Black Sabbath, the great and terrible day of the LORD
The gospel according to Black Sabbath
"And On the SEVENTH day the lord rested"
Mantra for eternity
Tell me what it's all about
No black magician telling me
To cut my soul out
Don't believe in violence
I don't even believe in me
I've opened the door
And my mind has been released
Well I don't want no preacher
Telling me about the god in the sky
No I don't want no one to tell me
Where I'm gonna go when I die
I want to live my life, I don't want
People telling me what to do
I just believe in myself
'cause no one else is true
Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day must be put to death.
1963 Black Sabbath
At the 46 minute mark, look for black sabbath
That's how the Universe works, it's a prankster at times. Whoever did the artwork, may not have known what they were doing, someone picks upon an idea that's in the ether, it is already there in the conscious universe.
When you come up with an idea, it was already there, it already existed, just waiting for a mind to receive it. Synchronicites are everywhere, if one knows what they are seeing. The universe uses people, dates, numbers geographical places, to give messages, Carl Jung said synchronicity is gods language.
Is there any doubt that the lyrics to many of the bands songs are actually biblical? If you don't know this read on.
Death in the bible is NOT a literal death of the physical body, it means the death of the lower self or ego, so when you work on the Sabbath ( meditate ), you will experience EGO death. There much better isn't it.
The origin. The word "sabbath" means "to rest from labor". Genesis 2:1-3 "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."
The SABBATH is NOT a day of the week, it is the day of the LORD, the seventh crown chakra, which we are to keep holy, and how do you keep it holy? By entering into darkroom meditation.
Days. weeks, months, years etc... are just filler material for the mythology, so the story can be told, "A thousand years is as a day and a day is as a thousand years" that's because they aren't literal.
"Don't be a minister of the letter (literal) for the literal reading killeth
In the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, you shall afflict your souls, and you shall not do any work ... For on that day he shall provide atonement for you to cleanse you from all your sins before the L-RD. -Leviticus 16:29-30 Sins means operating from the lower emotional mind.
Mystic Sabbath
There are seven primary chakras which correlate with the seven primary colors of the rainbow, and seven musical tones. They are aligned from the base to the crown along the spinal cord, and are related to the glandular and nervous systems of the physical body.
They all have certain attributes associated with them, and also form the framework of the Kundilini, or mystic energy, which is the rising of wisdom through all the centers of the body to culminate at enlightenment, described in eastern mysticism as the opening of the thousand petaled lotus.
The key is to transcend rise above master the first 6 chakras and unite the dual consciousness male/female into ONE (7th chakra) no effort (effort polarizes you as separate entity) there is only Presence of God as relief and Peace This is the door to higher light worlds and your light body the True Temple of the Living God.
Christ is the living Sabbath united with the Father. You are the church and body of Christ built upon the ROCK of truth not carved by hands. The seventh is the Sabbath sabbatismos translated "rest" in Hebrews 4:9. The reluctant messenger
The kundalini energy (shakti) at the base of the spine is called "solar force," "libido,""serpent power," "serpentine fire." There are many who believe that the hidden theme of Western religious scripture is the kundalini and its elevation. The ancient Egyptians called kundalini power "Ra, who is symbolized as the sun because the sun is the source of the kundalini force.
In REVELATIONS, PAT/MOS, the first part PAT, means to stay put, to be still.
The salaat as a Book of time also refers to the entire Injil or Book of Revelation, the scripture given to Jesus. This Book's entire subject is the raising of the kundalini.
The Bible book entitled "Song of Solomon" is actually a tantric text that depicts the spiritual love making between Solomon and Sheba. A kind of preface to that book is found in the story of Solomon and Sheba in the Quran.
It was said to her, enter the palace. So when she saw it she thought it was a lake of water and she uncovered her legs. He said: This is but a palace paved with glass.
Quran 27:44The Queen of Sheba and Solomon entered the glass palace of Solomon. This is deep coded language for the elevation of the energy of sexual yoga to the region of the brain that the Taoists refer to as "the Crystal Palace."The Crystal Palace is the brain region that included the thalamus, pineal gland, pituitary gland hypothalamus. The queen of Sheba are the seven chakras, Sol Om ON is the mind that is created by the queen.
Because this represents the seventh crown charka that has opened because of all the work you put in meditation, we are to keep the 7th day holy, means we are to practice meditation and seek to raise the Christ oil to the brain and experience the seventh day, this is the day of rest, because you have completed the great work, and all shall rest, god, you, your animals and the alien within your gates, your 12 cranial nerves.
The ALIEN is you, you, the light that are reading this left the first three chakras ( hell), and made it's way up the spine to the brain, the bible calls you ( the light ) and alien, because you have never been in the holy land before, you have been dwelling in Egypt all of your life.
From the groin ( hell/Egypt ) to the skull (heaven/holy land)
In the Bible and Greek mythology, hell is the lower mind (EGO) which is the garbage dump and the upper mind is heaven. Buddha called the lower mind a cesspool, the first three chakras of consciousness. Sodom, Babylon, Egypt, where Jesus was SPIRITUALLY crucified.
" And their dead bodies shall lie in the streets of the great city which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified." City is the mind, street is the consciousness or thoughts.
The human spine is the true STAIRWAY to HEAVEN
In Africa and for the Bambaras of Senegal, seven is a symbol of the perfection and the unity. The "Dogons" consider the number seven as the symbol of the union of the opposites, of the resolution of dualism, therefore like symbol of unicity and perfection. It is also the mark of the master of the word.
The Black Sabbath must be created within you, can it be proved?
No one has ever experienced the great and terrible day of the lord, because they haven't played any real Black Sabbath music. It is Black Sabbath music, that will bring you to the upper room and allow you to see the dark one.
They found that human beings glow in the dark. Not with a light generally seen because it is at a low level. But they found a colored light that can be photographed as Professor Okamura was able to do. Bill Donahue
Empty space Not Empty
In the book ‘The Cloud of Unknowing’ written by an English Catholic Priest who lived during the latter half of the 14th century, it states that we can only enter the divine if we let ourselves go into the nothingness of spirit. The mind cannot ultimately be involved in pure meditation.
Matthew 6:25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
Here Jesus says take no thought 5 times & this is important – see notes on Numerology below – he is talking about the 5 senses and the sacrifice of the flesh.
27.Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
28. And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
Raiment = clothes. This is a beautiful passage in which he is saying we identify with our minds for who we are. Our thoughts ‘clothe’ us in false beliefs, so they cannot be relied on.
The lilies are spoken of to show that they are part of nature and they just ‘be themselves’ going with the flow of life without preconception.
34. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Meditate into the stillness so we receive instructions from the higher self.
Here we look at numerology. The mystics of the East gave meaning to the numbers.g. 5 = sacrifice, also the 5 senses, Jesus taking the 5 wounds, because when we shut down the 5 senses in meditation we crucify the flesh.
Meditation is the Center and it depends on us being centered.
CLICK HERE for more
A Universe from nothing
Zen calls it "No mind"
The great Tao/Dao is the NOTHINGNESS that science is telling us about, seems like the ancients knew this along time ago.
Jesus said take no thought FIVE times, a clue to shutdown the five senses in meditation, can we prove the bible backs up the science, of the science backs up the bible?
Before we see the answer, lets look at what science says about darkness and nothingness.
Then watch the video at the bottom for proof, that ALL things, either material or energy, comes from this original state of wu-chi or nothingness.
Remember that Sabbath means rest, it really means rest from thought.
Physicists tell us that out of this void, out of this nothingness comes creation, and this creation is inside of you as well. "as above, so below"
What are black holes? A black hole is a star that is imploding in on itself, sucking in all the matter that itself is made of, and sucking everything in it, that is close to it, so a star implodes and creates a black hole, this is a fact.
This created black hole from the death of a star then is responsible for more creation, because it is the darkness, the nothingness that this black hole is, the more creation is created.
So, a star dies, and something is born, something is sacrificed, and new life comes from this sacrifice.
These are facts, anyone can check.
When you enter into darkroom meditation, and shutdown the thoughts of the mind, you are creating within yourself the exact same condition the universe experiences, you are creating a black hole within the deep recesses of your mind.
Meditation in darkness creates the black hole in you, and instead of exploding outward with rage and emotion, you implode into nothingness, then you touch the holy/hole place within you, that's where the power is, it is in nothingness.
If physical creation comes from black holes out there in outer space, then the new created mind that you seek, is created in the darkness { void } black hole WITHIN you, in the center of your consciousness, in there, in INNER space.
Alan Watts the VOID
Mind is "the illuminating energy which 'Lights the way' of an idea or form to be transmitted and received," wrote Alice Bailey.
"Upon a beam of light can the energy of the mind materialize." Following this line of reasoning, we can imagine ourselves not only as "frozen light" (to quote Dr. Richard Gerber) but also as "frozen thought."
Mysteries of LIGHT
Enlightenment is about raising consciousness and letting the light of the soul in to the point that we become it. True enlightenment follows a path of conscious personal mastery that results in transformation and, by definition, involves the creation of a stable light body.
As we raise our consciousness and activate our light body, we realize we are our own creators made, or making ourselves, in the image and similitude of the one Creator. By learning this truly transformative lesson, we return to unity consciousness while mastering physicality.
In other words, we achieve enlightenment as the light of soul descends into a divine or soul body healed of duality and freed from the instructional cycle of karma.
Fact: Your DNA emits photons (god) within you. John 1 "God is light". But it only manifests in darkness, god is NOT visible light, but invisible light, we only see ten percent of the electromagnetic spectrum, 90 % percent is outside the realm of physical sight, somewhere in that 90% hidden is gods invisible light, only invisible light is able to value to the soul.
That's the virgin mind, the Christ mind, perfection as Jonathan put it.
In the bible we see the following verses.
Matt 23:13
As we from the above verses, the bible is telling us that this kingdom of god/good is within, and if it is within, then there's only one way that has ever been to get there, and that is meditation, but not just any meditation, but darkroom meditation.
You must enter into the black hole, the inner most holy place within you.
The place of blackness, the place of nothingness, this is where creation comes from, creation from both without and within. "As above, so below"
Now what does the bible have to say about this blackness, this nothingness.
If all things that come into existence in the cosmos as from the first cause of NOTHINGNESS, then in you, in your mind, you can create a one-ness, but you must enter into a dark place and meditate.
That's the only way it happens, in the universe and within you.
The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks.
-CD.jpg)
Rev 16:17 "And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done".
"Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion"
As we move deeper and deeper into experiencing the truth of who we are, beyond what we can see with our eyes, hear with our ears, or believe with our mind, the pursuit of a direct and personal experience with our True Nature (the light that we are) begins to grow, until experiencing and knowing this True Self eventually becomes the primary goal of our lives, attained through meditation, while sitting in darkness.
Woe unto you that desire the Day of the Lord! To what end is it for you? The Day of the Lord is darkness, not light. Shall not the day of the LORD be darkness, and not light? even very dark, and no brightness in it?
Remember these verses are ALL talking about the darkness in meditation, Religion has NO clue!!
Now we hear from Jesus on Darkness
Psalm 139:12
Even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.
Luke 1:79
To give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.”
Isaiah 9:2
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined.
2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 4:16
The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light, and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has dawned.”
Luke 22:53
When I was with you day after day in the temple, you did not lay hands on me. But this is your hour, and the power of darkness.”
What we call nirvana, heaven, samadhi, the new Jerusalem, Christ consciousness, Buddha consciousness, Krishna consciousness, is all the same, it is the new mind that is created out of the darkness and nothingness of the imploded mind, in darkroom meditation.
Every plant seed, vegetable, tree etc...only begins it's life process in complete darkness, and all alone buried in the earth. It is so in nature as it is within you. There can be no rebirth of the mind unless it is left in the total darkness of meditation for a time.
"Through the Worm Hole with Morgan Freeman" it showed how there is scientific proof of how just a bit of meditation can literally change DNA and gene expression related to stress and the immune system.
"There are no forgiveness of sins, unless their is shedding of blood"
Heb 9:22 Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.
"Don't be a minister of the letter, for the letter Kills, but the spiritual understanding giveth life" to the real meaning of ancient mythology.
The bible says that without the shedding of blood, sins cannot be forgiven.
Sin is the moon god of Chaldeas of UR, Sin represents the moon mind, because what ever is shown on it, it reflects back, this is how we become very emotional towards things said by others.
Blood is a symbol of the life force in you, unless you shed the life force, that feeds the emotions, sin cannot be forgiven. Every time you enter into meditation, you are shedding the life force, and are cutting off the power of the thoughts of the mind from coming against you, this is the meaning of the shedding of blood and the forgiveness of sin.
You cannot shed your inner life force unless you replace it with the higher spiritual force from above, your life force consists of the emotions and lower mind thoughts, it must be shed or discarded. That's why Joshua had to command the sun and the moon to stand still, so he could defeat the enemy, the enemy is your own lower mind, and all the thoughts that come from that cesspool.
Joshua was shedding his inner life force ( cesspool ) when he made the inner sun ( mind ) and the moon ( the lower emotions ) to stand still within his own mind.
That's what taking NO thought does, that's the way of meditation. SIN is the emotions that must be quelled in the state of No mind, as Jesus and Buddha both taught.
Reaching the state of NO mind is also known as the Rainbow bridge, the way is a narrow says the bible.
The rainbow bridge by Bill
Tha Hatha Upanishads puts it like this.
Christian tradition spoke of the same selective bridge of heaven: “Narrow is the way, and few there be that find it.” (Matthew 7:14)
Nine lance lengths, means human consciousness, and to transform the consciousness via the rainbow bridge is like traversing the edge of a razor, but why? Because few will enter into darkroom mediation, and fewer yet can send the multitudes away ( the thoughts that arise and hover about like 900 chariots of iron ).
"And the house when it was in building, the sound of no iron could be heard, it was built in seven years and in SILENCE" That's the razors edge. Don't fall off of the bridge, stay with your meditation, daily and weekly. "few there be that find it"
Christians are quick to scoff at the absurdity of other religions when most fail to realize they worship a book that contains talking snakes, bushes and donkeys.
The bridge is the spine and the 33 vertebrae, the rainbow is the seven colors of the seven chakras.
14 When daylight is gone, the murderer rises up and kills the poor and needy; in the night he steals forth like a thief. Daylight is a symbol of the light that one can receive in the meditative state, but the murderer ( the ego) rises up and kills out the poor and needy, these are the higher aspirations on the higher mental plane, these are poor and in need of spiritual nourishment, but they cannot be fed as long as one never enters into meditation.
The night that steals in this case is the darkness of the lower mind, it is as a thief in the night.
15 The eye of the adulterer watches for dusk; he thinks, 'No eye will see me,' and he keeps his face concealed. The adulterer is the lower mind that waits for higher influence to dissipate from the psyche, then he can commit adultery, take things from the ego, intercourse with this lower mind and all of the negative thoughts that proceed from it. The face is a symbol of the mind, but the true mind ( face ) is concealed by the lower egoic thinking.
16 In the dark, men break into houses, but by day they shut themselves in; they want nothing to do with the light. When one is in meditation and cannot stop the thoughts, cannot stop the mind from thinking, then these men ( lower thoughts ) enter into the house ( your consciousness ), and by day ( when one is finished with meditation ) these lower thoughts stay shut in the consciousness, because the lower mind does not like the INNER light.
17 For all of them, deep darkness is their morning; they make friends with the terrors of darkness.
This is the lower mind that will not enter in, then the mind stays in the deep darkness of it's lower constitution, it believes that this is good, and believes this is the real day, but then it says, they make friends with these terrors of darkness, all of the thoughts that hover about in your consciousness that are unchecked, unbridled. That's the day of Satan terrors in darkness, not the day of the lord. The day of the lord is darkness, yes, but only if that darkness becomes LIGHT.
The living must be willing to go down to the depths, and bring up the power of new life, of spring, of Easter, of rebirth, and the only way that you can take part in that is through your meditation.
What is Meditation?
Meditation is the process of reuniting the soul with Spirit. The soul, descending from the source into flesh, manifests its consciousness and life force through
seven chakras, or centers of light, in man's cerebrospinal axis.
awakens the soul consciousness in the seven cerebrospinal centers. In a state of divine recollection, the soul realizes its immortal nature and origin.
You stimulate the right hemisphere by shutting down the left. You shut down the left by shutting off thought in meditation.
To shut off thought you use music. Classical Music is preferred because it has the same structure as DNA You can also use some New Age music.
Play it loud.
We want the thoughts to be drummed out by the sound
When it is time, the electrons in the pineal will begin to vibrate.
The photons can then be absorbed.
The negative and positive forces interact and become strong enough to create the ‘light in the head.’ With this ‘light in the head’ activated, astral projectors can withdraw themselves from the body, carrying the light with them, this is when darkness becomes light.
Chi spirals through the Crown and the Third Eye into the pineal and pituitary glands, sustaining existence and nourishing the spirit. Infants and children bask in the glow and the power of the Chi Field streaming into, and interacting with, their bodies.
Within this state we can meta program the brain to the Unity of Self, and create a renewed mind, manifest other possibilities.
Darkness opens your pineal gland
Decalcify Your Pineal Gland! A guided meditation to unblock your Ajna Chakra, Third Eye, this must be done if you have been on a western diet.
Again; Everything comes from NOTHING, a must see awesome videos of truth, and funny too, the guy has a good sense of humor.
TAO, from which all being comes is called the Great Void - an emptiness or "not-being".
"According to the ancient Chinese philosophers, in the beginning was Tao. But then Tao separated into the two prime principles, yang and yin. And from the many combinations of yang and yin everything else that is in the world has emerged."
"The Tao is the Void to which all things come to and come from. The nature of the Void is silence and emptiness."
Non being gives birth to the oneness. The oneness gives birth to yin and yang. Yin and Yang give birth to heaven, earth, and beings. Heaven, earth, and beings give birth to everything in existence.
If everything is in some kind of relationship with everything only then can nothing- ness not exist.
That nothing ness is a default result of everything being in a relationship with everything.
For example : A fly has a relationship with a star on the other side of the universe.
Every existent "thing" could be stated as being in a relationship with every existent thing. It is only when this is so, nothing- ness no-exists by default.
Thus the value of nothing is everything.
If nothing is our past, it could also be our future. As the universe, driven by dark energy — that is to say, the negative pressure of nothing — expands faster and faster, the galaxies will become invisible, and all the energy and information will be sucked out of the cosmos. The universe will revert to nothingness.
Brahman is both the material and the efficient cause of the universe.
According to Hinduism, man is essentially a soul that uses its body and mind as instruments to gain experience. What is the nature of the soul? Hinduism maintains that the macrocosm and the microcosm are built on the same plan, and that Brahman is the soul of both, and the beginning is no where to be found.
All this to see the great and fearful Oz. Oz, of course, turns out to be a fake. The only real power is wielded by the witches, and once the endearing old Oz is dispatched in a balloon, the real battle begins between the good witches and bad witches. Hmmm.
Is The Wizard of Oz a harmless children's story, or a satire of Christianity? (Job 1:1) Consider the mockery of the praise songs, even the "needs" of the pilgrims (Mr 12:30). Even if Christians have lacked discernment, the world hasn't: Elton John sings, "Good-bye yellow brick road, where the dogs of society howl."; America sings, "Oz never did give nothin' to the Tin-man; that he didn't, didn't already have."
Small wonder we try to "explain away" the fear of God when we have such lies rattling around in our heads! Something deep within us says, "It's all an illusion." "Surely, behind the curtain over there, there must be a cute little man pulling levers to make all the smoke and flames." "If we really knew, we'd see that God is just a gentle con-man, who means well, but is really harmless."
They were well able to defeat the Witch without the Wizard’s sympathy or support. Tin-Man, Scarecrow, and Lion do not need a Savior, the savior is within them already, and wizard ( god ) just made them see it by believing in themselves.
I form the light, and I create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
Your Body Is The Holy Land: Part 2
The purpose
That is when you will give birth. That is when the newness will be born in you. But it will not be born of desire. It will be born of total nothing. Bill
Exodus 25:22 Translations
The two cherubims is the CEREBRUM of the brain, the cerebrum covers the Ark (brain)
The cerebrum is divided into right and left hemispheres that are connected by the Corpus Colosseum. The TWO cherubims.
The mercy seat means that when one has forgiven self for harming others and bad things said and done, you are forgiven, you no longer have to carry this burden, it was NOT you that did the act, it was your lower mind or ego, which is NOT the true self. The higher god or consciousness gives Mercy to all that prevail in meditation.
Does it say to sing songs? What does it mean?
Psaltery (17 Occurrences in the bible)
No man is allowed in, it means that no part of your physical nature is allowed in the fornix, not your thoughts, nothing, It is already completely furnished, so leave your old abused furniture and lamps behind ( your former self, your old negative egoic thinking, everything that is the false self must stay behind).
Mark 14:15 And he will show you a large upper room furnished and prepared: there make ready for us.
It's off limits to mortal men, thy shalt not tamper with the workings of gods machine. The mechanic must come, and the mechanic is God, Zeus, Jesus, Buddha etc.......Go to the upper room, and there you will meet the cosmic mechanic, and get a cosmic tuneup.
Back to BRAIN music
Amos 5:23 Turn aside from Me the noise of thy songs, Yea, the praise of thy psaltery I hear not.
Captivity means that one stays in lower three chakras ( Egypt).
You that put far away the evil day, and cause the seat of violence to come near;
NOW get this
Psaltery, an instrument used by ancient Hebrews who called it NEBEL, we know little or NOTHING about this ancient praise form of the ancient psaltery.
They know nothing, because they lacked understanding.
The back sections of the fornix are connected together by the psalterium, see psalytery
hippocampal commissure, psalterium transverse fornix.
A variety of gross anatomical terms have been applied to this hippocampal commissure, but the term psalterium (alluding to a harp-like stringed instrument) is most common.
SO Now how do you praise the lord?
It's in the fornix of your brain, the hippocampus commissure.
Nobody is making this up, this came right of the medical dictionary, that these instruments of praise for the lord is actually anatomical parts of the human brain.
The praise for the lord is the activation of the glands in the head during darkroom meditation, when you are sitting darkness taking no thought, you are;
Praising the lord with psaltery and harp (activating that part of the brain, the seat of memory (the white horse) hippocampus. While in darkroom meditation these centers of the brain, play a joyous noise unto the lord, this portion of the brain produces a low vibration that is the sound of creation (AUM), but god can only hear it, when you shutup inside, when you send the multitudes away.
Then you will activate those centers of the brain and experience the Black Sabbath within your head.
See what you miss when you go to church?
Meditation is silence, not an enforced silence
"Meditation is a single lesson of awareness, of no-thought, of spontaneity, of being total in your action, alert, aware. It is not a technique, it is a knack. Either you get it or you don't." - Osho
They have all been left behind; one has come to an immense, infinite silence. But that silence is not dead, it is a singing silence.
It is throbbing, pulsating with life. It has a dancing quality to it. You cannot see the dance, you can only feel it. You cannot hear the song but it reverberates in your whole being. Your every cell becomes bathed in it.
It is so vast that no word can contain it. The thing that comes closest to it is music, but that too just expresses it approximately, not exactly. Obviously music is also sound — it is very harmonious sound, but the sound is there.
In meditation there is no sound, it is soundlessness.
Everything has stopped, no movement, one has come to a complete halt. But the experience can only be described as a song, as a tremendous harmony. All these words fall short but these are the only words that give little bit of help. They are only fingers pointing to the moon. They are not the moon themselves, just fingers pointing to the moon.
Meditation is a state of no will, a state of inaction. It is relaxation. One has simply dropped into one's own being, and that being is the same as the being of All.
You may not be aware that in all these relationships with friends, with your husbands, with your wives, with your children, with your parents you are basically trying to avoid the experience of alone-ness.
These are strategies so that you are always with somebody. Most people can't stand themselves, and surely can't stand being alone with themselves, so they cannot go into the silence of meditation.
Meditation is what the entire bible is about, but very few know this fact. " go into thy closet and pray ( meditate ) to thy father which is in secret. That's the injunction to enter within, and the only way one can enter within is to meditate above the thoughts of the mind.
"look not lo here nor lo there, for the kingdom of god/good is WITHIN you" "I make darkness my SECRET place" "I have set up TREASURES in darkness"
When Jesus said take no thought FIVE times in Matthew, he didn't mean don't worry about tomorrow, he meant, for the morrow, for what you need to understand for tomorrow, then right now "take no thought" FIVE means the shutting down of the FIVE senses.
It means this; stop trying to row your own boat, you have decisions to make, and if you make these decisions from the emotional mind, chaos will ensue, First, seek the kingdom within, meditate, take No thought for the morrow, in other words when tomorrow comes and your face with decisions, car payments, late mortgage payments, fighting with your spouse, a divorce, out of control everything, what to do, what to do.
The bible is saying that when you take NO thought, then tomorrow when you are faced with life's decisions, then you will be guided internally at what to do, or else what's the point, there has to be benefit from the meditation, other than just gaining a higher mind.
These teachings from Jesus have been totally corrupted by religion, so people are left to pray and go to churches, which don't work. TAKE no thought, meaning for your life tomorrow "take no thought" today.
People want peace, they want happiness, they want everything to go smooth, but they never go to gods true church which is the temple built without tools, in silence. Quit rowing your own boat and do as Jonah did, jump in the ocean { gods deepest truth } and let the great fish { gods spirit} swallow you up.
What decisions will you make tomorrow when the lid is blown off of your head, because of disruptions at work, at home etc...Take NO thought today, then don't worry, because tomorrow you will get answers.
There are the two main benefits of seeking the kingdom WITHIN, one is you will be given direction for your life, but first, you must remove the Little "i" the ego, and make room for the higher consciousness {big I} to direct you, the second benefit is that if you retain oil in your lamp, abstain from sex for a few days before going into meditation, you can bring forth that which is within you, the kundalini.
"If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."Gospel of Thomas
Luke; "Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you" It is the kundalini, the divine serpent, it cannot heal you, unless you put in on top of the brass pole { the top of the spine }.
The snake bites {emotional outbursts} when it stays coiled up at the base of the spine your whole life, you will be an emotional roller coaster. That's why it has to be loosed, set free. The prodigal son/sun returns home to the fathers house { the third ventricle of the brain }.
Job12:7 When you meditate regularly, even the animals will help you "But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach you; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell you" Is your dog god in disguise? Are dolphins god? "Gods kingdom is spread out upon the EARTH and men/women do NOT see it" That's because you go to church.
Matt 23:13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. "And them that were entering in you hindered" "
“Woe to you Scribes, because you have taken away the keys of knowledge! You have not gone IN YOURSELVES, and those that are entering you have hindered.”
YOU have no need of church edifices any more. THEY never told you to GO IN, they said come in here, into their den of thieves, and bought it hook line and sinker.
“There is no medicine, or food, and no spiritual salvation that can prolong a person’s life if they fail to understand or practice the harmony of sexual energy.”
~P’eng Tsu, Physician to the Emperor
Wise men of the Orient have from time immemorial sought means of preventing discharge of the seminal fluid. Without exception they have realized the tremendous implications of the sexual act: when performed with love and discipline, it may awaken dormant powers in the mind and body. The nervous and endocrine systems are particularly open to improvement.
The act of love has long been recognized as healing, but the Taoist masters sought to go beyond this and find the principles of physical immortality within it. Many schools arose proposing various ways of tapping the secret elixir of sexuality.
So whatever happens in silence, either sadness or aloneness, remember, in silence nothing wrong can ever happen. Whatever happens is going to enhance the beauty of it, deepen the charm of it; anything that happens will bring more and more flowers, more and more fragrance to it.
Is it possible that we live in a universe where the information between photons, the prayer for our loved ones, or the desire for peace in a place halfway around the world never needs to be transported anywhere to be received? The answer is yes! This appears to be precisely the kind of universe we live in.” -Gregg Braden, “The Divine Matrix” (105-6)
Information from one particle to another doesn’t need to “travel” there because the space between them is illusory, as is the language of calling them “separate” particles.
As we have seen, before observation quanta are not particles with definite attributes and location; they are merely waves in the One universal quantum ocean until our conscious observation individualizes the wave into droplets of experience.
This how the universe works, it uses people, places, and numbers to give knowledge to the earth, but no one sees.
Black Sabbath didn't know that were being used to get a message out, those things came in to the minds of those band members from the ether (air). So is the nature of things.
Below, the lateral portions of the body of the fornix are joined by a thin triangular lamina, named the psalterium (lyra). This lamina contains some transverse fibers which connect the two hippocampi across the middle line and constitute the hippocampal commissure. Between the psalterium and the corpus callosum a horizontal cleft, the so-called ventricle of the fornix (ventricle of Verga), is sometimes found.
The other books associated with it were the Lectionary, the Antiphonary, and Responsoriale, and the Hymnary. The Psalterium contained primarily all the text of the Psalms, and it may be noted that for some centuries the Western Church used two different Latin versions, both due to St. Jerome.
"Where Souls Dwell"
The lyrics display clear Christianity in my opinion.
People get the idea that they are "anti-Christian" from many of their performances where they burned crosses up on stage and the like. This was merely for entertainment value. Audiences demanded it, so the band delivered. The band never renounced their Christian faith, and they have never gone on stage without crosses on.
Or have seen a photo of the band, for that matter. Read the lyrics to songs like "After Forever" or "The Sabbath Stones". If you still think that's anti-Christian, you need to repeat 5th grade English class.
But if one listens and reads the lyrics, you find that the opposite is true. Upon closer examination, Black Sabbath is actually condemning the very things that they are accused of promoting.
Ozzy Osbourne says that they used to rehearse near a movie theatre where Boris Karloff’s horror movie “Black Sabbath”, was playing. Ozzy explains “Isn’t it weird that people pay money to get the crap scared out of them.
That’s when we decided to play scary music.”
Geezer actually wrote most of the lyrics, but on this one Ozzy set the tone for Black Sabbath as a band that guides the listener through the world’ battle between good and evil.
You have 22 bones in your skull, 22 books make up the book of Revelations, and the 22 card of the Tarot deck. The 5 box set, the number five are the five wounds that Jesus took, the 5 wise virgins that has oil in their lamps, it means one has to overcome the FIVE senses to have their Black Sabbath and overcome "the rules of hell." Synchronicity, the language of the universe.
See the pet goat page for more on Synchronicity.
Behind the wall of sleep, means that we are the walking dead, and behind this sleeping Lazarus mind, lies the entrance to freedom, from Darkness to Light
Electric Funeral issues a similar warning to the despots with “Evil souls fall to Hell, ever trapped in burning cells.” War Pigs Has nothing to do with witchcraft, satanism or any of that other crap! It is about the horrors of war. There is a video on Youtube that plays this song over footage of the very illegal war in Iraq.
"Now in DARKNESS, the world stops turning" that's what darkroom meditation does, it stops the mind ( the world ) those things on the outside. Then "Hand of God has struck the hour, Day of judgement, God is calling The day of judgement actually happens in meditation, that's the hour of god. See what we have missed in these lyrics? Esoterically the war pigs are mans lower mind thoughts, the thoughts generated from the ego centered consciousness, the waring left brain.
1 kngs 6:7 "And the house, when it was in building, was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was in building". You see Iron man is thought, and you have remove the iron, or you cannot build the lords house. Iron blinds you from the truth.
Amazing isn't it, what you can find in songs that you had no idea about.
Jer 15:12 Can one break iron, iron from the north, and bronze? In the bible NORTH is the emotional nature.
Isaiah 48:4 Because I know that you are obstinate, and your neck is an iron sinew and your forehead brass. Do you see the word OBSTINATE in the scripture, this is the dead giveaway, the definition is: Stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so. Very difficult to change or overcome.
You see the Bible qualifies itself as a book talking about the mind, and those that have chariots of iron are OBSTINATE. Neck as iron sinew, this means that someone hardheaded and opiniated, and refuse to see your point of view, they are stiff necked ( iron sinew), where do see these types of people? In religion.
They are the ones with 900 chariots of iron in their fortified places (subconscious mind). The forehead is consciousness, and it is brass, signifying a heavy load, hardheadedness. The bible is a very clever book, you have to read it very carefully to understand it properly.
The Canaanites were a tribe of seven clans originally, and descended from Canaan, a nation of seven heads (Deuteronomy 7:1, Genesis 10:15) , the Dragon of Seven Heads.
Deuteronomy 27:5 And there you shall build an altar to the Lord your God, an altar of stones. You shall wield no iron tool on them.
Deuteronomy 3:11 Behold, his bed was a bed of iron. Is it not in Rabbah of the Ammonites? Nine cubits was its length, and four cubits its breadth, according to the common cubit.
Wail, you inhabitants of the market district! For all the merchant people [Canaanites] are cut down; All those who handle money are cut off. (Zephaniah 1:11)
And there is no merchant [Canaanite] any more in the temple of Yahweh of Hosts in that day!
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.That happens in MEDITATION, and no other place.
Don't just want to run like hell away from very stubborn hardheaded people, just like the song says, I know I do, I get away from that kind of person post haste. Iron man lives again, and again, and again, they are every where you turn, in the workplace, your outlaws, etc...
Metals are symbols of the condition of the mind and the thoughts that arise from it. From the BIBLE. Alchemy in the Bible.
Gold = Pure Character (god quality) consciousness, Precious and Rare Isaiah 13:12
Silver = Pure Words & Understanding, on the path. Proverbs 2:4, 3:13-14, 10:20, 25:11,
Brass, Tin, bronze, Iron, copper, zinc, Lead, Silver, dross = Impure Character, lower nature thoughts etc...(apart from god-GOLD) Ezekiel Psalms 12:622:20- TUBALCAINS.
Fourth beast of Daniel. the beast has SEVEN with teeth of iron
No real devil has anything over Nero, Hitler, Staliin, Pol pot, Idi Amin, Atila the Hun, Genghis khan, Mao Zedong, Kim Jong-Il, Hillary Clinton, Dubya and his daddy Bush and Barack Obama:
Mao Zedong is the greatest mass murderer in history, having coordinated the death of 45 million Chinese peasants from 1958 to 1962
Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them ( iron men ): and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth, the mind.
Mans mind is always filled with Brass, Tin, bronze, Iron and copper. Any time you are reading a Bible story and see the word tin, copper, brass etc. it is referencing the condition of the human mind, apart from Christ or cosmic consciousness.
Ezekiel 22:18
Jdg 1:19 And the LORD was with Judah; and he drave out [the inhabitants of] the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.
SEE the following verses, and again you will understand that the bible is using metals to describe mans mental state.
Job 28:2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and brass [is] molten [out of] the stone. You can't make brass out of stone. So obviously it means something else.
Iron is the hardheaded person, the earth is always the physical body, and the brass shows the strength of this particular character, it's the lower mind, and it is very strong.
Bones are referring the strentgh of a persons character, here the bones represent the physical, and you can see the verse is not talking about LITERAL brass and iron.
Here one is in meditation, and the mind is inflicted with iron, how plain can it be?
Psa 107:16 For he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder. The gates of brass and bars of iron are in there, in your mind. They become your prison.
That should do it, you should KNOW by now, not believe that the bible is referring to the state of mind, when it uses any metals in the body of the work
To capitalise on their chart success in the US, the band quickly returned to the studio in June 1970, just four months after Black Sabbath was released. The new album was initially set to be named War Pigs after the song "War Pigs", which was critical of the Vietnam War. However Warner changed the title of the album to Paranoid, fearing backlash by supporters of the Vietnam War.
Carry banners which denounce the lord
On the scene a priest appears
Ozzy's religious view can be described with three words: despises religion, yet believes in a higher power!
I think - based on Ozzy's lyrics that he has more faith - than many who go to church and are religious! I also think that organized christianity seeks to control believers thoughts - starting with the council of Nicea - up to the present - but that real believers find fellowship - with others of the same faith - thru Spirit - not a church building or institutionalized system of belief! Where in the Gospel does it ever call satan the price of darkness - read Matthew 6:6 and 10:27 and and concerning darkness.
Or perhaps you think that when you're dead you just stay in your grave
Is God just a thought within your head or is he a part of you?
When you think about death do you lose your breath or do you keep your cool?
Would you like to see the Pope on the end of a rope do you think he's a fool?
Well I have seen the truth, yes I've seen the light and I've changed my ways And I'll be prepared when you're lonely and scared at the end of our days
That's what jesus and Buddha said.
I don't dote on religion. Religion, I think, is something that you can never argue, and you can certainly never convince the other person because even though there's a bible how concrete is it? It depends on the point of view. So religion is not something I'm involved in, other than the fact that having been in BLACK SABBATH it seems like there's a connection.
I just think there's a lot of similes and metaphors and things that have gotten me to that point. Religion, much like fantasy, much like the tales of King Arthur is, again, something that is so difficult to put a hand on and say "this actually happened."
Electrifying enemy is drowning in his tears
All I have to give you is a love that never dies
The symptom of the universe is written in your eyes
Mother moon she's calling me back to her silver womb
Father of creation takes me from my stolen tomb
Seventh advent unicorn is waiting in the skies
A symptom of the universe, a love that never dies
Swim the magic ocean I've been crying all these years
With our love we'll ride away into eternal skies
A symptom of the universe, a love that never dies
Woman child of love's creation, come and step inside my dreams In your eyes I see no sadness, you are all that loving means
Take my hand and we'll go riding through the sunshine from above We'll find happiness together in the summer skies of love
The Black sabbath band or the tripe below, I'll take Black Sabbath anyday.
The other bloody Sunday was in Russia in 1905.
Every war, and every person killed was because of the lower consciousness of humans that are in control of other peoples destiny, there is NO other cause " and I gave man the mind of an animal til seven times passes by for him" god of the bible."
This means that you and I have the mind of wild beasts until we are able to meditate and move our souls up the spine and through the seven seals or chakras.
When you, the soul/light that are in that bag of skin stays in the first three chakras, this is the avarice ( thoughtlessness ) of the seven seals, you have to turn these into virtues. it's bloody sundays forever.
The humanoid has in no way changed, life after life he has continued on the same and psychologically speaking has become worse.
The great imperialist invaders do not change, they only reincarnate in other places and with other circumstances.
The great conquerors, the great dictators etc continue their 'escapades' in accordance with the epoch and the surroundings in which they reincarnate.
There are very refined intellectual animals but they are caught by their animal instincts and kill with their refinement and they call this "enjoyment".
Humanity has advanced to the level of the supposed civilizations that we have today by means of the intellect. However, we can see that the animal part that has accompanied us throughout history and wars has not disappeared, on the contrary it has become worse.
People living on the levels of Cakras 1, 2, or 3 are living on animal levels. Animals, too, cling to life. Animals , too, beget their future. Animals, too, fight to win. So people on these levels have to be controlled by social law, not dharma. Just think of what our popular religions are concerned with prayers for health, wealth, progeny, and victory. That is asking the gods to serve your animal nature. This is popular religion. Joseph Campbell
In ourselves are the tigers, scorpions, dragons and lice, they are in the MIND.
This earth is indeed a "BOTTOMLESS PIT" of woes and wails, and gnashing of teeth, and will remain that way UNTIL you (all of us) GO WITHIN OURSELVES as Christ and all other main religions command you to do. That is to say the Kingdom of God is WITHIN you, thus in order to find the Kingdom of God/good we must ALL go within ourselves, and there is only one way to accomplish this ... through MEDITATION. "If therefore thine eye be single , thy whole body shall be full of light ( the cosmos within )," (Matthew 6:22).
The above videos are more than disturbing, they are Horrendous, and yet think about the thousands upon thousands of years that these types of atrocities have unfolded without the benefits of documentation or photography. Add to man's inhumanity toward man the millions of human deaths brought on by nature such as sickness plagues and weather calamities and yet most humans are fine with it and brush it off as "that's life." This isn't life, this is Hell, all the result of man's lower animal mind, his pinchent for a never ending stream of Bloody Sabbaths.
Gods true church is WITHIN, the Jews below are moving out of the cere-bellum into the right brain. " a Jew is one inwardly" So yes, they ae the real JEWS. And by moving into and stimulating the cells at the right hemisphere, they are overcoming the ego, they are freeing themselves from human group think, yet they linking up with legions of angels from above.
They are allowing the white horse to take lead. Although they should be in a darkroom in order to activate the pineal gland.
14 “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
This is the SPINAL COLUMN and the energy of the Sacred Sexual Force climbing through it once it is properly transformed or united with the natural force, commonly referred to as the wedding of the Bridge and Bridegroom or the union of the two polarities, or the Great Mother and Father, etc.
The entire scripture speaks of our internal process, there is nothing to be done ‘out there’ in the world that will create inner illumination as we have seen through time, this is clear.
We must go within for that and be ‘wise as doves’ and learn that encased within the wisdom of scripture lies the hidden knowledge left for us by our venerable Sages and Masters of the past. This is the knowledge to use to remove ourselves from the endless cycles of incarnations here in this world.
The Sanskrit noun “kundalini” literally means “the coiled one.” This refers to the reservoir of the Fiery Power coiled at the base of the spine, and also to the spiral movement of the one radiant energy. The Kabbalah teaches that the original kundalini center is in Malchut (the laboratory of the Holy Spirit) and that the Yesod center is a storehouse for that energy; Yesod meaning secret of the sexual organ.
Kundalini is also called the Serpent Power, because when the ancients observed the serpent casting its skin, the snake was taken to represent reincarnation, regeneration, and immortality. The Tibetan name for Kundalini is Tigle and in theosophical writings, it is called Fohat, a term borrowed from Chinese alchemy, which is Taoism.
This Fiery Power is very real. It is cosmic electricity, and any unwise blocking of the channels through which it may emerge into the conscious self is fraught with danger.
Self purification, correction of ego mind, dogmas, judgement and fear is imperative before commencing this arousal stage. Some Hindu texts refer to Kundalini Yoga as “clasping the tail of the tiger” because once you grab hold there is no turning back.
the teacher will only appear, when the student is ready, and not until then, just don't add anything, and don't try and force it, if you do, it can cause violence in your consciousness. The bible refers to it as stealing heaven.
Matt 11:12 "From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force.
Step by step is the law of growth. Nature does not expect the acorn to be a mighty oak before it has become a sapling. George E. Carpenter
Isaiah 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender sapling, and as a root out of dry ground: he hath no form nor lordliness, and when we see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
For he is yet just still a sapling ( young in spiritual knowledge ), but in due time....................
IN silence, that's the key.
Harry is just a symbol of Uranus and Pluto, the ruling planetary bodies of the Aquarian age that brings a change to the mass minds. Make no mistake they are VIOLENT in their action, they come with a vengeance, Deut 28:22 "The LORD ( Uranus ) shall smite you with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew;
and they ( uranus and pluto) shall pursue you until you perish." You are the divine EGO that Uranus and Pluto are hunting down, so you'd better hide. Orion is also standing by with his great club in his RIGHT hand and he's the master hunter in all the sky. He hunts down your lower thoughts in the myth, but he does this literally with his bands of magnetism, if you can loose them.
Witches gather at black masses, and have our bloody Sundays/sabbaths
This guy dopeland above is one scary opossum headed looking devil, isn't he???
When Uranus comes back to claim his bride Gaia, and brings Pluto with him, they will kick ass and take names.
Just when I was getting used to eating shit and smiling, the age ends and everything turns to milk and honey. For Earth this means it will cease to be a prison and slave planet. Since Earth's frequency is increasing, it will only allow souls of a corresponding frequency to reincarnate here.
This means that about 15% of those alive today, will be able to return to Earth and souls from other planets will be attracted here. The other 85% of humans will reincarnate on suitable frequency planets.
He's on his way and he's ticked off, and his real name in Greek is Heaven.
The mythology is that Uranus was married to the planet earth, Gaea.
They were separated by Cronus or Saturn, or Satan.
Now Uranus is returning in Aquarius to reclaim his bride on December 21 2012.
As Uranus returns for his bride:
Place the green light at your house and prepare to Passover to a new age of cosmic energy.
A new age of light.
A new earth, a new you, a new hope, a new life.
For as the Bible says in Revelation "around the throne of God it is as emerald. "
Merkabah means counter rotatory Light-Energy field. It is known that this energy field was an active part of human beings 13,000 years ago and due to the dimensions phase out, conscience decreased towards third dimension and the Merkabah conscience was lost.
The memory of this field is activated by drawing and meditating on the mandalas of Flower of Life, which include within themselves all Universal knowledge that correlates with all knowledge co-integrated in the pineal gland, which is within the brain. "I have seen god face to face, and I call the place Peniel"
This process impels the pineal glandís ulterior purpose, which is to retake the ancient way of breathing. The interconnection between breathing and conscience is the key towards a higher conscience and to access other dimensions. This will propel the Christ Conscience evolution. Merkabah is a natural field of protection.
Is 45:31 "I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name."
The existence of Kailas (inner image of Divine), The innermost invisible Truth or Cosmic religious feeling can also be evaluated with the given picture.
Mount Semeru or so-called Mount Mahameru is the highest mountain in Java. Legend of the origin of the will of the gods of Mount Semeru hook to move the Mount Meru of India to Java. How did it come?
Nail, none other than Mount Meru in India. Move the gods of Mount Meru to tlatah Java. Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu worked together. God Brahma so long snake and entwine her body on Mount Meru, while Lord Vishnu became a tortoise to carry Mount Meru in the back.
Then, when you inhale, 'see' the skin expand; and when you exhale, see it contract. Remain detached, use your 'inner eye' or intuitive visualization to observe calmly but with deepening awareness, the picture of your body expanding and contracting.
Rays of light flow from his mouth with the word; filling the emptiness within. AUM dwells also within the cave of the heart. See it there. Know, know, KNOW that the Brahma aspect within your Self is NO DIFFERENT from the Brahma aspect of cosmology.
A complete consecration of oneself takes place after the offering of this flower to oneself: 'I am god: all instruments of worship, be they food, perfume, incense, flowers, become divine through my recognition of them as such. I am the abode of god.
I *am* god.' Thus should one meditate, bringing everything to god and god to god, making all pure and eternal through the recreation of god in oneself."
(Genesis 41:29 KJV)
(Genesis 41:30 KJV)
(Ezekiel 39:9 KJV)
(Matthew 12:8 KJV)
And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made (Genesis 2:2&3).
INSIDE you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Black Sabbath is waiting
Witches gather at black masses, this has a deeply esoteric connotation.
Ex 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
Lets first see what the bible writers had in mind when they said thou shalt suffer a witch to live, here is the definition of the word witch; A woman claiming or popularly believed to possess magical powers and practice sorcery. A woman thought to have evil magic powers, popularly depicted as wearing a black cloak and pointed hat, and flying on a broomstick.
In biblical mythology women are symbols of either the emotions or the spirit, in this case the witch, which is a woman is a symbol of the emotions. Since withes practiced sorcery, and was said to possess powers, the writers used "witch" as a symbol of the lower emotional mind, and the power that comes from her.
They are portraying the lower mind as a witch, because of the sorcery ( negative thoughts ) that arise from this mind, they are usually emotionally charged thoughts ( witches ), so we must not allow then to live. They have much power over the divine impulse.
To kill the witch one sits in meditation and shuts down the thoughts of the mind, then the wicked witch and all her sorcery are killed. The broomstick is a symbol of the spine, but the witch keeps the spine in kundabuffer, so we shall not suffer her to live, because to allow her to live is to suffer, because the lower mind brings about suffering because of all the carnal thoughts that arise from her.
When you sit in meditation, you are suppressing this internal witch, if you are in a darkroom as the bible instructs, then you are in the real Black Mass. Now we can see the real meaning of
"Witches gather at black masses" When the witches gather, we shall not suffer them to live.
Where is the REAL HOLY LAND???
Meditation means to be still, read the following verses to see that truth, this stillness changes your old consciousness for a newer higher consciousness.
Psalm 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Nehemiah 8:11
Mark 4:39
He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
2 Chronicles 20
To be still, means to still the mind in meditation.
Jeremiah 8
14 Why do we sit still? assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the defenced cities { closed minded, egotistical }, and let us be silent there { meditate }: for the LORD our God hath put us to silence, and given us water of gall to drink, because we have sinned {operating from the emotions } against the LORD.
Silence referring to the inner silence of the meditative state. Sins are emotions.
Either you will go IN as Jesus said, or you will go to church Sunday and get your emotions highly charged, by waving your hands in the air, and saying Jesus Loves me 90 times, and singing Jesus songs, and all that bungula boogie.
Then come Monday morning, you are the same Sad delusional person on the INSIDE that were before you went to church. Because you went INTO the WRONG church, gods church is WITHIN you, not in buildings made of wood and stone, {brick and mortar}. Religion has kept this TRUTH hidden from you for 2 thousand years, but now it's time to wake up and close down those lunatic pastors, preachers, priests, TV evangelists etal.
They are patients on WARD 9. Do you want to take instructions for your life from the patients on ward 9, or do you want to get right to the source and ask it? And you already know where this source is, so then why do you avoid it?
Patients on WARD 9 of the lunatic asylum of the Earth
Circus animals, all of them.
2 Kings 11
20 And all the people of the land rejoiced, and the city was in quiet: and they slew Athaliah with the sword beside the king's house. {killing out lower nature} (The city is always the brain).
In quietness (meditation) he slew his enemies (control over the lower emotional center).
They rejoiced because they were able to keep the mind from thinking, they { you } maintained the inner silent state.
Psalm 107
30 Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven
Proverbs 1
33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.
Isaiah 30
15 For thus saith the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not.
Jeremiah 47
6 O thou sword of the LORD, how long will it be ere thou be quiet? put up thyself into thy scabbard, rest, and be still
Acts 19
36 Seeing then that these things cannot be spoken against, ye ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly.
Do nothing rashly (emotional outbursts) instead be quiet (quiet the mind) meditate
Now we hear from Lao Tzu
Be gentle and you will need no strength. Be patient and you will achieve all things. Be humble and you will remain entire. Stop thinking and you will end problems.
Lao-Tzu believed that human life, like everything else in the universe, is constantly influenced by outside forces. He believed "simplicity" to be the key to truth and freedom.
Lao-Tzu encouraged his followers to observe, and seek to understand the laws of nature; to develop intuition and build up personal power; and to use that power to lead life with love, and without force. In self-cultivation, he emphasized "gentleness" and "non-action".
Sounds like Jesus, see what you miss when you don't seek to understand other countries spiritual or wise teachings.
"Blessed are the solitary and elect, for you will find the Kingdom. For you are from it, and to it you will return."
Do you see the word SOLITARY? The Book of Thomas is whispering to you, do you understand that this refers to quieting the mind in meditation? If you become solitary, you automatically become the elect. Then you will find God's kingdom.
"When you come to know yourselves then you will become known, and you will realize that is you who are the sons of the living Father."
Jesus said, "There are many standing at the door, but it is the solitaries who will enter the bridal chamber."
Mind is a mysterious something which is really nothing but does everything. It is born of the illusory power of God. It is a product of ignorance.
It is a compound of desires, thoughts and imagination, a mixture of worry and fear. It is a confection. That's why you can only find it, when the mind is in a state VOID, nothingness, blackness, this is the state above the mind, whereby the true Yogi tries to reach. And it's what the entire Bible is about.
Close your eyes. Meditate. Open your heart to the inflow of the invisible power. Then you will have abundant, superintuitional knowledge which is beyond the reach of intellect.
Just as water freely flows when the tap is turned so also Divine Wisdom will flow freely when the obstacles of ignorance that stand in the way of knowledge are removed. You will get flashes, glimpses of the Divine inspiration, revelation and intuition.
You will have to put yourself in a state of quietude by silencing all bubbling thoughts and emotions and connect the mind with the source by withdrawing the mind from sensual objects, just as you do in telephone by turning the switch off and connecting the two persons who want to speak.
All duality is of mind. The whole of duality is caused by the imagination of the mind. If all imaginations are withdrawn into the mind itself by constant practice of discrimination, Vairagya (dispassion), Sama, Dama, and Samadhana, you will not experience the dual universe. The mind will become no mind. As it has nothing to cognise, it will rest in the source, the Atman.
"My mind was elsewhere, I did not see". "My mind was elsewhere, I did not hear"; for a man sees with his mind and hears with his mind.
The attraction for objects and the ties of various sorts make the man bound to this world. Renunciation of all attractions for objects and breaking up the ties constitute real Sannyasa. That Sannyasi or Yogi who is free from attraction and ties enjoys the infinite bliss, supreme joy and eternal bliss.
The mind should be absorbed in the word Om (Pranava). That Yogi or Jnani whose mind is absorbed in Om has no fear whatever. He has reached the goal of life.
The fire of meditation rapidly consumes all evils and sins. Then there follows that knowledge of Truth which confers perfections, everlasting peace and immortality.
Stop the Vrittis through constant and steady practice. The mind will become no mind. You will attain Yogarudha State (the Absolute state). The seeds of Avidya in the form of potential tendencies which are embedded in the mind are all burnt to ashes when the mind rests in the Truth during Samadhi. The fire that burns is the fire of knowledge of Atman (Jnana-Agni, Yoga-Agni).
When the Yogi has attained the last stage of meditation, when he has entered into Asamprajnata Samadhi, he becomes a Jivanmukta in this very life.
The fire of Yogic Samadhi burns all Samskaras in toto.
Not thinking about anything is zen. Once you know this, walking, standing, sitting or lying down, everything you do is zen. To know that the mind is empty is to see the buddha. The buddhas of the ten directions have no mind. To see no mind is to see the buddha.” Bodhidharma (5th c.)
Zen is alone and unique. It points beyond the mind. So remember not to try to understand rationally, intelligently. Only in deep meditation and silence will you be able to feel the significance of these small anecdotes. They have something hidden in them, but it is not possible for the mind to figure it out. Only NO mind can get it.
Put the mind aside, and suddenly you can see the truth which mind was blocking. As far as Zen is concerned, mind is a block to reality. Except mind, nobody is hindering you declaring your buddhahood this very moment. Sounds exactly like the bible, because it is.
Paracelsus said: 'Man is a Sun and a Moon and a Heaven filled with Stars. The world is a Man, and the light of the Sun and the Stars is in his body. The Ethereal Body cannot be grasped, and yet it is substance." Dr. M. Doreal wrote: "The physical body is built upon the Astral Body as a foundation.,, (Astral Plane , p.8).
In "The Perfect Way." A.B. Kingsford said: "Me Soul is a Spiritual Sun, corresponding in all things with the Solar Orb The Soul's history is one, and this is a history corresponding with the Sun's."
Another author stated: "The immortal Augoedies, or Solar Body, is of atomic non‑molecular substance."
Elizabeth Towne observed: "There is a real Sun Center in us, the Solar Plexus The Solar Plexus is the point where life is born‑where the Uncreated becomes Create; the unorganized becomes organized; the unconscious becomes conscious; the invisible becomes visible, the immeasurable be, s measurable." (The Solar Plexus, 1907, pp. 6, 7).
Another way to tell the story, we have Jesus, there are two Jesus, one is the Sun, the other is the Solar plexus, the Sun Jesus travels through the sky with his 12 disciples ( zodiacs ) displaying miracles, healing people, example Gemini twins just after Jesus has walked on water ( milky way )
this is the story of the suns path through the zodiac, so the story continues until the winter solstice where the sun hangs for 3 days and is reborn, but this event is celebrated more in Easter once the light starts to take over the darkness, the sun has been killed and is resurrected from the dead and continues his circuit in Galilee
( Galilee translates as circuit ) so we can pretty much say that this is immortal in representation.....but there's a 13th Zodiac, the man who struggles with the serpent, would this be an enlightened Immortal Kundalini master? Kundalini - serpent
In Christian iconography the four evangelists is frequently represented by a human being, a lion, an ox and an eagle, normally, but not invariably, all shown with wings like angels.
These animals originate from the four "living creatures" that draw the throne-chariot of God, the Merkabah, in the vision in the Book of Ezekiel and also reflected in the Book of Revelation, though neither sources links the creatures to the Evangelists.
Because the Sun in its course through the Zodiac passes between Sagittarius and Capricorn, between the horse and the goat.
The religious ones of the middle ages, trying to separate the birth of Jesus from Passover ignored the true meaning which is the birth from Virgo the Virgin in the 9th month of September, and opted for December which also gave them the Sagittarius , Capricorn story to include in the myth.
Thus the child is born in a stable or manger.
Jesus is born of a Virgin, (The Sun is born in September , the 9th month out of the constellation Virgo, the Virgin.)
In the zodiac the Annunciation indicates the time when the Sun enters the sign Virgo, August 22nd, where it foreshadows the `birth' in Capricorn, the manger or stable. The LOST word is discovered in the stable or manger, because it's the energy in the solar plexus.
The sun is in Capricorn from December 22 to January 19
Jesus which is the energy in the solar plexus, is the LOST WORD, it's the word made flesh, which happens when you have your Black Sabbath.
Jesus part 2, the solar plexus is represented as jesus if you know how to decode the bible, the bible is all about wisdom, myths, poetry, it is an old story in a new wrapper, and it is ALL about meditation, Jesus the solar plexus energy travels up the mountain ( in you ) and is crucified in Golgotha ( also Calvary ) and these words both translate as the Skull!!, Jesus was crucified between two thieves ( the eyes )
When you meditate the bibles says Be Still and pray ( meditate ) , so the solar plexus energy travels up inside you to where you are crucified ( old you dies, new you is reborn from being cleansed ) enlightenment which takes place between the two eyes with in the pineal gland - Genisis 32:30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.
In Taoism once you become fully enlightened you become Immortal. The bible says that you will go out no more, meaning go back into the cycle of reincarnation.
You also Have the Talmud of Immanuel ( el = god, man god? ) am i correct in assuming a Talmud is Hebrew? so the Jews? would study this? ( Jews = those that look inward! meditate and study the inner being? ) in this book it says Immanuel was not crucified but was put in a trance by an angel, angel of god, angel of light, ANGLE of light - received the light in a trance like state.. meditation.
I'm not saying Opiuchis is Jesus, all I'm saying is the myths seem to be telling the same age old story, I wonder how many people know about the 13th zodiac?
I think we've deduced that it's not a coincidence when Pluto completes its journey through Ophiuchus around 2012. The mystery still remains of what its implications will be, but we're getting closer to this answer. I still find myself mesmerized by this picture, as if there is some kind of huge, monumental significance to it:
So, this is one possible scenario:
Ophiuchus has the (kundalini) serpent by the tail and is looking toward the direction of the Christ Consciousness symbol (future consciousness?).
Interesting side point: Is it a coincidence that Aesclepius, the healer, is coming around at a time of a supposed world pandemic?
The sun rises in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy/Ophiuchus/serpent on December 21, 2012. with a galactic alignment, would this implicate a solar system wide kundalini as well as individual (each person) as well as each planetary kundalin? As above, so below...
could it be that OPhiuchus is a Kundalini master?
Going from one step to the next higher step. The energy of Thirteen propels the effort to try something new or to try again. Tone thirteen provides an energetic connection between what has been and what is to come. It is the bridge from the now into the next 'now'. Persons with the energy of Thirteen are always going over the next mountain just to see what is there.
Thirteen carries the last success to the newest effort. Thirteen frequency is Divine. It watches and loves and allows. The foundation for each of other twelve; sometimes referred to as cosmic glue. It has a gentle and subtle energetic signature and is worth every effort to invite into your life. Meditation is the invitation
This selfish ego driven madness that is now in its finally stages of entropy must die, so a better tomorrow can be born. This is societal evolution at its most pristine. Odin is coming.
Isaiah 45:3
And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know, that I the Lord which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.
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