun.
Lose the bondage of material desires and then lose the bondage of the
physical form and all of its ridiculous demands and return to (the
above) spirit.
Conclusion, we are in the "underworld" ("the
below") of gross physical form and, despite its delights, it is
"hellish" compared to the heavenly "above". What keeps us here in "the
below" is material desire (objects and sense based pleasures) rather
than spiritual desires.
In fact, in esoteric Christianity,
the five wounds of the Christ represent the five senses which keep the
spirit "crucified" in the sense-based world and chained to death and
temporal considerations. The crown of thorns represents "non-spiritual"
(material) thinking and the condition of those who seek a kingdom in the
"place of the skulls" (Golgatha), until they are released by a perfect
act of surrender.
Surrender to 'The One' ("Into your hands I
command my spirit") produces the spiritual disposition that creates the
opportunity to be "mediated" by the Creator ("The One Thing") and
lifted into (the above) perfect balance. It frees the consciousness by
"distilling" it (alchemy) out of the morass of a purely material
The mystery of "The Last Supper" and the Passover
"Seder" are two rituals depicting the alchemical process of the
transmutation of the lower nature (unleavened bread, not yet "risen") by
the indwelling spirit, the metaphorical "consumption" of the cravings
of the "flesh and blood" (bread and wine) by the higher spiritual
nature, and rising out of (the purgation process or passing over) this
"reality" into Paradise or The Promised Land.
"prize" for the successful completion of The Great Work? Eternal life!
The Holy Grail! The Fountain of Youth! Paradise! The Return to Eden! The
Promised Land! Atlantis Rising! The Return of the Goddess! The
fulfillment of all of the promises made by The Christ.
In essence, alchemy and its symbolic processes reveal the key to the mystery of the resurrection.
Therefore, I AM called Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world
You are the FOURTH, part if you can bring the fourfold nature into perfect harmony by the way meditation.
The resurrection of the light within the first three chakras of the body to the brain, the animal nature resurrecting to the higher conscious state. The same story is told in the Bible, the Baghavad Gita, the Upanishds, The Buddhist teachings, Manichaeism, Zoroasterism, The Emerald Tablet, Christian Gnosticism etal....
(An Address to the Dead)
know, I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my
mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious.
After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss."
Maybe for some, but NOT for me.
For a complete recap of everything.
you listen to the youtube videos from the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn, they make the Emerald Tablet sound more spooky and secret than it
really is, this is NOT necessary.
Yes it is full of secrets, but
we have revealed most of them, the number seven is in relation to the
seven chakras, the seven lords of time are the same as the seven elohim
of the bible, these are the seven energies that enliven each chakra and
endocrine glands, they are the seven eyes of the lord, the creation is of the mind, it is consciousness.
The other mystical numbers and the seven names and the three names are to be uttered in a murmer, the vibration of the words balance each chakra and reinstate it's proper vibratory rate, they don't really mean anything, they simply create a vibration within the body and the spine.
The other mystical numbers and the seven names and the three names are to be uttered in a murmer, the vibration of the words balance each chakra and reinstate it's proper vibratory rate, they don't really mean anything, they simply create a vibration within the body and the spine.
The originally Persian mythical bird Simurgh holding fast NINE elephants symbolizing lower constituents of the partial self or the lower physical self, symbolized by the number NINE, which is the body as opposed to the spiritual inner part or subtle body. We find the number NINE scattered throughout the Hindu, Greek, Egyptian and many other mythologies, the mythology is describing that one must overcome the physical beast of burden, in order to rise to the higher state of god consciousness, symbolized by the goose.
From lead to Gold,
from the first chakra at the sacrum (lead) to the crown chakra at the
crown (gold), that's the Alchemical process, it's not spooky, it's not
so secret, it's the kundalini which is just an Indian word for the same
Alchemical process, meditation ABOVE thought and the five senses allows
one to enter in and bring forth the light that you are, and cause it to
move up the spine and open each chakra center, which denotes a
particular metal.
From Earth (Saturn/time/body) to the
pineal gland, then the crown chakra ( the SUN). The Moon is the lower
nature, the Bible and other myths call it SIN, the SUN is the higher
mind or god consciousness that we are trying to reach, we are trying to
become the SUN, when the crown chakra is open, it throws open the RIGHT
hemisphere of the brain, and unites both hemispheres into one, the left
hemisphere of the brain is the moon, the right hemisphere of the brain
is the SUN.
In the Gospel of Thomas Jesus said he comes from the
UNDIVIDED, that's the undivided mind, transcending the duality of mind.
Then Jesus sits at the RIGHT hemisphere of the brain or the RIGHT hand
of the father (the higher mind). And remember Buddha was born out of his
mothers RIGHT side without any pain. Mother is the spiritual side of
our nature, from the RIGHT side.
One must keep oil in their
lamp before meditation, in the bible there are five foolish virgins that
had no oil in their lamps, and five wise virgins that had oil in their
lamps. The wise virgins means when you have reached virgin consciousness
taking no thought, if you don't have oil (Chrism) or have abstained
form sex for a few days before meditation, then you will be one of the
five foolish virgins which had no oil (sexual fluid). get it?
The oil is the chrism or seamen in men, women to have oil in their lamps, they also need to refrain from you know what
a couple of days before a good meditation, for without oil in the lamp,
there will be no fire, the spark of the pineal gland lights this very
lite volatile fluid and begins the transformation of human consciousness
within the brain.
The electromagnetism will light the oil if
it's present in the brain, as the energy from the solar plexus has
pushed it up the spine to the brain. No oil NO fire, the reference to
the five WISE virgins is the overcoming of the five senses in
meditation, and reaching a state of virgin consciousness, with OIL in
the lamp, and devoid of thought, The Hindus hold the tongue at the roof
of the mouth to complete the ELectrical circuit from the spine to the
brain. This is the ultimate Hermetic secret.
If you meditate
above the five senses and can exist their without thinking for short
periods of time then you have fulfilled all of the ancient teachings,
the Bible, the Upanishad, The Gita, Buddha etc... This is the GREAT
FEW can reach this
state, but never the less, the teachings came to us, so it is up to us
if we have what it takes to earnestly meditate and try and receive it.
The Bible says many will come to the door, but only a FEW will enter
therein, the way is NARROW, the juncture of the spine going into the
brain is the NARROW gate.
I hope this page has shed
some light on some of these mysterious things from the Emerald Tablets,
the Bible and other ancient teachings. Many Authors try and put too much
detail of the Alchemy process in their work, making everything sound
mysterious and confusing to the reader, it's quite simple though as you
have seen.
Meditate in DARKNESS above thought with oil in your lamp, keeping your tongue at the roof of the mouth, and by all means, do not enter into meditation thinking about something happening, that will kill the whole process, you must have NO desired outcome.
Thoth was often considered to be the
heart—which, according to the ancient Egyptians, is the seat of
intelligence or the mind—and tongue
of the sun god Ra, as well as the means by which Ra's will was
translated into speech. He was also related to the Logos of Plato and
the mind of God, The All.
Thoth is the HIGHER self or the higher consciousness, he is the same as Jesus, krishna, Buddha, God etc.....
discoveries about the nature of light, magnetism, and electricity in
the nineteenth century, the theory of a "vibrating ELectrical universe"
became understood in occult circles, and then humans began to understand
what all of these ancient texts were actually referring to.
By making the body the lower piece of wood and Om the
upper piece and through the practice of the friction of meditation, one
perceives the luminous Self, hidden like the fire in the wood.
Two birds, united always and known by the same name, closely cling to the same tree. One of them eats the sweet fruit; the other looks on without eating.
In this universe the Swan, the Supreme Self alone exists. It is He who, as fire, abides in the water. Only by knowing Him does one pass over death,
There is no other way to reach the Supreme Goal!
Svetasvatara Upanishad
Tongue at the roof of the mouth
There is creations beautiful plan.
The Sun must go through the cross in the Southern Hemisphere, so it may rise to the right side in the Northern Hemisphere and bring forth the spring and all that is new.
And we must allow the solar plexus energy (the place of the Sun within our bodies) to be crucified in meditation, so that it will rise to the right hemisphere of the brain and bring forth the springtime of our soul, with all that is new.
If the Jesus in you which represents the physical part, is allowed to die in meditation when you separate from thought, then the Christ in you will arise from the lower tomb and sit at the right hemisphere of the brain and all things will become new.
Remember, the crucifixion happens on Golgotha which means skull.
Jesus is the pineal at the center of your forehead, and the two thieves are your two eyes, on either side.
Is it all a coincidence?
Or is it the most beautiful truth of salvation that religion has never understood?
beings were not meant to live lives revolving around work, bills, the
stock market, or breaking news. These things create dis-ease within the
mind and the body and you get sick, the the nations (organs) within you
are at war with one another vying for control of the mind.
Can we any longer doubt that the ancient records told
the same story as is found in our own Scriptures, and that it was all in
regard to one thing, one process, the MAS- TERY OF THE BODY?
Gospel of Philip
Blessed is the one who on no occasion caused a soul to suffer. That person is Jesus Christ. He came to the whole place and did not burden anyone. Therefore, blessed is the one who is like this, because he is a perfect man/woman. For the Word tells us that this kind is difficult to define.
How shall we be able to accomplish such a great thing? How will he give everyone comfort? Above all, it is not proper to cause anyone distress - whether the person is great or small, unbeliever or believer - and then give comfort only to those who take satisfaction in good deeds.
Some find it advantageous to give comfort to the one who has fared well. He who does good deeds cannot give comfort to such people, for he does not seize whatever he likes. He is unable to cause distress, however, since he does not afflict them.
To be sure, the one who fares well sometimes causes people distress - not that he intends to do so; rather, it is their own wickedness which is responsible for their distress. He who possesses the qualities (of the perfect man) bestows joy upon the good. Some, however, are terribly distressed by all this.
The awakened man is the greatest stranger in the world; he does not seem to belong to anybody. No organization confines him, no community, no society, no nation.”
- Osho
- Osho
Yoga ‘s explanation is that God is pure consciousness, beyond form and limitation. Our own being is an inextricable expression of this consciousness. Although not everyone in Satya Yuga will achieve self-realization, most will strive for it in this higher age of group consciousness.
According to the Vedic seers, life on Earth is under the rule of vast cosmic forces that originate from the stars. All that happens locally on our planet is a result of forces coming from the distant regions of the universe. AS ABOVE, SO BELOW
These are not just distant regions of the physical world, but also of the cosmic mind, the mysterious origin of things from which the underlying forces of creation arise. These forces determine the nature of the time in which we live. Usually we are so involved in the transient events of our personal lives that we miss these great powers altogether. Like fish, we fail to see the ocean.
If there are 70 trillion cells in the human body, how many galaxies are there in the cosmos?
70 trillion, As above, So Below.
If you want to know how many individual stars there are in the cosmos, find out how many atoms are in the body.
If there are 7 chakras in the body are there 7 chakras ABOVE, Yes!
Who's watching the watcher
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
What a amazing job you have done here - so much of the right stuff all in one place. I thankyou for your effore.
9:46 PM
Anonymous said...
HI, i would like to say well done on your blog and thankyou for sharing it, i have not read it all yet but will do shortly!
Love and light to you dear friend
6:52 AM
Anonymous said...
I've been reading the tablets for about 2 years hoping understand it better, Thank you for your help,You Should have this published, I've read alot of books and Your blog was just as professinal.
A being would have to be a eliterate or ignorant to not understand the truth in this.
Q: Have you achieved God Consouisness?
Blessed Be
1:11 AM
Mary Ellen Reed said...
I have just discovered this site and am so grateful for all of the information in one place. This should be a book!
A group of us have been working on this material and channeling beings of light for over twenty years. It is vitaly important at this time that information such as this remains available to all seekers to assist them with reading between the lines.
After just finding you, we are saddened to see that you will be shutting down on March 1st.
Although this is an amazing amount of work, just changing one persons life is worth so much. What can we do to help support your efforts? Is there a contribution that we can make?
You are a wonderful and gifted person. God bless you.
Love, love, love,
Mary Ellen
8:29 PM
Anonymous said...
...profound Gratitude for All who maintain this masterful site: now part of my daily 'sustenance', and every bit as powerful as Dr. Doreal's translation.
11:14 AM
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much,
It seems that I have been mis-lead for as long as I can consciously remember regarding anything. Thank you so much for allowing me to see this.
My vocabulary is limited to the words I have learned over the years, so words like awesome or great, just do not seem to suffice for how I really feel about all of this. I am sincerely greatful for this. If I were to only look at the information about 'Polarity' this is enough to help me change every single thing in my life and even look at my past and feel differently about it and actually be able to see or feel the positive pole of what seemed horrible or traumatic at that time. This is everything I need. Thank you for allowing this magnificent Universe to enlighten you and then share with us.
7:41 PM
Anonymous said...
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ReplyDeleteQuantum Shaman.