The Hidden Lighthouse

 Folsom California

Most Religions, Pastors, Priests, TV Evangelists etal exist  to CONTROL your mind, you will NEVER be free as long as you are under their mind control systems, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and Mohamed taught the INNER kingdom, that the kingdom is WITHIN you, but no one lays it to heart. True Religion is the religion of the inner Christ, the Kingdom Within, most outer religions do no not teach the INNER Christ story.

  When we say true religions, we mean to say a teaching that leads to an personal relationship with the true Christ. Some religions teach the true meaning of the inner Christ, we do not put down true religions, those esoteric teachings, the INNER, that's the church we are looking for. Dan Websters Newer page here

  When we put down religions, we mean to say those money grabbing TV evangelists, those main line religions that want to take from you and never teach the true INNER Christ. The way of the world, is that we always have a duality, good religions and bad ones.

Instead people go to false churches, Mosques and Temples to pray, they have no idea of the INNER church, the INNER religion.

 Then they listen to clueless people that tell them what the bible stories mean, it's blind leading the blind, they are blind guides as Jesus called them. They are the patients on ward nine of one flew over the cuckoos nest, telling the rest of them what things are, Bobo's all of them.

 James put it this way, love god, love your neighbor, love Jesus and do as Jesus instructed, And when you put these together, then you’re dealing with true religion, or religion that’s going to bear fruit. It’s not going to be worthless before God. Indeed, James assumes that “religion” includes both the worship of God and love of neighbor, otherwise, it is “worthless religion” (James 1:26).

  If any one thinks he/she is religious, and does not bridle his tongue [there it is again] but deceives his heart, this man’s religion is in vain. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God. We also discover that the Greek word for “religion” was used to refer to expressions of devotion to God.” True Religion is the capacity of experiencing directly that which is immeasurable, that which cannot be put into words. You don't have to join any society, read any book, or be at the feet of any Master; for self-knowledge liberates you from all that absurdity, the stupidities of human invention. And then only, through self-knowledge and right meditation, there is freedom. In that freedom there comes reality; but you cannot have reality through mental processes. It must come to you; and it can only come to you when there is freedom from desire. Now that's Jesu's religion, that's Krishna's religion you see. J krishnamurti July 31, 1949   

Religion--A systematic exposition on the awareness of a deity who is the supreme ruler of heaven and earth; that which arouses reverence and love for a supreme being. There is a wide range of religious experience between the blindly groping faith that caused men to pass their children through the fire as sacrifice to their deities, and the divine consciousness of Jesus, who submitted His body to the purifying fire of the Spirit and came forth alive with a life that never dies.”  

"But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in."  That's Meditation. They ( false religious teachers) hinder you from going in, true religions teach you to find the INNER kingdom.

The LOST word is the WORD MADE FLESH John 1:14 How is it done? The silence of meditation.

The Holy land IS The Human brain



Bill Donahue, in his Navy days

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU!

There is a WAR on for your mind, by the controllers of this world. Alex Jones calls it the "Info War" They have been imposing their false reality on you since you were born into this Matrix world. Is there anything you can do about it? Yes! Seek within in meditation, it's biblical, it is the crux of the bible allegory. 

US government is trying hard to control the world, and even your mind, it is hell bent on taking away your freedoms and your sovereignty at this very moment. The good news is that it will FAIL!!! The cosmos will not allow it to continue. Is the USA the great Satan, it assuredly is.

The psychopaths in charge are a small limited power compared to the entire Universe. The Universe does not allow slavery, it IS coming to an abrupt end by the forces of the Aquarian age. Those that are in rank and file CANNOT see it, because they are brainwashed by the system, they are the Smiths of the Matrix films. This is a deep problem.

The world is controlled by Machiavellian minds, psychopaths, they are your presidents, popes, prime ministers, dictators, politicians of every ILK, your co-workers, bosses, supervisors, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, grandmothers, you name it, they are sick, the world is a cesspool, if you don't see it, then you are ASLEEP.  Only ten percent of humanity has any empathy, the rest of the ninety percent are piranhas, why is that? well that's your bible story!

Masters of Manipulation”: Psychopaths Rule The World

 You are enslaved by these ego's, they are weak and they fear you, they fear real men and women who are natural and fear no evil, they are  SISSYS, girly men! They were the sissys that you knew in grade school. 

Yes! REAL genuine men and women do NOT seek to control other human beings, real genuine men and women do NOT steal from their fellow human beings. Those that make the laws and rules to control our every move are SISSYS! PEROID!!!


Free persons of all faiths from the tyranny of their flase religion

Plotinus said…religions can be an barborous melodramatic irrational immoral un Greek and insanely arrogant superstition, that is unless you have the true inner meaning of any religion

Mark Passio is the prisoner in the Platos cave allegory that escaped from the cave and after finding the truth goes back in the cave to tell all the other chained slaves what he found out, that they are slaves to a poisoned world view, yet they won't listen, they won't have any of it, what does one do then? You want to enlighten them, yet they won't listen, they love their slave conditions. The answer is not easy. Do you just become a hermit and the hell with all the brain dead masses running around in their total left brain cognition, you can't because without an awakening of the masses there can't be any change, we will all remain slaves to mainline religions and government.

Are YOU paying attention!!! 

Cops today have been degraded to puppets of the 
Machiavellian system, they ARE NOT real men, they are GMO fed, fluoride ridden, steroid laden freaks!!! Real men are a thing of the past. humanity operates from the left brain cognition, and this is the stereotypical Satan, the 666 beast mind.

 Elisha had her collect empty vessels from her neighbors and fill them with the little oil she had. And as long as she had empty vessels, they were being filled.

Do you see? God is looking for empty vessels to fill. He is looking for people who have died to self and desire to be filled with His Spirit. He is looking for vessels willing to be filled. However, before He can fill them, they must be empty, empty of pride ( ego ), lust, arrogance and bitterness, empty of those things that will defile the oil He wishes to give. Emptiness is achieved by taking NO thought in meditation. Empty thyself and the lord ( wisdom and knowledge ) shall fill thee. Raise yourself above ego consciousness ( Nine). The solution to better the whole world begins with you, it is an INSIDE job.

  More than a hundred years ago, Rudolf Steiner wrote the following:

  ” In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit.

  To materialistic doctors, will be entrusted with the task of removing the soul of humanity. As today, people are vaccine against this disease or disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune to being subjected to the “madness” of spiritual life.

  He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.

  With such a vaccine, you can easily make the etheric body loose in the physical body. Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will.

  So, the vaccine becomes a kind of arymanique force; man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. He becomes materialistic of constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual “. Vaccines can altar your god given DNA, your software code for yourself, who you are as an human being. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925); What a visionary!!

This video shows exactly the bible  

How to unlock the meaning of the bible scriptures, listen here first!!!!! 

 SANTOS, Must watch in it's entirety, then you will get the message

The Real Matrix of our Planet

U.S.N.S. Hassayampa, Sea of Japan, 1981, from this Bloggers Sailing days. false teachers,  all false teachings,  are like the waves of the sea, it makes people sick. Not Jesus, Not the bible, outer religions doesn't teach you the beautiful true religion,the true spiritual allegories and parables and their real meaning.  

Sea of Japan

USNS Hassayampa

ENTER The HiddenLighthouse

 All Blog Posts for this Blog


This website is going to challenge your traditional Christian/Religious beliefs, you have been forewarned, if you can't get along with it, it simply means that you are not yet an old enough soul to do so, sorry, but you'll have to wait for a few thousand more rounds of coming and going, and when you're ripe enough, it will become as clear as mud. Just as Jesus told Nicodemus, "you must be born again" and again and again, that is what he meant.

The summization of everything that you will read in this entire blog is the following; Raise your self above the internal dialogue, above the thoughts of the mind, the internal never ceasing chatter of the the devil,  ( the MIND ). That's MEDITATION! That's all of the ancient teachings!!! 

The MIND is the enemy of GOD!!! The mind is a double edge sword. One edge will save you ( the right hemisphere ), the other edge will kill you ( the left hemisphere ). One edge is Jesus, krishna, Budha etc... the other edge is the devil, satan, Baal, baphomet, the destroyer, etc... etc....One is heaven, one is hell, that's all there is to it. 

That's a summary of the entire bible. The darkness within you is of your own doing by refusing to turn on the light within, by refusing to enter darkroom meditation, which actually turns on the inner light/god/pineal gland.

 The Wise Ones

Our Father ( the right hemisphere of your brain, the EAST side) which art in heaven ( the higher mind or Christ consciousness). (Matt. 6.9) Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? (John 10.34) If he called them gods the scripture cannot be broken. (John 10.35) You according to the bible are god, now I didn't say it, the bible did. Psalm 82:6  I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.


Are you god? Eric Dubay

Can you become a BUDDHA 

Mark Passio, a MUST watch video 

More goods from Mark Passio 

Jesus was an ANARCHIST 

Make the universe obey your thoughts, it is scientific, discover this great secret, as Robert Collier once taught is his book " secret of the AGES" read pages 2,3 and 4

MUST LISTEN carefully and understand!! You will get much understanding.

Beautiful lesson from manny p hall

This is the Hermetic path.  Getting into the stream, the Will.  The Higher Will of the cosmos over your will ( Ego ). Love under Will is higher conscious Self flowing within the framework of natural cosmic law. Seek within in meditation, empty yourself of self, then you will flow with the TAO. Do what THY wilt is the whole of the LAW, the word THY is referring to the HIGHER power, not your will, but the will of god.

A video describing the bible story 

hidden meanings in the bible, do NOT read the bible LITERALLY 

An understanding on Aleister Crowley, you never knew, by Mark Passio


So you are gods in amnesia walking around in a meat suit, you have to transcend the five sense meat suit to expose the God/Jesus/divinity within, and yet have no idea, that you are such, because religion has convinced you that you are a worthless wretch, a sinner, filthy rags in the sight of god.  BUT! that's not what the Bible says. Go figure! It says; "you are the light of the world" Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead ( controlled by your animal sense and desire nature/ESAU/CAIN ) and Christ ( the higher mind ) shall give thee light/understanding and wisdom.

 (Eph.5.14) raising the dead is the raising of ones consciousness from a lower/satan/devil/ego mind to the higher god/jesus consciousness state, or another way to put it, from the dead animal personality to the higher personality of god consciousness. From the 666 beast mind to the 888 god mind. From the root chakra to the seventh crown chakra.

Jesus is the truth, the light and the way, BUT only if you do what he said do, and that's the TAO, Jesus is just the archetypal symbol of what we are supposed to achieve. He was anti system, anti government, anti religion, he was ante to all things that bind and control, he stood for ultimate freedom of mind and body, he stood for the TRUE religion which is on the INSIDE, that's why he said TAKE NO THOUGHT and practice the SINGLE eye, that's meditation! Don't want to accept that fact, well that's your problem.

By his Spirit he has garnished the Scroll down to; Heavens; His hand has formed the crooked Serpent. Job 26:13 

there is an anatomic component to the entire arrangement of temples along the Nile river, which symbolizes the human spine / Chakras  and brain.

 Why must we raise ourselves from the dead, the zombie lower left brain, the lower chakras, just watch the video below, then you will understand. This is why we are filthy rags in the eyes of god. A conscious human being could not partake in any of this, a conscious human being would have taken their badges off and threw them at the officer laughing as describes how another cop killed her, and then quit the force on  the spot, a step further, conscious human beings do not seek police jobs, nor would they ever join such an abominational force. Remember Victoria Snelgrove,

 another victim of the unconscious waking dead beasts that roam the fields of the earth looking for prey.

VIDEO, COPS laughing about killing a woman by shooting her in the head.

Babylon has fallen

Literal Jews are the synogogue of satan

 Jew is one inwardly In Romans it says " a Jew is one inwardly" (Inwardly) That's meditation, that's the real Jew, those are the chosen ones. Then what is an Gentile? A gentile is one outwardly, one that doesn't seek within in darkroom meditation. The JEW is chosen, because those that seek within are gods chosen ones.

Metaphysical meaning of Gentiles 

Gentiles, gen'-tiles (Lat.)--the nations, nations, peoples, all nations and peoples outside of a given body

The Gentiles of the Bible comprise all nations and peoples that were not of Israelitish origin and faith (Isa. 49:6; Acts 13: 46).

REAL meaning; Meta. Worldly thoughts--thoughts pertaining to the external, or thoughts that function through the senses. The Gentile is the unregenerate state of mind in us. The lower mind is the GENTILE, this is the SECRET.

Some of you will say, no wait, the bible says that we are filthy rags.

 Isaiah 64:6 All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away. This is referring to those that operate from the ego centered consciousness, those that are self righteous. The works of the SELF-righteous are as dirty rags in the eyes of the one true god, like the video above. When you have transcended the ego, then you are raised from the dead. The dead animal mind, the mind that harms and kills without remorse.

Are there other gods? Genesis;   "Their daughters go a whoring after their gods, and make thy sons go a whoring after their gods." God always blame the women; it is they who "go a whoring" and then "make" the men "go a whoring." 34:16  Women in this case is just a symbol of the lower emotions.

All aspects of your nature are considered gods, you physical body is a god, your intellectual mind is a god, your emotional mind ( woman ) is a god and your higher spiritual true self is a god, but thou shalt have no other gods before me, that is to say that you shall not put the other natures ahead of the higher spiritual nature, the rider on the white horse. When you are operating from the lower nature you are whoring after other gods.  Woman means emotions, men is a symbol of mind, the mind goes whoring after the things of the lower ego. Sons and daughters are the offspring of the lower mind ( TubalCain ), the animal nature in us all.


Heracles In control of his own animal nature

All of the other gods mentioned in the bible, Baal, Egyptian, Babylonian etc... are always referring to a person that is operating from the lower self, they are all symbols of the lower or animal mind.

For I will pass through the land of Egypt ( the lower self, the solar plexus chakra ) that night ( Night always means darkroom meditation ), and I will strike all the firstborn ( the ego centered thoughts that arise during meditation ) in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the LORD.

Gods of Egypt are symbols of the three lower aspects of the 4 fold nature. Desires of the flesh, animal nature, emotions out of control, the ego centered intellectual etc...

Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images. Exodus. Ye shall break free from the things that come out of the mind, all the gods are born out of mind, you are mental, the image comes first, look at my muscles, aren't I something, your muscles just became a god, do you understand? People that are highly intellectual are ego driven, because they think they are smart, the intellect then becomes a false god.

But, God is described as "God of gods" Psalm 136:2: The higher true god which is LIGHT!

James 2:19: "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that,  and shudder." Demons are the negative thoughts that arise from the lower emotional mind, other gods. Thoughts are gods ( demons ), they have tremendous power. You're thoughts are either your friends ( higher ) or your enemies ( demons ) ( lower ).

How many other gods are there?

More gods in the bible 

Thor a type of Jesus, at war with his own animal nature, Thor is a higher God smashing the Lower Gods ( lower natured thoughts ).

Jesus "be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth," Matthew 12:40

The Earth is always the mind in Mythology

 To love God with all your heart really means to love the higher self ( you, the god within that meat suit you are wearing ) with all your mind, only the transformed mind can do that.

The heart of the Earth is the center of ones consciousness, one who has risen above mind, passed through the gate, above the restless intellectual, physical and emotional nature,  1 Peter; By whom also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison. ( The spirits in prison are the thoughts that arise from the lower mind, the thoughts of hurt, the thoughts that cause you to lash out with uncontrolled emotions, harmful negative egoic thoughts, then come the words formed by the devil ( the tongue, the consuming fire ). james 3:6 

And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell. Your tongue can either uplift those around you or create a hell to those that are in range of your words.

Cerebrus guards the gate, it is your PHYSICAL, INTELLECTUAL and EMOTIONAL nature that keeps YOU from entering through the gate to the underworld and then into the most holy place. You have to appease cerebrus with a drugged biscuit or cake and music to get by. You have to go down ( to the underworld, the first three chakras ) before you can come up, you have to get access to all your chakras, you can't clean the three lower chakras if cerebrus won't let you through the gate. When you meditate to music cerebrus is lulled to sleep, then you can slip through. 

 Cerebrus is drugged when you raise yourself above the thoughts of the mind while meditating to music. Heracles 12th and final labor, Cerebrus represents the mind under the control of the systems of the world, it is internal anarchy, it is the NON sovereign mind, it's the beast or animal consciousness of a person, actually it is the UN-conscious individual operating from the animal senses, the three represent the ego in it's unenlightened stature.

The Gate of GOD 

What about this verse?

 "If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

 Remember that the word "heart" means center of ones own consciousness, the "dead" means your dead animal personality, "saved" means that you have been saved from the lower ego mind by raising the Chrism ( Christ oil ) to the head and opening the right hemisphere of your brain. 

Then what does MOUTH mean? The mouth is a symbol of perception and consciousness, of the attainment of the expression of the indwelling self on the higher plane, through the rise of consciousness. It's not a LITERAL mouth, but your internal chattering, your thoughts, what you believe or know to be true..

If you declare that Jesus, your Chrism, the holy OIL is Lord, and you believe that in the center of your consciousness, you will be saved? Why will you be saved? Because you will do as Jesus instructed and meditate above the thoughts of the mind.

“To YOU it is granted to understand the sacred secrets of the kingdom of the heavens, but to those people it is not grantedThe word "sacred" is the root of the word SACRUM, this is the starting point of the kundalini energy and the oil of Christ. The word 'secret" has it's root in the word SECRETION. It should read "The sacral secretions or the Chrism/Christ oil. Everything is hidden from the base person.

Sungaze at dawn said;

 If you were asked to explain the theme of the Bible in one paragraph, what would you say?

I'll do it in one sentence:

How to overcome lower primitive bodysuit
impulses and greed/anger/domination and flaws, and be still and meditate and grow love, compassion, kindness and unite Mother and Fathers energies of compassion/freedom, your inner/outer, conscious/subconscious, left and right hemisphere, meditate and ignite the kundalini and third eye and through the pineal/pituatary, which causes the marriage to take place, and Christ to be formed within, in the gnosis, which is what the bible is.

Ok, so my sentence was a paragraph long, spank me.

Whoever the person is, they nailed it!! 

 The GREATEST story NEVER told


Walter Russell, the SECRET of LIGHT 
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The Bible  "It is really a divinely grown spiritual onion field. At each layer one is transformed .

It's deeper truths are not for the profane. Rather it is the innocent seeker who journeys into it's underworld & emerges owning those "pearls" of great price".

Rom 6:18 Being then made free from sin ( operating from the lower emotions ), ye became the servants of righteousness. You are the light of the world, just not when you are operating from the lower/Satan 666 mind set ( other gods ). Rise above the lower negative thoughts, this is accomplished via taking no thought in meditation. When you are in thought, you are as filthy rags whoring after other gods, because you are eating from the tree of good and evil. You are using mind, mind is the enemy of god.

Must READ!

Religious Children Of Hell 

children of hell 

not literal 

The bible not literal, dark sayings

dark sayings 

All 190 Blog Posts for this Blog

The EMERALD TABLET part 2, you will get a good understanding of things here 

The Gospel according to Black SABBATH, Witches gather at Black Masses

The human brain, the temple made WITHOUT tools, built in SILENCE, seventh the prophet, The gospel according to Black SABBATH. 

 Acts 7:48 "Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet,"

1 Kings  And the house, when it was in building, was built of stone ( stone means gods word made flesh within you  ) made ready before it was brought thither: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron ( iron is thought ) heard in the house, while it was in building. It was built is SILENCE. It took Solomon seven (7) ( seven chakras ) years to build the famous Temple, 1Kings 6:38, followed by thirteen years to build his own personal house. Thirteen is the divine mind within.

Black Sabbath, Darkness is Light, everything comes from nothing, your brain plays music, that is joyous to the lord

Music from above, the LYRA is playing, can you hear it? 

The human brain in scripture

Ephesians 2:14: "For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;" This brings peace to the turbulent emotional mind, that is the left side. The integration of both hemispheres.


When The Walls Came Tumblin’ Down 


That's the uniting of both the left and right hemisphere of the brain, if you look at a picture of the brain, you will see the middle wall, it's called the arachnoid, it separates both hemispheres of the brain, it's the curtain or veil that is rent into in the tabernacle ( your brain ).


The Holy land is the human BRAIN

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Archons, Anunnki and planet Nibiru

    Ú¿Ú°ۣ☸¸.•*´¨ Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ·


Equilibrium and the lower emotions

*Parable of the TALENTS, a real EYE opener*


Guns N' Roses - Civil War, with lyrics , the LOWER mind creates this, and nothing else, that is SIN, the lower emotions

Plato's allegory of the cave and what it means to you

SHIVA, universal truth 

 mark 13:1  As Jesus was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, "Look, Teacher! What massive stones! What magnificent buildings!"  "Do you see all these great buildings?" replied Jesus. "Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down." So much for Jesus' thoughts on physical brick and mortar joints of worship. If he were here, he would leave them all in a waste heap. "God DOES NOT dwell in temples/churches etc...made WITH hands"

But Wait!

What about the following verse, at first it appears contradictory, but you need the key of understanding to get it. lets see what the verse says.

Zech 4:9  "The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple; his hands will also complete it. Then you will know that the LORD Almighty has sent me to you.

The foundation of the temple is consciousness, Zerubbabel is a symbol of the higher mind, not literal hands, the hand is a symbol of the directing principle of mind, every symbol has a dual meaning in scripture. In all of the accounts in the Hebrew Bible that mention Zerubbabel, he is always associated with the high priest who returned with him, Joshua, the high priest is always your higher mental faculties, IE, Christ, Joshua, Moses etc....

The Bible's Hidden Meanings by Eric Dubay, don't miss it!!! 

1 Kg.8:13:  "I have surely built thee [God] an house/temple/sanctuary to dwell in." Acts 7:48  "However, the Most High does not dwell in temples/sanctuaries, made by human hands.  sayeth the prophet:  1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?  If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.


If you're not seeing 11:11 on digital clocks then you have NOT been chosen to uplift this planet at this time. Most religious people will not see it, as their souls are yet underdeveloped, they are still carnally minded, stuck in the lower realms of consciousness. They can go to all the physical church buildings they want, til the cows come home, it means absolutely NOTHING, church does nothing except serve the ego, which is Satan in the bible story.

Dusty explains why xtians are terrorists 
Christians don't follow jesus

cult of xtianity

Is Dusty the reincarnation of Nietzsche? He killed God, and so did Nietzsche 

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These first three pages are just introductory pages, the information here is taken from most of the post from the 190 posts for this blog, so it might appear that I'm jumping around a lot, but it is just to get the reader familiar with what they can see in all of the 190 posts for this blog"

You are a wonder of wonders; a spirit clothed in a meat suit riding a skeleton made of star dust, a precipitate of the entire universe in a single body. And the heritage of your soul is far more magnanimous. Your true self is not a thing to find but a process to unfold. 

You (the soul/spirit/photon) are deeply buried in that meat suit you have on, the meat suit is Cain, it is Esau, it is Lucifer, the spirit is Abel, it is Jacob. Can you switch the birthright? Yes!, if you meditate ABOVE the thoughts of the mind. Who is controlling your thoughts and actions? Is it the meat suit, or is it YOU, the light residing in the meat suit.

Another way of putting it, we are controlled by psychopaths, light beings in bags of skin that desire the world for themselves at everyone else's expense.


Tripping down the RABBIT hole

Metaphor for the conceptual path which is thought to lead to the true nature of reality. Infinitesimally deep and complex, venturing too far down is probably not that great of an idea.

The origin of the term is from the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland which leads into Wonderland. Also known as the YELLOW brick road, the goal is to find the  EMERALD city and invoke the notion of gold. The Emerald is the secret knowledge of the Emerald tablet, once the meaning is found, you must transmute lead into gold. You must find your true nature. You must first find the WIZARD, where one then pulls back the curtain to expose the bogey man pulling all the levers and pushing the buttons. Rev 4:3  The person sitting there looked like jasper and carnelian, and there was a rainbow around the throne that looked like an emerald. 

In Chapter 21 are we find the fourth of the twelve sacred gemstones from the Mountain of GOD, which Emerald is one of the foundation stones.

You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. - Morpheus, from The Matrix

A secret, the ENTIRE Bible is a MEDITATION of darkness, every single story in the bible happens when you are in meditation. The entire bible story is about overcoming Satan ( the ego, the gnostic ARCHONS) and the thoughts that arise from the lower mind, these thoughts come against you every moment of your waking life, Satan is busy, running up and down and through the earth (the mind). As Don Juan told Carlos Castaneda, BE STILL, still the mind and the ARCHONS will flee. 

Where there is no thought, there is no evil {archons} The world ( the psychopaths that control this reality ) are under the control of the demiurge ( the moon ) and the archons ( the lower emotions and desire nature ). You must lift yourself UP above this, to your higher self.

These lower beast thoughts {ARCHONS} are also known in the bible as the "The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims, the sinites and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites." Exodus 3:17 "And I have said, I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt ( the lower mind, the gut brain and the cerebellum ) unto the land of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, unto a land flowing with milk and honey ( the higher mind, the upper brain ). 

All of the ITES in the bible as a whole represent aspects of the human EGO/Satan. Egypt, Babylon, Sodom etc.. are symbols of the land where these ITES dwell, it is the first three chakras of the body, {this is the dwelling place of the aliens, the archons} below the diaphragm. The Jebusite FORTRESS is what the videos below are all about, it is the fortress that the ego hides behind, the false self, to overcome is Armageddon.

 Rev. "And their dead bodies ( the dead animal nature ) shall lie in the street ( the center of ones consciousness ) of that great city ( the mind ), which our lord was crucified ( the crucifiction is the crucifying of ones own fleshy nature on the cross of matter within ones own self, in the brain/golgotha/the skull) , in a place SPIRITUALLY called SODOM and EGYPT." 

 It is Jesus/jeheshua alright, yet it is a spiritual crucifixion, not a LITERAL one as you've been taught by the religions.

You see it's a spiritual place, not a literal place at all, this is the kind of stuff that religion leaves out, the most important part.

Concerning the crucifixion, consider that at least five verses in the bible say that Jesus was crucified on a tree, then the phrase he was crucified on a cross is about 37 times.

Which is the correct answer? BOTH, remember that Krishna was shot in the foot and hung on a tree, Odin hung on a tree as well as many many more crucified saviors of the past. Buddha was enlightened under a tree, and Adam and Eve were only supposed to eat from the TREE of LIFE in the midst of the garden. You are the cross with your outstretched arms, and the tree is within you, the sympathetic nervous system resembles and upside tree, and the tree of life is referring to eating the truth that comes from the right brain.

upside down tree

The Kingdom of god below, your tree and the serpent


Sixteen crucified saviors that were hung on tree

Why the FIRST born must die at the 19 minute mark

 The planets have reciprocating centers along your spine which are known as chakras. We will examine these in more detail later. Hermes taught that what is above is the same as what is below (in our body). God is in us.

Who will win, the ego (Satan) or the new Buddha/Jesus mind, this is the bible story, Jason Statham is having his own Armageddon, watch and see if his higher self wins or Satan/the ego wins

False Ego, Lucifer/Satan/Devil, Kymatica

Must watch video, especially if you are woman in pregnancy.

The WORLD is the LION and the WOLF, Michael Tsarion The Inauthentic Life

THE BEST VIDEO YOU WILL EVER SEE!!!!! Physics and the Myths: Light and the Bible PART 1

All Blog Posts for this Blog

ENTER The HiddenLighthouse

For the greatest truth ever told, go to;
Bill at Hidden meanings, when one has fully grasped the vastness of Bill's work into the RABBIT hole, you will be astonished, the kundalini in the universe, the kundalini in you and a complete harmony in nature (as above, so below), Bill reveals it all, his work and knowledge is the most advanced and awesome in the entire world.


 The true meaning of the bible is long forgotten, originally it was written to teach people to connect with their inner Higher Power. As a way to understand the world through the “Holy Sciences”,  but sadly the bible has since become a instrument for mind control over the masses.  Bill Donahue’s done remarkable research combing science of the mind with spirituality to decipher long lost meanings in teachings meant to help us navigate through the cosmic upheaval unfolding on Earth with as much ease as possible.



MYTHS and SYMBOLS, understanding the BIBLE , BILLS videos, must watch!!!!

Numerology and the BIBLE 

The Bible Is All About The Mind Camping at the EAST side 

"look up for your redemption draweth nigh" The cosmos IS mind thinking, it is mind, and you are mind. As above, so below.

AS above SO below Micro Cosmic Orbit : Mantak Chia  

The bible stroy as written in the Zodiac

The true origin of the word REPENT, the word was defined as "Go Beyond Your Mind" its a Greek word, look it up! There's only ONE way to go beyond mind, and that's meditation above the five senses, taking NO thought, as JESUS instructed.

The redemption of the human soul was written above in the stars since the beginning of time, but few there be that know it.

{ VERY IMPORTANT! } It does not do anyone any good to learn all about the higher knowledge if YOU dot enter WITHIN yourself (meditate, as the bible instructs) and begin to activate the electrical energy at the base of your spine and stimulate cells in the RIGHT hemisphere of your brain (the garden of EDEN).

Hording knowledge is a vain and foolish thing (The Emerald Tablet). If all you ever do is read and learn, then all you have is worthless intellectual head knowledge, all of the ancient texts are talking about the renewing of YOUR mind via meditation, you must become the change you wish to see in the world and in others. This is the ZODIAC message and this is the yearly sun cycle message.

If you do not meditate above the thoughts of the mind, above the carnal mind, then all of the ancient texts mean NOTHING!!!!!!! Aquarius, Uranus and Pluto will provide the necessary ELectro-magnetism for a change at the proper angle during this age of Aquarius, but NOT without your involvement ( yes, MEDITATION above thought).

Waves of cosmic electricity coming to change the logic circuits of your brain

There is NO ONE coming to save you and I from the lower chakra humans that control the systems of this world, except YOURSELF, your true self is the light (god, Jesus, Lucifer, ) within you, that must be made manifest through your seven seals, from the solar plexus chakras to the crown chakra (heaven) That's the bible story (Your mission, if you choose to accept it). If NOT, then the seven chakras are the seven devils unto you, and the rest of the world. 

 “Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.”  Mark 16:9 The seven devils are the chakras in their unregenerated state. Mary represents your lower emotions. 

Your lower emotions will keep your chakras closed foerever.

  ALL of the world's spiritual knowledge is entirely useless if it doesn't cause a direct mind change, a renewing of the mind of you that was born into this world, with an animal quality mind that has harmed other souls/light beings, living in bags of skin. 

 "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God". Romans 12:2

This world that the above scripture is talking about is not the real physical world, but the inner world of the lower mind, the lower world within a person, many readers believe the scripture means that one is not to like being in the real world, NO, this is always mis inyerpreted. Remember that the bible ia an INNER book of transformation of the mind. 

There are two worlds within a person, the lower world and the higer world.

This is what it's ALL about and NOTHING else, what do you think the bible is really talking about? It's talking about the renewing of your mind to a Christ mind, the mind that CANNOT hurt another soul either physically or emotionally, financially or otherwise.

Gospel of Philip puts it this way

"Blessed is the one who on no occasion caused a soul to suffer. That person is Jesus Christ. He came to the whole place and did not burden anyone. Therefore, blessed is the one who is like this, because he is a perfect man. For the Word tells us that this kind is difficult to define". 

Out of control E-motional parents plus religious brainwashing is the cause of most of societies Ills, STOP the control tactics, let a child become who or what they came here to be. "teachers, leave those kids alone" It all begins and ends with parenting, the environment is the cause, others being hurt is the effect. Parents, teachers, clergy, and society in general are the one's that create most of the monsters of the world.

Monsters aren't born, they are created, it's called Karma. Let kids spin, scream, fall down and get dirty, splash in mud puddles, let them do everything you hate, then you will raise the child as a universal type person with no mental hang ups. The world we have today, those lower chakra people that control this world were created by their environment by strict controlling, yelling screaming parents. ADD kids need an extreme amount of patience on your part, or else the result will be total chaos for everyone, and hate and crime will follow, like the cart that follows the ox.

AGAIN: There's only ONE reason and ONE reason only, why this higher mind science in the bible and other great books exists, and that is for YOU to change from your first born ANIMAL mind to the higher Christ/Buddha mind, so that YOU will treat every human being you meet with goodness, especially your very own family, your spouse and your children. Going to heaven (receiving this higher mind) is NOT for YOU, it is for the rest of the world. When YOU receive it, your lower emotional animal mind is killed out of your personality and you can never yell at or harm another person again.

There is NO other reason why the Bible and other great spiritual texts exist. Matt 5:15 neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. "Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel (bucket), or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick." Mk4v21. 

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Buddha. And this is our tradition: the single candle flame that the Buddha lit thousands of years ago has literally been passed on from candle to candle to the present to us. And we can see everything in the light of the candle of the Dharma. Buddha

Buddhism is the fastest growing spiritual practice in the USA, why is that? because it doesn't require a belief in a literal heaven or hell and it is straight forward mind science. The bible is mind science but veiled in allegory, the message is the same.
Two different people, yet one voice.

The candle stick is the spine that brings the light to the head, but you must not put that light under the bed ( hide it from others). Being of service to others is NOT setting up soup lines, it's being a light to others, spiritual food, not LITERAL food that is meant by the biblical injunction to be of service to others, feed the poor and needy, it's the poor in spirit that needs your newly acquired light, it is soul food that the bible is talking about. After you receive it, you then must be that light to others.

"Be ye therefore transformed by the renewing of your mind"


Meditation is the ONLY WAY that brings about this transformation, meditation is the broom that sweeps up the dirt ( all the junk in your shadow self, or subconscious mind ), and burns up in the fire, the house must be kept clean and sanitized. Meditation is the scrub brush, ajax and pinesol cleaner for the mind, it is the anti-virus cleaner that kills those Greek Trojans that sneaked in to your hard-drive your whole life.

 Heavenly beings will never bow before your power, your wealth, your knowledge or your prestige; they will bow only before your attitude, for it is your attitude that reveals whether you have understood what is essential. So, inscribe this firmly in your mind, and you will verify it; you will have all eternity to verify it."

Even if you possess all knowledge, it will be of no use to you as long as you make no attempt to put it into practice. It is essential that with your will (iron), you work on your understanding (flint). When you have learned to light your inner fire, you will no longer have to brave the darkness and the cold, and you will no longer feel alone. Thanks to the fervor ablaze within you, you will feel as if you can illuminate the entire world… all the way to the stars!"

Listen at the 1 hour and 14 minute mark, then you will understand, in fact watch Bills entire lesson

The chrism {oil} is superior to baptism, for it is from the word "Chrism" that we have been called "Christians," certainly not because of the word "baptism". And it is because of the chrism that "the Christ" it can leak into the mouth during high meditation.

 When the amount of CSF (cerebro-spinal fluid) gets over a certain threshold keeping the tongue at the roof of the mouth and has a sweet taste , and has been called, Mana, dew from heaven, honey, nectar, ambrosia, food for the gods, elixir of life, sacred soma juice, amarita, love potion number 9, Love potion number 9, 9 is consciousness. all referring to the sacred oil created in the cere-brum, the esse, or brain substance, that flows down the spine {tree of life} and gives life to the body {world}.  

This is the treasure stored up in heaven, it is gods symbolic money in the bible, it is your bank account and if you deplete it, then it cannot be recovered. The word money in the bible has a dual meaning, money also refers to the negative thoughts that arise in ones consciousness, as Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple, ones internal psycho babble from lower mind thinking.

Malachi 3:8-12 (New King James Version)

 "Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, 'In what way have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings.  You are cursed with a curse, For you have robbed Me, Even this whole nation.

Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this," Says the Lord of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it.  The tithing is that you must tithe a tenth of your allotted  oil back to the fathers house, this is done by self control and meditation, if not, you are robbing from god. 

 Religion says that you have to give them money, that tithing means giving literal money, No No No, this is the farthermost thing from the truth.  You have to give money {your allotted oil} to god, then you are tithing to that which lives eternally {mel-chi-ze-dek}. Preachers do not fit this category, the one that lives eternally is god/MelCHize DEK

 It is interesting to note that Churches and TV evangelists do not ask for a tenth of your seeds, or fruits, or herds, or flocks, or corn, or wine, or oil, or honey, or oxen and sheep, they are only interested in your money. Why? What is really fascinating is that nowhere in the scripture does it show anyone giving money as tithe! They MADE IT UP!!! And you bought it.

Gospel of Philip

Chrism is the oil that is in your lamp (your pineal body is the lamp), that is if you don't waste it, this is Jesus, the oil mixed with  the Electrical energy at the base of the spine (the Sacrum), this is the kundalini (energy of creation). The Chrism is manufactured in the upper brain and ascends down the spine, and gives life. Saint Clause, or Santa Clause bringing gifts down the chimney (spine). The gift is the Chrism or holy oil, that must ascend back up the spine to bring heaven down upon the consciousness, the fully opened right hemisphere of the brain (the father within). This is the real meaning of the resurrection, to resurrect the Christ oil to the brain, up through the 33 vertebrae.

 The CHRISM or Christ oil

The resurrection of a LITERAL christ hanging on a bloody cross on Calvary never happened, it's symbolism describing the resurrection of your dead animal personality to christ/god consciousness, Jesus is just the pattern to follow, it's your old self that has to be resurrected. 

burnt offering, CHRISM is YOU 



"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." That my friends is the real meaning!!! Where is the christ? it is WITHIN him.  "Our old man was crucified with him." OUR OLD SELF it what is being said.

 The zodiac message is about a change to the higher Christ/Buddha mind and NOTHING else.

Pay close attention to God's word in the book of Psalms, it is referencing to zodiac, which has no AUDIBLE voice.

Psalm 19; To the Chief Musician, who is it addressed to? The Chief Musician, who could that be?

19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

19:2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.

19:3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

19:4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the SUN 

19:5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.

19:6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. (The zodiac speaks in words says the Psalm, but these are SILENT words, that's because it is beyond man's spoken language, so that ALL may listen, There is no speech nor language where their VOICE is NOT heard, do you understand? ).

The heavens, or the planets in the heavens, have their own particular influence, operation or speech, upon this planet of ours. We admit that the moon rules the tides, that without the sun we could not live, so why deny the influence of the other planets.

Thus we see, from the foregoing, that word, and voice or speech are two entirely different things, and that John meant the precious creative substance when he spoke of the "WORD." The "WORD" is the Electromagnetism and Electricity (power) from above.

Luke 21 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. That's the renewed mind, heaven is the higher state of consciousness, the "Son of Man" is a metaphor for this new mind. Earth is mind, the sea is the turbulent emotions, the ego fears it's dissolution " hearts failing them" clouds are symbols of higher spiritual things.

Zodiac sign Scorpio

Zodiac Sign Leo

Zodiac Sign Pisces


Jesus would approve

"When you see the man with the pitcher of WATER follow him into the house" (of Aquarius)

The REAL man with the pitcher of water taken by HUBBLE, this is the REAL Aquarius, the waterfall (ELectro-magnetism) is hundreds of thousands of light years LONG, can you see the LIP of the pitcher? Jesus said to FOLLOW him (the man with the pitcher of water).

The REAL Bible story

Let Them Be For Signs

In the STARS

The rabbit hole goes deeper, Supernova 1987A, the Cosmic PINEAL gland in the sky

And WE created MAN in OUR image, "our", meaning the signs of the ZODIAC (God) "As above, So below"

'As above so below', 'Know thyself'

ON the AIR with Santos, don't MISS THIS one

You will NEVER think the same again, Santos a type of NEO who is a living, breathing encyclopedia of ancient wisdom and knowledge, is freeing minds everywhere on WARD NINE of this lunatic asylum we call Earth. It will only become heaven once the swamps of the 1st three chakras are cleared out and corn planted.

AMOS 5:8 Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name: That's MEDITATION!!!

Santos exposes the false JESUS, the greatest HOAX of all time

YOU are a living breathing ZODIAC, YOU are Gods, but forgot because of the Matrix (mans system that has dummied you down) for the past thousands of years. You are a living STAR. 

Know Thyself, Cosmos, Lets make man in our image (the zodiac, God the father)

Santos Bonacci, takes you into the RABBIT hole, when you come to KNOW, NOT believe the HOLY science in the sky, you are set FREE, from the bondage's of man's system (The matrix, that God commands you to open in Numbers 3:12 of the KJ Bible).

TRUE Astrology, the HOLY science of GOD, The Bible was intended to be read as celestial (Stellar, Solar, Lunar and Planetary) allegories and poems based on archetypal, universal symbols of deep esoteric truths.

MUST SEE!! Santos Bonacci The Ancient Theology Astrology Part 1

Santos Bonacci - Know Thyself - 1/4 


More good from santos  

 YOU NEVER DIE, the meat suit rots and decays away, but not you.


Living In The Now Interview with Santos Bonacci To Boldly go where no one has gone before. That's what Bill did, he showed the harmony between OUTER space and INNER space, just as the hermetic teaching says "As above so below" Santos, The Holy Clause, the Christ OIL and the SPINAL fluid, right brain

Secret of Secrets: The Elixir of Life, Hiding in the Bible, Santos Bonacci, the REAL Jesus story

 TRUTH Buddhist, Hindu, Christianity, Islam All Religions

The Mental Universe, Danny Whitten, School of The Holy Science, be sure and watch all of Dannys ORION videos.

The objective is to reach the farther shore, then you must sink your boat, because you won't be returning from whence you came.

Be Sure and WATCH all of Bills videos on YOUTUBE

The cosmos is undergoing it's own kundalini enlightenment right now during this age of Aquarius, and it's TRUE!!! It's real!! Follow Bill's work and you will see.


In a PARABLE spake he NOT unto them

The problem with the WORLD, Michael Tsarion - 2012 The Future of Mankind

The REAL 2012 with Santos Bonacci

Graham Hancock interview on consciousness with Art bell 

MUST watch the cycles of time, the COSMOS, the great year and your consciousness

"The words of Christ are FILLED with ancient Eastern wisdom. Yogic wisdom runs throughout the Bible. No wonder the first pilgrims to greet the Christ are depicted as wise men from the "EAST".

33 Steps up Jacob’s (Spinal) Ladder, Revealing the Great Work of Inner Alchemy


"God does NOT literally kill or slay any of his own created living human beings!! This idea itself comes from our lower nature, the "beast" nature within us. God DOES "slay" the wicked though, but it is THE SLAYING OF THEIR LOWER EGO NATURE! This is the "WRATH OF GOD".


DAN WEBSTERS page a great site to start to understand

"I will REJECT you, because of your traditions"

Mark 7:13 "Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that." You mean like following traditional religions? YES, I mean just like that!

Matthew 15:3 Jesus asks why do you transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?UGH, because they told me to? You fool.

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge I will reject you . Very strong statement coming from Jesus, he will reject you for lack of knowledge. But I thought all had to do was sign the card, get my head wet and say some words. No my son, that's not it at all, you were mislead by religion.

"Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition." Jesus, Mark 7:9

Traditions like going to church? yes! exactly


Vists Joshuas great page here, The Spirit of the Scripture

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Awakening to your inner truth can be quite painful, but once it is accomplished, it sets you FREE.

The indwelling divine ego (satan) usurped it's own inner divine potential and cut itself off from the rest of creation and imposed this materialistic hell upon it, this world was created by this fallen angel (Lucifer) we call the ego or lower mind.

Are YOU Jonathan? He's your latent INNER higher potential, in fact he's the latent Buddha, Jesus, Krishna consciousness within us all!!

Jonathan, the SUN-GOD within us ALL Voice of the Silence

Seek out silence. True silence is neither empty nor mute. On the contrary, silence has a richness, a fullness; its alive, vibrant, talks and sings.

 "Seek out silence. True silence is neither empty nor mute. On the contrary, silence has a richness, a fullness; it is alive, vibrant, it talks and sings. But we can only hear this silence once the big bass drums, i.e. our passions, our emotions and our chaotic thoughts, stop beating within us. One day, through meditation we will be able to hear the voice of silence, just as Jonathan heard.

Once all the storms will finally have been stilled, silence will come and wrap us in its splendid coat. And then light will descend upon us and we will develop a clarity, through which we will sense that something very powerful reigns over us and governs us. This something is the primordial silence from which the universe stems and to which it will one day return."

But, before we can realize it, we have to remove from the mind, the viruses of religion and everything else that came from the OUTSIDE, because none of it is TRUE! The truth is only on the INSIDE! The SUN God WITHIN.

You MUST first LOSE your mind!!! Jesus Said: "Empty thyself", and I will fill thee" Empty your mind of all thought!! Empty thyself is pure ZEN Buddhism, Buddha said it, and so did Krishna. And until you empty yourself of what you think you know, you won't be able to learn.” Yogi

Matt 10:29  He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. He who finds the true self shall lose the false self, the ego. You must lose your life ( the false or small i ) for the sake of the higher christ mind, then you will find the true life, the higher self.

Listen!  His still, small voice  within saying, "Go ahead, step out of ego consciousness and lose your life, then you'll surely find it!" "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 

 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."Free from this false matrix ego driven reality. If we do not make Jesus our Savior,  our Lord, then another spiritual overlord will take that place ( and that's the ego, and he's already set up his brick and mortar kingdom within most of us already ), and he comes to steal and to kill and to destroy - John 10:10

 Does your supervisor, spouse etc... bring you down and not lift you up, then that's the killing part, the killing out of your spiritual nature, that's what the ego does, it destroys everyone in it's path, it kills out the will and happiness of another, which is worse than killing the physical body. "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell".

When someone asks, have you lost your mind or, are you losing your mind? I say, I'm working on it!


Jonathan knows, he turned his back on THEM, (the group, the Canaanites and Philistines consisting of NINE hundred members, who had chariots of iron in their valleys.), he quit listening to THEM, and learned to listen to his INNER higher self, and learned to fly 190 miles per hour. 1+9, that's 10, which equals ONE, unity of mind, perfection. That's what Jonathan achieved, we can too. 

Jonathan is a LIVING principle within each one of us. You have to do as Krishnamurti said, it's the INNER path, you will never get there following any religion, a priest, a preacher, a guru or any man what so ever. Jesus said it, Buddha said it, Krishna said it, Thoth said it and so did many others. The road less traveled. The OUTER world is one big CIRCUS act! filled with clowns and acrobats  to entertain you, Jonathan knew it, but he rose above it all.

Jonathan discovered that he had a mind with tremendous potential. A mind of infinite freedom. A mind with the highest level of intelligence, thoughts become Things “Yad Bhavam Tad Bhavati” (Sanskrit; You become as you think).

True freedom, ONLY comes at the cost of reading, learning and understanding.

The understanding that ALL of the ancients MYTHS of the world, including the BIBLE, are talking about things that go on in the MIND, it is the MIND that is imprisoned, it is imprisoned since the day you were born into this matrix. Ex 13;12 That thou shalt set apart unto the LORD all that openeth the matrix, and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the LORD'S.

Many people are turned off by the bible, because it is filled with thousands of seeming contradictions, the writers purposefully wrote the texts to deceive those that read it LITERALLY. When one reads the bible spiritually, metaphysically, those contradictions do not exist. Some examples will be given elsewhere in this blog.

Everything is based on mind, is led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you speak and act with a polluted mind, suffering will follow you, as the wheels of the oxcart follow the footsteps of the ox. Buddha

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2)

John 17:16 "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world."

John 18:36  "Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” 

John 8:23  "He said to them, “You are from below ( the first three chakras below the diaphragm ) ; I am from above ( the upper brain, the higher mind, the seventh crown chakra ). You are of this world; I am not of this world" Jesus and Buddha are not of this world, the three lower chakras, the kingdom NOT of this world is the seventh crown chakra.

"I, who was born in the world and grew up in the world, have transcended the world, and I live untouched by the world. Remember me as one who is enlightened. Buddha!"

"By the water is not soiled, By the world am I not soiled; Therefore, brahmin, am I Buddha/Jonathan!" 

1 john 2:15  Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.  For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Buddha is a follower of the biblical god, WOW!!

At the hour of darkness (meditation) when the darkness becomes light, you will awake from your slumber, then when you smell the sewer pit you have been living in between your ears your whole life, as Buddha said, once you regain your sense of smell you will be horrified, Jesus said "how much will you bear" As the pond (mind) becomes calmer and calmer, letting the sediment fall to the bottom, this is the state of the Buddha/Christ mind, that's HEAVEN.

Being controlled by other peoples emotional outbursts, reacting emotionally to what people say behind your back, yelling and screaming at your spouse or kids, this is the sewer mind, this is the anti-Christ non Buddha mind that creates a living hell for those that get involved in this, this creates whaling and gnashing of teeth, meditation and ONLY meditation is the antidote to such a turbulent emotional mind. You cannot control your animal mind, that's why there has to be an animal sacrifice at the altar (the mind), that''s meditation. You have to make the sun (mind) and the moon (the emotions, stand still within you) as Joshua in the Bible Myth.

At the 1 min 30 sec mark, listen to what David says about mind control and how to keep yourself from being a blind follower of them.

David Icke & Mark Passio On The Artificial World Of Beliefs  

"And they stood still (meditated) while god slew their enemies (thought)." Yes, that's your bible story (it's meditation).

"How much more there is now to living! Instead of our drab slogging forth and back to the fishing boats, there’s reason to life! We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill. We can be free! We can learn to fly!" Jonathan.

Jonathan Seagull discovered that boredom and fear and anger are the reasons that gull’s life is so short and with these gone from his thought, he lived a long fine life indeed.

The same rule holds for us now, of course: we choose our next world through what we learn in this one. Learn nothing , and the next is the same as this one, all the same limitations and lead weights to overcome”

When Jonathan asks, if heaven exists :

“No, Jonathan, there is no such place. Heaven is not a literal place, and it is not a time. Heaven is being perfect.” Jonathan is wiser than ANY religious person I ever met, the best SERMON I ever heard, and I heard it from a BIRD.

"When the sand becomes the stone, which began the spark turned into living bone, holy, holy sanctus, sanctus" YOUR pineal gland is the sand and stone.

Holy Holy Sanctus, Sanctus


You will begin to touch heaven, the voice of the silent. the sun god within.
The voice of the SILENT in the song means the SILENCE of meditation, where the inner oracle of Delphi is, it is God. The house built in SEVEN years WITHOUT tools, that's the human brain, with the Pineal in the center.

Jesus said no one goes to the father except through me, Christianity teaches that "through Jesus" means accepting him as your lord and savior, signing the card and get your head dunked in a toilet bowl. That's not at all what the verse means, it's highly mystical, "unless you go through me" you will never see the father.

I AM the door; whosoever enters in by me shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture.

John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. The word that is translated here as "way" comes from the original Greek word HODOS. The word HODOS means "road" or "highway" And where did Jesus say this road was? 

He said seek ye first the kingdom of god, and then where did he say this kingdom was? Look not lo here nor lo there for the kingdom is WITHIN YOU!   To go through someone is believe and follow thier teachings. If you're not following the inner pathway of light via meditation, then you are NOT going through Jesus, you are going through religion.

Read the verse below

Numbers 20:17

'Please let us pass through your land. We will not pass through field or through vineyard; we will not even drink water from a well. We will go along the king's highway, not turning to the right or left, until we pass through your territory.'" An appeasement to the EGO to let us stay on the path of righteousness through meditation as you raise yourself up the spine and higher chakras, that's the "highway", notice it is a King's highway, the king's highway is the pathway to the 7th crown chakra.

Do a bible search on the word "Highway" it means the pathway up the spine to the higher chakras.

Isaiah 35:8

A highway will be there, a roadway, And it will be called the Highway of Holiness The unclean will not travel on it, But it will be for him who walks that way, And fools will not wander on it.

 Jeremiah 31:21

"Set up for yourself roadmarks, Place for yourself guideposts; Direct your mind to the highway, The way by which you went Return, O virgin of Israel, Return to these your cities.

The Highway is the WAY that Jesus spoke of. It's the Highway with your seven churches, seven seals, seven chakras up the spine, that's the King's Highway. It's a HIGH place as opposed to a LOW place.

Buddha is also the WAY, Krishna is also the WAY as many other light bringers testify. Jesus is the Chrism in your body, it is the holy Christ oil that is the way and NO one gets to the father " the right hemisphere of the brain" unless you go through Jesus, that is raise this oil through the spine with the seven seals or chakras and open the right hemisphere of your brain, then Jesus sits at the RIGHT hand of the father, the fully energized right hemisphere of the brain, the resurrection.

Have you heard this song?

The spark turned into living bone, that's the PINEAL gland HIDDEN in Neil's song

THE House built upon a ROCK (Peter), the PINEAL gland of the brain

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Grammatical errors, such as spelling, sentence structure and so forth are continuously being addressed throughout the blog pages as I have time.

The biggest error in the program is RELIGION, something not as easily fixed, as grammatical errors.

Religions, all of them, have dummed down the world for thousands of years, they have kept hidden from you the real pearls of wisdom contained in the Bible, that the resurrection is an INNER spiritual principle and there is no Jesus returning in the clouds with a sharp sword sticking out of his mouth, PLEASE! It's time to wake up and quit playing dum dum, or else you will continue to live in fear and guilt created by your church, if Jesus was alive today he would be busying himself burning down every church he could find, he would leave no stone on top of another as the scripture says. Meditating is LIVING, going to your brand of church is DEATH, death cults ALL of them!!!!!! 


The Bible story, The Bhahagavad Gita and the Buddhist teachings, all summed up at the 4 minute mark.

Start listening at the 4 minute mark, this is what all of the spiritual books on earth are talking about, yes, including the bible.
The Weather


Guitar legend Gary Moore passed over to the Elysian Fields Feb 6, 2011 a beautiful meadow in Homer where the favored of Zeus enjoy perfect happiness, first one drinks from the stream of lethe (forgetfulness), this is a tremendous loss and tragedy to music lovers world wide, Gary was a kind and humble man, that put his entire soul into his Les Paul guitar when he played it, he will be missed by me for sure. Gary and his music was such a great inspiration to me. I learned something from Gary's humility, and we could learn a lesson in that. Thanks for spending some time with us here on Earth Gary.

No one really ever dies, we just get new bodies (animal skins, sailing ships, iron chariots, cars) to drive when these machines wear out. In about 12 years from now we will hear about this young prodigy guitar player whaling on a Les Paul guitar out of the U.K., welcome back Gary!

Gary Moore (1952 - 2011) R.I.P : Parisienne Walkways

Gary Moore - Still got the blues

Gary Moore

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Does the Bible contain a written coded language, just like the Matrix? Yes it does, that coded language is called MYTHOLOGY, it can only be deciphered if you have enough RAM in your computer/skull.

Like the coded message in the Bible revealing the constant speed of LIGHT, hidden in scripture. The tribe of JUDAH facing EAST the rising sun (light) 186,400 in all their camp.

The matrix code like the Bible is all Jibbersish, unless one has the keys to unlocking the code. Drinking milk will NOT do it. Isaiah 29:11 And the vision of all has become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray you: and he says, I cannot; for it is sealed: Sealed means that is coded mythology! Isaiah The cake is UPSIDE down, HOW TO READ the BIBLE

2 cor 3:14  "But their minds were blinded: for until this day remains the same veil not taken away in the reading of the old covenant;" Do you see? BLINDED to all that read it LITERALLY!!!

Mark 4:11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: Do you see the word MYSTERY, the bible is telling you that it is an MYSTERY and an mystery is not something that is NOT EASY to know, it requires you to be able to crack a code. What is a MYSTERY? It is hidden to those that are WITHOUT, CLUE!! the opposite of WITHOUT is WITHIN! That's the first secret revealed.

 EP.3: When you read this, you can perceive my insight into wthe mystery of Christ, which was not made known to the sons of men in other generations as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit. 

 To me, ethough I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, fto preach to the Gentiles the gunsearchable hriches of Christ, and ito bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in2 God, kwho created all things

 Given the definition of the term mystery as something that was once veiled but is now plainly revealed.

synonyms: puzzle, enigma, conundrum, riddle, secret, problem, unsolved problem, a private secret, something not understood or beyond understanding, a religious truth that one can know only by revelation and cannot fully understand. I didn't say that the the bible is a MYSTERY, the bible itself qualifies it. It is OCCULT, it is HIDDEN to the profane and ignorant masses.

For those who have wholly bought the literal interpretation of religious narratives, at some point in their journey, they will be challenged to realize that there is a “CODED SCRIPT”, underlying the every biblical parable, metaphor, pun, allegory, etc... but to the few who have ventured deeper, this appears as a self-evident paradigm. Like saying "when it rains, it's wet." It is obvious that the bible is full of fractal ciphers and provides subtle clues in a game of true treasure hunting. by kansasisaband

The Bible is not literal history. The Bible is spiritual mystery. Its truths are couched in dynamic symbology; its messages conveyed through mystical mythology. Paul of decoding scripture.

Thoth/Hermes the Atlantean puts it this way

"Preserve them and guard them, hide them in symbols, so the profane will laugh and renounce. In every land, form ye the mysteries. Make the way hard for the seeker to tread. 
Knowledge is never given to the profane and ignorant, but only to the true seeker.

And when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

The drying up of the "Reed Sea" and again of the Jordan River for the facilitation of the Israelite crossing is the amplification, is the mythicization, of the power of mind and soul (heated air) to extinguish the elements of sensuality and emotion, as impediments to the soul’s progress across the sea of life, to return to the tree of life. Is your ship outfitted and seaworthy, then hoist the sails and prepare to get underway.

Sorry our religious indoctrinated friends, Moses did not part any sea of REEDS Literally, There's no ARK of the Covenant, save your brain, Noah did not build a boat at 600 years of age and put 50 to 100 million animals, insects, birds, penguins, polar bears, seals, poisonous snakes and such on board, and SEVEN of each that took a bath, never happened, nope, never did, sorry to rain on your parade, but that's what I do, I rain people's parades, and make em think, and use the brain that they have been refusing to use, when they read the Bible.

The bible is the most cryptic text ever penned by those ancient masters of Dark Sayings. It is an occult book through and through.

The sun melted! really?  Exodus 16:21    So they gathered it every morning, every man according to his need. And when the sun became hot, it melted. Do you know what it means? The sun is a symbol of the intellect, morning means the day of enlightenment, the sun, the intellect laden with the thoughts from the heat of the passions of the lower self melts away with the egoic thoughts that arise from this little sun within. According to every man ( minds ) need, the mind change that happens will  be different for each person according to your personal spiritual growth and understanding. "Don't be a minister of the letter, for the letter ( literal ) reading kills" the understanding.

Things to PONDER in the BIBLE

"All truth passes through three stages: first, it is ridiculed; second, it is violently opposed; third, it is accepted as being self-evident." Schopenhauer

  "The men that American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest the most violently are those who try to tell them the truth." MENCKEN, H.L

 “That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah.;- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-“ (Quran 4:157)

Apocalypse of Peter, 

“He whom you saw on the tree, glad and laughing, this is the living Jesus. But this one into whose hands and feet they drive the nails is his fleshly part, which is the substitute being put to shame, the one who came into being in his likeness. But look at him and me”

The narration goes onto say that Jesus, comes and tell that the one they crucified is a stony vessel where the demon resides, but the one standing near him is the real Jesus whom they arrested and released. Jesus laughs at their perception, knowing they are born blind.

 “Yes, they saw me; they punished me. It was another, their father, who drank the gall and the vinegar; it was not I. They struck me with the reed; it was another, Simon, who bore the cross on his shoulder.”

And it goes on to say that they were deaf and blind and he, Jesus, was laughing at their ignorance.  Jesus laughed because they did not understand the allegory of his death and resurrection. Did you read that from one of gospels left out of the bible. I wonder why the council of Nicaea left this gospel out, I think you know why.

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Your Bible story as told by NEO

"Hi. It's me. I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I internal you can also feel me. You won't have to internal for me anymore. I'm done running. Done hiding. Whether I'm done fighting, I suppose, is up to you. I believe deep down, we both want this world to change.

I believe that the Matrix can remain our cage or it can become our chrysalis , that's what you helped me to understand. That to be truly free, you cannot change your cage. You have to change yourself. When I used to look out at this world, all I could see was its edges, its boundaries, its leaders and laws . But now, I see another world. A different world where all things are possible. A world of hope. Of peace. I can't tell you how to get there, but I know if you can fee your mind, you'll find the way."

Original last monologue by Neo, in the end of the shooting script NOT used in the first Matrix.

That's the key, FREEING your mind from THEM (RELIGION Gov't, family, friends, group think, the mob, circus acrobats, lion tamers and football players), and everything else that makes up the matrix)

"The moment the slave resolves that he will no longer be a slave, his fetters fall. He frees himself and shows the way to others. Freedom and slavery are mental states."
Mahatma Gandhi

Morpheus: "Welcome to the desert of the real"

In the movie Higher Learning_ (1995), Laurence Fishburne's first sentence was: "Welcome to the real world." It's called Synchronicity.

The Matrix raises the question of “How do you know whether the things you perceive are real or just an illusion.”The unwary soul, who fails to grapple with the Mocking Demon of Illusion, will return to the Earth as the slave of Illusion. To become a true master of fate you must first become a “Knower of Self”.

The bible is a two edge sword it will either enslave you or or save you, depending upon your knowledge of the code.

The Bible: An Operations Manual for the Human Body.

/ \ I took the RED PILL!

⋯❤⋯ LIGHT ♥
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777 ~☜❤☞~ IN THE COMPANY OF ANGELS ~☜❤☞~ 777

We are ...LIGHT beings having an earthly physical experience......

Do you drink milk? If so, you will learn to stop that bad habit. "Milk does a body good" "Got milk?" It may or not do the body good, but it's definitely bad for you when drinking it in a Biblical sense, as you'll see here.

When reading scripture, the literal view is like "milk," while the hidden, spiritual meaning is more like eating strong meat. Literalism obscures the deeper spiritual meaning, also referred to as the "spirit" in contrast to the "letter." Like milk gone sour, literalism also tends to produce a bad odor over time.

Just as human babies become weaned, and begin to use solid food in place of milk, the Bible reader must be "weaned from the milk" of the word, to learn mature spiritual doctrine. The author of Hebrews refers to this.

Hebrews 5:12-13 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.

1 cor:3:2 I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. 3:3 For ye are yet carnal. People who's consciousness are at the first two chakras, cannot and won't understand the true spiritual interpretation, it's not for them in this incarnation, carnal means lower mind.

There's "milk" in them there scriptures, and it ain't LITERAL milk either.

We do NOT drink MILK (read ancient scriptures LITERALLY) here at Thehiddenlighthouse blog, we eat STRONG MEAT (we read it SPIRITUALLY).

We'll leave the MILK drinking to those TV evangelists, like Pat Opossum head Robertson ~~~(((('>, and Jack Van nincompoop Impe Ù©(͡๏̯͡๏)Û¶, and those TBN milk drinkers in ward 9. (9_9).

Religion is swimming directly into the sharks mouth. The world is a giant sleeping Lazarus, and religion is the mass hypnotist, along with TV commercials, actually religion is nothing more than one long running TV commercial selling a snake oil cure all, on the idea of salvation, because you were born a sinner. I believe in Jesus and because I mumbled some words and got my head wet, I'm saved, WOW! really? NO! The BIBLE and Jesus will NOT let anyone off that easy, Christianity is EASY, the BIBLE and Jesus is not easy, NOT so easy at all, in fact it requires some actual work and dedication on your part, before you will EVER realize what the bible calls "the kingdom of God/Heaven".

The REAL Jesus that few know, or ever will know!

Scotty! I'm ready to Beam up, and hurry it up already. Aye! Give me your coordinates, and I will Energize the Transporter. My coordinates are, 9 miles West of Ignorance valley, 40 miles South of stupidity caverns, and 666 Miles North of clueless ridge. Aye! Sounds like Philistine territory, yes, now hurry! Aye! Energizing transporter now.

The DNA double-helix, is it in the Bible? yes, if the speed of light is in the bible, so is DNA "Gods word" written within, of course. The 22 chromosomes are there as well, the book of Gene-Isis (the book of the beginnings), is the book of genes, written in mythology.

Looks like circular staircase or Ladder, and it says even the hairs of our head are numbered. "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered". Mt10:30. DNA? Of course, it's the "book of life (the word of god)" and you're that book. The code that's written within you.

Just watch this video starting at the 59 minute mark for now, and you will be amazed at the numbers this guy pulls out of the bible, of course he's off on some things, but still he's right on, with the numbers in scripture and the 23 chromosomes etc...

Chromosome 22 was the first chromosome ever to be read from end to end. It has fifty million letters on it. It's like a document fifty million letters long. The whole genome is 3.3 billion letters long. That's as long as 800 copies of the bible. And yet each of us has inside each one of our cells the entire document. So it's like having 100 trillion copies of a book as long as the bible inside ourselves.

This is the book that was finally read by the Human Genome Project, ending in the year 2000. 23 chromosomes come from the mother and 23 from the father. In each set of 23, 22 chromosomes are autosomal and one is sex-determining. The sex-determining ones are the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. The Number 22 is the Number of Revelation. It governs the overall structure of Scripture, and 3.3, is that 33? And what about all those fifties throughout the old testament, are these coincidences?

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CHI 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet. Chi Eastern life forceThere 22 letters in both the Greek and Hebrew alphabet.

What is so fascinating about Chi is that as the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet (pronounced KI), the 22nd chromosome was the first chromosome to have its genetic structure decoded, and in Stedmans medical dictionary, chromosome 22 is named Christ Church Chromosome.

22 chromosomes, 22 books in revelations, 22 bones make up the human skull, 22 major arcana in the tarot deck and 22 is the number of consciousness in Greek.

Jacobs ladder, see the angels/angles of light/photons, descending up and down? 

Jacob lays his head on a stone, the stone is the sacral stone, the first five fused bones of the vertebrae, the ladder is the spinal column, the angels are impulses of light within you, the SEVEN stars are the seven chakras, which are the seven eyes of god. 

For these seven rejoice to see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel. They are the eyes of the Lord, which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth. (Zechariah 4:10)

  And from the throne proceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices. Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. (Revelation 4:5)

 Listen starting at the 30 minute mark. The universal consciousness knows your mind, it knows your spiritual growth, through the seven chakras, seven eyes/spirits of god.

"And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it".

Could this be coincidence?

there are thirty-three (33) generations leading to David, and then thirty-three (33) leading to Jesus. Then note that all of the sixty-six names.

Amazingly, Jesus is #66 from Adam! Just like the number of books in the Bible! 6+6=12, the number of disciples or cranial nerves in the brain.

If all of the strands of DNA in your body were extended end to end, its length would reach 125 billion miles, enough to circle the earth 5 million times. "DNA contains reading instructions and active punctuation marks that indicate where a particular message begins and ends, it has commas and periods and stops, just like a written instruction book. Jeremy Narby, cosmic serpent

There are many scriptures relating to DNA in scripture, this is an example.

DNA in the Bible? Psalm139:15-16?

Psalm 139 My interpretations are in parenthesis.

15. My substance was not hid from thee when I was made (conceived) in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth (solar plexus/physical body) 16. Thine eyes did see my substance (chromosomal makeup), yet being unperfect (Incomplete/mutant, lacking the manifested god christ within); and in thy book (book of life/DNA) all my members (traits) were written, which in continuance were fashioned (which overtime became) when as yet was none of them (when I was a mere fetus). Meaning of nations "In your limbs (body), lie the nations twain"

The helix nebula, "As Above, So Below" Is this God's DNA?

Tell me he's not talking about DNA "in thy book all my members were written which in continuance were fashioned as yet there was none of them". Of course it is, the book of Genesis, is the book of Genetics/Genes, the beginning (of life), REV 5:1 A book written within, and on the backside, sealed with seven seals:/chakras.

The bible is NOT a religious book at all, it is a book of tremendous knowledge given to the us from off planet, you want to call them ALIENS, then so be it. They are thousands of years more advanced than we are, they gave us the myths, the speed of light, our home in the cosmos NGC 4555, yes the bible is not of this EARTH.

The universe can be thought of as a giant symphony of sound, with each entity represented by a unique underlying numeric property or unique sound. All things are nothing more than an expression of something numeric or harmonic. You can see God in the order and harmony of the Universe. Geometry is God himself. The universe is a musical instrument and everything in it is vibrating in tune with the larger things that contain it. In India it's called the "Hloy Shabad" (sound current).

Do you see, DNA is the book of life, and we see in REV 5:9 that it gets a NEW SONG.

REV 5:9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;

Watch as Mike Hoggard pulls DNA and Chromosomes right out of biblical scripture


Deepak Chopra, you are the UNIVERSE, a drop of consciousness in the ALL mind, wearing a temporary animal skin.

ZEN Story

A university student visiting Master Gasan asked: “Have you ever read the Christian Bible?”

“No, read it to me,” said Gasan.

The student opened the Bible and read from the gospel of St. Matthew: “And why take ye thought for rainment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They toil not, neither do they spin, and yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these… Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.”

Gasan said: “Whoever uttered those words I consider an enlightened man.”

The student continued reading: “Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth, and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.”

Gasan remarked: “That is excellent. Whoever said that is not far from Buddhahood.”

Just how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?
The mythic self explorer must recognize the rabbit hole, leave behind Adriande’s thread, and sojourn deeply. However, the rabbit hole is obscured by a thicket of modernity, theology, and even primitive culture. Worse still, the rabbit hole masquerades as something else. Scythe the thicket, unmask religion’s holy disguise, and mine the holey depths of ancient mythology instead.

"Greed is fear’s bookend. If you enter the forest in search of gold, you will leave with sand. However, if you enter the forest in search of yourself, you will leave with gold. We need to transcend fear, greed, lust and envy with ego suicide. Either kill the ego or suffer a dying soul. Life cannot have meaning when ruled by fear, greed, lust and envy. Let go. “It is a good day to die.” Paul of the bible said; "I die daily" So must we!

We have never heard from the ego (satan) before, now here are his words;  "I come before you (god), a former liar, cheat and thief, a former narcissist, alcoholic, addict, desirer of all the things of the flesh, having placed my own wants before others, as chief concern".

ZEN and the EGO

The real problem is not societal brainwashing, but fear of the interior unknown. While primitives were more in touch with their inner selves, moderns create introspection-avoidance-devices: religion and consumerism. Brains focus on trivia and desire for the external. Nature is rejected.

In Eastern religion people pray to be one with God, here in the west, we pray because we want something from God. "nothing comes from wanting.

crestfallen, sleep deprived zombies—vanguard of the moderns. “Night of the Living Dead” incarnate. That's lazarus that must rise from the dead.


This is what everything is about

Remembering the God & Goddess Within

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We will attempt to dismantle the self-perpetuating myth that the bible is a book that is the LITERAL word of god, and a Jewish history book. It is NO such thing. Believing that the bible is LITERAL is the biggest MYTH of all, and that's the LITERAL truth, CONFUSED? It is mythology showing you how to overcome the lower/ego/matrix mind, and raise your consciousness to the highest cosmic/God conscious state, "all scripture is given by the inspiration of god" who by the way, who speaks in dark sayings of old "mythology". 

Proverbs  1:5 " A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels to understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings."If you get on board with the fact that the bible is written in dark sayings, then you will increase in learning, for they are the words of the WISE. If you read the bible LITERALLY then you have failed, and I didn't say it, the bible says it.

Who'd have thought that the Bible contains dark sayings" what on earth does Solomon mean.  Well a 'dark saying' is literally a  riddle, or a parable. They are  perplexing questions. 

A dark saying is not linear and it's not obvious to the uninitiated; it's a mystery.  According to Wikipedia, a riddle is  a statement or question or phrase having a double or veiled meaning, put forth as a puzzle to be solved.  Riddles are of two types: enigmas, which are problems generally expressed in metaphorical or allegorical language that require ingenuity and careful thinking for their solution, and conundrums, which are questions relying for their effects on punning in either the question or the answer. 

So it seems to have wisdom we need more than just information, we need revelation; we need something more than bible knowledge we need divine insight. Now, do walls have ears? Fire in the heart sends smoke into the head.  Really!!! We say someones out to lunch or out of this world, or snap your cap, these are what the bible calls dark sayings, like putting money in a fishes mouth. 

If you're noodling without a lid, lay it on me, give me some scratch and you'll be off the hook, or you will pay through the nose or shin out, or you might get nailed to the counter. 

Have you ever been bulldozed by someone or thrown under the bus or got a good anointing, or maybe you need an earth bath in an eternity box, lay down the knife and fork ( to die ),  maybe you have a monkey with a long tail ( old slang for a mortgage ) Catch my drift!! exactly!!!

 "Fire in the heart sends smoke into the head", this is a saying from the old west era.

  Click here, Here's some SMOKE for your EYES, This is slang from thousands of years ago.

Myth: That the bible is the LITERAL word of a god.

Fact: The Bible is Mythology, written by Mythicists.

Myth: The Bible is in no way related to Hinduism, Buddhism and Yoga.

Fact: The entire Bible is mythology describing the practice of kundalini yoga, the number SEVEN is found 735 times in the Bible. SEVENFOLD is mentioned 6 times and SEVENTH is found 119 times, the SEVEN are always making reference to the seven seals/chakras Gen 7:2 "Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female".

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Origen’s writings were some of the most influential in the early church. He developed more fully Philo’s and Clement’s ideas of allegorical interpretation, understanding three levels of interpretation within a text that corresponded to three aspects of the human being.

Origen found foreshadowing types all through the Old Testament, not just in the more obvious messianic prophecies. He believed every story held spiritual significance if interpreted rightly. He also allegorized New Testament texts to symbolize the progress of the soul.

Allegorical interpretation allowed Origen to use the Old Testament in an abstract way that disregarded the seeming absurdities of the Jewish God who walked in gardens and spoke on mountains in the form of fire bushes.

Allegorical interpretation also helped Origen to affirm the Old Testament against Christians like the followers of Marcion, who rejected it completely. Rather than defending each story, he could insist that the other readers simply had not gone deeply enough into the meaning. The allegorical reading could find further, "spiritual" meanings containing universal and eternal truths, an idea reflecting Plato and Plato's idea that what we call god was simply TRANSCENDENCE, as taught by the Buddha and also the Great Tao and the Bhagavad Gita.

YES! Origen hit the head of the nail, he KNEW it was all Allegory. All Origen had to do was see all of the scriptures on the RIGHT side bar of this blog, then he would have know for sure, that it was all allegorical.


Why is it important to KNOW (not believe) that the entire Bible is NOT any literal word of god, but instead ancient MYTHOLOGY? Because this truth will set you free from control of religion, by the fear of going to hell, PLEASE! I am not a child anymore, and neither are you, so it's time to grow up and eat meat (solid food) and quit drinking milk (reading the bible LITERALLY).

Christian from Austin Texas says, "my church teaches that heaven and hell are literal places", really!!! "A word to the wise above (the higher mind), ye may depart from hell beneath (the lower ego mind/first three chakras). My church teaches, my pastor said, blah, blah, blah. My Bible says these things are PARABLES! Who is right, God/Jesus and the Bible or pastors and churches? And the answer is............ God and the Bible, because God/Jesus speaks in Parables. "Then said I, Ah Lord GOD! they say of me, Doth he not speak in parables"? EZ:20 Here God speaks in parables.

The Bible is a cosmic psychology book, describing the renewing of the mind via meditation, it was written by higher light beings from another place, and given to us to understand the things of the higher, written in DARK SAYINGS, parables and allegory, the language of the Gods. Consider that the speed of light is in the bible in the book of numbers, who gave us that? Sheep herders? And what about the galaxy NGC 4555, our true family resides there, given in the book of Daniel, only ones from such a place could have possibly given us that, the bible is much more than anyone will ever know.

Jesus described hell as an unquenchable fire (Matthew 3:12), a place of eternal fire, (Matthew 25:41) eternal punishment (Matthew 25:46), and as a place of torment, fire, and agony (Luke 16:23-24).

AND the survey said............

"In a parable spake he NOT unto them" That means that everything Jesus said was a PARABLE!! Do we really need to define the word parable? OK, it means that it never happened LITERALLY!! there I said it. And I speak a MYSTERY unto you etc.......The MYSTERY is that these is no HELL outside of the confines of your own two bronze mountains.

This is what happens when people take the bible Literally, BOTH the Atheist and the Christian lose, they miss the pearls of wisdom therein (sad).

The problem will continue FOREVER, as long as people stupidly and stubbornly refuse to understand that the bible is ancient MYTHOLOGY, not to be read LITERALLY, that's the LETTER that killeth, "I've got a bone to pick with them", "we need to get down to hammer and tongs, on this issue", "I've got an axe to grind with them Christians, should I go and get my Literal axe and sit down and grind away? or am I speaking FIGURATIVELY? "And the lord came down and confounded their language" because they read to the LETTER that killeth.

Hank is GOD

"Any idiot can believe in Jesus H. Christ. To truly understand all that confusion in the gospels takes a real contortionist scholar." Franz Bibfeldt, German theologian

We have one, his name is Bill Donahue of Hiddenmeanings.

The Sun and The Christ

Unfortunately, we don't have many contortionist scholars in this world, we have idiot scholars, they that read the bible as a literal history book.

So called Bible Scholars and ATHEISTS just don't have a CLUE! These so called Bible scholars have written 1000's of books, they have made millions of dollars, lecture to, (brainwash) people all over the world, peddling nothing but lies deceit and total nonsense, they have caught you with guile. Mind Boggling! They give you vinegar and gall, and they make tons of money while doing it.

Bart D Ehrman PHD, here you will find a man that has a PHD, yet has no clue that the entire bible is mythology, he calls the gospels forgeries, this is similar to Acharya S, can you imagine that this guy has a PHD and he has actually never read the bible and parallel mythology, how do these people have the bravado and gall to call themselves scholars? One word, EGO.

The letters PHD "in this case" must really mean "Pale Horse Delivers" The pale horse is the physical mindset as opposed to the spiritual.

The mind that breeds lizards, the mind that overlooks small insignificant details, like "don't be a minister of the letter" don't read the bible LITERALLY. "Don't you understand the DARK SAYINGS of OLD" No! Then go down seventh street until you find ROUTE 9, then turn left.

His book is called FORGED, as in the scriptures are Forgeries. The only thing that is FORGED are the thoughts in his mind, as in he is a standing full paying member of the metal workers union. "And god could not remove the chariots of iron in their valleys (brains). Valleys are low levels of consciousness in mythology. Dr? Doctor of metal smithing, student of TubalCain. And the LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron. (Judges 1:19)

As we told above, the Biblical God cannot fight with chariots of iron but according to Christians, God is powerful BUT when he confronts with chariots of iron, he is helpless. There is no god in the heavens that change the stubborn ego driven lower minds of human beings, only YOU can do that.

Scholar of disinformation and stupidity. All of the bible characters are mythological, every single one. The only REAL bible scholars that existed in the last 100 years was Alvin Boyd Kuhn, John Kirk Robertson, Joseph Campbell, F Homer Curtiss and still alive today, Bill Donahue of HiddenMeanings, not counting myself. This guy is no Bible scholar, he's still drinking MILK, he's just a babe, I will send him some cookies to go with that milk he's drinking. 28. Hebrews 5:13 For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness. ROUTE 9 at the crossroads with Jack.

These guys throw the buzz-word word "SCHOLAR" around, as if it means anything, obviously it doesn't mean diddly. If these guys on the Radio and History channel are "scholars" then I am Peter Pan. "My foolishness is wiser than the wisest men" God. The high intellect will misunderstand the bible, because the bible wasn't written for the intellectual/ego mind, it was written for one with average comprehension, if one reads the bible from the standpoint of an so called scholar, he will fail, he is already at one extreme end of a scale, then he will swing to the opposite side of the scale and end up just as corrupt as he was when he was at the other end of the scale. The bible like the Buddhist teachings, is meant for those on the middle path, there is where balance is found.

If all of the so called bible scholars out there would just read half a dozen Joseph Campbell books, half a dozen books by Baghwan Rajneesh, Read the works of Alvin Boyd Khun, J Krishnamurti, Physicist John Cramer and Bill Donahues website HiddenMeanings, then they would have a clue, until then they are like a ship without rudder and compass in hand, and they will sink, as they become shipwrecked by the word, because they read it LITERALLY, instead of SPIRITUALLY! They still drink "MILK", so we shall send them some cookies to go with that milk they have been drinking. Got Milk? Well then, here's some cookies!

Acharya S. does this too, she says the bible stories are fairy tales or just nonsensical stories. They are NOT any such things, they are stories talking the deep things of the mind, that is what MYTHOLOGY is. NOW pay attention Acharya S and that other fellow above, what's his name, that guy with a PHD, drinking milk and eating the cookies I sent him. Watch how mere nonsensical fairy tales as they call them, transform into mind stuff, brought to you by the ancient masters of dark sayings.

I like what she says here.

D.M. Murdock/Acharya S

We are often asked to "respect people's religions." Many religious ideas are very disrespectful to human beings and are not worthy of respect.

William Henry who has a new book out "secret of Sion" misses the mark entirely, he also needs some cookies to go with that milk he's been drinking "reading ancient scriptures LITERALLY!!! They ALL get it wrong, it seems very few people know how to read and interpret ancient mythology, yet they peddle their books and lecture to the sheep, who buy their tripe hook and line and sinker. Some of Henry's stuff is great, but he must understand the mystical part better.

God gives Abraham and his descendants all of the land of Canaan "forever". This promise is still used to justify the unending battles over the land in the Middle East.

Between TWO bronze mountains, the left and right hemispheres of your own brain, Bible, LAND of CANAAN and Baghavad Gita meaning

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It says in the Bible that they offered Jesus vinegar and gall to drink.

This was a narcotic to deaden the pain.



This is a symbol of the action that religion will take to deceive you, and to lull you to sleep, with all kinds of different religious activities that will prevent you from having to experience the crucifixion.

They do not want you to find the wonder that lies within you, because then you no longer need them. Experience your inner crucifixion. Refuse their drug.


The first reaction from people when I suggest that the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a myth, is to be outraged.

The reason for their outrage is that they do not understand the nature of myth.

They will say that I am insinuating that the crucifixion of Jesus did not occur.

Not so.


By understanding the myth I celebrate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Not as religion presents it to us literally, so that we are to consider a God that is not capable of forgiveness without resorting to torture and bloodshed.


When we understand the myth, we will realize that this is a crucifixion of consciousness, acted out in the universe, and from within our bodies.


A story presented as historical, dealing with the cosmological and supernatural traditions of a people and their God. An allegory.

In other words, a myth makes a story seem historical, but it really has another meaning, which is cosmological, or supernatural.

Parables, the carnal mind and the devil


Our first order of business in this quest is to see if we can justify considering the Bible as symbolic rather then literal.

We must use the Bible itself.


1.2Corinthians 3:6 Who also has made us ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter kills, but the spirit gives life.

So here is the Bible itself telling us not to take it literally.


2. Galatians 4:24 Which things are an allegory:

Remember that as we showed the definition of a myth, it included the term allegory.

Here again the Bible tells us it is symbolic.


3. Matthew 13:34 All these things spoke Jesus to the multitude in parables; and without a parable he did not speak to them:

The Bible is saying that all of Jesus statements were symbolic.


4. Mark 4:11 And he said to them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but to them that are without, all these things are done in parables:


Here the fact that this is all consciousness is made clear. 

        God is light         
Light is knowledge
Let there be light.

You would be silent until the end of your days.~Constantine

click here; Take No thought, be SILENT, the human mind

Bill Donahue of Hiddenmeanings

It says to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God.

♥.`•.¸.•´ ♥ ♥...

In two thousand years who has proclaimed that all of those crazy nonsensical stories in the bible were MYTHOLOGY? Who has proclaimed from the pulpit that the word of God in the bible is written in deep symbolism and never LITERAL? SEE towards bottom of page! religion has kept all the true spiritual truths in the bible locked up, so that you could not utilize the knowledge for your own personal spiritual growth.


Psalm 78:2 I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old:

Here the Bible states that GOD speaks in parables .

And what are dark sayings of old.

Obviously they are symbolic statements.

Finally the Book of Proverbs describes wisdom.

It explains how one becomes wise.


Proverbs 1:6 To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings.


Thus we have substantial evidence throughout the Bible to suggest that it is a symbolic book, and should not be taken literally.

With this evidence, we can then proceed to look at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as a symbolic story.

Bill Donahue Hiddenmeanings

Now you can't proceed any further with understanding until you put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest [is] holy ground.

What does it mean? The shoes are on the feet, the feet represent the physical lower mind, yet the shoes must be removed, because the shoes represent the ego (protection) to the physical, the physical must take second place to the spiritual, the holy ground is the mind under the higher spiritual influence, so come hither, but first remove your shoes (ego).

OH WELL! I guess they will never get it. They can just turn left at ROUTE 9 at the crossroads with Jack Van Nincompoop.

This is why the world is neurotic Family Trouble Bible Contradictions


The Christian Book of Life:

Revelation 5:1 provides the following description. " And I saw in the right hand (right hemisphere of the brain/eastern sky or right side), of him who sat on the throne , ( higher consciousness within), a book, (the book of life/dna), written within (within the human body), and on the back side, (the spine), sealed with seven seals. (Seven seals/Seven Chakras).

Bill Donahue Hiddenmeanings


YOU HAVE JUST READ THE HINDU KUNDALINI IN THE CHRISTIAN BOOK OF REVELATION. We draw lines in the sand separating the spiritual books, and your bible is largely Buddhist and Hindu mythology describing the kundalini, the opening of the seven seals or chakras on your backside, it just shows how far religions have gone to keep the wall of separation up, but we shall tear down that wall, as Regan once asked the Russians to do, it is the iron curtain, because it keeps everyone operating in the lower self, which in alchemy is various metals, like Tubal Cain of the bible myth, it is the lower level of consciousness where the leaders of this world want to keep you, it is easier to control you. And god CANNOT remove these chariots of iron (lower levels of consciousness).
Hazel Courteney talks about her oneness with the cosmos, her kundalini experience

Are We All Inside The Mind of God

Spiritual Emergency

The God of the bible commands and rewards theft, lying, slavery, rape, human sacrifice, murder and genocide. The bible upholds every vice and every injustice. It is cruel, intolerant, ignorant and violent. There is no book in the world more obscene, more morally repugnant, more evil, than the bible.

Don't believe me? Then you should read it sometime. When a person reads the bible with a reasoning mind, it will create atheists, because people that are atheists actually read the bible, and are repelled by the nastiness, contradictions, lies etc... Yet Christians except without question, their blood thirsty, murdering, lying, weak, vindictive, pedophile Jehovah murderer, who loves the smell of Filet Mignon cooking in the desert.

Sadly, BOTH the Christian and the Atheist don't really understand that the bible is ancient GREEK mythology, and is NOT literal, that's the tragedy of all time. Who in their right mind would want to be a part of any of that nasty, repulsive Jehovah/Yahweh murderer of the Old Testament? Not me!!!!!

The bible is a chronicle of things that never happened. Yes, some of the towns and kings mentioned in the bible really existed, Towns and kings were "current events" when the original mythologies were written. Like all myths they wove the names of real personages and places into the myth to give it color and meaning. 

"I have to go and take a Detroit and wipe my Sacramento" Is this LITERAL, of course not, but we used real city names to describe places that are undesireable . That's how myths were written. Egypt is a symbol of confused thoughts, a confused mind, SEE!!!!

None of the contemporary Jewish or Roman historians, living during the time in which Jesus and the Old Testament times, recorded one word about anything that happened in that book of MYTHOLOGY, because it NEVER happened, that's why.

Get a CLUE, and stop the murder of innocent people the world over, because of some completely misunderstood HOLY books. Barbarians, the lot of them. Do we murder people in the name of Zeus, Tiamat, Enlil or other GODS of MYTHOLOGY? No, then why do we murder people in the name Jesus, Mohamed and God/Allah? They're all mythology as well.


Snakes and Ladders, the Caduceus and healing our DNA

Quack Quack Quack

God hates homosexuals, says duck caller 

I Cor. 6:9, 10

6:9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! The sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, passive homosexual partners, practicing homosexuals, 10 thieves, the greedy, drunkards, the verbally abusive, and swindlers will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Is that LITERAL? or is it MYTHOLOGY?

The sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, passive homosexual partners, practicing homosexuals

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Luke 22:12. And he shall show you a large upper room furnished: There is where you shall get ready

Please! lets ALL WAKE UP! The Aussies say "Wakey, Wakey, Wakey

The Bible is a SPIRITUAL book, meaning a book about thoughts. it is not telling you who to have as a partner in life, except that you partner up with the higher mind or higher conscious thinking. One day I believe that people will begin to understand these concepts and see that the writers of the biblical mythology were pure geniuses. That genius came from above, it came from Mushrooms, and other door opening plant entheogens. "all scripture is given by inspiration of God". (2 Timothy 3:16). God/good directed even in the very words and expression for these were "words which the Holy Ghost teacheth" The higher consciousness. God does not hate anyone, a homosexual or otherwise, except that which comes from the lower emotional thinking, and then that which comes from the tongue, that is the real problem with the world.

"Superstition ain't the way"

°☆  ¸. * ● ¸❤ ❤ ԼƠƔЄ ❤❤ .   ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★  .  * :. *.  ¸ ★ . . Wisdom * . ☾ °☆  ¸. * ● ¸ .   ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★  °☆  ¸. * ● ¸ .   ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★  .  * :. *.  ¸ ★ . . ❤ ❤ ԼƠƔЄ ❤❤  Seekers of Truth   ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★  .  * Lovers of Truth  * . ☾ °☆  ¸. * ● ¸ . Learning   ★ ° : °☆  ¸. * ● ¸ .  Reading  ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★ .  * :. *. Understanding ¸ ★ . . * . ☾ °☆  ¸. * ● ¸ .  ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★  .  * . ❤ ❤ ԼƠƔЄ ❤❤  * . ☾ °☆  ¸. * ● ¸ . ★ ° : °☆  ¸. * ● ¸ . ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★  .  * :. ☾ °☆  ¸. * ● ¸ .*.  ¸ ★ . . * . ☾ °☆ ❤ ❤ ԼƠƔЄ ❤❤ Knowledge will set you free

The doorway to freedom has always been left ajar, but you have enter therein first.

Doorway to FREEDOM Video

You have to find out what truth is because that is the only thing that matters, not whether you are rich or poor, not whether you are happily married and have children, because they all come to an end, there is always death. So, without any form of belief, you must find out; you must have the vigor, the self-reliance, the initiative, so that for yourself you know what truth is, what God is. Belief will not give you anything; belief only corrupts, binds, darkens. The mind can only be free through vigor, through self-reliance. Jiddhu Krishnamurti

The understanding of ancient sacred texts such as the Bible, Egyptian as well as Greek Mythology. Judaism, Christianity and Islam evolved in a Mediterranean milieu of Egyptian, Babylonian, Buddhist, Persian and Greek influence.

Most people are not truly human, as long as religious ideologies consume the persons daily thoughts, they are not free, therefore just slaves to mans system, the bible calls it the MATRIX, the world WITHOUT, as opposed to the world WITHIN.

It could still be BEAUTIFUL PLANET, so go extinct already, or grow up and evolve. Make your choice and make it quick my patience wears thin with you, well giggly goo, I know I'm some times brash but I do not like being here around all of this well so called know it alls who follow religious dogma, political ideologies and march to the drumbeats of their commanders of war.

Unknown author

Become a WAYSEER

Must listen here, this is what's it's all about


The turbulent seas of the unconscious, listen at 5 minute 20 second mark

This video explores the essentials of self-knowledge as a fundamental means to establish true and lasting change in the world, as well as providing insights into the traps towards awakening.


THE Illusion of REALITY!!!

The masses are sheeple. Now I see why. Most people are too stupid to live. They are into useless people like Lady gaga, Chris Brown, Britney Spears and Charlie Sheen, little do they know what their sovereignty is being taking away from them not just in America but everywhere.


Change is the only thing that remains constant in this world and throughout the entire universe. When we are resistant to change we feel stagnant and begin experiencing unnecessary pain. Our pain is the result of searching for the unchangeable reality in this ever changeable world. ~ Emanuel

What a synchronicity in life for you to be on this planet the same time as I, As we head into a new wonderful golden age of enlightenment here on planet earth *

❤YOU❤HOLD❤ A❤ SPECIAL ❤PLACE ❤IN❤ MY❤ HEART❤ You are divine love, light and compassion❤ I ԼƠƔЄ your VIBRATION❤ Your soul❤ Your heart❤ Your spirit❤ Everything about you❤ For we are interwoven in the fabric of ԼƠƔЄ throughout the universe❤ We are all connected❤ We are all one❤ We have always been❤ The veil is thinning and we can connect with the warm ԼƠƔЄ of the creators source energy once again❤ I send it directly into your heart of hearts❤ I am ԼƠƔЄ ❤ I ԼƠƔЄ you(((❤))) •●♥❤ Ú¿Ú°ۣ☸¸.•*´¨ Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ·•●♥❤

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All Blog Posts for this Blog

The Invention of the Jewish People did not begin with Shlomo Sand's 2009 bestseller by that title. There was no Exile says this Jewish scholar. Nor was there an Exodus. So how could there be a Return, the core premise of Israeli statehood? If this patch of Palestinian land never rightly belonged to a mythical Jewish People, what then for the legitimacy of the "Jewish homeland."

Where is the REAL holy Land? What you will read here is 100% true, you must study it carefully.

Listen to powder describe the pineal gland

This stuff won't go away, the lies, the deception, the wars, one has to go the still place within in order to keep from going insane.

Don't take it anymore.

After you have read the intro pages in this blog, you will want to come back to this link and listen to all of Bills free audio lectures, choose a lesson highlighted in blue, then just click on the play button on the black box at the upper right of the page. Don't miss this mans lessons.

example: Hidden Meanings with Bill Donahue #522 "Backside Of The Desert" Probably the most interesting part of Bible study is breaking the mythological symbols so we may understand the deep meaning behind the strange stories.

Here you learn about the seven daughters, the back side of the desert, the mountain with the burning bush, and low and behold you find out that the story is about little ole you and what's going on inside.

Free audio LESSONS by Bill Donahue explaining the true meaning of the Bible stories

A phoenix is a mythical bird that is a fire spirit with a colorful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or purple, blue, and green according to some legends). It has a 500 to 1,000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again, THAT'S supposed to be YOU!

It's simply another symbol of the resurrection of the dead animal personality. The new you emerging, leaving the old self behind.

Click on player at top right of blog and listen to the audio.

H. Rider Haggard wrote King Salomon's Mines; She: A History of Adventure; and, Ayesha; The Return of She.

The Old Testa-Ment(al) and the New Testa-Ment(al): In Roman Catholicism "ASH" Wednesday is the first day of Lent, the season of preparation for the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. The Ash ritualizes a PHOENIX FIRE like "BURNING COALS (Ezekiels Wheels)" at the point of the Third Eye within the brain. The phoenix rising from it's ashes (you) Haggard

Inside this blog you will find the entire Book of Revelations completely decoded in it's true and exact meaning, every word and sentence. Also look for the complete translation of the Emerald Tablet.

You might want to go straight to page 2, the first page is a pre understanding page


Revelations Decoded

The story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is just a mini revelations story, why did god rain hell fire fire upon this town? FIND out here.

Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;

And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.

STORY of LOT, Homosexuals, town wants to bugger angels, what's this crazy story really all about.

Ron Howard's Davinci code starring Tom Hanks, has nothing compared to what you will learn here.


The gate of the sun, the galactic alignment, Unexplained Mysteries, Egypt, sphinx, pyramids, Giza, Ezekiel's wheels Chakras, Cherubim, The Ark of the Covenant, The Holy land, IsraEL, Orion, seven chakras, 2012, 2,160 days, 1,260 days, 666, 531 fish, eight, Nine, Forty days, nights, years , Sun God's, Metatron, Kabala, Osiris, Jesus, and Aquarius, no other sign in the Zodiacal chart is attracting as much attention as the man in the sky holding a pitcher of water (Aquarius).

Ancient connection 10500 BC atlantis music song nibiru anunaki illuminati crop circles sumerian mayan egyptian new dimension archangel metatron 2012 most important shift cleansing 2012 mother earth Lost Continents Civilization Atlantis Mu Lemuria Sphinx Ancient Egypt Mayan Calendar Aztec Tiahuanaco Doomsday End of World nibiru Planet Nephlim Rapture time asteroids pole shift Nostradamus quetzalcoatl kukulkan CERN Experiment Pyramids Prophecy predictions precession equinox Moses Ramses Ramases Revelations Armageddon Golden Calf Exodus everybody dies Prophecy/Predictions climatic disaster pole .

End time new world new earth hopi prophecy 2012 December Dec 21st 2012 Apocalypse end world Rapture time asteroids Nostradamus native american calentamiento end of world end of the world as we know it end of paradigm new paradigm change Extreme Weather Patterns Maya END OF THE WORLD DOOMS DAY NEW AGE change evolution shift timewave zero terence mckenna 2012 sightings nostradamus dimensional shift omega dedroidify Mayan Calendar Apocalypse Pinchbeck i ching prophecies prophecy alien ufo illuminati solar radiation Harmonic Convergence Great Shift cosmic cycle Pleiades The Photon belt Great Shift the wave of love red elk Galactic Federation solstice quetzalcoatl Pahana global warming pleiades orion singularity quantum revelations spirituality vision quest Apocalypse Armageddon endtime rapture apocalypto thunderbeing films ken thornton post 2012 emergence planetary.

ENTER The HiddenLighthouse

Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love. Rumi

7 Churches are Chakras

Atlantis and your seven chakras 

On mythology

What is myth, the dictionary says that myths are stories about gods.

What is god?


A god is a personification of a motive power or a value system that functions in human life and in the universe. The powers of your own body and of nature. The myths are metaphorical of spiritual potentiality in the human being, and the same powers that animate our life, animate the life of the world.

Bill Moyers said: far from undermining my faith, your work in mythology has liberated my faith from the cultural prisons to which it had been sentenced.

Joseph Campbell: It liberated my own, and I know it is going to do that with anyone who gets the message.

Joseph Campbell said; that when you start interpreting ancient scriptures as facts, then you're in trouble.

For example, Jesus ascended to heaven. The denotation would seem to be that somebody ascended to the sky. That's literally what is being said. But elsewhere it is written "look not lo here, nor lo there, for the kingdom of god is within you" Not out there in outer space.

But if that were really the meaning of the message, then we have to throw it away, because there would have been no such place for Jesus literally to go. We know that Jesus could not have ascended to heaven because there is no physical heaven anywhere in the universe.

Even ascending at the speed of light, Jesus would still be in the galaxy, Astronomy and physics have simply eliminated that as a literal, physical possibility. but if you read "Jesus ascended to heaven" in terms of it's metaphoric connotation, you see that he has gone inward, not into outer space, but into inner space, to the place from which all beings comes, into the consciousness that is the source of all things.

The kingdom of heaven within.

The images are outward, but the reflection is inward. the point is that we should ascend with him by going inward, it is a metaphor of returning to the source, alpha and omega, leaving the fixation on the body behind and going to the body's dynamic source.

According to the normal way of thinking about the christian religion, we cannot identify with Jesus, we have to imitate Jesus. To say, "I and the father are one" as Jesus said, is blasphemy for us. However, in the Gospel of Thomas that was dig up 40 years ago, Jesus says; "he who drinks from my mouth will become as I am, and I shall be he." Now, that is exactly Buddhism. We are all manifestations of Buddha consciousness, or Christ consciousness, only we don't know it.

The word Buddha means "the one who woke up." We are all to do that, to wake up to the Christ or Buddha consciousness within us, this is blasphemy in the normal way of Christian thinking, but it is the very essence of Christian Gnosticism and the Gospel of Thomas.

Transformations of Myth Through Time, Joseph Campbell, DON'T MISS THESE LECTURES, this is the entire bible story, you will even ever have to read the BIBLE again, if you understand everything Joseph Campbell is saying.

John Kirk Robertson, one of the most gifted men concerning the bible, ancient mythology and astrology said this; If anyone truly wants to understand the bible, then get any good comprehensive book on YOGA, there, you will find the elusive meaning of the seven seals in the book revelations, and the creation story.

How did we lose touch with this reality? one word "religion."

"Religion is misunderstood mythology"

Religion took away the mystical experience and replaced it with dogma, ceremonies and tradition, for the purpose of controlling the masses. They couldn't have people having enlightenment experiences of truth, because they would then lose their own power, so the real power of Jesus as an inner transformation was put in the shadows, or in a box as it were. So the people were in fact dummied down for the past two thousand years.

The movie ELI, if you understand this movie, you will see how Gary Oldman wants to control the masses with a book, the book is the King James Bible, the bible is called the book of ELi in the film. I'm not sure if you can hear it in this clip or not, but the guy that wants the book (bible) and will go to any lengths to get it, he said "if I can get my hands on that book, I can control the world" Isn't that what's already taken place in the world for two thousand years?

The movie is about this one guy "Gary Oldman" that says if he can get a hold of this one book, he can control the world, Denzel has the book, and the book is the bible, and he wants it. Denzel has to kill practically everyone in this post apocalyptic town, to keep this one man from getting the only known bible left in the world. There's obviously a message here. In the end Denzel reveals "that he kingdom of god is WITHIN you" Not in man made buildings of wood and stone.

The Book of Eli

Book of Eli Clip 3

Freedom or CONTROL ELI

Question to Mr. Campbell; As we sit here and talk, there is one story after another of car bombings in Beirut-by the Muslims of the Christians, by the Christians of the Muslims, and by the Christians of the Christians. It strikes me that Marshall McLuhan was right when he said that television has made a global village of the world-but he didn't know the global village would be in Beirut.

What does this say?

Joseph Campbell; It says to me that they don't know how to apply their religious ideas to contemporary life, and to human beings rather than just their own community. It's a terrible example of the failure of religion to meet the modern world. These three MYTHOLOGIES are fighting it out. they have disqualified themselves for the future. Eventually all religions will all have to be abandoned, before man can rise up to the occasion of the universe, and truly follow Jesus, Buddha and Krishna.

Religions have been busying themselves with separating people from one another and creating most of the wars and killing on this planet since it's inception.

When humanity finally wakes up, and realizes that religion has been the root cause of most of the suffering on this planet either physically or mentally, then we can get on with our collective goal of entering back into lost paradise, we will then begin a Renaissance of biblical understanding, understanding the MYTHS will set our minds free for once and all.

We can't go in as long as religion keeps the doors to paradise closed, and they hide the lock to the door. "The kingdom of god is WITHIN you" So where are you going to go to get to heaven/paradise? In outer space somewhere, Pluto, Orion?

 It's obviously clear that you must go in yourself and that requires meditation and there's no way around that. Heaven and paradise is simply words to describe a person that has overcome their own lower self, their egoic control over others, and have raised their consciousness to that of the cosmos, which requires the dormant brain cells in the right hemisphere of the brain to be resurrected as it were.

But people are getting the message, they are getting smarter and beginning to wake up, I think this is what the mythology of Aquarius is bringing us.

"In god we trust, just not the god of the bible."

Joseph Campbell.

Thank you for the enlightenment Mr. Campbell.

Truly, the man of the hour!

Joseph Campbells books are some of the most enlightening books one will ever read, no doubt the Universe was active in this mans life, I call him an angel.

Religion often separates us because it’s read literally rather than metaphorically. Thus the religious stories are not interpreted as mythology, but fact.

You’re born and at some point along the way, someone you trust, or an authority figure, indoctrinates you about stories proffered by a religion, stories represented to be the Truth, literally, rather than myth, figuratively. When understood as metaphor, the religious stories become “transparent” and we become “transcendent”. Instead, if taken literally, the religious stories remain outside of ourselves instead of INSIDE as they written for. The kingdom of God is INSIDE of you, and so the stories in the bible were written for the INNER understanding.

Go to the root of it, and you’ll observe no separation.

“A one sentence definition of mythology? "Mythology" is what we call someone Else's religion”

“I think the person who takes a job in order to live - that is to say, for the money - has turned himself into a slave.”

“When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness.”

Joseph Campbell. The man had a remarkable insight into mankind because he spent his life studying what some of the greatest minds in the world had to say about what formed the context and content of our lives. His exceptional mind gathered it all in, including languages and world travel, and then he synthesized it all into his own insights.

In the end, he was one of those great minds.

Buddha's Zen

Buddha said: "I consider the positions of kings and rulers as that of dust motes. I observe treasures of gold and gems as so many bricks and pebbles. I look upon the finest silken robes as tattered rags. I see myriad worlds of the universe as small seeds of fruit, and the greatest lake in India as a drop of oil on my foot. I perceive the teachings of the world to be the illusion of magicians.

I discern the highest conception of emancipation as a golden brocade in a dream, and view the holy path of the illuminated ones as flowers appearing in one's eyes. I see meditation as a pillar of a mountain, Nirvana as a nightmare of daytime. I look upon the judgment of right and wrong as the serpentine dance of a dragon, and the rise and fall of beliefs as but traces left by the four seasons."

♥.`•.¸.•´ ♥ ♥...

Have you convinced your screaming soul that it is safer and better to just conform and be a repressed, toxic, programmed orc, marching to the drum beat of imperious marshals. As long as one slave can bellow "Allah!" louder than another screeching "Anti-Semite!" then all is well and death can stalk the lands. Churches are like clubs - places to socialize. If your tired of the one your going to, there's another one just around the corner and the dues are about the same, and so are the lies. M.Tsarion

You're it


The biggest secret concerning the Bible is that the bible is a book about the mind, and the thoughts that arise out of one's own consciousness, either positive good thoughts, or negative bad thoughts, every single story in the Bible is making reference to this mind stuff, it is the most clever book ever put together in this regard. The Bible is the world's second great psychology book, completely cloaked in crazy stories.

A first look through Genesis, well actually all of Torah (first 5 books of the Holy Bible) often astounds the reader with a collection of names, such as: Hamites, Japhethites, Caananites, Jebusites, Hittites, Amorites, Girgashites, Hivites, Sinites, Arvadites, Hamathites, Zemarites, Perrizites, etc. are all either positive thoughts that arise in our thinking or negative thoughts. If in doubt as to which ones were negative thoughts, just see if God instructed Moses or Joshua to destroy them, if the order was to put everyone to death, men, women, children and animals etc.., it's talking about the thoughts that arise out of the lower ego mind. The Israel-ITES of course are the chosen ones, because that word means those with the highest consciousness. YOU are chosen if YOU operate from a higher conscious mental state.

Below is a sample of how to read the bible SPIRITUALLY and NOT literally.

This is the famous Abraham sacrificing his first born son to God, now the reason why Christians are such lower minded animals, is because they fail to see the spiritual truth in the parable, and believe that God was really testing some Old guy on a mountain top.

The ancient scriptures were clear that it was the "firstborn" who was to receive the inheritance. The "firstborn", who was to receive the blessing.

Well, Ishmael who became the father of the Arab people was the "firstborn" of Abraham. But because of a hatred between Sarah and Hagar, Ishmael was sent away. The inheritance that was rightly his, was denied.

So Abraham was not sacrificing his "firstborn" during the Isaac incident on the mountain. That is why his hand was stopped.

For the firstborn represents the physical (negative thought), that which comes after it, is the spirit.

If "God" had allowed the killing of Isaac, it would have resulted in the killing of the spirit and not the flesh.

Ishmael is that part of all of us that roams the desert of the mind and fights to overcome the wild things (thoughts) of the lower nature.

He was the firstborn and as says," all the firstborn, whatsoever opens the womb among the children of Israel, both of men and of beast, it is mine. Exodus 13:2 That's lower mind stuff. It belongs to God (the higher consciousness. Eve is a symbol of the mental aspect of our nature.

Eve, our thoughts, consider the temptation from the snake our spine, our flesh.

Our mind then communicates with our body Adam , and the act is carried out.

Psychologically correct. Spirit Eve, Body Adam and carnal mind snake. No problem


The name of the garden where our heroes dwell is Eden. The word Eden means delight. In Genesis 2:8,we are shown the location of this garden The scripture says that the garden is Eastward in Eden.

Whenever you look North, East is always on the right side. Therefore the garden of delight is to the right.

When we shut down the thoughts of the mind we are sacrificing the natural part so we can be given that which is spiritual.

So we see why Abel's sacrifice was acceptable and Cain's was not.

Look at Genesis 4:4,"the Lord had respect to Abel's animal offerings. In other words this is the way that we please God. Sacrificing the natural part in meditation by taking no thought, and overcoming the animal mind.

Genesis 4:5 Unto Cain he had no respect. Ideas , techniques. Cain offered vegetables to god, god has no use for vegetables Cain did not offer his lower mind thoughts, he was trying to fool God in this allegory of mind stuff.

Those things that come out of our minds and the minds of others are not acceptable.

They are the first born and the only way to get to God is to sacrifice them. The only way to do that is by taking no thought in meditation.

Genesis 4:8 Now we get to the part where Cain plots the death of Abel. Remember this is allegory. It really is referring to the carnal part of your mind that works diligently to overcome any leanings to the spiritual.

That part that is in harmony with God, (Abel), can be destroyed by the part that is not, (Cain). Yet both parts, carnal and spiritual are important for us to function as individuals.

There are countries that are very spiritual but have little material wealth, consider India. This is Abel.

There are countries that have much material wealth but little spirit, consider America. This is Cain. There must be a balance. One should not kill out the other.

Genesis 4:14 points out what we are referring to. The suggestion is that Cain will be slain again and again.

Notice the wording. "everyone that finds me shall slay me". How can you slay someone over and over LITERALLY? You can't!!!

This means that there will be a feeling of total revulsion against the lower mind .

Where do you see that. You see it in religion. There is an attitude of totally eliminating any involvement with the lower carnal mind, with the flesh. But.

Genesis 4:15 says that a mark is placed on Cain to protect him.

It is important that all life function with positive and negative. It is inherent in nature.

So the scripture tells us that God will not allow the destruction of the negative or lower animal part of human kind.

But, it is equally important to understand that the lower part must not be allowed to hold sway over the higher. The negative Emotions (the red horse), should never be in the lead.

Cain (the left brain and lower emotions) must take second place to Abel (the higher mind). The physical must take second place to the spiritual, or it will self destruct.

Both the lower mind (animal nature) and the higher mind (god consciousness) are essential to make up the fully functional human being, you can not literally kill out the lower left carnal mind or you will wind up on a street corner somewhere, talking to yourself holding up a sign that says, hungry please help. Or such a person will simply be a basket case their whole lives, you must feed the physical nature, you must eat and take care of all bodily functions, yet these things of the physical should never take sway over the higher thinking/mind. This is where religion fails and falls flat on their ignorant faces.

They tell you don't drink this, don't drink alcohol, don't smoke, don't have sex for pleasure etc's against god! and leaves the human mind in shambles, because they are are telling you to cut off the sensations of the physical body, the bible says "give to Caesar (the physical) what is Caesars, and give to god (your attention to the higher in meditation/prayer) what is gods" But they don't get that, so they teach young people not to have sex, and it destroys them, physically and spiritually/mentally.

"God is not SUBJECT to the carnal (physical) nature, neither can he be" says the Bible.

That's because god is ONLY concerned with you from the neck up, and that's true.

Religion has destroyed the minds of so many with their corrupt teachings, it's no wonder that the whole world is stark mad.

Mass madness; that's religion, that's governments as well as the corporations that run everything. The spirit is in shambles, the Christ consciousness (the right hemisphere of the brain) is shutdown, on purpose by them, for control purposes. The 60's movement scared the heck out of the govt, they feared losing control of the masses, and went to great lengths to squelch that whole 60's revolution and free spirited movement.

The US Gov't killed John Lennon, because he was a huge threat in the way of keeping the sheeple under their control, Mark David Chapman was just a CIA patsy like Oswald. In the Bible Jesus was killed because he was a threat to both religion and the crown of authority in that mythology, but, do you see what the story of Jesus is trying to tell you, that they (the system/matrix) governments and religion are your enemy. They are on the outside, but the kingdom of god/good is only found on the INSIDE.

Real Revolution

Religion, government and the mob/corporations, they alone are the drug that kills. These drugs should be ILLEGAL

By Bill Donahue

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Like the Starship Enterprise;

(inner space), is the Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the star-ship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where few man and women has gone before. (WITHIN)

The REAL message of Jesus, that religion has missed at the 5 minute mark

"The Kingdom of God is inside/within you (and all about you), not in buildings/mansions of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and I am there, lift a stone and you will find me." Gospel of Thomas

The seven characters on the bridge represent your seven chakras, and the five years are the five senses.

It's called synchronicity

In meditation, the object is to overcome the five senses and open the seven chakras. The star-ship is your brain, the light that is within you is PHOTON.

The speed of light has been stopped cold as it was sent into a vat of molasses type material in Laboratories through out the world, proving that light can STOP, and sit on a park bench for awhile taking in the scenery.

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The terrible craze that was caused by the perversion of the ancient wisdom has sown the germs of insanity broadcast, and half-filled the world with pious lunatics for whom it offers no cure. Gerald Massey

°☆  ¸. * ● ¸❤ ❤ . ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★  .  * :. *.  ¸ ★ . . Wisdom * . ☾ °☆  ¸. * ● ¸ . Read  ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★ Learn °☆  ¸. * ● ¸ . Understand ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★ Knowledge is freedom 

It should never be forgotten that the power of the priest rests solely on the credence of the people. The people cry out for a savior, for certainty of heaven, for an exemption from the terrors of hell. Hence Priestcraft can neither do without hell nor purgatory. Take away both, or either, and its power is gone. M. F. Cusack (The Black Pope: A History of the Jesuits)

A religion which sedulously opposes its own improvement can do nothing essential toward improving anything else. On the contrary, it must check the growth of everything it touches with its palsied hands. Kersey Graves (The Bible of Bibles)

When the complete record of Christianity's misdeeds is finally and accurately written, this will stand out as its greatest crime against civilization. Its greatest crime has been, not the burning of men and women at the stake or the imprisonment of others in a Christian dungeon, but in the lower type of mind and character that it has encouraged, in the hypocrisy that it has made almost a second character. MT

Wisdom of OLD

"We are star stuff" and "a way for the cosmos to know itself."

All the atoms on earth and in our bodies came from supernova that blew up over 5 billion years ago.

Aren't we all just walking, talking stardust this cosmos become AWAKE and looking back at itself? and aren't we intimately connected to it all?

We are this wonder called life become AWAKE, enjoy the dance.

¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•  ♥

And ultimately there's nothing that separates us from others in this grand mystery (except RELIGION), so be kind. Carl Sagan

The True Nature Of Self

Aquarius, Plants, Terrance Mckenna, 2012

Religion and control over the earth.


The populace, stripped of all knowledge and spiritual power (ignorance/fear) fell victim to lies. “Hell” emerged on the scene. The word “Hell” was stolen from the Norse word “Hel” representing the Norse underworld. In truth, "Heaven" and "Hell" are code-words for the base and crown chakras.

All life is an interplay between the upper fire of spirit and the lower fires of sense and the flesh, the physical the intellectual and the emotional nature vs the rider on the white horse, the spiritual nature. This IS the BIBLE story, put another way it is the interplay between (upper) cosmic forces and (lower) earthly forces.

Through the centuries, the Christian godman has been made and remade. Egypt provided many of the themes and much of the detail. From the age of the Ptolemies, Alexandria was the ancient cooking pot of religious mythological fusion.

Here, Hellenized Judaism influenced the early Christians. But somewhere along the line, someone FORGOT that they were reading MYTHOLOGY, and because they took MYTHOLOGY for LITERALISM, their ship while sailing to the Great Lighthouse of truth and wisdom, became a ship of fools and sank off Egypt's Red Sea coast, in the Suez canal.


EXODUS Moses part 2


Tyre, you used to say: I am a ship." (Ez.27:1-3).

You are the SHIP in biblical MYTHOLOGY.

"The east wind (spirit) has shattered you, surrounded by the seas (emotions). Your riches, your goods, your cargo, your crew, your sailors, your caulkers, your commercial agents, all the soldiers you carry with you, the whole host who are aboard (all the thoughts that are in the LOWER/EGO mind); all will sink surrounded by the seas ( the turbulent, UN-calm emotional mind) on the day of your shipwreck." (Ez.27-26-27).

Ships on the HIGH seas, the turbulent UNCONSCIOUS hidden in BIBLICAL scripture, THIS IS YOUR/OUR PROBLEM

    Your body is the ship in the bible stories and other myths, and the cargo is the mind and the soul/light that you are in that meat suit you're wearing. May you find the lighthouse at the edge of the world. Sail EAST ( the right hemisphere of the brain ), and you will find it, steer 153 degrees at 8 knots, avoid the pirates ( negative thoughts ) that come from the Western and Northern waters ( the mind and the emotions, gog and magog ), they will seize your ship and steal your cargo ( your soul ) and keep it under lock and key. and then sell it to the traders ( egoic thoughts ) of the world ( the mind ). So keep her steady and battened down, there will be rough seas ahead ( more turbulent emotions/sin ).

We have to rise up ABOVE the stormy seas of the collective unconscious.

“When the still sea conspires an armor, and her sullen and aborted currents breed tiny monsters, true sailing is dead.” – Jim Morrison

The subconscious mind breeds monsters from the ID

ENTER The HiddenLighthouse

The Covenant with the DEVIL

Hey pooch and kitty, did you know that the Christian Bible is not LITERAL, but that it is all MYTHOLOGY?

Nah! we don't care because Jack Van Nincompoop and Pat Opossum head Robertson said we get to go to heaven anyway, we don't need to read holy books and go to church, you see we are natural and free, something you humans haven't worked out yet, now leave us alone and let us be natural, besides, you humans have things to do, like busying yourselves killing each other over non existent Holy Lands, religious dogma and political ideologies, and everything else that makes up the MATRIX.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull - R Bach.

An interesting side note about Jonathan. Jonathan was actually a warrior for God in the bible, and killed many Philistines.

Jonathan, the Philistine KILLER; Philistines actually represent the exact same group that Jonathan had to abandon in the movie "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" In the bible mythology, a Philistine represents the group mind, the lower minds of those in power, one's own ego, which is the matrix. It's called SYNCHRONICITY, or else Richard Bach chose Jonathan's name based upon the Biblical Jonathan.

During a battle with the Philistines, God "thundered with a great thunder" and confused them, allowing the Israelites to kill them with a great slaughter. - 1 Samuel 7:7-11

The Spirit of God comes upon Saul and he leads an army of 330,000 Israelites to kill an invading force of Ammonites. - 1 Samuel 11:8-11.  33 is the number of vertebrae in your spinal column

1 Samuel 14:1-45

"Saul's son, Jonathan snuck off into the camp of the enemy and God sent an earthquake to help save him when the Philistines caught him there. In the confusion, Jonathan escaped and brought the Israelite army back to attack the Philistines only to find that they were killing each other in their confusion".

YOU are JONATHAN, you just don't know it.

Saul a symbol of the carnal mind, through meditation produced Jonathan, a symbol of the higher mind quality devoid of EGO, Jonathan sneaking off the camp is a symbol of the mind abandoning lower quality thinking, the earthquakes are a symbol of the internal shaking down of the lower mind and all of the thoughts that proceed from this lower mind.

This internal shaking saved Jonathan (the higher divine principle of the mind), the mind that stays focused above is able to nullify the attacks from the lower mind, the Israelites are those that enter within and receive higher inspiration, when Jonathan returned (the higher mind) in control of all of the mental faculties, he finds that this lower mind (Philistines) is dissolving on it's own, the confusion of the lower happens when the higher mind and the ego are in alliance with one another, the five senses now come under the control of the higher mind instead of the lower ego, represented by the Philistines.

David Icke on overcoming the five sense limitations

Overcome the five SENSES you sheep.

NEVER READ THE BIBLE LITERALLY! It's a BIBLE, that means it's highly mystical, it's parables, symbols, hidden things, it is veiled to those that don't understand. If you want a HIS-STORY book, then go to the book store and get a his-story book, otherwise learn how to read the bible and it's Hidden Meanings. Read Literally! is the "Letter that KILLETH"

Free Yourself

'Hell' as an invention of the church

It's JUST a Ride

Heaven, Hell and Eternity are here and NOW. Joseph Campbell.

Like a prism that surrounds our globe, every culture has refracted the sun and stars to create the infinite hue of stories we have today.

Why do we need religions to tell us how bad we are when people are inherently good? Mind control.

Your faith and your experience are entirely dependent on the circumstances of your birth, i.e., what era and location you were born into.

If you had been born in India, chances are you would be here singing the praises of Krishna as the true revelation of Godhead. If you had been born in the Middle East, you would be attempting to convince me that Islam is the one true faith.

If you had been born in China, you might be regaling me with facts about Confucius, Lao Tzu, the great Tao or possibly Buddha. If you were born in the USA, you'd be trying to convince me, that some creator GOD had to kill his son to save us all from the devil and hell.

If you had been born in the ancient world, in Greece or Rome, we would be discussing the reality of Zeus or Jupiter.

Your "faith" is a result of conditioning, not of ultimate reality. It is not, therefore, something that others in the world will perceive in the same manner. And Marcus Ravage had it right:

Christianity was created by MEN in order to spread their TRIBAL god around the world in an act of aggression, hegemony and cultural dominance. That you are fervently conditioned by this propaganda should come as no surprise in consideration of the effort put into it.

°☆  ¸. * ● ¸❤ ❤ . ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★  .  * :. *.  ¸ ★ . . Wisdom * . ☾ °☆  ¸. * ● ¸ . Read  ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★ Learn °☆  ¸. * ● ¸ . Understand ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★ Knowledge is freedom 

Any "ultimate reality" would have no shape, form or color but would encompass all shapes, forms and colors. Hence, it could not be a Jewish man, or an Indian man, or an Arab man. Or a Japanese woman. Or a Cosmic Porcupine, or anything else the human mind has made up.

The "ultimate reality" would therefore be No Thing, which would paradoxically be a non-reality. A zero point field, now I think we are talking about the great Tao.

If the rest of the world were so enlightened, peace would finally be within our grasp. Alas, it may never be the case, as "religious" derangement continues to infect the human brain and cause its fervent believers to wantonly murder living, sentient human beings in order to protect "scriptures" better left for worms.

Funny how so many will not question what is taught them as children?

Blindly accepting hand me down lies then laughing at the truth.

Bound by fear conditioned by their parents and society.

Buddha however said;

Do not believe anything simply because you have been told.

Do not believe something simply because it's tradition. Jesus also said the same thing, he said he would REJECT you because of your TRADITION.

Or because it's taught by your leaders, religious teachers, or parents.

Analyze it. Judge both with your mind and your heart.

And if it is of benefit to all with harm to none then embrace it fully. Otherwise, throw it out.

Religion does NOT pass the test, so we must THROW it out, like the parasite infested smelly mackerel fish-head that it is.

That is wisdom.

Make a friend of the Unknown. The Unknown is the only place you will actually ever discover your True Self. -Bashar

When someone says, "Hi, how are you? How have you been?" say, "That's an irrelevant question!" Your friend then says, "What do you want me to ask?" "Ask where I am GOING! That's my VIBRATIONAL reality!"

ENTER The HiddenLighthouse

The matrix is not self-inflicted. It's learned and passed down by each generation, but deep down you all feel it. Something is missing, but you take the same road everyday. The movie begins with NEO SLEEPING in room 11 (opposition) box type room. Neo is looking for the truth, are you?

"I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it." Speech to Christians. Edith Stilwell

"Some Scientists claim that Hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say that there is way more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe". from page 239, The Real Frank Zappa Book (1989).

Doug McLeod I still say a church steeple with a lightning rod on top shows a lack of confidence.

You keep believing, I'll keep evolving.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs.

Gustaf Lindbor, The sailor does not pray for wind, he learns to sail.

"All natural institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit." The Age of Reason

"Of all the systems of religion that ever were invented, there is no more derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory to itself than this thing called Christianity." Age of Reason

"The pioneers and missionaries of religion have been the real cause of more trouble and war than all other classes of mankind." Ira D. Cardiff, What Great Men Think of Religion

"Why am I an atheist? I ask you: Why is anybody not an atheist? Everyone starts out being an atheist. No one is born with belief in anything. Infants are atheists until they are indoctrinated. I resent anyone pushing their religion on me.

Andy Rooney

"If you are a neighbor of a black smith long enough, sooner or later you'll get burnt by a spark of his fire."

"I have never seen the slightest scientific proof of the religious ideas of heaven and hell, of future life for individuals, or of a personal God."

"I do not believe that any type of religion should ever be introduced into the public schools of the United States."

"So far as religion of the day is concerned, it is a damned fake. Religion is all bunk."

Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear. Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826)

Don't miss OUR favorite quotes page.

Our Favorite Quotations

"His disciples said to Him, "Show us the place where You are, since it is necessary for us to seek it."

"He said to them, "Whoever has ears, let him hear. There is light (photon), within a man of light, and he (or "it") lights up the whole world. If he (or "it") does not shine, he (or "it") is darkness."

"These are the esoteric sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Judas Thomas the twin wrote down. And he said, "Whoever finds the inner meaning of these sayings shall not taste death."

The INNER meaning, NOT the OUTER Literal dead letter meaning, but the INNER spiritual meaning, that's what Jesus said. Yet no one pays attention. You know why? Because to follow the true teachings you have to abandon them (the group), the family tradition, and people are NOT willing to do that. The desire to be part of THEM is stronger than wanting to know the TRUTH.

 WHO should you follow? Andre?

One must learn "The Inner Meaning of These Sayings" And the entire Bible.

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do you believe in God?

Belief is ignorance. Belief is to ignore the facts, intentionally or ignorantly.

If one has to believe, that means he or she does not know , and if one does not know , that is ignorance.

Hence, belief is ignorance and religious beliefs without the facts is the highest degree of ignorance.

If you look in the middle of the words believe and belief you will see the word lie.

Religion exists at two Levels – the Exoteric and the Esoteric. To put it bluntly, the exoteric level is meant for the profane. The exoteric literal level of religious philosophy is pure idiocy.

To think that the fantastic Tales of demons and multi-headed monsters and miraculous events of every stripe, such as making the sun stand still, dividing the Red Sea, destroying the world by flood and all the other related nonsense is accepted without hesitation, on the basis of Faith, is astonishing. Nevertheless, it is so.

The Esoteric Level of religion is a Science that is mathematical, coherent, logical and provable. But this science of Truth is veiled by the masque of mythology. Some are repulsed by this masque and unfortunately turn away and denounce all concepts that support the possible existence of a Creator God Force.

The great majority accepts the myth at face value. But fortunately, there are some that choose the path of Investigation, of which you and I are a part.

A god of life

Subject: The dangers of quoting from the Bible, and reading it LITERALLY.

In her radio show, Dr Laura Schlesinger said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under any circumstance.

The following response is an open letter to Dr. Laura, penned by a US resident, which was posted on the Internet. It's funny, as well as informative:

Dear Dr. Laura:

Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination.

End of debate.

I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some other elements of God's Laws and how to follow them.

1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?

2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of Menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

5. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it?

6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination, Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? Are there 'degrees' of abomination?

7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle-room here?

8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?

9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot.

Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)

I know you have studied these things extensively and thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters, so I'm confident you can help.

Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.

Your adoring fan,

James M. Kauffman, Ed.D. Professor Emeritus, Dept. Of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education University of Virginia (It would be a damn shame if we couldn't own a Canadian :)

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Messed up bible stories

Of course it's all MYTHOLOGY

Noah's ark

Tower of babble

Adam and Eve

Sodom and Gomorrah

Get a clue folks, Religions are Man-made Cults! ALL of them!

wake up"Night of the living dead"

They NEVER change, they keep devolving, lets you and I keep evolving.

Quit being hypnotized by these scoundrels. They do NOT hold the keys to heaven, "YOU DO" They only have the keys to HELL, because they are HELL themselves. They are liars, bigots, hypocrites, Pedophiles, thieves, murderers, unconscious beasts, carbon 666 units and just plain dirty old men, stay away!!! They are Schizophrenic Psychopaths, like the God of the old testament. One day the world will look back and laugh at these Orangutans and Capuchin monkeys, parading as some kind of Godmen wearing fancy robes, funny hats and smoking voodoo purses. "let the LEAST among you be your teacher" God of the BIBLE. 

"And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven" "the kingdom of god is WITHIN you" So that's where heaven is, is is a state of mind, a state of consciousness, the FATHER is actually the fully opened or energized RIGHT hemisphere of your brain. 

Those buffoons above are all LEFT brain monkeys, parading around and fooling all of the other LEFT footed fools on this planet. Close these lunatics down once and for all, since their is no LITERAL hell, and the Catholic Church has publicly admitted it, then what are you afraid of.

WHO is to teach you? Very important, are you to learn from MEN, from Priests, from Pastors etc...

 King James Bible "But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him." Well there it is, let your INNER spirit teach you, INNER, the Kingdom is WITHIN you. And it is NO LIE says the scripture.

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Intuition is information direct from the source of all knowledge, vibrating the brain cells and nerve centers of the human organism the temple,or instrument, of the living God.

One must CAMP at the EAST side 

The great idea baffles wit/intellect; Language falters under it; It leaves the learned in the lurch, Nor art, nor power, nor toil can find The measure of the Eternal Mind, Nor hymn, nor prayer, nor church.  Emerson

 And until you empty yourself of what you think you know, you won't be able to learn.” Yogi

After you have read enough and understand that all of the ancients myths are a telling about receiving inspiration, wisdom, guidance intuition etc...from the act of going within one's self {meditation}, then close all your books, there's no need to read anymore. Just sit in darkness, be still

If you do this, you will be likened to the wise man/woman who finds the buried treasure hidden within his/her own self. The prodigal suns/sons and daughters returning to the fathers house {the higher mind/heaven, nirvana, the passover etc...}

Does the bible make reference to reading and reading scriptures til your head falls off?

 Ecc 12:12 And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books [there is] no end; and much study [is] a weariness of the flesh. 

Reading, reading, reading, if that's all you do, then you have failed, you must make "The word flesh" That requires the silence of meditation, taking no thought. All the reading does is make one weary, as the verse above says. 

Do you read the menu at the restaurant forever? No, after you read the menu then you order some food and eat it. Religious people are like those that read the menu, but never order any food, then they die of starvation.

 “To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.” -Lao Tzu

Psalm 62:5  For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. 

 Habakkuk 2:20  But the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him.”

Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” 

Lamentations 3:26 - [It is] good that [a man] should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD.

The above verses are referring to stilling of the mind, the internal chatter in meditation.

A person asks where are you god, why won't you answer my prayers? Gos said I have been talking to you since day one, but you cannot hear my voice because you won't shut-up. Be quiet already so you can hear me, I don't like yelling.You have to get out of the way!

It is the place of no two things striking together.

Adam Kokesh was put in jail for being against the NWO that has taken over America.

Listen at the 10 minute mark, Adam said he had an epiphany while in jail, listen how he had that epiphany.


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There is NO DEVIL except the activity of the left brain. Neither be ye called masters (the lower and higher mind): for one is your Master (the higher consciousness), even Christ. But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! "for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in".

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation’”

Jesus warned you and I about religion and pious fools, that appear to men to be godly, these church leaders act like dictators over the people strutting around like they are “Holier than Thou.” Jesus told the people that they were slimy vipers, and called them children of hell, which they are, all of them, TV evangelists etal, in the bible they are referred to as the scribes, pharisees, and Sadducees.


Jesus came against main line religion in the new testament, how about god in the old testament, did he come against religion, were talking now 4000 years ago, read the following and lets see what GOD said about it.


The Bible is very clear

  Jeremiah 2:8

The priests said not, where is the Lord. They that handle the law knew me not. The pastors transgressed against me. The prophets prophesied by Baal.



Jeremiah 5:13 The prophets shall become wind. The word is not in them.



Jeremiah 12:10 Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard. They have trodden my pleasant part under foot. They have made it desolate. No man lays it to heart. They don't believe Jesus, they don't take what he said to heart, instead they follow religion, the mob.






  Does that mean today's pastors?

Do they send people into meditation ?

Or do they warn that its occult.

Stay away leave it desolate.


  How do I know that the vineyard of God spoken of in the Bible is the right hemisphere of the brain.

Psalm 80:15

The vineyard your right hand has planted.

 The garden, paradise. Eden where was it planted.

Genesis 2:8  God planted a garden eastward in Eden.

When you look North East is on the right side

The right side is unknown to pastors.

It is desolate because they do not know the symbols.

Instead they know their groups rules.

 Jeremiah 23:2  “Therefore says the Lord God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; you have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings.” You pastors have scattered my flock. How true.


Not only scattered from one another, but hating, and bombing, and killing one another. You have driven them away. Away from what. Away from the Garden of Eden. The right hemisphere of the brain mind that is Gods and according to the pastors, off limits to the flock. I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, and that certainly has begun.


 The pastors are inside of you because their teachings, their thoughts, their beliefs, their traditions are inside of you. Those beliefs and teachings and traditions have separated you from God.  The right hemisphere of the brain is the Garden of Eden. It is Gods pleasant portion within, where all people should be going, but very few go there because pastors have warned them about meditation.

Why have they warned about meditation that separates us from thought, because separating from thought separates you from them? Gods pleasant portion, the Garden of Eden which is the right hemisphere of the brain has become a wasteland because pastors have kept people away.


So we see that both God and his Son Jesus/Jehoshua warned all of us about religious teachers, there is no room for argument here. You have a choice, you can follow them and fall off the cliff with them, or you can follow Jesus and do what HE said do, not what they say. You can either be a part of religion or you can seek the INNER kingdom as Jesus and God instructs us to do.

By Bill Donahue of Hiddenmeanings

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Again Jesus said concerning those pious fools.

He said they don't go IN THEMSELVES (meditate), and therefore SHUT UP the KINGDOM of GOD, where is God's Kingdom? It is WITHIN you, what is more clear?  Matt 23:13 
"But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer {teach} ye them that are entering to go in".

Be still, means to still the mind, this is purely Buddic, when you shut down the mind, you move beyond mind, then god will destroy the enemy, who is the enemy? psalms " Your enemies are those of your own house " Your house is your mind and your consciousness, the enemies are your thoughts. The bible is asking you to raise yourself above the thoughts of the mind, "take no thought" as Jesus instructed in Matthew FIVE times.

The Bible hides it's true meaning from the profane and ignorant, this is by design, to send off course those that don't have understanding, those that are content and secure with their little Christian groups.

  The Bible makes a mockery of these types, sends away the reductionist to hide in his cave, the Richard Dawkins types will never understand the beautiful mystical language contained in the Bible.

In fact every story in the Old Testament is a Meditation, and that's no lie, the kabalists and many Indians in India, know this fact well. " Be still and know that I am god" means just that, to STILL the MIND, be formless, take no thought. 


Jesus said what I say to all (WATCH)

This is what we are saying, David at the 16 min mark


 Who are the watchers from the book of Enoch and the Bible

It means that you WATCH Your thoughts in meditation

What is constant is the mind-ground where thoughts come and go and come and go, and the awareness that is seeing this, these are the watchers.

The secret is this "The mind is NOT capable of obeying the laws of god ( nature ) " That's why you have to move beyond mind, that's why meditation is so important, it's the only way to get the mind out of the way and become formless as the bible and other ancient texts are telling us to do. The mind is the ENEMY. " god is not subject to your carnal mind, neither can he be" says the scripture.


Read the next paragraph  carefully and then re-read it til you understand it.

Only by becoming formless, can Christ be formed in you. Gal 4:19 "My little children, of whom I travail in birth again, until Christ be formed in you" Buddha, Krishna etc...You cannot be formless while the mind is busy churning out thoughts, thoughts are forms, forms is mind stuff. "God is NOT subject to your mind neither can he be" Where there is NO mind, there is good/god/all possibilities, Zen meditation qualifies as gods command to BE STILL. What Christian knows this fact? NONE!!!!!!!

Where is Christ? he must be formed in you! Inside of YOUR flesh.

 John 14:20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.

 2 John 7 says, For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. This means your flesh, not that Jesus came back as a fleshy being, but that Jesus is in YOU, in your flesh. If you haven't been taught this, you have been deceived by them, and it says they are the ANTI-christ.

Gen 1:3 And the earth {mind} was without form {the formless mind}, and void {of any thought}; and darkness was upon the face of the deep {that's darkroom meditation, deep means meditation}. And the Spirit of God {the ELectromagnetism/kundalini} moved upon the face of the waters {the waters are a symbol of the emotions, {face is a symbol of consciousness}.  

3 And God said, “Let there be light {enlightenment},” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness {the lower mind from the higher mind}. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening,{truth and wisdom received before enlightenment comes}, and there was morning—the first day. 

{Morning, The first day is the renewed mind, one that has prevailed in meditation} "Don't be a minister of the letter {literal}, OK then DON'T look at this literally, because the letter kills {the understanding}


“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend” ~ Bruce Lee

 “When there is freedom from mechanical conditioning, there is simplicity. The classical man is just a bundle of routine, ideas and tradition. If you follow the classical pattern, you are understanding the routine, the tradition, the shadow - you are not understanding yourself.” - Bruce Lee

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PAT/MOS, the first part PAT, means to stay put, to be still. MOS means,

"way of the elders,"To be still was the way of the ELDERS, those that understood the ancient paths.

 Mos maiorum, literally translated as the “custom of the ancestors,”


In the Isle called Pat/mos; this island is "situated in the medial wall of the lateral fissure of the cerebrum, between the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes", also called the North Pole of the body; what John saw when he looked back was a vision of the 'regenerated man', the imperishable, the kingdom of God. "Thou anointest my head with oil." "The wise man rules his stars" "What is the human body but a constellation of the same powers that formed the stars in the sky?" He looked back, because the chakras are on the BACKSIDE.

in - the Isle called Patmos; this island is "situated in the medial wall of the lateral fissure of the cerebrum, between the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes", also called the North Pole of the body; what John saw when he looked back was a vision of the 'regenerated man', the imperishable, the kingdom of God. ... "Thou anointest my head with oil." "The wise man rules his stars" "What is the human body but a constellation of the same powers that formed the stars in the sky?"AS ABOVE SO BELOW

The fellow below is a Christian, why? Because he does exactly what the Jesus and bible says to do. Meditation itself is what Jesus was referring to when he said to sell your garments and buy a sword, or "And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords."

 And he said unto them, It is enough." Swords are symbols of spiritual power or the higher consciousness from above, that cuts asunder your thoughts as they enter into your mind in meditation. As the Quran would say " You are to strike off the heads of the Infidel {your own lower mind thoughts}. 

 The infidel is the lower mind/satan, it's the mind that is busy churning up harmful things, negative thoughts, we are to symbolically strike the head off of this type of thinking, making a great slaughter of these lower

"And they stood still { meditated } while god slew their enemies { thought }." Yes, that's your bible story { it's meditation }. II Chronicles 20:17. "Stand Still And See The Salvation Of The Lord." ☸ 

 Collapse the photon

Stand still at the 38 minute mark 

From the Quran; Medina.  In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. When ye encounter the infidels,3 strike off their heads till ye have made a great slaughter among them, and of the rest make fast the fetters. It's talking about your thoughts, just like the bible, but no one gets it, so those iron heads take their holy book LITERALLY, just as Christians do, and the wars and killing never ends. The misreading of these Myths has nearly destroyed us all. Reading to the "The Letter {literal} Kills."

Surah Yasin 9. And We have put a barrier before them, and a barrier behind them, and We have covered them up, so that they cannot see.

 Did you read that from the Quran, it says that the truth is covered up, they cannot see, just like the Bible. Why does everybody who reads these holy books, miss the KEY statements? it's covered up, it's veiled, it's hidden, it's symbolic etc....or the SUN melted in one Bible verse.

“We lay veils upon their hearts lest they understand

it”Qur’an (17:46)

Who in all of the middle EAST has read and understood the above verse? Obviously none except the Sufi.
The above verse means you never read ancient spiritual books LITERALLY, because that's the LETTER that KILLS!!!
To ALL Muslims and Christians, STOP at once reading your HOLY books Literally, lest we all die from your LITERAL reading, because that KILLS ( LITERALLY ) It is veiled for Christs sake and Buddhas sake and Mohamed's sake. Get a CLUE already!

Aladdins lamp, the SEVEN voyages of SIN-BAD Mystical tales

Food for thought; 1 in 25 Americans is a sociopath who has no conscience. These are people who could cut your throat from ear to ear because they don’t like your haircut and then go out for dinner and dancing before drifting off to a good night’s sleep.

Why aren't these mass murderers worshiped like the God of the Old testament, the biggest mass murderer in history. God killed an estimated 25 million people according to one source, maybe not quite as many as Stalin or Mao and a few others, but close enough.
25 million.
25 million.

Complete list of Gods murders 

EVIL BIBLE list of gods murdering commands 

Gods murders 

 (Deuteronomy 2:33-34)"And the Lord our God delivered him over to us; and we defeated him with his sons and all his people. So we captured all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, women and children of every city. We left no survivor."

 Isaiah 13:15-18 Anyone who is captured will be run through with a sword.  Their little children will be dashed to death right before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked and their wives raped by the attacking hordes. The attacking armies will shoot down the young people with arrows. They will have no mercy on helpless babies and will show no compassion for the children ( thoughts that proceed from emotional thinking ). 

You really thought that all of the murder and wholesale slaughter of human beings in that O.T. book was really talking about the killing of real live human beings, that's because you have gone into churches your whole life and have been totally mislead as how to read your bible, your ancient book of mythology. 

Read G.A. Gaskells dictionary of scripture and myth, and get some understanding. You also MUST get a book or view web pages with the meaning of biblical names, such as the ones below.

  There are about 2,624 proper names in the bible, and someone remembered all those names when they wrote the bible? NO! each name has a meaning that relates to a persons spiritual growth on the chart of evolution or ones consciousness, either lower, middle or higher or aspiring, or falling etc...NONE of those people ever existed LITERALLY!!! When you read the OT, you are reading the greatest longest story about the human mind that has ever been written, totally hidden by allegory and parables.

Hickoks bible names and meanings 

Meaning of names in the bible

 Biblical names

 more biblical names

 biblical names

List of names and their meaning 

biblical names 

Who, in their right mind would have anything to do with a Literal god that would have no mercy on HELPLESS babies, that would be one sick god. Children will be dashed to death right before their eyes.

People in the bible myth are your thoughts, children are the misguided offspring of lower mind thinking, thoughts that arise from the ego, from the lower mind, these thoughts must be killed out, or one cannot ever hope to reach Christ-hood. They are slaughtered and dashed to death in Meditation.

Take just two verses from the book of Job, and see how difficult it is to get to the true spiritual meaning.

What is the meaning of spirit, it means your thoughts, they cannot be smelled, weighed, measured nor seen.

Job 30:6  To dwell in the clifts of the valleys, in caves of the earth, and in the rocks.These are symbols of the thoughts of the mind that hide in every crevice and cave of your mind, valleys are lower levels of consciousness

Job 39:10  Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee?

The higher aspect of mind calls out and asks can this UNICORN, the lower mind that has so much power over out thoughts, horns are symbols of power, the unicorn in this instance is the singularity of the ego centered mind and its grip over your thoughts, cant we bind this lower aspect of our own minds, band is a symbol of the strength this ego has over you, furrow, is the place this lower mind keeps planting seeds of lower thoughts, or will this mind harrow an instrument with spikes and teeth, a symbol of the higher mind fighting against ones own ego consciousness. Will this mind take after the lower levels of consciousness, valleys. All symbols of the the higher calling out to the lower, to raise itself up. Meditation, taking no thought binds this lower aspect of mind.

 Psalms 144:1 Blessed be Jehovah my rock, Who teacheth my hands to war, And my fingers to fight: The rock is the pineal gland of the brain that is activated in darkroom meditation, hands the directing principle of mind, and fingers are the grasping power of this higher mind that has over your emotions, higher conscious mind fights against the lower mind, the mind that sometimes is stressed, stress is the feeling created when you want to cut someone to pieces with a tomahawk but can't.

Exodus 15:4 The LORD is a man of war; the LORD is his name. The war internal.

Do you see now what you are dealing with when you read the Bible? it's ALL about the mind. 

Mark Passio explains 

Mark Passio mind control 

From Adam all the way to Noah! Now this is where it gets good.

Is the below just a genealogy filled with interesting names? Or is it something more? 

Adam – Man
Seth – Appointed
Enosh – Mortal
Kenan – Sorrow
Mahalalel – The blessed God
Jared – Shall come down
Enoch – Teaching
Methuselah – His death shall bring
Lamech – Despairing
Noah – Comfort and rest

 Now that we’ve found the root meanings of each name, let’s put them all in order:

Put those meanings into a complete sentence and you get: Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow, (but) the blessed God shall come down teaching. His death shall bring (the) despairing comfort and rest.

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The constellation ORION the hunter with his club in his right hand is a symbol of the biblical God hunting down and killing out your lower ego thoughts, but who knew that, did those church buffoons teach you this? NO!!
The God of the Bible and the Quran, and the Greek myths, never ordered nor killed any real live person, because these things only happen in the myths. But when you read these myths literally, it will activate your lower animal nature, and you will rally for war, every time the war bell rings. 

The God or gods will then take on any nationality that the war involves, God sure has many faces, but they are all painted by man, in the darkness and recesses of his own lower mind. God is a Fabrication of the UN-conscious "bicameral mind". Anyone that reads ancient MYTHS Literally, are UN-conscious beasts.
Fully awakened conscious human beings CANNOT kill others, cannot kill animals, cannot kill even small insects, except in the FIGHT or FLIGHT syndrome, when one is in imminent danger for their life or the lives of loved ones, one can kill another under this pretense, this is GOD ordained. yet one who has the mind of satan ( immersed in egoic thinking ), then the world becomes hell instead of the paradise it was meant to be.


The Bible is filled with this kind of language from God, Kill everything that breathes, as the command goes. " But he loves you." Yes, because every single verse in the entire bible where God is ordering the wholesale slaughter men, women and children is really talking about killing all of the negative thoughts, which are the offspring of the EGO centered consciousness has to be killed. 

When you are in meditation, GOD is busy hunting down these thoughts and slaughtering them, Joshua and Moses are symbols of the higher aspect of the mind, that assist in killing out the lower emotions and the thoughts that proceed from this very harmful destructive thinking. 

The young virgins are always kept alive, because they represent the thoughts that have not come from the lower, but are higher quality, thoughts that create harmony, uplifting to others etc...
Below is a page where god commands the killing in the Old Testament, these are just a few of Gods killing orders, have a look at it, and see if you can figure it out. The key is, that the killings are always about the EGO and the lower mind thoughts. " Don't be a MINISTER of the LETTER { Literal }, for the letter { literal } Kills". " Which things are an allegory" " Oh doesn't he the lord speak in PARABLES?" Yes he does, now I finally get it!!!!!!!!!!!!! And so should you!!!

Also read this post to see what I mean about the bible and why you cannot read myth LITERALLY!

Zech 9:8-10 I will camp around My house {The human brain}. Because of the army {thoughts}, Because of him who passes by and him who returns {referring to thoughts that arise from egoic thinking}. No more shall an oppressor pass through them, For now I have seen with My eyes. 
Ú¿Ú°ۣ☸¸.•*´¨ Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ·•●♥❤ 

1. [KJV Matthew 26:64 Jesus said to him, Hereafter shall you see the Son of man {the higher mind} sitting on the right hand (right hemisphere of the brain) of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven {the higher consciousness} 

2. [KJV 1 Kings 6:8 The door for the middle chamber (pineal gland) was in the right side of the house (right hemisphere of the brain): and they went up with winding stairs ( the kundalini energy moving up the spine ) into the middle chamber, and out of the middle into the third {the third ventricle }.

3. [KJV Ecclesiastes 10:2 A wise man's heart is at his right hand (right side); but a fool's heart at his left. {the left hemisphere of the brain}.

4. [And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel (Pineal Gland): for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved {no more reincarnation}.

5. [ Matthew 6:22. The light of the body is the eye: if therefore your eye be single, your whole body shall be full of light {the pineal gland, the single eye} 

6. [Luke 11:52 You take away the key of knowledge when you do not enter within yourself {meditation}

7. [Matthew28:18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All power is given to me in heaven and in earth {the higher mind and the lower mind}

8. [Luke 17:20, The Kingdom comes {not with observation  you can't see it, because it's invisible}. The kingdom of God {is within you}.

This basically hits the nail on the head: When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. - Jimmy Hendrix.

We have the money, the power, the medical understanding, the scientific know-how, the love and the community to produce a kind of human paradise. 

But we are led by the least among us - the least intelligent, the least noble, the least visionary. 

 We are led by the least among us and we do not fight back against the dehumanizing values that are handed down as control icons.

-Terence McKenna
Culture is not your friend. Culture is for other people's convenience and the convenience of various institutions, churches, companies, tax collection schemes, what have you. It is not your friend. It insults you. It dis-empowers you. It uses and abuses you. None of us are well treated by culture. 

-Terence McKenna


The Problem


That sets up the intelligent universe to understand that the speed of the evolutionary cycle of creation has far outsped the speed of the evolutionary cycle of wisdom and spirituality.

In other words the inmates are running the asylum.

watch at the 2 minute mark 

You can help to change that

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Who were the Sadducees and the Pharisees, in the bible story? They really represent the physical and intellectual mind as opposed to the spiritual. Then the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and testing Jesus asked that he would show them a sign from heaven. 

He answered and said to them, 'When it is evening you say, "It will be fair weather, for the sky is red"; and in the morning, "It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening."

Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.' 

And he left them and departed. Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days, Christ was in the tomb three days, the sun is in the winter solstice three days, it's the number three that is being talked about. The fish is a symbol of truth and wisdom, to be swallowed up in truth and wisdom in darkroom meditation.

Now when his disciples had come to the other side, they had forgotten to take bread. Then Jesus said to them, 'Take heed and beware of the leaven (puffed up pride and lower mind thoughts) of the Pharisees and the Sadducees (the religious ones).

"They take good for evil and evil for good"

To "bury the hatchet", or "chew the rag", or "hit the road",or "push the envelope", or "kick the bucket", or "go on the wagon", or "burn your bridges", or "bite the dust", or "carry your cross", or "drag your feet", or "dig in your heels", are figures-of-speech not meant to be taken literally; but semantically. Was the Apostle Paul really shipwrecked, 2Cor11:25, he used the term figuratively to describe those folks who concerning scripture "have made shipwreck" From reading the bible LITERALLY! 1Tim1:19.

"hope your name isn't Esau ! cause then your name would be MUD"

"The first ( Esau the Physical ) shall be last and the last ( Jacob, the spiritual) shall be first".

The EVIL Catholic Church

Catholicism VS The Bible

This is the problem with the world.

Pharisees and the Sadducees, slimy vipers, children of hell, who have spread their garments far and wide, who have made converts twice the child of hell as they are.

We might be (sic) stoopid, but we are stoopid rich, we got aeroplanes, fancy cars, yachts, mansions, diamond rings, Rolex watches, beach front vacation homes, and all because you stoopids sent us your hard earned money, we sure preshade it though, just remember Jesus loves you and died for the sins of us who stole your money.




Instead of being born again, why don't you buffoons just grow up?  I don't consider you all vultures. I consider you something vultures would eat.  Shining examples of self-deluded quasi-intellectuals with a cranial anal displacement complex.


False doctrines of religion, right from your bible, we are warned to stay away from these TubalCains ( iron heads ).


Eph 4:14 That we from now on be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, by which they lie in wait to deceive.

Above are patients on WARD 9 of the lunatic asylum of the Earth. They are under the illusion that they are the one's with answers, yet unknown to them, they're the patients on ward 9. SEE "The NINTH configuration, with Stacey Keach" who is a patient in a mental hospital, but thinks he's the Head Psychiatrist.  

They have been overcome by Gog and Magog, these represent the Northern Barbarians, in fact in biblical mysticism they are the lower carnal mind and emotions, the enemy of the higher consciousness (God).

Stacey is a symbol of ALL those who preach the Bible in it's LITERAL destructive form, they are all patients on this lunatic asylum we call the Earth.


Watch at the 5:40 mark, the patent thought he was the head psychiatrist, that's just like the religious nutters of the world

The revenge SCENE

Get to your phones now, I feel the anointing coming over this place, get to those phones! Praise the lord; hallelujah.

Circus animals. TV evangelist Kenneth (sic) Dopeland speaking in tongues, this is very disturbing to watch. Board a rocket ship to Pluto already, you idiot, and quit breathing my air. 

What a circus, but I guess the show must go on, there's plenty of left brain clay footed fools out there that eat it up, and pay good brass to see circus animals and clowns at their best. Go extinct already!!!

Evil does not run around in a red devil suit with horns
. Evil runs around as fundamentalists of every stripe, Christian, Jew, Muslim or Hindu.

Stop at once, sending these shysters your hard earned money, you are NOT planting money seeds in gods kingdom, money is a symbol of the lower mind in the mythology. Seeds are a symbol of things received in meditation, you are planting seeds (gods word) when you are taking no thought in meditation.

Above are perfect examples of what happens when you cross a baboon with garlic. You get a circus animal that can mimic human behavior, quite badly I might add, yet no one can stand to get close to it. It's a stench in the nostrils of enlightened, sentient, cultured human beings everywhere. 

“In seeking to avoid evil, man is responsible for bringing more evil into the world than organisms could ever do merely by exercising their digestive tracts. It is man’s ingenuity, rather than his animal nature, that has given his fellow creatures such a bitter earthly fate. 

 This is the main argument of my book, and in the following chapters I want to try to show exactly how this comes about, how man’s impossible hopes and desires have heaped evil in the world.”

Ernest Becker, Escape from Evil; Introduction; The Human Condition: Between Appetite and Ingenuity – page 5. 


You Should Never Have a Religion

Read carefully the following

Jesus said, "Take heed of the living one while you are alive, lest you die and seek to see him and be unable to do so."

Jesus said to the people that worshiped him according to the teaching, the precepts and principles of men, “I never knew you; depart from me.”

Scotty! Aye Captain, energizing transporter now.

This blog has the capacity to free the thinking of people from the fossilized limitations of the pseudo-scientific and secularized counterfeit religious doctrines and authorities that shackle mankind in the abyss of ignorance.

Counterfeit teachers and pseudo-secular authorities have destroyed more innocent lives, than all the wars and conflicts throughout man's history, and have made war on and murdered more innocent men women and children, than George Bush who they proclaim to be a murderer.

There isn't any GOD in the entire UNIVERSE that gets turned on by a bunch of petty human beings, that bow to and kiss stone walls, WAKE UP! World, this is the problem, they seek outwardly, instead of INWARDLY. 

The entire Old testament, especially the first five books, have been completely corrupted by the lower minds of those false Jews that interpreted the Torah into the Talmud, that's what it is, it's MUD. They have taken MYTHOLOGY and turned into a SICK literal teaching, and in doing so, have created nothing but death and destruction and enemies forever.

SATANIC TALMUD, pay attention at the 2 min and 56 second mark, that's the TRUTH. Jesus is calling out these blind guides because they don't go WITHIN (meditate), and they don't suffer (teach) others to go IN. "The kingdom of god is WITHIN YOU" says the bible. Oh yes, Jesus is saying MEDITATION, make no mistake about it. "Why do you call me lord, lord, and do NOT what I say", you see the problem? He said to go WITHIN and practice the single eye, and you don't do it, you go to a false church instead.


This is the kind of MUD/JUNK you get, when you read ancient MYTHOLOGY literally, God save us ALL. The Jews better get a handle on this stuff, and start realizing that are have been reading MYTHOLOGY for 4 thousand years, and they'd better figure it out fast, before there's no one left to even read it, since we might all be reduced to ash. The Zohar is the KEY.

No Jew Has Ever Read The Torah

The Torah is Spiritual, and cannot be seen by the believers of a natural (carnal) mind. The wisest of Jewish Sages have all stated that a person who is defined as a Jew of the flesh, is incapable of seeing the True Torah of The Most High. 

 The Torah/Law is Spiritual, and its Sacred Oracles cannot be seen by the believers and people of a natural (carnal) mind.  The wisest of Jewish Sages have all stated that a person who is defined as a Jew of the flesh, as well as Christians and other groups, are all spiritually blind and incapable of seeing the True Torah of The Most High  as seen in the words:  

"Thus the tales related in the Torah are simply her outer garments, and woe to the man who regards that outer garb as the Torah itself, for such a man will be deprived of portion in the next world. 

What Is The Zohar?

The Zohar is a collection of commentaries on the Torah, intended to guide people who have already achieved high spiritual degrees to the root (origin) of their souls.

The Zohar contains all the spiritual states that people experience as their souls evolve. At the end of the process, the souls achieve what Kabbalah refers to as “the end of correction,” the highest level of spiritual wholeness.

The Zohar means discovering your inner world and your unlimited potential. Zohar. Sounds like JONATHAN!

Read this, straight from the Zohar, the Jewish book of light and mystery. Quote " Why would Yeshua reveal the "secrets" of the "kingdom of heaven" through parables and dark sayings? Dark sayings, the Zohar just said that these things are Dark Sayings, Dark sayings is MYTHOLOGY, and never read LITERALLY, and the Zohar instructs you NEVER to read any of it Literally.

Because the word of G-d is not for the world. It was intended for the children of light. "It is appointed for you to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven." There you have it right from the Zohar, the Bible is NOT written for the common man/woman, it is written for them that are ready to receive higher spiritual truths.

Truths are hidden behind misconceptions. That is the only way a truth can be concealed. It is written, "YHWH dwells in thick darkness". Zohar

By penetrating the literal surface of the Torah, the mystical commentators transform the biblical narrative into a biography of God. The entire Torah is read as one continuous divine name, expressing divine the Divine light. The eternal truth—that the Divine Seed of Light that was sourced into us by God at the beginning of our life is the true Christos (higher self), he who dwelleth in the shadows, the valley of the shadow of death. Zohar

The bible is written in code- ZOHAR 

Bibles Secret meaning 

"The valley of the shadow of death." The ego centered consciousness or lower mind. Psalm 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, (living in EGO consciousness) I will fear no evil (lower conditioned thoughts): for thou (the higher mind) art with me; thy rod (spine) and thy staff (energized with kundalini) they comfort me.

Lekh lekha, Go to yourself! Search deep within to discover your true self. Zohar

Well, that sounds like a code verse for MEDITATION to me, right from the mystical Zohar which is the KEY to the Torah. Do you see now?

From the Emerald Tablet; "See your own soul as it grows in the light, free now forever from the Lord of the night. Forward he led me through many great spaces filled with the mysteries of the Children of Light; mysteries that man may never yet know of until he, too, is a Sun of the Light". "The light in the Tablet will speak to those souls that are ready, and not until then."

This is THE BIBLE story, it's a book written about the indwelling light, which is a fragmented particle or quanta of the whole, it is a PHOTON that is animating you in the dark regions below (it is Egypt, Babylon, Sodom to name a few). Notice it says the tablet will speak when one is ready to listen, this is exactly the Bible, one will begin to understand the nature of allegory when the spirit of the person is READY, and NOT until then.


Catholic, Egotistical maniac, O'really? yes!!

Mormon convert, joining Latter-day Saints in 1999

And we LISTEN to these people? WOW!! No wonder the USA in such a mess, shutdown these bozo's, and GO WITHIN!! Because that's the ONLY place your gonna find any real truth. These people represent the group (mass consciousness) that Jonathan had to turn his back on, before he realized his own selfhood.

These pork eating Clay Footed, "Shipwrecked" buffoons are like; A FLY IN THE OINTMENT; This old saying comes from the Bible. In Ecclesiastes 10:1 the writer says that dead flies (TV evangelists, and journalists) give perfume (the written words of the bible, and the real news) a bad smell (in old versions of the Bible the word for perfume is translated 'ointment').

Someone needs to silence these Philistine, Blatherskite, Borax peddlers.


ABOVE are a whole slew of Philistines, YES! really, see definition below. And if you don't believe me, just ask Jim Carrey what he thinks.

Yeah DUDE! Those are definitely Philistines, they make me ILL.

They are totally clueless, they are on channel NINE. When I worked for network in the film Bruce Almighty, what channel did I work for, yeah RIGHT dude! Channel SEVEN, and listen to the dialogue, I worked there for SEVEN years. Ha ha!!!!!!! Did you notice all the SEVENS in my movie, if not watch it again, you will be amazed, I know what time it is man, it's time to get away from the Philistines above my head, and stay tuned to channel SEVEN, like god told me to do in the movie and the bible.

 Chanel 7 are your 7 chakras, Gods radio station, you can't hear it as long as you are listening to them { the Philistines/ your thoughts }, you've got IT go to the 7th floor at 7AM.  The number of his apartment is 304 or 7 if you add the numbers up. 

Jim headed up to seventh floor. Jim really is a daily meditator according to his own words, and he says he gets up at 7AM to do it. { I set my alarm for 7am hoping that will give me a good 1/2 hour to practice before work. But I don't roll out of bed till 8:45, and barely have time to get dressed before running out the door. 

I resolve once again to "catch up" on my meditation tonight.} He said his goal is to stop the internal chatter and reach a state on NO mind/stillness. I wonder if he even knows that that's what the Bible is telling one to do.What does Jim have to say about meditation?
Click to find out,IT'S GOOD!!! He says.
The SEVENTH floor

What time did I have to be at the OMNI presence warehouse to see god on my first visit, yeah right 7AM sharp, and what floor was god on, you got it, the 7th floor. The sign downstairs says everything is on the 7th floor. And God tells him to be back to help him with the cleaning on 7th at 7 o'clock.

PHILISTINES, the lot of em. Definition of PHILISTINE: Websters; a person who is guided by materialism and is usually disdainful of intellectual or artistic values: one uninformed in a special area of knowledge. 

Well that's them, they are UNINFORMED in the special area of knowledge called Biblical MYTHOLOGY. They are PHILISTINES, the same Philistines that brought the demise of Sampson in the bible story, Delilah represents the lower mind that seduced Sampson and cut the power off to his seven seals of chakras, she, the lower mind cuts Sampsons' seven locks of hair. Full meaning on page 2.

Goliath was the champion of the Philistines. He was a man who was 9 feet tall! Goliath's coat weighed 150 pounds, he wore brass on his legs for protection and had a spear with a tip that weighed 20 pounds. Only a very strong man could fight with such heavy armour and weaponry. NINE is the physical, it is the EGO, so also is SIX 1+5=6, and then 2 is the divided mind.

Goliath, the EGO is slain by DAVID, the HIGHER MIND in meditation, David hit Goliath in the Middle if the forehead, that means one's own consciousness, where the pineal gland is located, the BEAST, ANIMAL consciousness that must be killed out, you are David, and it is YOUR lower mind that you have to kill out, by overcoming the five senses, symbolized by the choosing of the five smooth stones, cutting the head of Goliath, is the cutting the head off of your own ego, just as John was imprisoned { the mind under the control of the ego } and beheaded { freed }. 

Buffoons who take these things LITERALLY, are going to sea without compass and rudder, and they will not find the lighthouse, they will perish at sea, they are unskilled Sailors. The battle with the Philistines takes place in "the valley of Elah" a low place, "the lower mind" at the first three chakras of the body. It was the Philistines who took the ark of God, now where is the ark? and who is a Philistine? One is ABOVE and one is BELOW!!

We can't leave out Jack Van nincompoop

The Head PHILISTINE, and Chief Commander of the Canaanite forces, a real HAM-ITE.

Jack; When you die, I'd like to go to your funeral but I'll probably have to go to work that day. I believe in business before pleasure.


Revelation 13:1: NKJ 1. Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name.  

That's you Jack, you are the beast with ten horns and seven heads. And that goes for your contemporary, Hal lying Lindsey, you're both the Beast with ten horns and seven heads, for teaching spiritual books LITERALLY! You are BOTH yet carnally minded as PAUL said, do you want some cookies to go with that milk you've been drinking, is that Fore milk, goats milk or Hind milk or is it skim milk 2%, the number of brain cells and synapses active in your 1/2" brain.

Hal Lying Lyndsey's Late Great Planet Earth Fiasco

Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon. He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men (Revelation 13:11-13).

Again, the Revelation is describing you Jack and your lying partner in crime, Hal lying Lindsey. Both of you have made millions peddling your tripe. Tripe sells well in the market place though, especially in THIRD world countries (the first THREE chakras of consciousness), it's called Egypt, where the carnal mind dwells).

It is ONLY the carnal mind that reads ancient scriptures LITERALLY as opposed to SPIRITUALLY!

Shut up Already!!! We CANNOT hear your Jack, aaah! the silence.

Claim to Fame: Apocalyptic televangelist and self-styled “Walking Bible,” head of the Jack Van Impe Ministries World Outreach Center in Rochester Hills, Michigan 


“BEWARE OF JACK VAN IMPE,” writes David W. Cloud. “He is a deeply deluded brainwashed and very dangerous man.”

Y2K came and went without a single Antichrist dropping out of a rip in the sky, but Jack and T-Rexela weren't completely wrong to spend an hour and a half making us panic; a cash register in Singapore did slightly malfunction for a few minutes. Thanks for the laughs though Jack.

LOOK at THIS Jack, yeah, it says not to take these things to the LETTER, they are all SYMBOLIC, you have wasted your entire life on LITERAL nonsense Jack, such a pity. The gates of hell are open wide for you though, can't miss it, turn left at ROUTE 9, at the crossroads, there you will meet a dude covered with blasphemous names just like you, and with ten horns and seven heads, he'll show you the way to ward 9, make sure you check yourself in permanently.

Jack, since you have been teaching the bible LITERALLY instead of spiritually, the following is what the lord is going to do to you.

This for you and all of your ilk Jack; Jer 23:31 "I'm against the prophets who speak their own thoughts and say that they speak for me"

"The LORD shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish." Is it LITERAL Jack, or is it MYTHOLOGY?, You better hope that it's MYTHOLOGY Jack.

I will explain to you the mystery It's a MYSTERY Jack, NOT LITERAL, Oh well! Just turn left at ROUTE 9 Jack, oh! And don't forget to take Rexela and that deep voice guy, that sounds like God with you. 

 The Lord sending the consuming fire is against you, the EGO that is in control of your own faculties, it's your EGO jack that the fire will be sent against, and god knows you need it.

Hey Jack, this is you, a burden standing between TWO bronze mountains, the left and right hemispheres of your own brain, Yep that's you! Your donkey must really be tired of letting you ride it it's whole life.


Just for YOU Jack

Anyone, any person, any preacher, any so called religious person, or reborn Christian that tries to tell you or teach the bible as a LITERAL historical book instead of the MYTHOLOGY that it is, get away from that person, no matter how nice they are, don't let the smiles fool you, they are leading you astray, the blind leading the blind, don't be the blind fool, politely run away. If you get away from such a person, you will be doing exactly what Jesus said do, concerning these blind guides.

There is nothing but mental rumbling in those who read myths literally - an endless search for arguments and intellectual gymnastics. Why this, why that? Who cares! If you give a lamp to a blind man he will still not find the way. Unless you read it with the same heart as the one who wrote it, it will all remain a big mystery to such unenlightened ones. What does mind know about the ways of the heart.

There is no HELL to be afraid of, there is no LITERAL heaven, so you can relax, and let these concepts rest where they belong, in the annals of MYTHOLOGY, where they were first born out of the minds of ancient sagicity, those myth makers of olden time. They NEVER expected that anyone would take it LITERALLY

The world is full of so called Bible scholars, if the person that professes to be a Bible scholar tells you that entire Bible is ancient mythology, not to be read literally at all, and then proceeds to tell you the SPIRITUAL meaning of the mythological stories in the Bible, then LISTEN!!! They may no something worth while, otherwise get away from that person as fast as you can.

The divine soul "falls" to earth and incarnates in human beings, it then becomes an EGO, called the divine EGO. This is Lucifer, the light bringer, coming to earth. The divine soul becomes trapped in the animal body, and it is very easy for it to be overwhelmed by the animal nature, it becomes brutish and beastial, that is ESAU.

 When then happens it becomes brutish and beastial or "satanic". This is the true meaning of the Beast 666 or Satan, the Divine EGO. But Christianity created a being of pure evil called "Satan". It's a perpetual puzzle to Christians why the all powerful God tolerates absolute evil, well, because it is us, that's why, no Bogey man, except the one in the mirror.
The most dangerous animal in the world. 


Jack, READ This and GET a CLUE, MYTHOLOGY understanding in the BIBLE

“[UFOs] tell us absolutely nothing about intelligence elsewhere in the universe, but they do prove how rare it is on Earth.” Arthur C. Clarke



Jesus said to the 12 apostles: "You have been given the mystery of the Kingdom of God, but to those, the ones outside, everything is given in parables, so that seeing, they may see and not perceive, " (Mark 4:11-12)
Outside of what, who are the ones on the OUTSIDE that can't understand the MYSTERY? You see it's a mystery, that means you don't read it LITERALLY!

The bible says the kingdom of good/god is on the INSIDE, that's meditation. So what it means is, those that are on the outside, are not going WITHIN, they will never receive it. In other words OUTSIDE, means OUTSIDE of the meditative state.

As above, so below. Jesus is the SUN in the sky and energy in your SOLAR (SUN) center. That's the real truth that no churchman knows.

Paul called the reading of the literal written word of the Old Testament in the manner that Fundamentalists do today, the "letter that killeth" meaning that it is the path to spiritual death, because you cannot learn the things of the spirit, when you read mythology LITERALLY, you must learn and understand these things spiritually. 

But once understood for what it truly is, so too are those who are of the delusion that the outer world which is portrayed as the illusions of Plato's Cave, is real.
Is the American dream just that? A dream, an ILLUSION

The Roman Church Threw Away The Keys Of Knowledge

The Crystal Palace

The mystery hidden in the Bible, Seraphim, literally "burning ones

The SEXY side of life and the degrading of WOMEN

The Story of Jesus is an Astrological Allegory for the Sun passing through the Zodiac each year, "as above, so below"

The solar plexus is a chakra (also known as the Manipuraka, jewel of the Navel Chakra)

The Solar Plexus


The Lost Teachings of Jesus


The Temple

How To Wake the Solar Plexus

Jesus, the SUN of god

Parables, dark sayings, hidden secrets and so forth are NOT LITERALLY true STORIES

The REAL meaning of the lords prayer

The Real TRUTH !!! 

Mark Passio TRUTH!!!

Ú¿Ú°ۣ☸¸.•*´¨ Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ·•●♥❤

Gen 6 1&2

"Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of god saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful, and they took wives for themselves all of whom they chose."

So wee see that there are "sons of god" took wives from the "daughters of men", the question is, who are the sons of god? Are they demons, fallen angels, taking the form of flesh, would god call evil, fallen angels "sons of god" it says that these sons of god chose for THEMSELVES 'daughters of men' Find out by clicking the link below.

George Noory's obsession, the meaning of the NEPHILIM/ANNUNAKI, they came down, and they saw that the daughters of men were fair, and they took them as wives.
The nephilim and the annunaki are one and the same.

The Book of Revelation, and many of the epistles is the claim that they contain "mysteries." So, what does that mean? This site will demonstrate that these New Testament stories about the living and raised Jesus were riddles. These "mysteries" were all made possible by the inherent properties of the Greek alphabet (gematria), and the superstitions that flowed from it.

Daniel Gleason 

 There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.  God  is a dragon, smoke came out if his NOSTRILS? John 1:5 "I declare to you that god is LIGHT" HMM!!!

"The Christian god can easily be pictured as virtually the same god as the many ancient gods of past civilizations. 

The Christian god is a three headed dragon monster; cruel, vengeful and capricious. If one wishes to know more of this raging, three headed beast-like god, one only needs to look at the caliber of people who say they serve him. They are always of two classes: fools and hypocrites." - Thomas Jefferson

"Religion is "so absurd that it comes close to imbecility."" - H. L. Mencken

"Religion is fundamentally opposed to everything I hold in veneration, courage, clear thinking, honesty, fairness, and, above all, love of the truth."- H. L. Mencken

"Religions vary in their degree of idiocy, but I reject them all. For most people, religion is nothing more than a substitute for a malfunctioning brain." - Gene Roddenberry

"If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?" - Percy Bysshe Shelley

"It is easier to suppose that the universe has existed for all eternity than to conceive a being beyond its limits capable of creating it." - Percy Bysshe Shelley

"Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world." - Voltaire

But...Voltaire, the famous skeptic, Voltaire died a terrible death. His nurse said: "For all the money in Europe I wouldn’t want to see another unbeliever die! All night long he cried for forgiveness."

Obviously he was a very confused man, if he were alive today, and knew the truth about the Bible and Jesus mythology, I wonder if he would have made the same death bed statement. Voltaire could not separate the bible from religion, had he read this blog, he would have died alright, in peace, not afraid of gods or bogey men. It is KNOWLEDGE that frees the mind.

"Reality is what it is, not what you want it to be." - Frank Zappa

A Journey Deep Into You

Science Saved My Soul

"A sovereign individual should not allow him or herself to be programmed by others. He or she should fight tooth and nail against it, for that is the greatest enemy to his/her freedom of spirit. It is the very denial of life itself, which was given to him/her for a wondrous, unique experience - not for imitation of the colorless existence of others".

Paul in the King James bible said the following "Wake up"

What was he trying to say, what was he saying to you, was he calling you to become a Buddha?

The word Buddha is a title, not a name. It is derived from the Sanskrit: “Budh,” to know. It means “one who is awake” And remember that Jesus said in the Gospel of Thomas, to "Know thy self" he said who ever doesn't know SELF, knows NOTHING. HMM!!! 

 Buddha as a MYTHOLOGICAL Character

The self and renewed mind

ENTER The HiddenLighthouse

The gospel and the Jesus story starts in the sky, then in you (as above so below)

Jesus Birth Amazing Astronomy Signs point verses

Jesus Birth Amazing Astronomy Signs times point to verses. Revelation 12:5, Isaiah 7:14 Immanuel, Matthew 1:23, Virgo (child bearing age), Mercury (messenger of the gods), Venus (morning star), Pluto (hades/death).

Sun and Moon, Jupiter (Zeus king of the gods) and Regulus (the little king) and September 11 Links 9/11 911 Astronomy Dragon Serpent Sign in Heavens Revelation 12 Woman clothed with Sun and moon at her feet. Virgo. Woman with Child. Child Birth. Devour, Stars 7 heads, Revelation 12:5 Sign Rod of Iron Man Child Seated at Right Hand of God. Not Astrology, but based upon alignments of keywords and key values at key times which can be seen by any observer who seeks to see truths signs. No blind faith required, just an open mind to seek truth. Same values aligning point to signs. PS Oprah Winfrey is NOT the Antichrist. YOU ARE!!!!!

You crazy muthas are confused, paranoid, disaster junkies about everything under the sun, but your collective knowledge ain't half bad. Now go back to your drug-induced hallucinations.

Unknown Author

ENTER The HiddenLighthouse

Without a background in Judaism, Astronomy, Gnosticism, Comparative Religions, Manuscript forgeries, Kabalism, Chaldean and Sumerian mythology etc., it is literally impossible to read the BIBLE and discern the truth from error and spot this "literalized" and "personalized" Astrotheology which we read in the life of the New Testament Jesus. We mistakenly read Ancient Spiritual Allegories as if they are "literal history".

The "Jesus Story" in the New Testament is taken from Astrotheology and the personification of the Sun in its path through the 12 Houses of the Zodiac, as not only a visible symbol of the Cosmic Energy and Cosmic Intelligence we today call God but that the Sun was not worshipped per se but only seen and understood as the "visible" representation of the Invisible Energy of the Cosmos known today as God. The Sun is an archetype for the Invisible Sun; ie., God. In Greek it is 888 (The mythical sun god).


I am the light of the world. "I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12) As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world." (John 9:5) Jesus crown of thorns symbolizes the sun's corona. Pictures of a halo around his head have the same significance.

You are here on one of the swirling arms of the Milky Way Galaxy, and instead of understanding deep eternal cosmic truths, you go to church, and listen to churchmen, which KNOW NOTHING!!! You leave church just as ignorant as before you went in and checked your brains at the door, don't forget to put money in the collection plate though, Oh no! heavens forbid, it might make God angry if you don't, and then you will go to hell, actually you were in hell the whole time you were in church, just you never knew it.

The cosmic esoteric wisdom and knowledge in the bible has been buried for the past two thousand years by the priest-craft, they didn't ever want you to know that Jesus is the SUN in the sky and the SUN in your body (Solar/Plexus), as above so below.

 They have gotten you to believe in the outer Jesus, this is the corruption, instead on the INNER Jesus, which is the eternal cosmic truth. Your ship was shipwrecked by them, but now it's time for a retrofit in the shipyard, so you can set sail on the high seas, as you were meant to.

Universe: (Sky Drama: Written By An Invisible Hand. A Drama That Copied, The Bible, Mythology, Kundalini, And No One Paid Attention)


ENTER The HiddenLighthouse

Albert Churchward, in The Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man, sums up the influence of the zodiac upon religious symbolism in the following words: “The division here [is] in twelve parts, the twelve signs of the Zodiac, twelve tribes of Israel, twelve gates of heaven mentioned in Revelation, and twelve entrances or portals to be passed through in the Great Pyramid, before finally reaching the highest degree, and twelve Apostles in the Christian doctrines, and the twelve original and perfect points in Masonry etc.....”

The ancients believed that the theory of man’s being made in the image of God was to be understood literally. They maintained that the universe was a great organism not unlike the human body/brain, and that every phase and function of the Universal brain had a correspondence in man.

The most precious Key to Wisdom that the priests communicated to the new initiates was what they termed the law of analogy.

 Therefore, to the ancients, the study of the stars was a sacred science, for they saw in the movements of the celestial bodies the ever-present activity of the Infinite Father. In short, the entire cosmos is GOD, it is a brain and you live in it as a microcosm, this IS the TRUTH.

The Zodiac and Its Signs in Religious Symbolism

Aquarian Age & World Government


Welcome to the LIBRARIES of AQUARIUS

The winter solstice, 21st December 2012, will see our solar system come into perfect synchronous alignment with the galactic equator of the Milky Way. This event will mark the synchronous completion of a 86,400 year galactic cycle and a 25,920 year planetary cycle. This alignment event also marks the transition from the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius.

Everyone is familiar with David, he's another voice that you need to listen to to get at the truth.

David Wilcock - 2012 Event Horizon Part 1

Galactic alignment explained

Galactic alignment explained 2 

Galactic alignment movie 

As we approach alignment, the Solar system is experiencing substantial increases in energetic radiation, Years when our solar system aligns with the galactic equator during the winter solstice. Galactic radiation has enormous influence on human life. For example, our ESP ability peaks by 450% each day, during the period when the galactic center is overhead.

We are already witnessing many effects of this increasing energy, including increasing severity and heightened sense of panic in all major world events ranging from human disasters to global politics, economics and religion. The Sun is pulsating more energetically with increased solar flare and sunspot activity.

Eden Sky of 13moon

The Time of Global Change is at Hand. What is the end of the World for some is a New World for those who realize it is. To surrender logistical mind into galactic awareness is to surrender fear into Love. What was, shall no longer be - what was not, can now become.

Sacred Geometry of Global Change

Like the mythical phoenix, which arose in its own ashes, the Ram was chosen as a natural symbol of resurrection because of its ability, when shorn, to replenish its stock of wool. In so many ways and in so many places man was continually taught by God, in Nature as well as in the Sky and in the Heavens, that God was "life" and that God provided for all life "a rebirth" of the "same"; not different but the "same".

It was this "same Sun" that was reborn, it was this "same" plant that grew again, it was this "same" tree that blossomed again, it was this "same moon" that was born from the dead each month, it was this "same" Sun that rose from the dead daily, it was this "same" Sun that rose from the dead of the Winter Solstice each year in renewed life, it was this "same" Constellation that reappeared at the Vernal Equinox every 25,920 years (12 Houses, each ruling the Vernal Equinox for 2,160 years according to the Precession of the Equinox".

Man understood like the Ram in the Sky and like "Mother Earth" he will follow this SAME PATTERN of all life above him (Sky/Heaven) and around him (Nature); man will live again! We have here "Eternal Life" at is foundation. Man will follow in the "same order" what God was speaking to him "above him, and around him".So as Above, So beneath!

the re-emergence of the Sun from death at the Winter Solstice

The sacred knowledge was concealed from the majority of people within the allegorical scriptures, so that (1) it could be both preserved for those who could use it; and perhaps even more importantly, (2) to be retrieved in the future by those who originally concealed it within the allegorical text of the scriptures. 

The fact that by writing the scriptures in this manner, the most ignorant would preserve it from generation to generation often spanning thousands of years demonstrates the absolute genius of the enlightened authors.

And all the alleged prophecies of a Second Coming, Armageddon and an End Times, is an allegorical portrayal of the Anointing, Liberation and Enlightenment of the seekers own mind.

Address to the DEAD!!! And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

address to the dead

Again we are reminded.

Kalama Sutta 

Do not believe (simply) because you have heard it.

Don't believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.

Don't believe because it is spoken and rumoured by many.

Don't believe (simply) because it is found written in your religious books.

Do not believe merely on the authority of your teachers & elders.

But after observation and analysis, you find that it agrees with reasons & is conducive to good benefit of one and all, accept it, live up to it.

Both Buddha and Jesus made almost the exact same statement.

Universal truth is universal when you know the science of your own being.

A true Christian follows in the footsteps of their role model. yet very few that actually call themselves Christians follow anything Jesus said, because they do not understand the parable and the MYTHOLOGY of the Bible.

The secret is not to look for happiness outside of the self but seek it within. This was the good news that the true teachings of Jesus Christ, the Buddha and many others conveyed.

The Mystery of Revelation. To go from a lower plane to a higher one, by allowing the energy in the solar (sun) plexus within you, to open the pearly gates of heaven, the 12 cranial nerves of your brain, thereby opening the crown chakra, that's the seventh day of creation.

The sequel to ESOTERIC AGENDA.

ENTER The HiddenLighthouse

Millionaires don't have astrologers, billionaires do.

J.P. Morgan (This is the correct quotation, according to Norman Winski, curator and owner of the Evangeline Adams Library, who was J.P. Morgan's Astrologer)

There shall be signs in the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars. Jesus Christ, Luke 21:25

Jesus is the SUN, and in order for the energy from the SUN to impact the human brain and bring about a change in consciousness, the SUN/JESUS will have to send forth it's power/ELECTROMAGNETISM.

 This is what the sun aligning with the milky has to do with, and solar flares/magnetism reaching the brains of those here on earth. The earth being destroyed, is not the literal earth, but the old mind, the old conscious, in mythology, the earth is always the brain and the physical body.

Keep in mind also that the human brain is an electrical instrument.

A total change in thinking and understanding caused by a brain power surge.

Gerald Celente, the CEO of Trends Research Institute says that by 2012 or a little beyond America will become an undeveloped nation, that there will be a revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marches, and that holidays will be more about obtaining food, not gifts.

It's a new season in the cosmos, and we are all part of it, the changes will come, the world is sick of tyranical dictators and leaders, the lies, the greed of those in high places, many in the world have little, while many have way too much, this world is unbalanced because of them, the Nephilim/EGO, the change has to come, there's no stopping it, the SUN GODS are returning, the planet Uranus is returning to claim it's bride Gaia/the Earth.

Jesus said, when we see the man with the pitcher of water/Aquarius, to follow him, and that this would be the time of the passover, the passover is the passing over from an old mentality (ego mind), to a new or renewed mind (non ego) (The SON of MAN), for the good all living things. The SON of Man in the bible is NOT Jesus, it is the renewed mind, it's YOUR SON, do you understand? The sun/son that kills out the LOWER emotions.

Baptism cosmic passover

The INNER change

The COSMIC brain, as above so below

The HUMAN brain is the TEMPLE

Joseph Campbell and what we missed

The celestial bodies are the cause of all that takes place in the sublunar world.
- Thomas Aquinas

The movie knowing with Nick Cage is a metaphor for this new EDEN we will eventually win, by the suns/Jesus energy/electromagnetism changing the mass minds of this earth.

This is happening now, as evidenced by the suppressed peoples of the Middle East rioting and protesting against this OLD guard or OLD style of thinking, these OLD ways of thinking must end, so that a new consciousness for the good of all people will rise from the ashes of these repressed regimes, even in the U.S. this is coming, no country will be immune. It is Aquarius and Uranus energies, these entities are the renewers. The protests in Madison Wisconsin is just the beginning. The entire world system is ROTTEN, and was built from man's LOWER mind thinking.

In an act of intercontinental solidarity, an Egyptian has ordered a pizza for Wisconsin protesters, reports Politico. The call from Africa is just one of many streaming into the Madison, Wisc., pizza parlor Ian's from all over the world. So far, people from 12 countries and 38 states have rung up looking to help get free pizza to the Wisconsin protesters clustered in the Capitol. On Saturday, Ian's distributed more than 1,000 free slices and sent 300 pizzas to the Capitol.

The trend continued on Sunday, as staff member fielded calls from as far away as Turkey, Korea, Finland, China, and Australia. (this piece shows that people from all over the world are fed up with the present system). Police out of control, greedy politicians and corrupt Judges, greedy corporations, huge bonuses, jobs that have left to cheaper countries, pay reductions, loss of jobs and homes, and so forth, how much will you bear?

It is an established truth that from the sun (center of the solar system) is derived all force, every power and variety of phenomena that manifests itself upon Earth. The Solar system passes through one sign of celestial zodiac in 2,160 years (a twelfth part of total orbit of 25,920 years), hosting an astral influx peculiar to a particular zodiac sign. 

No two signs are alike in nature or quality, hence the passage of the solar system from one sign into another causes a change of polarity in planetary action. The earth, in an annual passage orbiting the sun, receives the harmonious or discordant vibrations of this astral influx in multi-dimensions.

 Because all vibrates harmoniously to the stellar (astral) cause, hence every 2160 years a new astral influx is been manifested on Earth, unto we humans. In this new era, upon whose threshold we now stand, the winter solstice, 21st December 2012, the vibrations will be more intense and enhanced. This is called ‘a mass-ascension’ or ‘the great shift’ in scientific lexicon.

°☆  ¸. * ● ¸❤ ❤ . ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★  .  * :. *.  ¸ ★ . . Wisdom * . ☾ °☆  ¸. * ● ¸ . Read  ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★ Learn °☆  ¸. * ● ¸ . Understand ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★ Knowledge is freedom

To illustrate: In December 2012, the sun shall pass from phase of one zodiac, Pisces, into another, Aquarius. This is beginning a new cycle of dynamism through galactic and quantum forces, interacting through heliosphere and heliopause (periphery of the solar system within the orion arm of galaxy), beyond which exists all zodiacs, and much more about astro-world. 

Yes! It is the doomsday, not for the earth, but for the ‘old cyclic phase’ of one of the zodiac signs, Pisces, where a redundant livingness is witnessed at large across the globe. But the same is a dynamic incarnation for a ‘new cyclic phase’ through another zodiac sign, Aquarius, thereby transiting a move to higher vibration, a new astral-influx, where earth as a whole, inclusive of humans in an enhanced form will make a difference. Human knowledge and acuity of mind are for sure to gain enhancement, through this doomsday! Charanjeet Singh Lamba

"But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be
. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." (Matthew 24:37-39).

The above verse is NOT literal, "don't be a minister of the letter" LITERAL, Ok then!

Noah represents the higher mind, the mind that follows the higher aspects of thought, the divine push internally, the flood is the second stage of meditation where one rises up in their meditation above the earth by taking no thought. 

The ark is the center of your consciousness, taking no thought, the place of safety from all the lower negative thoughts that constantly infect the mind, eating, drinking and marrying, they shall be washed away.

While the lower mind is still active, when you take no thought you can find refuge from them, this is when the son of man can be born within you, within your own consciousness.

Someone owes me thousands of dollars, how will I pay my bills, my dog or family member just died or is sick with cancer, I'm about to lose my apartment or home, I was abused as a child and can't get it out of my mind, you name it and it is infecting your mind and the way you live life, every time I turn around there's all this negative stuff coming against me, my cars broke and I can't repair it, and I can't even drive to my job, what shall I do? 

TAKE NO THOUGHT! It's very difficult, but this you must do. Then you will be given instruction from the inner most holy place as what to do next. 

You have to remove yourself from these thoughts or you will go mad, the only way to do this is to sit in meditation and still the mind, even temporarily, it will give you much needed rest and peace from all that junk in the subconscious mind. 

For gods sake don't join a Christian group or go find a church. Just let the silence of meditation be the house cleanser. The true church is WITHIN you and NO WHERE ELSE! There is a master psychologist waiting for you WITHIN. In SILENCE the master psychologist does his work. You must shutdown and get out of the way!

If you go to a psychologist, you need to have your head examined.

 You must stop your thoughts and be still ALAN WATTS

stop your mind ALAN WATTS 

How ZEN traps you 

How to still the mind 

What every Christian needs to hear 


Doing time Vipassana Meditation in Indian Prisons MUST WATCH!

Mind over Mind, listen to Allen, and you will learn a great lesson that's totally Biblical

"look not lo here nor lo there, for the kingdom of god is WITHIN you" Where? WITHIN, then that's where you need to go!!!


This solar system we are in is currently in the great galactic alignment, zero day is fast approaching, sometime towards the end of December of 2012 or early January 2013 according to Nasa. 

For the past 50 years Earth and the rest of the solar system have been feeling the effects of entering this alignment, each year the climate, earthquakes, volcanic activity have been progressively getting more extreme, due to the cosmic forces being amplified by the nearing of this solar system to the center of the Milky Way galaxy we are in, Planetary orbits and axis tilts are all being affected by this positioning in the galaxy.


THE hour has struck that opens the door for a New Dispensation for man, and the standing prophecy, proclaimed, trumpet-tongued, down through the ages, is now being fulfilled. The old order is dying "Amidst its worshippers."

The churches are in panic! The liquor power rages! The gambler is terror stricken! 

The grafting politician seeks a hiding place and finds none! The briber flees when "no man pursueth ! The priest and preacher pray, but no help comes, for they, too, must be judged ! The harlot alone seems unafraid, BECAUSE SHE IS NOT A HYPOCRITE, and has heard the words, "The harlots will enter the kingdom before you!" 

The biggest effect that these corona mass ejections (solar flares) will have, is on the human brain/mind, the electrical appliance sitting on top of your shoulders.

Nasa Confirms sun gazing benefits 

Mysteries of the sun and sun gazing
The kabala tells it like this.

According to Kabalists Light penetrating

Psychology, Fall Of The Republic, SELF HOOD, Religion is for psychopaths

Michael Tsarion - Subversive Use of Symbolism

I tell you now that you cannot possibly listen to only one group, or one support, or and know everything. Look for, and consume all of the information from the many, and it will fit together for your puzzle and for your enlightenment. -Kryon

ENTER The HiddenLighthouse

Be educated be informed

♥.`•.¸.•´ ♥ ♥...

DO NOT read ancient SPIRITUAL books LITERALLY, "that's the letter that killeth"

Leviticus 19:19 NIV

My decrees. Do not mate different kinds of animals. Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. It would be totally absurd to read such things literally, or it would mean that you can't wear clothes made out of two different material, does anyone really think that there's a god somewhere that gets upset if you wear a cotton/polyester blend blouse or shirt?

Of course not, that's just silly. 

"Do not allow thoughts that come from the lower left thinking to mingle with the higher divine thoughts, because the lower thinking will saturate the higher quality thoughts and pull your thoughts back to the lower three chakras".

This is greed, envy, lust, emotional outbursts, contemplating evil things like robbery or murder etc... This is the place in the book revelations called "The synagogue of Satan" and the "Bottomless Pit" It is also the place where the Israelites are running from the Egyptians (your thoughts) and are cutoff by the churning seas of the emotions.

Fred Phelps is going to HELL. "do not put on a garment woven with two different kinds of thread."

Your animal nature

"Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material".

Wear means to put on, to be wrapped in this lower mind activity, don't do it.

Ecclesiastes 10: 19 "A feast is made for laughter ( medicine for the soul), and wine (truth) makes life merry, but money is the answer for everything. (money is a symbol of the ego personality, and those that live totally in the mental/material/sense world of ego think that is the answer to everything, look at me, see what I did, see what I have accomplished etc..)"it is not, it leads to destruction. 

Two men (both the left carnal mind and the right spiritual mind) will be in the field (of consciousness); one will be taken and the other left. Only the higher spiritual mind is allowed to be taken, Cain, Canaan etc.. the lower mind, will be left behind. Matthew 24:40 

Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. Matthew 24:41 Same as above. One Stays The Other Goes

There is One truth, not many. It is open to all. See and know this for yourself. Buddha

Because there is One loaf, we who are many are One body, for we all partake of the One loaf. John 17:20-23 Jesus. 

Religions are like teats, they're for suckers. A fools journey

Ú¿Ú°ۣ☸¸.•*´¨ Ƹ̵̡Óœ̵̨̄Æ·•●♥❤

"Got milk?"

Now we can see why we DO NOT read ancient SPIRITUAL books LITERALLY, "that's the letter that killeth" the true SPIRITUAL meaning.


Gasan instructed his adherents one day: "Those who speak against killing and who desire to spare the lives of all conscious beings are right. It is good to protect even animals and insects. But what about those persons who kill time, what about those who are destroying wealth, and those who destroy political economy, What about killing a persons spirit, is this not murder? We should not overlook them. Furthermore, what of the one who preaches without enlightenment? He is killing Buddhism."

What about about people that read MYTHS LITERALLY, is that not killing?

Matthew 13:49-50 says, "This is how it will be at the end of the age (means the end of pisces, an astrological age). The angels (light/electromagnetism from above), will come and separate the wicked (the lower ego left brain, from the higher spiritual right brain) from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace (a symbol of the death of the lower self), where there will be weeping (the sufferings in the soul from the actions of the lower mind) and gnashing of teeth." karmic debt to be paid, (gnashing of teeth is a symbol of negative past deeds, which bring suffering for a time, but afterwards fall away and disappear).

Teeth are a symbol of power of the things, spoken by the mouth, teeth grind as a result of the things said from emotional outbursts, Gnashing of teeth also happens when they are in fits of rage, and are reaping their negative karma in the future.

That is HELL.

"And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing". 2 cor.4:3 

See that the Quran is also veiled to the profane and ignorant goat herders, all of the ancient texts with the exception of Buddhism is HIDDEN knowledge, Hidden in plain sight.

“We lay veils upon their hearts lest they understand it”

Qur’an (17:46)

 Speaking of veils 

Cor 11:16

If a woman does not cover her head (veiled), she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head.


"For if a woman is not veiled, let her also be shorn: but if it is a shame to a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be veiled". 

If a woman (the emotional nature) does not cover her head (stay in the background of the psyche, and not rear her ugly head), she should have her hair cut off ( To cut off the hair is a symbol of the loss of power over the mind, this is the cutting off of the emotions, remember Sampson lost all of his power when his hair was cut); and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head.


"Narrated 'Aisha (the wife of the Prophet) “Umar bin Al-Khattab used to say to Allah's Apostle "Let your wives be veiled" 

So to cover the head whether it be in the Bible or the Quran, is simply stating is symbolism, to cut off the power of the lower emotions (women). It's the same thing as women are not aloud to be a voice in the church, the church is within you, the woman (lower emotions) shall not have sway over the thinking mind, over your thoughts, even if someone is screaming in your face, try and keep the woman covered when that happens, she won't stay covered/veiled for long, more SIN will surely follow.

veils or covers are the same.

"But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering."  In this case she is the emotions, yet covered up by the higher spiritual mind, HAIR), and the hair is a symbol of spiritual power.  It's all SYMBOLISM. "Their is a VEIL over the old testament when read" "Don't be a minister of the letter (Literal)" 

"Better to live in the desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife." (Proverbs 21:19). What does it mean? Desert means confusion, you don't know where to turn, you are depressed, in the wilderness of mind ( wilderness means meditation), devoid of thought, the quarrelsome wife is the mind that operates from the lower emotions. Wife in mythology means either the emotions or the spirit. The spirit that is always in a confused state by emotional thinking "quarrelsome wife"

To recap; hair is just a symbol, Esau had a hairy body, this means that the physical nature overwhelms the spiritual nature ( Jacob ) When Delilah cut Sampsons seven locks ( power to the seven chakras ) of hair he lost all his power, because hair in this story is a symbol of spiritual power growing out of the mind, when Delilah ( the lower physical desires ) are are active in your mind, you spiritual nature is subdued. When a woman ( the emotions ) are running high, symbolized by hair, this woman's hair must be shaven, in other words the emotions musn't reign over the higher spiritual nature.

 1 Corinthians 11:14 Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him,

So if you read the above scripture does it mean that god hates long haired people ( Literally )? Of course not, can you figure out the meaning? OK, it's talking about the long hair that grows out of the physical nature ( Esau ) , the bodily hair, NOT the hair on the head. It's a disgrace to put the physical nature ahead of the true spiritual self.

Gen 25:25 about Esau And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau. Red is a symbol of the emotions, and the hair symbolizes the physical beast, our first born unenlightened nature.

HINT; all world leaders, presidents, popes, priests, prime ministers,  dictators, bosses at work, corporate ladder climbers, those psychopaths that control everything are HAIRY BEASTS, they are the ESAU of the bible, that's the ego centered narcissist consciousness. They are RED all over like a hairy garment. The animal nature which is 666 in the bible story.

"Don't be a minister of the letter (literal), you are reading spiritual allegory".

"There's a veil over the Old Testament when it's read" yes it is veiled to the imbecile literalists, whom have wrecked the beautiful allegory of the scriptures with their literal destructive reading. They all need a haircut below the neck.

What does the following verse mean? You should know by now.

I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. She must be quiet." (1 Timothy 2:12)

OK, it means that a woman ( the emotions ) shall not have sway over man/men ( the mind ). The emotions must be quieted or all heck can break loose, or you will hurt anothers feelings. 

 Men-tal, do you see the word MEN, men means mind, that's why it's called MEN-tal

"Go, now, attack Amalek ( the lower ego mind ), and deal with him and all that he has under the ban ( all of the thoughts that arise from the lower mind thinking ). Do not spare him, but kill men ( that mind set ) and women ( those lower emotions ), children and infants ( The offspring of those lower negative thoughts ), oxen and sheep, camels and asses ( the total summation of your animal nature shall be killed out )." (1 Samuel 15:3)

What does it mean? I'm not going to give the answer, think about it.

 "Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery." (Luke 16:18)

Can you figure out the rest?

Top 10 worst Bible passages, not really the worst at all, but....

What about all the passages on this page, care to interpret them spiritually? It's tough if you don't have master key to the scriptures.

Read any verse or story in the bible, and it is pure MYTH, they are stories about consciousness, no matter how absurd a story may sound, you must realize that you are reading spiritual mythology, allegory. There is no room to interpret the entire bible in this blog, therefore you must get GA Gaskells dictionary of scripture and MYTH, then you will be able to make sense of it yourself.


More nasty verses for the kiddies to read, yes we should have bibles in every classroom.


Well, if we "opened up a can of worms" when we "spilled the beans", "hit the nail on the head" and annoyed those that "buy and sell pigeons", "eat pork and fish without scales", who "have been sailing without rudder", who never "saw the handwriting on the wall", then we are grateful for having had the privilege of "putting old wine into new wine skins"

"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them." - Albert Einstein "If all the problems in the world are a result of the LOWER mind, then More LOWER minds cannot fix it.

"No learning is acquired by anyone unless he wants to learn it, and knows in some way that he/she NEEDS it." - A Course in Miracles 

"Be aware of what you KNOW and what you BELIEVE. Don't ever let what you BELIEVE stand in the way of KNOWLEDGE, for knowledge is truth. Belief is a temporary crutch, a walking stick, and crutches and walking sticks are for the blind and disabled, spiritually blind and spiritually lame of course". Blindness "A symbol of the mentality immersed in the concerns of the lower life, devoid of spiritual perception". Lame " The divine nature or higher consciousness is limited by the physical body (animal nature), and cannot walk in the higher realms, one who is said to be lame".

"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe - I believe what I believe is right." -George W. Bush, in Rome, July 22, 2001 WHAT??? Truly lame :-x Now listen up bozo, this is how it's said; "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Well you fooled us all 9,000 times, so shame on us all, for electing a nincompoop like you for president.


ENTER The HiddenLighthouse

All 160 Blog Posts for this Blog

If you are over 21 years old and actually believe that religion will get you into a place called heaven, and you actually believe that there is a literal place under the earth known as hell, where a man in a red suit with a pitch fork, is going to roast you over a spit, turning you over and over until your good and done, then please board a rocket ship to Pluto, with a one way ticket, and stop breathing my precious air already!!! You suffer from encephalopathy, a condition of being paralyzed from the neck up. 

When you get to Pluto, you will meet the gray ferryman named Charon, ferryman of the dead, an underworld daimon (spirit) in the service of King Haydes, he will ferry you across the river styx, then drown you. That is unless you have the secret code word and a silver coin. The ancient Greeks buried their brain dead with a silver coin in their mouth as payment to Charon for this trip. Those who did not receive proper funeral rites were forced to wander along the riverbank for 100 years before obtaining passage from Charon.

He demanded payment, so you'd better have a coin to stick in your mouth before being buried alive. Hades' house stood on the shore of the Styx. Cerberus, a monstrous three-headed dog, guarded the house. 

After crossing the river, your soul will be assigned to its eternal home by one of three judges, Aeacus, Minos, or Rhadamanthys. 

Those guilty of serious offenses (going to churches, and allowing themselves to be brainwashed by religious patients (pastors, deacons, priests etc...) on ward 9, were tormented by goddesses called Furies, until the end of time, for ever and ever, until haydes freezes over. 

The furies are lower natured thoughts, they are the flying things of the subconscious, the creepy crawly things of the conscious mind, well you get the idea. These ( thoughts ) furies will come against you all of your life, because you never went WITHIN. Instead you went to church, and have been listening to the patients on ward 9.
Pluto is the ninth body out, for the brain dead, that has believed in myths literally. The condition is known as encephalopathy, worth about 2 cents on the hoof from the neck down, and about a farthing from the neck up.

That's NINE orbs out from the sun, for those in the know. All aboard, Pluto is 3.57 billion miles from the earth, and it will take 23 years to get there, make sure you get a window seat, so that you see that there is heaven OUT THERE anywhere, by then it will be too late, the ferry boatman will be waiting.


In the full light of this wisdom, man will not search for personal saviors, nor quibble about the meaning of the words of men who died thousands of years ago.

Religion is barbarous, melodramatic, irrational, immoral, un-human, and insanely arrogant superstition.

There is no "salvation" or regeneration for Man, as long: as he believes in vicarious atonement. The man who needs saving by that process is not worth the price.

"God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions." They told you to get on your KNEES! And you did, you'd pray to Peter Pan and the Easter Bunny if they told you to.

Quit sleep walking through life, (staying brainwashed and dummied down by the systems of this world), or you're liable to get knocked down.

Enough of that for now, now it's time to go fishing and learn the the true art of angling, so get your rod line and hook, and lets go!!!

How to angle and catch fish

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My pet goat synchronicity and the 153 fish


The staff of RA, the two pillars Jachin and Boaz/Hercules/Sampson, the LOST ark, the holy of holies

The LOST ark, now FOUND

 You don't look out there for God, something in the sky, you look in you. Alan Watts

But I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything. Alan Watts

In other words, a person who is fanatic in matters of religion, and clings to certain ideas about the nature of God and the universe, becomes a person who has no faith at all.  Alan Watts

 If you are a real Christian, you will  meditate and take no thought as Jesus instructed.

Joshua 1:2-9, the Lord spoke a comforting message to Joshua. He said in verse 8, "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." That means to still the mind and take no thought, that's the prosperous way, that leads to success.

The MYSTERY of SILENCE Nathaniel

Zen does not confuse spirituality with thinking about God while one is peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes. Alan Watts

One must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star. Friedrich Nietzsche

Psalm  137:6  If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth;  ( that's yoga, right in your bible ) if I prefer not Jerusalem { the higher mind } above my chief joy. 137:7 Remember, O LORD, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it ( the kundalini ), even to the foundation thereof { the foundation is the sacrum }

137:8 O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed ( the lower emotional mind ); happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us. 137:9  Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

Edom is another symbol for ESAU ( the physical beast nature in us ), it means one dwelling in the lower emotions and the turmoil that comes from the thoughts that proceed from this mind. When one has finally given up and thrown in the towel about trying to control your anger and emotional outbursts by yourself alone, they will go within in meditation and let the higher light kill out the lower part, you CAN'T do it using your will power.

Little ones are misguided lower nature thoughts that come from this lower mind thinking, we are to dash these against the stones, they are the off spring of the daughter of Babylon ( the lower emotional mind, under the control of the pharaoh, the ego ) The stones are the pineal glands of all of you, the stone kills the lower thoughts ( little ones ). That's better isn't it?

One must realize the figures of speech in the bible, understand that in the past, the ancients used metaphors, symbols, personifications and geographical locations to weave the myth.

Lucifer/Jesus/Satan etc... are the root chakra at your sacrum, When the energy is raised to the Heart Chakra you experience life in unconditional love, you will reach a MIND STATE of heaven. To operate from your lower emotions, you have fallen from heaven, one must have discipline towards meditation, which opens the right hemisphere of the brain {god}, or the higher consciousness.

 "GOD can only work on this earth in the amount we allow GOD to work through us"-Plato

 "Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration! — that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively"-Bill Hicks

Nikola Tesla once said; "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration". 

GOD is a specific frequency of vibration of LIGHT/ELectromagnetism, IT is a sound current, IT is MUSIC.

The power of MUSIC

THE SECRET of the entire bible and all ancient scriptures.......

A MUST READ PAGE, THIS PAGE IS A SUMMARY OF THE ENTIRE BIBLE As the ego starts to weaken, as its energies weaken, we become more silent; quiet naturally, a new dimension opens. We realize the “ego” is the very problem.

 Jesus was a great "Zen master". He had no God attachment; he simply switched the words Zen and God.

Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me."

Zen masters said: "These mountains and rivers are the same as me. If you swim in the river you swim in me."


Zen teaching of Jesus

Zen master Jesus

Thomas and Buddhist teachings, the same 

 People go into meditation with expectations of feeling something. Trying to get the pineal working. Trying to see visions. That is all physical. It all involves the brain.

The meditation that counts is the one where you totally separate from thought. You experience absolutely nothing. That is when you will give birth. That is when the newness will be born in you. But it will not be born of desire. It will be born of total nothing.

The mind has stopped, the thoughts have stopped, then and only then is it possible.

Nothing is obtained by wanting. 

And nothing is achieved by relinquishing responsibility to a higher authority. Belief is the act of believing, for to be alive is to believe ,and will is the ultimate medium of the self. 

There is an ancient writing from Samael himself telling you that you must be true to yourself. 

You simply cannot desire something or an improvement in your existence. 

You must follow that light and phenomena within you. 

You must not follow a group which actually will cause you to give up your self. If you desire the kundalini then it will move away from you, you must just sit, there is NO technique,  if you use effort, you have failed, you are using mind, you must meditate without desire of any kind, without expecting anything.

Samael warns you not to do that. Bill of hiddenmeanings

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." Nietzsche

The first principle

You're religion is a GRAVEYARD 

Destroy your beliefs 

ZEN mind is NO MIND end reincarnation OSHO 

 Once a beginner asked a Zen master,

"Master, what is the first principle?" 

Without hesitation, the master replied: "If I were to tell you, it would become the second principle"

The most important thing cannot be said, and that which can be said will not be the first principle. The moment truth is uttered, it becomes a lie; the very utterance is a falsification.

Watch starting at the 16 minute mark

Does the bible square with OSHOS ZEN?

  He described them as "unspeakable"
2 chron 12:4  How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

You cannot say in words the experience of ultimate reality, it is unspeakable.

The way

 The mind will never get Truth. Truth is outside of the mind. Once Truth is known, the mind no longer stands a chance against it. The mind naturally loses its rigidness in the presence of Truth. Once Truth is known, the mind is no longer believed in.

Truth runs like a thread through all religions. Nearly every religion had a Realized person at its inception. 

The problem with religion is that non-realized beings took the Realized person's words and distorted them because they had no truth in their minds. 

So out of those distortions came separate religions all attempting to convey the same One Truth.

Truth cannot be described in words because Truth lies outside of conceptual knowledge. Words are boxes and Truth cannot be contained. 

Words can point to Truth, but cannot take one to the full reality of it. 

Only direct experience can. How can one experience Truth directly so they can be free of their body and mind and live in Truth? 

Meditation taking NO thought  as Jesus and all other great holy books instruct us to do is the way. It's the SECRET teaching of the ages. Jesus NEVER said to go to any physical church, he SAID to SEEK WITHIN and that's meditation!!!

Christianity is like MAD COW disease 

ENTER The HiddenLighthouse

South China Sea 1982, Underway Replenishment { unrep }


Gospel of Thomas

Coptic Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds (reading learning and understanding). When he finds (the truth), he will be disturbed (wow! there's no literal Jesus, this stuff is talking about the inner Jesus, in my solar plexus)(he will find out that the scriptures are NOT literal).

When he is disturbed, he will marvel, {ok, I get this stuff now, WOW!, the entire scriptures are talking about meditation and receiving the higher consciousness from above, {from the stars} and will reign over all}, of course, there's freedom in knowing truth, no more stupidity, no more church, no more religious brainwashing, I would say that qualifies you to {reign over them all}.


THIS BLOG claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.

 Some comments for this blog:

Anonymous said:

Where is GOD?

I have no job, no social life, no human contact, no income, soon I will lose my driving licence, my iron chariot my one treasure, I have a case of the bullhead clap, and no medical insurance.

I have an abscessed tooth and no dental insurance, and I don't have a pot to piss in, or a window to throw it out. My rent is overdue, and my feet smell of mildew.

My sneakers have cutouts in the side where my corns hurt my feet, I need a new pair of glasses because my prescription has changed, but I cannot afford a new set, so can't see anything, how can I even read my mail or even fill out a job application?

Whilst he who engineered it's retraction rides high, God or Satan?. I know God and he is nowhere to be found.

I repeat, Where is God?


God rested on the sixth day of creation (see Genesis), he's still resting my friend.

Anonymous said

I'm an equal opportunity disdainer of the holy folk. The Hasidic Jews are lunatics, the Muslims are as well, and most hardcore Christians should be locked up permanently. Of course these are the more fanatical and therefore dangerous ones, but religion is meant to divide us all and it has done a great job. As long as any one group believes they are "god's favorite", we're all screwed.

The christian cult religion is just smelly garbage.

I was reared a christian too.

By age 12, I knew that shit just couldn't possibly be true, but it still took me ten years of study, including all 12 major religions, before I could state, absolutely without fear:

"THERE IS NO GOD" in the religious idea of one, but as electromagnetism, I can see that what you have put forth strikes at the heart of the truth. Good stuff.


Anonymous said

Things like this make so much sense why does it seem there are so few that see

9:56 AM

Anonymous said

It does make perfect sense. the only question i have is that is the way that gopi krishna or jj semple with the golden flower meditation method the way to raise the kundalini or just simply taking no thought while focusing at the 3rd eye the correct way ?

Thank you

10:16 PM

Volux said

Great stuff, i just stumbled onto ur blog!!

7:27 AM

"ALEXANDER LOVE~SANG"~ HIS "journey" from a "Boy2MAN" said

THIS PAGE HAS BEEN AN ENLIGHTENING EXPERIENCE A REVOLUTIONARY EFFORT I MUST SAY, they say the "GURU" appears when you are READY that's exactly what this webpage has been to me. THE GURU has MANIFESTED in the form OF "WORDS" THANKS FOR COMING IN MY LIFE!!!

11:11 AM

Anonymous said

Wow. A lot of work has been put forth here for the benefit of humanity. Thank You.

11:27 PM

Anonymous said

Extraordinary, I am totally free now, from the superstitions of religion, after reading many pages here, it's so clear, why hasn't anyone seen it before? Just an awesome site, thanks for it.


GAEA said...

Thank you. What an awesome experience you have created here. I have added you to stumble so you can have more people enjoy the work well done. Blessings to you and your Life Creation. Supports this Being.

Namaste Aeon

Anonymous said...

What a amazing job you have done here - so much of the right stuff all in one place. I thank you for your effort.

Anonymous said...




1:39 PM

Claire said...

Nice collection.

Thanks for sharing this.

Good work ;-)

7:01 PM

The Sofia said...Wow! awesome work...

I'm not so much of an 'in your face' teacher:) but I really have enjoyed your blog. It does need to be said.

We all learn in different ways.

Helped me to think, learned new things, thought some of the graphics were very beautiful and I did giggle a few times!


4:49 PM

Alexis said...

Hey this is extremely interesting and I thank you for all the time and energy you've put into sharing this information with us all. I think that you're on the right track but there are so many other elements to our collective consciousnes than just the significance of the number 7! There are 3 books I would like to suggest to you and everyone else...

1. The city of revelation -John Michel

2. The Feild -Lynne McTaggart
3. The Intention Experiment -Lynne McTaggart

Awesome page i added it to my favourites so I can read in greater detail later, I also saved two of the pics as my display pic on msn, more cool trippy pics please!

11:04 PM

Anonymous said...

Good research just less of the seven emphasis please lol......i really agree with you completeley though, Try looking at a guy called gilgamesh...use him in your argument, thats where half of religion ripped of its stuff from especially noahs flood , jericho proves that religion is a maladaption of history combined with a comfort blanket.

fungusfitzjuggler said... Fascinating!

Keep it up!

I like the mis-spellings and that which is not written.


9:28 AM

Danny said...

Yes, I need to clean it up, I am in the process of doing that now.


Anonymous said...

9:11 PM

Anonymous said...
i love your website!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I always knew that the Bible was not being taught correctly. Thanks for showing the truth.


HI, i would like to say well done on your blog and thank you for sharing it, i have not read it all yet but will do shortly!

Love and light to you dear friend



Hi there,

I have been reading your blog with much fascination, i am deeply interested in the roots of religion and history, i find myself to be a spiritual ( lost ) person who always wanted to believe religion in the hope that it may settle my soul a bit, but, i couldn't as i knew that what they teach is wrong,

Ive watched and read many programs and snippets regarding religion and the bible and tried to draw my own conclusions, i have seen a pattern though regarding Egypt and mysticism, little things became clear here and there.

your blog however has wrapped many of the things i have been finding out, history, wrong teachings, even the spirituality - although i must admit i hadn't seen this in the bible as clear but once read some of your blog alot is starting to make sense,

what made you write this blog? are you a spiritual person that meditates?

and lastly, keep up the good work, i only hope more people get the chance to read it! i still have lots to read and i hope you keep adding so i dont run out lol,

peace, be well


It won't run out my friend, take care.

And yes, I meditate daily "go into thy closet, and pray to thy father which is in secret" That means meditation, of course, religion has no idea!

I just wanted to say that i really love reading your blogs, they are so interesting & amazing & there are still so many things i haven't read. I need somewhere to plug myself in & download everything!

I feel like i am searching, searching my whole life - all i want is the pure truth, unprocessed & unrefined.

It is so sad & scary how many cages have been created by religious institutions.

Thanks,Jennifer xx

My Comment: Jennifer, thanks for writing, yes it's very sad what religion has done to this world, and lies that they peddle, scaring everybody with a Mythological Hell, they shall not go unpunished in the end though, the CHURCH, make that all CHURCHES are the ANTICHRIST.

More people are waking up due to Aquarius and the effects that the planets and constellations have on the mind during this time, the magnetism is effecting the minds of those that are fed up with religion. It was Jesus that said to follow the man with the pitcher of water, that's Aquarius, and that's the time of the passover, passing over from the old religious paradigm, to the new mind, WITHOUT them (the bogie men of religion).

You don't need them, you NEVER did. You'll be fine. Just do what Jesus said "Don't allow them to convert you, or YOU will become TWICE the child of HELL as they are" I have always heeded Jesus' words regarding Religion, he was TOTALLY ANTI-RELIGIOUS, he and I would have been mates, had he existed as a real person, but Jesus is just part of the Mythology, yet he exists as potential WITHIN us all, if we do what he said and stimulate the pineal gland in darkroom meditation.

A great blog! I'm waking up at a last! :-O

At last I have found some true wisdom on the net. Take care and keep posting!

Two words: Thank You :-)

Anonymous said...


    8:36 PM

Anonymous said...

    brinkka2011 says: Wow, superb blog layout! How long have you been blogging for? you make blogging look easy. The overall look of your website is magnificent, as well as the content!

Anonymous said...

    I beg of you, please do not close your amazing blog.I just found it today and when I read that you are closing it down after posting 150 pages+ due to lack of donations I feel distraught. I almost want to cry because I feel so much sympathy for you. All this work to wake up people but no one cares. I am so sorry but please know that I adore and respect your effort. If you could contact me via email so we could discuss what could be done about your blog (if anything).

    Thank you !

    8:54 PM

Anonymous said...

    I am reading on your of pages and all I can say that it is just incredible.You are incredible! I am sorry I didn't find your blog up until today but by fate I found what I was looking for. Thank you so much for putting so much valuable information.

 Bless you! Every time I read something that you have posted I want to cry because it resonates with me so much. What a kind and beautiful soul you must be. I love you! I love truth more than I love my life for without truth I am as good as dead walking the deserts of lies.

    Thank you!

    9:33 PM


    Dear Author of this blog. I would like to thank you for everything that you have done for the past 10 years. I only found your blog yesterday and I was extremely happy to read some of your material. It brought tears in my eyes because when you find Truth it resonates with you so strongly that you can't deny it.

I wish you could halt your the closure of your blog. I do care deeply about what you have to say and teach. Please if you read any of what I say reply to me in timely manner. I have tried to send you similar messages anonymously but I have not received any response so I decided to register so that I can receive direct messages from you. I have so much to ask you. I would like to know you better. Thank you once again!

    10:05 PM

dwsacto said..


    I just want to say how happy and relieved I am that you have not closed your blog! I did manage to save all 150 web pages a couple weeks ago because I realize how truly valuable this blog really is!

    I discovered your blog less than a month ago.

There are no words to describe the DEPTH of my appreciation to you. The enlightenment that I have received from your blog has served as a quantum leap forward for me!

    Sincerely, Dean
    5:46 PM

Anonymous said...

    Hey - I am definitely happy to find this. great job!

    10:30 PM
Anonymous said...

    Hi - I am certainly glad to discover this. Good job!

Anonymous said...

    you are in tune my man! thank you for the enlightenment.

    9:11 PM

Anonymous said...

    i love your website!!!!!!!

    8:35 PM

Anonymous said...

    thank you for this!!!

    10:08 PM

Anonymous said...

    amazing stuff

    1:09 AM

Anonymous said...

    Yes, yes you wonderful creator of light! My inner light guided me here today and it is good!

    Keep shining your light.

    6:18 PM

Jason said...

    This is really an amazing site. I've been reading your blog for the last two weeks and the information within is blowing my mind. You have truly changed my life for the better. Thank You!

You were my Master nightwatchman. The text in this page, helped me put together all the pieces I have collected. I read this page about 6 months ago. I'm reading the page again now. This 1-2 years of searching like crazy has set me free. This was actually the very last piece

Admiring the time and effort you put into your site and very informative insight you disclose here. It's nice to find a blog in a rare occasion that is not all the same old rehashed material. Fantastic job! I've saved your site and I'm including your RSS feed to my Bookmarks today. In fact, I respect your site so much that I would like to advertise my own site on it. I would appreciate you contact me at: everythingrainbowhk (AT) with your quarterly advertising rates. Much appreciated!

Thank you so much, It seems that I have been mis-lead for as long as I can consciously remember regarding anything. Thank you so much for allowing me to see this. My vocabulary is limited to the words I have learned over the years, so words like awesome or great, just do not seem to suffice for how I really feel about all of this. I am sincerely grateful for this.

If I were to only look at the information about 'Polarity' this is enough to help me change every single thing in my life and even look at my past and feel differently about it and actually be able to see or feel the positive pole of what seemed horrible or traumatic at that time. This is everything I need. Thank you for allowing this magnificent Universe to enlighten you and then share with us.

profound Gratitude for All who maintain this masterful site: now part of my daily 'sustenance', and every bit as powerful as Dr. Doreal's translation. Namaste.

Please tell me that you're going to keep this up! Its so great and so important. I cant wait to read far more from you. I just feel like you know so substantially and know how to make people listen to what you've got to say. This weblog is just also cool to be missed. Excellent stuff, really. Please, PLEASE keep it up! Acheter vimax en France.

LOVE, blessings your way. I was guided to your site by my higher self and study your writings since 2 days. I AM in is what I AM trying to explain to others since years! Specially under the part of religion, the evil, good or bad.

 I AM so honored I find you online and I AM distributing and quoting it on FB because the whole world needs to KNOW about to come out of a lie that exists since human came to the Earth. I bless you from my heart for all your work and that you have find a way to publish the TRUTH. THANK YOU. I wish you receive the abundance of the universe like a constant shower to fill your life with Love, joy, happiness and Peace.

Richard; There are no words to express the DEPTH of my appreciation to you for what you have surely accomplished with this website. I feel as if I have evolved 1,000 years after exploring your website. My adult life began with an Ernest quest for spiritual truth. At the age of 30 I became DEEPLY involved in the "Reformed" doctrine of Christianity. I remained there for 25 SOLID years. I went on "mission" trips to many parts of the world during the 1990s. Finally, in early 2005 I began to explore spirituality OUTSIDE of the Holy Bible. Now, six years later, I can truly say that the words of Christ are filled with "Eastern" ancient wisdom.

The Christ consciousness can be seen at the core of ALL major religions that I have explored. I still had many questions concerning what I read in the Bible.Your website has given me that quantum leap forward! It's all too exciting for mere words to describe. Many thanks ... Dean

I have just discovered this site and am so grateful for all of the information in one place. This should be a book! A group of us have been working on this material and channeling beings of light for over twenty years. It is vitaly important at this time that information such as this remains available to all seekers to assist them with reading between the lines. After just finding you, we are saddened to see that you will be shutting down on March 1st. Although this is an amazing amount of work, just changing one persons life is worth so much. What can we do to help support your efforts? Is there a contribution that we can make? You are a wonderful and gifted person. God bless you. Love, love, love, Mary Ellen


Awesome! This is totally accurate about someone who has an enlightening experience and attempts to share with others. Very fascinating.

amazing...I can't stop reading your blog, there is huge amount of interesting information... I'll go to take my favorite tea and will return to your website. Btw, I recommend to everybody this tea

it's such a important site. imaginary, acutely fascinating!!!

Fantastic web site, I had not come across earlier in my searches! Carry on the great work!

I keep removing the web from my head (veil) and keep discovering new things, however I have learned more in your web page than all the past 10 years of searching the internet. Even at one time I though (in my frustration) that I was not going to find any key or hidden secret that gets me going to assembly the puzzle, the real truth was hidden from everybody and I wasn't going to get it in any book or internet.

I thank you for all your effort in putting all this together, it may not be the absolute truth (as absolute truth is GOD), but it is the door that's going to get me inside of myself. After asking God with tears on my eyes for the real truth (cause by frustration of not finding) your web page appears, in which I mention before it was not an accident to me, but a work of GOD.

Thank you Tony.


Every day I wonder why im on this planet of the apes.... I'm trying not to feel sorry for myself. But all of you, even those of you who falsely assume you are awake, are totally emotionally (SIN) driven. Even the ones who assume they use logic are still in full blown emotional infancy (and the saddest thing is that the usual biggest offenders are grown ass men). Deciding on junk based on "what their pappy taught em." Sorry but look at our history!!! your pappy was an idiot.

Real intelligence is quite a chore. They do not lie when they say ignorance is bliss. Intelligence is a frickin nightmare. If you're intelligent on this planet? You are either alone or crucified. This blog imbues the truth, thank you very much!!!!!!! I am a stranger in the land of my birth. I am surrounded by simplistic, shallow minded Christians baboons... imbued with the mindset of rabid dogs. Rome is burning, fall,fall at last.  Sharon K

Ananymous said

Its 2.25 am have just completed reading your blog on interpeting the bible .just like winning on a slotmachine all the penneys dropped at once, everything in my life has been building to this moment of realization i feel you wrote that blog for me personally , that's the effect its had on me.i am tired now and must sleep so much to think about..I am in pure awe of god and the way that he leads us again thank you for your blog goodnite and god bless you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Beyond our solar system. Beyond the stars and the galaxies. Beyond our furthest imaginations. Just an analogy to help us understand, the answer to the question we have all asked ourselves sometime or other. Who am I. What am I. Why am I here and alive.

The answer lies within the very bodies we inhabit.

We are the infinite, timeless, ethereal entities that will always exist. Our 'human shells' are the proverbial oyster, holding within the priceless pearl of knowledge about who we are and why we are here. Our mind, our consciousness was here before the world existed. We are the universe. Why do you think the Bible says to SEEK WITHIN? As above, so Below!

 How will any of this knowledge about meditation help me in these perilous times, I mean just look at what we have, the UNpatriot acts ( which take away many rights, putting the USA on par with many communists countries), all these new executive orders signed by our dear leader DingleBerry, the constitution and Bill of Rights of my country is being destroyed right before my eyes, total socialism and fema camp enslavement just around the corner, and we read the following taken from a T shirt a policeman was caught wearing.

 "these boots were made for walking",.... "and their gonna walk all over you".

Please help!!!!

The answer is this, when you shutdown the thoughts of the mind in darkroom meditation and listen to your inner voice ( the voice of the oracle in all the myths ) you will be given instructions in the form of intuition as what to do for you and your family, you will be given a direction, something to do, some place to go, someone to call, a book may land in your hands etc...

This is god/the cosmos/nature speaking through your consciousness, but you have to shutdown first. You can't hear anything if your too busy with endless internal mind chatter/dialogue. Take no thought for the morrrow, it means for what you need to do and know tomorrow take no thought today, enter within in the inner holy place, and there in the void of darkness and no thought, you WILL BE GUIDED.

The destruction of the Republic of the USA is at hand RIGHT NOW, it is being dismantled day by day by our Dear Leader and our sold out politicians, and we all need to get our instructions from the higher light, the higher universal consciousness, No one, no man can lead us out of this mess, Jesus, which  is the higher mind principle in the bible story can save us if we raise the kundalini/jesus.

 We need to meditate daily and stay in tune with the infinite good, because that's all we have. The lower minded humans that control this reality CANNOT save us nor themselves from the coming destruction, the riots, the wars, the killings, the police brutality, the re-education/fema camps etc...

A book that cost one thousand dollars in hard copy is free for you to read in a pdf file below

 Religion and Governments are MAN'S/WOMAN'S RUIN
What to do?

Stay in TUNE with the higher light and you can make it through. Not only will you be given instructions, you will be given wisdom, that wisdom will allow you to move through society unscathed.

You will speak to certain people that are trying to arrest you, harm you etc..., you will have a wisdom coming from your lips that will have power over the other persons psyche, you will control their own lower consciousness and change their minds, then you will go about your way.

Guns will not win against this coming storm/revolution, the winning will be done with the higher mind that has wisdom and understanding, so hoarding guns and bullets might make you feel good, it will not bring freedom, only superior wise minds can do that. Think in terms of what Gandhi did.

See the video and this is how you must deal with this world.
 An episode of Star Trek: The Original Series entitled Day of the Dove is an allegory to the New World Order and its divide and conquer tactics, including the use of false flag operations as a synthetic catalyst for armed conflict to the benefit of the elite. Or you can see it as the EGO's war on your mind.

    The first 15 minutes is the answer, the bible story condensed.

TOO many people are still asleep at the helm ( unconscious ).

Many people make things happen

Then there are those that watch what happens

Then there are those that don't even know what happened, and that's the majority of people.

But you are waking up!!!

Total Tyranny is upon this world from the despot controllers of this reality, it is up to you and I to meditate and receive the proper instruction and wisdom to win this battle, and it is a battle. The internal battle and the external battle are the same. When you have won the internal battle, then the external battle is automatically won as well. 

 The cosmos is sending your instructions right now, as intuition, if you shutdown the left side, you will receive them into the right hemisphere of your brain.

Matthew 6:22 is speaking of prayer through meditation. One can only seek the true God of Creation by going WITHIN oneself. And why must we do this? God tells us WHY - Because the Kingdom of God ( right brain cognition ) is WITHIN us! Such is the essence of God's teachings to ALL peoples ... within ourselves will we find the Christ consciousness or Christ realization that all nations seek for. We do not look outward for God, the higher consciousness, or the cosmos, the fully energized right hemisphere of your brain, but we look inward.

Luke 17:20 - And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come,  he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: You can't see it because it's invisible.

  Get of hell FREE verse

 Proverbs 15:24 - The way of life ( using your super ego or higher mind ) is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath ( operating from the ID or lower emotions and desire animal nature ).

What is evolution?


Evolution means a switch from man's bestial nature to his divine nature - from the reptilian brain to the neocortex. The psychopaths are the defenders of the human beast. They must be overcome to release the human god.

Which side are you on? Are you a Satan or a God? Do you belong to the past or the future? Are you illuminated or not?

We are the Illuminati. We are the Plan. We are the future. Our enemies are the dead past. If you're not illuminated, you're in the process of becoming extinct. No one needs you. You have nothing to contribute to humanity's future.

Who and what is God?

God is the all consciousness that prevades all space and it's mode of operation is ELectromagnetism. In you God is the fully energized right hemisphere of your brain, when the kundalini rises to the brain it opens the right hemisphere of your brain and resurrects billions of dormant brain cells, and at that moment your consciousness merges with that of the cosmos ( god ). That's Christ consciousness, Buddha consciousness, Krishna consciousness, heaven, samadhi, nirvana, enlightenment, the passover, the seder, easter etc....

John 14:20 In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you, where? IN YOU!!! Where is the kingdom of god? "look not lo here nor lo there, for the kingdom of god is WITHIN YOU!"

Acts 17:28 "For in him we live and move and have our being."

"The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you, Not in a mansion of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and God is there, Lift a stone and you will find God." Gospel of Thomas

 Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the (Father's) kingdom is within you and it is outside you.

So where is heaven? Where is god's kingdom? "Look not lo here nor lo there, for the kingdom of god is WITHIN YOU" Not somewhere in outer space or another dimension, but WITHIN YOU!!!!!, Nough said!
SEE THIS E BOOK for further understanding

A short summary


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